Sicon Known Issues

Category - System Settings


11718 - All Modules - Screen re-scaling in Sicon Screens
Version Reported In Sicon Manufacturing v221.0.74 Detailed Description For users who are not using the standard Sage font sizing, or who are using high resolution monitors, Sage windows can sometimes rescale windows on pressing certain buttons.  This includes some Sicon screens.  For example, it is known to occur for some users when booking in a […]
9633 - All Modules | Sicon fields not cleared when saving stock item
Version Reported In Sicon v221.001 Detailed Description On the “Enter New Stock Item” form, we have a Sicon tab to hold Sicon module specific data. The specific options list in the tab will be dependent on the Sicon modules installed & enabled. On completion of creating a new stock item, when you press “Save”, the […]