Cash Flow Manager Project FAQ’s

When I saw a demo of this product, all of the figures appeared in the Balances and Overdue column. Would the module be able to sort these balances automatically in to the relevant months based on due dates or is this manual?

This was because the demo data was overdue. The cashflow automatically picks up the due dates of each transaction or calculates it based on promised and requested dates on orders in order to place it in the correct month on the cashflow forecast screen.

In the case that a company has several bank accounts e.g. deposits, can you set up individual templates for each bank account? If this is possible, can you consolidate within the module afterwards?

We have more than one sterling bank account and certain receipts/payments get paid in/out of it.   As an idea you could setup a different currency e.g. Sterling 1, Sterling 2, Sterling 3 which would all be base currency but each sales ledger account could then be linked to the correct bank account.

Do you have any other customers who currently use WAP and this module successfully?

WAP generates a Purchase Order into Sage 200 once approved.  All of the purchase orders are shown in the cash flow and the date for the payment is calculated as the requested date plus the supplier terms.

Can I use the Cash Flow module for Credit Control?

Yes.  It is possible to use the Sicon Cash Flow Module with particular emphasis on its ability to manage credit control and it will give a direct representation of the aged debtor position in real-time from within Sage 200.  Sage 200 users are able to see overdue invoices, add credit control notes, move the invoice to new promised payment date and with a new feature recently added, we can also flag an invoice as a potential bad debt to provide a much more detailed credit control and aged debtors position, all displayed within the Sicon Cash Flow Manager module within Sage 200.