Sicon Known Issues

11471 – SOP010 – Proforma only customers can bypass convert Quote to Sales Order

Version Reported In

Sicon Enhancement Pack v221.7.189

Detailed Description

This issue relates to SOP010—Enable Proforma Only Customer Accounts. For more information regarding this enhancement, please refer to the Help and User Guide: Enhancement Pack Help and User Guide | Sicon Ltd

Currently, if you set a customer as Proforma Only, there is the possibility to convert a quotation into a sales order. This means that you can bypass making a proforma, so this must be considered when choosing to use SOP010. Detailed information regarding the issue is stated below:

  1. Login into Sage 200
  2. Activate the Enable Proforma Only Customer Accounts option (SOP010) within Enhancement Pack.

a. Go to Enhancement Pack – Settings.

b. When the pop-up appears, select the SOP tab.

c. Select the Enable Proforma Only Customer Accounts option and Save.

11471 - Picture 1


3. Setup a company to be a Proformas only:

a. Go to Sales LedgerCustomer List.

11471 - Picture 2


b. Search or scroll to find the customer you are looking for, then highlight the customer and select Amend Account:

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c. Go into the Trading tab and select the Allow only proformas for this customer check box.

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d. Select Save.

4. Create a quote and then convert this to a sales order.

a. Create a quote through Sales Order ProcessingQuotationsEnter New Quotations. Ensure this is the same company you set to only accept Proformas Only. Ensure you note down the invoice number, as you will need it on the next step.

11471 - Picture 5


b. Then go into Sales Order ProcessingQuotationsConvert Quotation to Sales Order.

c. When the pop-up appears, find the quotation number in Quotation no., click the line, and select Convert Quotation.

11471 - Picture 6


d. Follow the pop-ups on the screen, and this will then create a sales order.

Impact: Low

  • Urgency | Ability to work not affected; inconvenient.
  • Impact | All users affected.


If you have a quotation that you need to convert into a proforma, please ensure you use the Convert Quotation to Pro Forma functionality.

11471 - Picture 7


If a quotation has been made into a sales order accidentally:

1.You go into Sales Order ProcessingSales Orders List.

2. Find and select the sales order you have created.

3. Select Status and Order Status.

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4. Select the Cancel Order button at the bottom of the screen.

11471 - Picture 10

Development Priority Voting

Please let us know your development priority for this Known Issue by providing us with a star rating based on the below;

  1. Not causing any problems – not a priority.
  2. It’s annoying, but not causing too many problems – not a priority.
  3. Would be nice to be fixed, but not essential – not a high priority.
  4. It would be helpful to have this fixed – fairly high priority.
  5. Really needs to be fixed as soon as possible – high priority.
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5 0%
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