Courier Integration Help and User Guide

The Courier Integration Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon Courier Integration module for Sage 200.

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Courier Integration Help and User Guide

The Courier Integration Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon Courier Integration module for Sage 200.

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Product overview

Help and User Guide maintained for Courier Integration version 221.0.37 and upwards

The Sicon courier integration module integrates with Sage 200 during SOP despatch to allow couriers to be selected and for despatch information to passed to the courier via API, to negate the need to enter this information outside of Sage. Information is passed back from the courier, so labels can be printed and the sales order despatch be updated with the courier information.

When combined with the Sicon barcoding module, the courier can be selected from the handheld app to smoothly allow processing of sales orders creating appropriate despatch paperwork.

1. Pre-requisites

  • The courier api details
  • Activation of the courier account to allow API integration
  • Review of customer addresses to ensure they are accurate

2. Supported Couriers

Couriers supported include:

  • DPD/DPD Local
  • Palletways
  • Royal Mail / Royal Mail Click & Drop
  • TNT Express Label / TNT Express Shipping
  • DHL (parcel only)
  • APC
  • ParcelForce
  • FedEx
  • UPS
  • DX (Freight only)

NB: This list of Couriers will continue to grow as the product evolves based on customer demand.  We are currently working on a number of other couriers based on this demand, please contact us for more information. We currently only support UK shipments, international shipments are not supported.  

3. Sage Menu - Utilities

Sicon Courier Integration HUG - Section 2 Pic 1

3.1. Delivery Service Maintenance

Allows SOP delivery charges to be linked to courier services.

The additional charges are set up in standard Sage SOP maintenance.

When a sales order is put on with the delivery charge. The system will then default in the delivery service based on the additional charge.

Courier Integration 2.1 Image 1

3.2. General Settings

Label orientation when printing: The courier label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape. This is overwritten by the orientation on the individual integration.

Show courier options at despatch on barcoding handheld and with Sage: In the handheld this controls whether the user is presented with a choice of couriers during SOP despatch. This only shows if no delivery service is set on the sales order in Sage.

When printing a courier label in Sage it also controls this pop up window, so the Sage user can select the delivery service when despatching a sales order and creating courier labels.

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Show delivery service filter on barcoding handheld when selecting sales orders. Will allow the sales order list to be filtered by the delivery service.

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Default weight if no weight set on sales despatch: This can be used to set a default weight if Sage stock codes have not been set up with weights. Where stock codes have the weight set, the system will set the selling unit weight on the sales order line, which is then picked up when a courier label is created. Stock weights can be imported using the Sicon Enhancement pack stock item update from feature.

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Set last despatch tracking number to SOP analysis code: This can be used to update a SOP analysis code to contain the last courier tracking number.

Courier Integration 2.2 Image 4

The SOP analysis codes need to be configured.

Sicon Courier Integration HUG - Section 2.2 Pic 4a

Note: For Palletways the creation of the tracking number is delayed at the point of despatch, so the system cannot update the analysis code.

Set courier name to SOP analysis code: Can be used to record the courier in a SOP analysis code, see picture above.

Set delivery service to SOP analysis code: Can be used to record the delivery service to a SOP analysis code. Note that Sage analysis field is only 60 characters long, so the delivery service name will be truncated to 60 characters if it is too long.

Use sales order promised for date for the collection date: Allows the courier date to be set from the SOP header promised for date for sales order dated in the future (for DPD any promised for dates over seven days will revert to seven days ahead).  If the promised for date is in the past, then today’s date will be used.  If this option is not ticked then today’s date will be used.

When printing from Sage, use the default windows user printer automatically: Allows the default windows printer to be used when printing a courier label from Sage.

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When Printing in Sage default courier labels to be required: This will default the option to print courier labels on the SOP despatch screen.

Use contact from role: This allows for the contact details to set on the courier label from a default role, rather then those set on the invoice address.

In the example below, the contact, email address and phone number have come from the contact set to the SendStamentTo rather than the default contact set on the invoice address.

So on the courier label, the contact details for Hayley have been used rather than Jim.

The contact details only get overwritten when the sales order is set to use the invoice address. When a delivery address is selected, the contact details against the delivery address will be used.

Use web api print service to print pdf labels and use spire pdf instead of DevExpress to print pdfs: These two print methods have been introduced to avoid printing issues when printing via the standard dev express routes. Please contact Sicon for the dlls to allow this to function.

3.3. Integrations Settings

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This is where the couriers to use are configured, currently the following couriers are supported:

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For each courier type there are different setting requirements, there is an integration tab to set the courier details and a delivery service tab to enter the required delivery service. When configuring these, we recommend you contact your courier account manager to discuss setting these up.

3.3.1. DPD

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Use live API enables the courier to use the live API, if not ticked it will use the test API if applicable.

The user name, password and account number need to entered. A label printer override can be set if required (a courier label printer can also be set against the handheld user). The label format can be selected from HTML, CLP and EPL, depending on the label printer in use. A default weight can be set if there is no weight populated on the sales order line. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

The delivery services required can then be selected from a predefined list.

A default weight can be set for each delivery service if required.

3.3.2. DPD Local

Requires similar configuration to DPD.

Courier Integration HUG v221.0.37 Section 3.3.2 Pic1

Use live API enables the courier to use the live API.

The user name, password and account number need to entered. A label printer override can be set if required (a courier label printer can also be set against the handheld user). The label format can be selected from HTML, CLP and EPL, depending on the label printer in use. A default weight can be set if there is no weight populated on the sales order line. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

The delivery services required can then be selected from a predefined list.

3.3.3. Palletways

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Use live API enables the courier to use the live API, an API key is required. A label override printer can be entered. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

Delivery services can be entered as required.

3.3.4. ParcelForce

Use live API enables the courier to use the live API. A user name, password, department ID and contract number need to be entered. A label override printer can be entered. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

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Delivery services can be entered as required from a predefined list.

3.3.5. Royal Mail

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Use live API enables the courier to use the live API, the client ID, client secret, user name and password can be entered. An override label printed can be set. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

The delivery service can be entered as required.

3.3.6. Royal Mail Click and Drop

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The API auth key can be entered and an override label printer set. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

Delivery services can be entered.

3.3.7. Custom

Allows for custom couriers to be created, for couriers where integration using an API is not possible.

An account number, override label printer and label location can be entered. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape. Label reports can be saved to this location. Labels can be designed in Sage report designer as required.

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Delivery services can then be entered.Courier Integration HUG v221.0.37 Section 3.3.7 Pic2

3.3.8. DHL (parcel only)

This is DHL Parcel only.

Use live API enables the courier to use the live API, the client ID, client secret, pick up account number, and drop off type can be entered. An override label printed can be set.  The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

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Where the sales order is set to use the customer delivery address the label pulls the information from the delivery postal name, address and contact.

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Where the invoice address is used, the label pulls the postal name and address from the invoice address and uses the default customer contact.

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The delivery services can be set from a predefined list in the delivery services tab.

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3.3.9. APC

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The user name, password, override printer and company can be set. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

The delivery services can be set.

Sicon Courier Integration HUG - Section 2.2 Pic 12

3.3.10. FedEx

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Use live API enables the courier to use the live API, the API Key, secrete key, shipping account can be entered. An override label printed can be set. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

The email notification tick options, control whether an email notification is required at various points of the delivery.

The option to not include the both the delivery and postal name from the sales order on the label can be selected.

Service types can be selected from the drop down list.

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3.3.11. UPs

Courier Integration HUG v221.0.37 Section 3.3.11 Pic1

Use live API enables the courier to use the live API, the user name, password, access license number, and account number can be entered. An override label printed can be set. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

The service types can be selected from the drop down list.

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3.3.12. DX (Freight only)

Courier Integration HUG v221.0.37 Section 3.3.12 Pic1

Use live API enables the courier to use the live API, the account number, password, deport number can be entered. An override label printed can be set. The label orientation can be set as portrait or landscape.

The service types can be selected from the drop down list.

Courier HUG V221.0.24 Section 2.3 Image 4

3.4. Enable Strings

Opens the Sicon enable strings screen where the enable strings can be viewed or entered if online licensing is not enabled.

3.5. Import Customer Delivery Service

Allows the delivery service to be imported to the customer record.

An example import file can be downloaded, completed, saved as a csv file and re-imported.

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This updates the courier set on the customer record.

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4. Creating Courier Labels

4.1. Within Sage

With the Sicon integration module installed there is an option to create courier labels during SOP despatch.

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When the order is despatched, there is then an option to select to create courier labels.

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The delivery services set up in the system will then show (if the setting to show the services is set), and one can be selected. If the courier service is set on the sales order and the option to pop up is not set, the system will not prompt for the courier service.

The system will integrate with the selected courier to send the despatch information to the courier, it then creates a courier label which is printed to the chosen label printer. The SOP despatch record is updated with the courier information, namely shipment ID, tracking number and courier and delivery service used.

Courier Integration 3 Image 3

The labels are stored on the despatch within Sage, so can be viewed or reprinted by clicking on courier labels.

The tracking number and courier and delivery service are also written into SOP analysis codes (if this has been configured).

Courier Integration 3 Image 4

When the Sicon barcoding module is not installed, the option to set a default printer per integration is suppressed as printing does not go via the webapi.

v22.1 Courier Integration 3.1 image 1

4.2. Within the Sicon Barcoding App

Courier labels can be created during SOP despatch in the Sicon barcoding app.

A sales order line is picked (and packed- if packing turn on), so it is ready to despatch.

 When no courier is set on the sales order header, when selecting to despatch the order, a choice of couriers set in the system then appears (the option to show a list of couriers at despatch is controlled by a courier setting). No courier can be selected if required.

Courier Integration 3.1 Image 1

Selecting the courier then despatches the order. The system integrates with the selected courier to send the despatch information to the courier, it then creates a courier label which is printed to the chosen label printer.

The SOP despatch record in Sage is updated with the courier information, namely shipment ID, tracking number and courier and delivery service used. This can be viewed, by viewing the SOP in Sage and then viewing the despatches.

If the courier has been set on the sales order header in advance, then this courier will be used and no selection criteria shows, but there is an option to change the courier.

Courier Integration 3.1 Image 2

Where the sales order delivery address is set to use the invoice address, the address details are pulled from the invoice address.

The contact details and email address come from the default contact on the customer record.

When a delivery address is used, the contact details come from the delivery address. For each courier, there are mandatory fields such as city, country and a valid postcode that if not valid will fail the courier integration. See below showing the delivery and invoicing tab on a sales order, where the address details come from.

On saving a sales order, the system checks the required fields are populated and will display a warning message if they are not populated. This system checks for the following fields on the sales order address: Postal Name, Address Line 1, Address line 2, City, Postcode, Contact, Telephone, Email.

v22.1 Courier Integration 3.1 image 2

A valid from address set in the company details is also required to prevent the courier label creation from failing, see below.

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If the addresses need updating, the Sage export/import customer accounts can be used to export the customer addresses, which can then be modified and re-imported.

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Each courier has character limits for each address line, the courier integration will fail if the limited has been reached.

Where customer delivery addresses are used these can be imported using the Sage import customer delivery address option.

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If existing customer delivery address need to be updated then this can be done using the Sicon enhancement pack import SOP customer delivery addresses, with the option to update existing delivery addresses.

New v22.1 Courier HUG Section 3 - Image 6

Where the system is used with boxes, then a label will be printed for each box used on the sales order. So in the example below, 3 courier labels were created for the 3 boxes used.

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Courier Integration 3.1 Image 3

If items are not picked into boxes on the handheld (packaging is turned off), but the barcoding setting to enter the number of boxes at despatch is set, then this can be used to determine how many boxes and courier labels are required.  The weight entered against the box record is then used to set the weight on the courier label.

Courier Integration 3.1 Image 4

The delivery service can be set on the customer, so that sales order created for the customer then pre-populates the courier.

Courier Integration 3.1 Image 5

Courier Integration 3.1 Image 6

The delivery service can also be set from the barcoding sales order list by highlighting sales order lines and right clicking, then navigating to set delivery service, within the actions, allocation menu option.

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This can also be set from the header actions on the barcoding sales order list.

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Where sales orders are imported from 3rd party software, code can be called to set the delivery service. Please contact Sicon for more information if required.

Delivery instructions can be set on the sales order that then appear on the courier label.

Courier Integration 3.1 Image 9

Courier Integration 3.1 Image 10

5. Emailing the despatch note & Courier information

With the Sicon documents module, despatch notes and courier information can be emailed directly to the customer during SOP processing.

In the documents settings, document distribution tab, the from address and from name can be set, as can the contact role to use for the email to address.

Courier Integration 4 Image 1

In the email tab of the documents settings, the SMTP host, port, username and password can be configured.

An email template can then be created in the documents settings, email templates

When the sales order is despatched in the Sicon barcoding app, the system will then send an email based on the set up

When despatching in Sage, use the email and archive option to email the despatch note after creating the courier labels. The despatch note also gets saved to the order.

6. Release Notes

The release notes page shows which release of the system includes new features or issues resolved.

At the release of Sicon v21 we announced that going forward, we will only be supporting Sage 200c and as such we are able to drop the year from our version numbers. We moved from to 210.0.0.

New features detailed in the Release Notes relating to Pre-Release versions will not be detailed in the current Help and User Guide until the end of development phase.

Courier Integration Release Notes