Sicon Known Issues

9633 – All Modules | Sicon fields not cleared when saving stock item

Version Reported In

Sicon v221.001

Detailed Description

On the “Enter New Stock Item” form, we have a Sicon tab to hold Sicon module specific data. The specific options list in the tab will be dependent on the Sicon modules installed & enabled.

On completion of creating a new stock item, when you press “Save”, the Enter Stock Item Form should clear – i.e. revert to an empty form, ready for you to enter the next stock item.

Certain of our Sicon tabs however don’t – they retain their entries:

It is technically possible therefore that the user could not notice this and accidentally set this information against the second stock item.

Impact: Low

  • Urgency | Ability to work not affected; inconvenient.
  • Impact | Single user affected.


After saving a stock item, clicking into another Sicon tab & then back into the one with retained data will force a refresh & empty the fields.

Development Priority Voting

Please let us know your development priority for this Known Issue by providing us with a star rating based on the below;

  1. Not causing any problems – not a priority.
  2. It’s annoying, but not causing too many problems – not a priority.
  3. Would be nice to be fixed, but not essential – not a high priority.
  4. It would be helpful to have this fixed – fairly high priority.
  5. Really needs to be fixed as soon as possible – high priority.
3.5 - Development Priority Level

3 ratings

5 33%
4 0%
3 33%
2 33%
1 0%
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