Shop Floor Data Capture Help and User Guide v19.2

The Sicon Shop Floor Data Capture App links to both the Sicon Works Order Processing and Job Costing modules to allow real-time capture of operation progress and elapsed times. With the option of creating a route card with barcodes for each operation you are able to simply scan on and off an operation to capture the elapsed time and update the progress of the operations within each of these Sicon products.

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Shop Floor Data Capture Help and User Guide v19.2

The Sicon Shop Floor Data Capture App links to both the Sicon Works Order Processing and Job Costing modules to allow real-time capture of operation progress and elapsed times. With the option of creating a route card with barcodes for each operation you are able to simply scan on and off an operation to capture the elapsed time and update the progress of the operations within each of these Sicon products.

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Product overview

Help and User Guide maintained for Shop Floor Data Capture 192.0.0

This module can be used for easily recording time against works orders and also for recording employee time and attendance from a hand held device. The handheld device communicates directly with Sage200 in real time using Web API technology, meaning there is no data to synchronise.

1. Configuration

There are three parts that need installation and configuration for the Shop Floor Data Capture solution to work.

  1. The Sage Sicon 200 SFDC ‘add on’ needs to be installed in Sage system administration. Access to the module can then be set up for the Sage users. For sites that want to record time against Sicon work orders, the Sicon manufacturing ‘add on’ also need to be installed.
  2. The Sicon Web API needs to be installed and configured.
  3. The Sicon SFDC application needs to be installed on a suitable android device.

2. Sage Menu Items

3. Entry

Amend Timesheet Clock In Line: Allows timesheet clock in lines to be entered/amended.

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Timesheet Entry: Allows timesheets to be entered or amended.

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4. Enquiry

View Current Clocks Ins: In this screen you can see users which are currently timing within the SFDC app.

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When all users are shown, the green column colour indicates what users are currently actively timing.

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View Timesheet Clock In Lines: This shows the timesheet history, where employees have logged in and out for particular dates.

7. Shop Floor Data Capture Help and User Guide - View Current Clock In Lines

5. Maintenance

5.1. Bank Holidays

Bank Holidays: Allows entry of bank holidays so these are not included in availability.

See the Bank Holidays Section of our Job Costing Help and User Guide.

5.2. Maintain Employees

Shop floor data users are set up in the maintain employees section of the module. The user needs to be flagged as a Shop Floor user and a pin needs to be set for use when logging into the app.

5.3. Maintain Teams

In this screen teams can be linked to work patterns, to dictate rates and availability.

5.4. Maintain Timesheet Leaving Reasons

Time and Attendance leaving reasons can be set up, so they can be selected in the handheld.

5.5. Maintain Timesheet Locations

Locations can be set up for SFDC users to state their location on log in.

5.6. Maintain Stop Reasons

Stop reasons can be created for use when stopping an operation in the handheld.

5.7. Maintain Work Patterns

Allows works patterns to be configured that can then be linked to the teams

6. Settings

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6.1. Licensing

In this screen you can add in the enable string to license the product.

The WebAPIURL links the handheld devices to Sage. You can navigate to the web URL (remove the /api off the URL link), you can log in to see information about the Web API, and error logging.

There is a link to the app down load website for use when installing on the handheld.

You can also create a QR code for logging into the Web API on the handheld.

6.2. Settings Tab

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Time and Attendance Mode: Allows time and attendance to be logged on the app.

Disable Shopfloor Mode: Disables the ability for users to be able time on operations.

Labour Operations Only: Labour operations will only be available in the app

Enable ‘Fully Complete’ (allows to fully complete the operation): Allows operations to be fully completed from the handheld.

Auto Logout: Enables the app to log out automatically- not currently used

Idle Time (Seconds) you can set the time that the app will auto log out (needs to be greater than 20 seconds).

Enable Work Pattern Use: With this setting ticked, the system will automatically check the work pattern and apply the correct cost rate to the time captured, even if its across two cost rates the system will split the time and put them into the timesheet.

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So in the example above, if time is added on a Thursday before and after 12.20, there will be two timesheets lines on the timesheet for normal and overtime.

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6.3. Non Conformance

Non-conformance can be enabled and configured.

When in the handheld the option to raise a non conformance when stopping an operation is available.

Further details of the non-conformance and who to assign the task can be set.

Once submitted, the task gets created in Sage, and can be managed from the Sicon task and contact module.

7. Installing the SFDC application on the handheld device

On the handheld device, open google chrome and scan the app download link (or key in manually).

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Click on download, then install

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You then need to scan or enter the Web API address

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Then click on login.

You then need to select a company and enter the pin number of the user logging in.

Then click on login You then need to select a company and enter the pin number of the user logging in.

You can then choose a location to login into

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7.1. Job Costings

Operations on jobs can be timed on from the handheld.

The job can be found and then the operation on the job drilled into.

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The timer can then be stated for the operation

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When the timer is stopped, the time is recorded on the timesheet for the user in Sage.

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8. Handheld Features

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8.1. WO/Operations

WO/Operations: a WO operation barcode can be scanned or entered here to load the appropriate operation. Operation barcodes can be printed from within the Sicon works order, using the print route card report.

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The timer can then be started

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The operation turns blue, to indicate that it is being timed on.

Clicking on stop/pause then opens the following window.

Clicking on stop/pause asks the user to enter a quantity completed and select a reason for the stop/pause.


The system then updates the time to the works order in Sage. If the full quantity has not been completed, then operation lines remain open and additional time can be added.

Clicking on fully complete, fully completes the operation.

Once the full quantity has been completed, if the works order operation is scanned again, the operation can be reworked and additional time can be added to the operation.

Notes can be added to the operation in the handheld and saved using the disk icon on the top right hand corner.

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8.2. Job Costings

Operations on jobs can be timed on from the handheld.

The job can be found and then the operation on the job drilled into.

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The timer can then be stated for the operation

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When the timer is stopped, the time is recorded on the timesheet for the user in Sage.

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8.3. User Activity

When a user is timing on an operation, this shows in the user activity screen.

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Clicking on the user activity will take the user to the active operations.

The percentage bar shows how much of the quantity/time has been completed.

8.4. Multi Start

Allows multiple operations to be started at the same time. You can scan multiple operations.

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Printing the WO route card from Sage, displays the WO barcode and operation barcodes.

26. Shop Floor Data Capture Help and User Guide -single works order route card

You can scan multiple barcodes and then start timing on these at the same time.

8.5. Logout

Logs the user out of the handheld, but does not stop the timers.

8.6. Leave

Clicking on leave opens the time and attendance menu, where the user can state they are leaving.

8.7. Camera Scan Tool

Selecting the bottom right barcode scan option will open the handheld camera. A barcode can then be scanned.

8.8. Time and Attendance

With the Time and Attendance set to be used on the handheld, multiple users can login and start a timer.

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When the user logs into the app they are prompted with the following screen. The user can then stop the time and attendance time by leaving or go into the shop floor data capture menu.

Sicon Shop Floor Data Capture Help and User Guide - Sicon SFDC Section 8.8 - Image 2

9. Release Notes

The release notes page shows which release of the system includes new features or issues resolved.

At the release of Sicon v21 we announced that going forward, we will only be supporting Sage 200c and as such we are able to drop the year from our version numbers. We moved from to 210.0.0.

New features detailed in the Release Notes relating to Pre-Release versions will not be detailed in the current Help and User Guide until the end of development phase.

Shop Floor Data Capture Release Notes

10. SFDC Help and User Guide Sicon v19.1

Shop Floor Data Capture Help and User Guide v19.1

11. New Features and Important Information

11.1. Sicon v21.1

Coming Soon!