WAP Help and User Guide Archive

WAP – Web Authorisation Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon WAP system.

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WAP Help and User Guide Archive

WAP – Web Authorisation Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon WAP system.

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Product overview

The WAP system is a web based application designed to streamline the creation and approval of business documents such as Purchase requisitions, Invoices, Expenses, Timesheets and Holidays.

This application is installed at your business location (not hosted) and is connected directly to your Sage system for real-time integration, logging into the WAP system is via your web browser. When the system is installed you will be provided with a web address (URL) to use to access the login page. You can then save this page in your favourites or use it to create a shortcut on your desktop.

WAP Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon WAP system, each module is covered separately.

Sicon WAP was renamed Sicon Approvals for the Sicon v22.1 release, to access the Sicon Approvals Help and User Guides, please click below:

Sicon Approvals Help and User Guides

1. Installation

To get this application setup quickly and effectively, this section is divided into two sub-sections, covering a basic installation right up until connecting your first Sage Company. With all the options considered this is a large system to configure to specific requirements, but with these guides you should be able to get operational quickly, with a full access admin account, with all licensed modules available and the ability to carry out some test requests, invoice approvals etc. This should allow you to roll out the system across your organisation in a structured manner.

Sicon WAP can be installed onto a server with Sage 200. The installation procedure is available below:

Basic Installation Sage 200 v22
Basic Installation Sage 200 v21.1
Basic Installation Sage 200 v20.1
Basic Installation Sage 200 v20

2. Requisitions Module

The WAP Purchase Requisitions module is designed to allow users of the system to raise a purchase request. The requests can be for text items or stock items (configurable per system if stock is not used) with many enhancements that complement the existing Sage Purchase Order Processing modules. The Help and User guide for this module can be accessed from the link below:

Help and User Guide – Requisitions Module v22
Help and User Guide – Requisitions Module v21.1
Help and User Guide – Requisitions Module v21
Help and User Guide – Requisitions Module v20
Help and User Guide – Requisitions Module v19.2
Help and User Guide – Requisitions Module v18
Help and User Guide – Requisitions Module v17

3. Invoices Module

The Invoice Approval module of the WAP system is designed to allow users of the system to enter and approve purchase invoices. These invoices will be automatically picked up by the WAP system and processed through the configured approval routes. The Help and User guide for this module can be accessed from the link below:

Help and User Guide – Invoices Module v22
Help and User Guide – Invoices Module v21.1
Help and User Guide – Invoices Module v21
Help and User Guide – Invoices Module v20
Help and User Guide – Invoices Module v19.2
Help and User Guide – Invoices Module v18
Help and User Guide – Invoices Module v17

4. Expenses Module

The WAP Expense Approval module is designed to allow users of the system to enter and approve expense items and mileage claims. These are posted to the purchase ledger account once approved, giving the benefit of VAT handing being covered as part of the invoice processing, without any additional journals, if VAT is relevant to an invoice claim being processed through this module. The Help and User guide for this module can be accessed from the link below:

Help and User Guide – Expenses Module v22
Help and User Guide – Expenses Module v21.1
Help and User Guide – Expenses Module v21
Help and User Guide – Expenses Module v20
Help and User Guide – Expenses Module v19.2
Help and User Guide – Expenses Module v18
Help and User Guide – Expenses Module v17

5. Timesheet Module

The WAP Timesheet Approval module is designed to allow users of the system to enter and approve Timesheet items. This module also includes functionality for the touch screen Time & Attendance / Shop Floor Data Capture Terminals.

Help and User Guide – Timesheet Module v22
Help and User Guide – Timesheet Module v21.1
Help and User Guide – Timesheet Module v21
Help and User Guide – Timesheet Module v20.1
Help and User Guide – Timesheet Module v19
Help and User Guide – Timesheet Module v17

6. Holiday Module

The WAP Holiday Approval module enables holiday requests to be routed via a preconfigured path on a per user basis. The module supports working day rules, bank holidays and rules for users who should not be able to book time off when other named users already have holiday booked. The Help and User guide for this module can be accessed from the link below:

Help and User Guide – Holidays Module v22
Help and User Guide – Holidays Module v21.1
Help and User Guide – Holidays Module v21
Help and User Guide – Holidays Module v20.1
Help and User Guide – Holidays Module v20
Help and User Guide – Holidays Module v19.2
Help and User Guide – Holidays Module v18
Help and User Guide – Holidays Module v17

7. HR Module

The Sicon WAP HR module allows users to enter and manage their HR details, job information and for companies to distribute company policies and information to team members.  HR module also links with WAP Expense module so updates to user’s bank and address details update their Purchase Ledger account directly in Sage. The Help and User guide for this module can be accessed from the link below:

Help and User Guide – HR Module v22
Help and User Guide – HR Module v21.1
Help and User Guide – HR Module v21
Help and User Guide – HR Module v20
Help and User Guide – HR Module v19.2
Help and User Guide – HR Module v18

8. Sales Orders

The WAP Sales Order Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon WAP Sales Order Module.  This module is designed to allow users of the WAP system to create, submit and approve Sales Orders, enabling a Sales Order to be raised and posted to the Sales Order Processing module within Sage 200.  Goods can also be despatched via the WAP Sales Order module which will then update the values on the Sage Sales Order.

Help and User Guide – Sales Orders Module v22
Help and User Guide – Sales Orders Module v21.1
Help and User Guide – Sales Orders Module v21
Help and User Guide – Sales Orders Module v20
Help and User Guide – Sales Orders Module v19.1

13.2. WAP App Install Troubleshooting Guide

WAP App Install Troubleshooting Guide

14. WAP Add-On for Sage 200

Sicon WAP Add-on for Sage 200: this additional set of features for the Sage 200 help provide some additional analysis and processing for month end routines in Sage 200 when used in conjunction the Sicon WAP product.  The Help and User guide for this module can be accessed from the link below:

Help and User Guide – WAP Add-on for Sage 200 v22
Help and User Guide – WAP Add-on for Sage 200 v21.1
Help and User Guide – WAP Add-on for Sage 200 v21
Help and User Guide – WAP Add-on for Sage 200 v20
Help and User Guide – WAP Add-on for Sage 200 v19.2
Help and User Guide – WAP Add-on for Sage 200 v17

15. Applying a WAP Licence v11 Onwards

This user guide will take you through the process of applying a WAP licence v11 onwards and can be accessed from the link below:

Help and User Guide – Applying a WAP licence v11 onwards

16. Release Notes

The release notes page shows which release of the system includes new features or issues resolved.

At the release of Sicon v21 we announced that going forward, we will only be supporting Sage 200c and as such we are able to drop the year from our version numbers. We moved from to 210.0.0.

New features detailed in the Release Notes relating to Pre-Release versions will not be detailed in the current Help and User Guide until the end of development phase.

WAP Release Notes

17. New Features & Important Information

Sicon WAP New Features & Important Information