Kitting Help and User Guide

Kitting Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon Kitting Lists module for Sage 200.

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Kitting Help and User Guide

Kitting Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon Kitting Lists module for Sage 200.

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Help and User Guide maintained for Sicon Manufacturing version v221.0.69 and upwards

The Sicon Kitting module allows you to create single level parts lists using Sage 200 stock items that can be allocated and issued to make a finished product. It is a simple way to increase a stock item quantity (the kit) and reduce the component stock item quantities at the same time.

You can create kit templates to create kit items or kits can be built up from individual components.

How to use this Help and User Guide

This guide is broken down into the headings of the Sicon Kitting menu to provide details on each section.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Menu

Towards the end is some general information to explain in more detail some of the other functionality available with Sicon Kitting.  Click on the headings on the left to find out more information about the section you require assistance with.

1. Kit Templates List

This shows a list of all kit templates that have been created. These kit templates are created in the design kit section of the module.

You can highlight a line and go to the template to amend it.

2. Active Kits Lists

This shows a list of all active kits, that have a status of New, Not built, Allocated or Part Allocated

3. Design Kit

In this screen you can design a kit to make a finished product, creating a kit template.

A kit template consists of:

  • The kit item (Sage stock item)
  • Component part item (Sage stock items)
  • Labour cost per unit – if required
  • Machine cost per unit – if required
  • Stock items can be added/deleted to the kit template.

4. Build Kit

The build kit option can be used to create a kit from a previously designed kit template or manually by adding lines. You can enter the quantity to build and make changes to the kit based on the template e.g. to the component lines if the enable kit change setting is on. Once saved the kit will be given a new kit reference and appear in the active kit list.

In the build kit window you can also allocate the component lines (when using allocation) and build the kit (create the finished product), the stock item will be increased and the component item stock levels decreased. If there are any serial components the serial numbers will need to be selected. If there are any shortages, lines will appear in red.

The maximum quantity field in the build kit window shows how many items can be built based on the stock levels of the components. In the example below, there are 22 of the component acs/blender which limits the maximum number of appkits to 22.

5. Allocate Kits

In this window you can allocate multiple kit component lines.

Lines with insufficient stock will appear in red and be un-selectable.

6. Amend Kit

In this window you can Edit or Delete a kit and Amend a linked Sales Order.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Image 6

When deleting a kit that has the status of Allocated, the following window will appear. This enables the user to delete a kit without first having to go through the un-allocating process.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Image 6.1

To edit a kit, highlight the relevant line and click the Edit Kit button. In this window it’s possible to amend the quantity to build, allocate, un-allocate, delete or add an item, and build the kit.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Image 6.2

If the kit is linked to a Sales Order, it’s also possible to add a line to Back Order.  This can be used if there is no stock of an item.  In the above example, the item Espresso Cup can be added as a Back Order line in the Sales Order, enabling the remaining items to be built and despatched, while the Espresso Cup will show as un-despatched on the Sales Order.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Image 6.3

7. Disassemble

The disassemble option is used to break a kit that is in stock, back to its component parts. The stock balance of the kit will be reduced and the component stock items increased by the relevant amount. Selecting the stock item then shows the expected components that make the kit item, component lines can be removed or added if required.

Clicking on next then shows the costs of the components. The component costs can be changed by changing the cost percentage columns.

Clicking on disassemble will reduce the kit stock level and increase the components stock levels.

8. Convert Quote to SO

This window can be used to convert sales quotes to sales orders, and deal with any kits items linked to the quote.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Pic14

Highlight the lines to convert then click on convert, this will then create the sales order.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Pic15

On the Sales Order, there is a kitting summary tab. If a kit has been generated during the Quotation to Sales Order creation, this will detail out the linked kit.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Pic16

9. Import Kits

Sicon Kitting – Import Kits

Why use this feature?

This is useful for sites who wish to create or amend kit templates in bulk.

What information should be populated in the import template?

In 221.0.66 the import format was changed to make creating and validating the import easier, particularly for sites who do not have Excel installed on the machine they are working from (for example, a business partner who is working from a customer server).

Use the window to import kits from a spreadsheet. An example import file is provided which will prompt the user to save the template to a folder.

Kit Import - Image 1

The template is populated in Excel from underneath the Sample Data rows onwards (the MetaData remains in the import and provides guidance for what is required in each field):

Kit Import - Image 2

It’s a simple import with the built kit stock item repeated as necessary in the MasterKitStockCode column, to be linked with each component required and the quantity, as above.  Once the file has been saved as a CSV, it can be validated.

How do I import the file?

Navigate to the CSV file path and then click Validate to identify any problems with the file.  If there are any errors found, the system will offer to process the successful records and split the import so the invalid results can be worked through separately.

Kit Import - Image 3

Saying No will not import any kit templates and instead leave the import file unchanged to allow the user to make edits before re-importing.  From the Data tab, the errors can be viewed and even edited on screen, and a new file saved.

Kit Import - Image 4

In the example used here, IR/HINGE/DBL is an invalid stock code.  There is no need to exit the screen to update the Excel.  Instead, simply update the records with valid data, save changes, and validate again.  It is now ready to import again.

Alternatively, saying Yes to “process and separate the successful records” will import the records that were validated, and prompt the user to save the Unsuccessful results elsewhere to come back to. This will be automatically split into Unsuccessful and Successful CSV files so the users can see which records failed.

Kit Import - Image 5

This feature can also be used to amend existing Kit Templates.

If using the option to save unsuccessful results separately, bear in mind that the whole kit would need to be added back to the import template when ready to re-import, and not just the previously failed ones.

Kit Import - Image 6

10. Settings

The kitting module settings are detailed below:

Kitting HUG Section 10 Image 1


  • Labour Nominal Account: The nominal account to which any specified labour costs are attributed when building kits. The system will post a credit to this nominal and a debit to the nominal set against the internal area specified below.
  • Machinery Nominal Account: The nominal account to which any machinery costs are attributed when building kits. The system will post a credit to this nominal and a debit to the nominal set against the internal area specified below.

NOTE: If these codes are not setup, then the labour and machinery cost functions will greyed out in the kit design/build screen.

  • Kit Internal Area: The stock area which the kitting module should use for internal allocations. The nominal set against this internal area will be posted to when building the kit. Internal areas are set up in ‘Stock Control’ – ‘Utilities’ – ‘System Set Up’ – ‘Stock Control Settings’ – ‘Internal Areas’ tab.
  • Kit Build Reference Format: The format for kit build references can be configured here. The reference will appear in various places, such as in Sales Order allocations.
  • Enable Kit Change: Allows the kit to be changed when it is being built, for example adding/deleting a line to the kit.
  • Allow Building Kits without Templates: Allows kits to be built without the need for a template to be designed first.
  • Show Kit status Column in Sales Order: Adds an additional column to the Sales Order Entry which shows the status of any kit items added.
  • Use sum of component selling prices on sales order line: The Sales Order line for the kit will equal the total of the selling prices on all components required to make the kit. The selling prices for components are amended or added in ‘Stock Control’ , select on the individual component and ‘Amend Stock Item Details’, a new screen will open, towards the bottom left of the new screen, click on the button ‘Selling Prices’, another screen will open, in this screen selling prices can be added or changed. The sales order line will not be updated with the sum of component selling prices until the kit has been built and saved on the Sales Order line.
  • Enable allocation of kit lines before build: When selected, the kit lines will be allocated to the kit or Sales order before the kit has been built. With this setting off, kit lines are only allocated at the point of build. (If this setting is enabled along with the ‘Auto build kit’ selection, this will automatically enable the use of ‘auto allocate on kit creation’ setting)


  • Enable cross cut message service for kit creation for sales order from third party integration: This setting enables the creation of kits automatically from a sales order, when third party integrations, such a APIs are being used (Sicon Web API needs to be purchased for this to enabled). Cross cut messaging services are used to enable third party software to integrate with Sicon kitting in Sage200. This setting could be used to enable a kit to be created and built automatically when a Sale is made on a customer facing website, with APIs creating a Sales Order on sage and also firing the message to create the kit.
  • Prompt for kit creation for sales order line shortage (Unallocated quantity): Enabling this setting will prompt the user to create a kit for unallocated kits on Sales Order lines. This setting also activates the use of ‘Auto build on kit creation’ screen, this will allow kits to be built automatically when they are created from the prompt on the sales order.
  • Auto allocate on kit creation: When the kit is created this will automatically allocate the kit lines components to the kit (This setting becomes active when ‘Enable allocation of kit lines before build’ setting within the ‘details’ section of Kitting settings is enabled).
  • Auto build on kit creation: This setting will automatically build the kit when it is created from a Sales order, this means the kit will go straight to built rather than sitting in the active kits list (This setting becomes active when ‘Prompt for kit creation for sales order line shortage (Unallocated quantity)’ setting within the ‘creation’ section of Kitting settings is enabled).


  • Create new Sales Order on every conversion? Yes No Ask: When there are multiple lines on an SOP, there are options to whether lines should be added to existing sales order.
  • Auto allocate when converting? Yes No Ask:  With this setting on, when a kit line on a quote is converted to a sales order, the system will auto allocate the kit component lines.


  • Show bins when building: Bins will show when selecting warehouse on the component in the build kit screen
  • Finished Item Warehouse: Allows the user to preset a default warehouse for finished kits. The warehouse can still be changed when building kits. The default will be automatically filled in.
  • Component Warehouse: Allows the user to preset a default warehouse for component kit lines. The warehouse can still be changed when building kits. The default will be automatically filled in.
  • Finished Item Bin: Allows the user to preset a default bin for finished kits. The bin can still be changed when building kits. The default will be automatically filled in.
  • Component Bin: Allows the user to preset a default bin for component kit lines. The bin can still be changed when building kits. The default will be automatically filled in.

Kitting HUG Section 10 Image 2

11. User Permissions

Against each user you can specify whether they have access to edit kits.

12. SOP Integration

12.1. Build Kit from Sales Order

It is possible to build a Kit directly from within a sales order. This is useful when you have no Kit stock items available but you have the component items eliminating the need to leave the sales order entry screen and build from the Kitting menu. This is achieved by adding the Kit item to a sales order in the normal way and clicking on the ‘Build Kit’ button as show below:

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Image 12.1.1

This then begins the standard kit build procedure as described in the ‘Build Kit’ section of this help and user guide, with the addition of the Add to Back Order button. This can be used in the same way as detailed in the ‘Amend Kit’ section of this help and user guide. If the line highlighted in red is selected and the Add to Back Order button used, the item will be removed from the kit and added as a separate Sales Order line. All associated costs will be removed from the kit and transferred to the Back Order line.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Image 12.1.2

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Image 12.1.3

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Image 12.1.4

Clicking on Save will then create the kit, and you can continue with your Sales Order entry. Alternatively, you can Build the kit and create the finished stock at this point.

If using the Sicon Kitting module alongside the Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing module, allocating the kit items at this point will enable the various components to be picked against the Sales Order, via the handheld device.

Click the Kitting Summary tab to view the associated kit.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Image 12.1.5

12.2. Disassemble Kit from Sales Return

To complement building a Kit from Sales Order Processing, Kit disassembly can be done from the Amend Sales Return screen, once the goods have been received.

You must first create a sales return for the customer and item(s) as normal: Then amend the return.

Then edit the Item.

Click on disassemble.

Click Cancel to Disassemble the Kit.

Update Serial Numbers as required.

When the Serial Numbers have been updated click OK to exit this screen.

Close out of the following Disassemble window.

Save the Edited Return Item Line, then Save the Amend Sales Return to complete the kit disassembly.

13. Reports

The following reports are included in the Sicon kitting module.

Sicon Kitting Help and User Guide - Reports

Note: The Sales Order Kitting Pick List will show the components of the kit if the items are allocated (use allocation will need to be configured in the Kitting Settings).

This can link to Scion MRP for PO and Kit suggestions.

14. Enable Module

This screen is used to show all configured Sicon Add-ons and allows the entry of enable strings to allow use of a module.  When a new module enable string is provided, copy into the ‘Enable string’ field and then click Apply to save the changes.

If online enable strings have been activated these will self-populate.

15. Release Notes

The release notes page shows which release of the system includes new features or issues resolved.

At the release of Sicon v21 we announced that going forward, we will only be supporting Sage 200c and as such we are able to drop the year from our version numbers. We moved from to 210.0.0.

New features detailed in the Release Notes relating to Pre-Release versions will not be detailed in the current Help and User Guide until the end of development phase.

Manufacturing Manager Release Notes

16.1. Kitting Help and User Guide v20 to v22

Kitting Help and User Guide v20 to v22

17. New Features & Important Information

Sicon Kitting New Features & Important Information