Sicon Known Issues

11163 – Error when trying to copy an opportunity without permission to amend opportunity

Version Reported In

Sicon CRM v221.0.55

Detailed Description

Users who do not have permissions to amend an opportunity within Sicon CRM will receive an error message if they attempt to copy an opportunity.

This will only happen if you have users who do not have permissions to amend opportunities (as shown below).

11163 - Picture 1

If you were to then copy an opportunity, you will receive an error message. Within Sage 200:

  1. Go to Sicon CRM – Opportunities – Opportunity Search
11163 - Picture 2

2. Select an opportunity and select the Copy button on the bottom left-hand side of the screen.

3. You will get 2 pop-ups:

  1.  An expected error saying you don’t have access.
  2.  An “Something has happened that we didn’t expect” error message.
11163 - Picture 3 GIF

Impact: Low

  • Urgency | Ability to work not affected; sufficient workaround available.
  • Impact | All users affected.


If the users need to copy an opportunity, you can give them the Amend Opportunities permission, which you can find inside of the Sicon System Admin.

    1. Go to Sicon CRM – Settings – Sicon System Admin.
11163 - Picture 4

2. Select Roles and find the desired option in the Roles table. Right-click and select Assign Features By Role.

11163 - Picture 5

3. Find Amend Opportunities, check the option, and Save. This will allow users to copy opportunities.

11163 - Picture 6

Development Priority Voting

Please let us know your development priority for this Known Issue by providing us with a star rating based on the below;

  1. Not causing any problems – not a priority.
  2. It’s annoying, but not causing too many problems – not a priority.
  3. Would be nice to be fixed, but not essential – not a high priority.
  4. It would be helpful to have this fixed – fairly high priority.
  5. Really needs to be fixed as soon as possible – high priority.
0 - Development Priority Level
5 0%
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3 0%
2 0%
1 0%
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