Sicon Approvals Test System Setup Form

5 Quick Tips for completing our online forms

Important Note: An Active Directory service account needs to be created specifically for Sicon Approvals. This account may need to be created by the relevant IT responsibility.


  • Windows Server 2008 R2 or above is now the minimum level of 64-bit operation system; 6GB RAM or greater recommended (Combined for the Sicon Approvals website and Sicon Approvals service only, Additional RAM will be required for the OS and other applications), 2.0 Ghz Dual Core or Greater recommended. Web Server and Application Server Roles are installed.
  • IIS: All common HTTP features are installed, such as Static Content, ASP.NET, Anonymous Authentication and Windows Authentication if Single Sign on is required.
  • .NET Framework: 4.7.2 or later. This must be installed and the server rebooted before the Sicon Approvals install can take place.
  • Sage 200 Client: Version 2015 or later
  • SQL Server: Standard or Enterprise, minimum version 2012 with sufficient access rights. SQL Express is not supported.
  • Documents: Existing local folder where Sicon Approvals can save documents to, e.g. C:SiconApprovalsDocs or E:SiconApprovalsDocs
  • If POP Posting is required for Requisitions, Auto Generate Order Return numbers must be turned on in Sage 200
  • If SOP Posting is required for Sales Orders, Auto Generate Order Return numbers must be turned on in Sage 200
  • 3rd Party Integration enabled in Sage 200 (for Sicon Approvals add-on package)
  • If SOP Posting is required, SOP User permissions should be configured for the Sage User account the Sicon Approvals service is using.
  • If planning on using Sicon Approvals with Sicon Projects, ensure WebAPI is installed and configured.  WebAPI is used with the Project Enquiry screen, Construction elements within Sicon Approvals and Planned Purchases.


Web Sicon Approvals

Supported browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • 2GB RAM or greater;
    • Why is this? The order page can take up quite a bit of memory client side, Windows uses 1-2GB, so a system with 2GB RAM will already be using most of the RAM, so we recommend having 1Gb spare. Sicon Approvals will work without it as memory is paged to disk, but it would not run as quickly as on machines with more RAM
  • 2Ghz processor or greater
  • JavaScript enabled
  • Popups enabled for Sicon Approvals server address
  • Minimum 1024 x 786 resolution

Web App

  • Wi-Fi connection and/or;
  • A data plan in order to communicate with the Sicon Approvals service when outside the range of a Wi-Fi network

Sicon Approvals App – IOS

  • IOS Version 10.0 or later to run the App

Sicon Approvals App – Android

  • Minimum Android version 5.0 (API Level 21 Lollipop)