Shop Floor Data Capture Help and User Guide

Sicon Shop Floor Data Capture allows real-time capture of operation progress and elapsed times.

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Shop Floor Data Capture Help and User Guide

Sicon Shop Floor Data Capture allows real-time capture of operation progress and elapsed times.

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Product overview

Help and User Guide maintained for Shop Floor Data Capture v221.0.15 and Upwards

This module can be used for;

  • Easily recording time against Sicon works orders.
  • Recording employee time and attendance from a handheld device.
  • Issuing allocated components to Sicon works orders.
  • Processing works order inspections, linked to operations or stock items.

The handheld device communicates directly with Sage200 in real time using Web API technology via Sicon’s Web API module, meaning there is no data to synchronise.

The Sicon Shop Floor Data Capture App links to both the Sicon Works Order Processing and Projects modules (when used in conjuction with Sicon Projects it’s only for labour booking) to allow real-time capture of operation progress and elapsed times for true production costs. With the option of creating a route card with barcodes for each operation, users are able to simply scan on and off an operation to capture the elapsed time and update the progress of the operations within each of these Sicon products.

Help and User Guide Navigation

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As illustrated above, this guide aims to walk through the setting up the Shop Floor Data Capture app, the settings required in Sage, and introduce some of the key features available.

1. Prerequisites

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1.1. Shop Floor Data Capture Prerequisites

What will I need installed to make this work?

  • Sage 200 installed with the Sage 200 Commercial modules.
  • The Sicon Web API installed, (this is the same Web API required for Barcoding & Warehousing, Service Manager Mobile and Task & Contact Manager Mobile). NB: this will require a single Sage 200 Web User only license regardless of the number of handheld devices. For more information on Web API click here.
  • The Sicon SFDC App installed on the tablet.
  • Users may need to give the app permission to access Storage and Camera (see WO Settings section for more information).
  • The Sage 200 add-on from Sicon for Shop Floor Data Capture.
  • Your choice of Android (running Android 5.1 (API level 22) or above) or Windows tablet.
    • Note, SFDC is not compatible with Apple devices.
  • A wireless network to cover the required area.

1.2. Sicon Sage 200 Web API Pre-requisites


  • The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 must be installed on the Sage Application server.
  • An appropriate Service login must be created on the domain. This is detailed in the “Create Service Account” section below.
  • A Sage Web User license must be applied to the Sage instance. These must be purchased via Sage directly.

Create Service Account

SFDC HUG Section 1.2 Image 1

Create a new Domain User that will be used to access Sage 200, such as DOMAIN\SiconWebAPI. Select the ‘password never expires’ option and make the user a member of your Sage 200 Users Active Directory group.

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Give the account permission to log on as a service. This can be performed under the “Local Security Policy” option found on the Active Directory server.

SFDC HUG Section 1.2 Image 3

Open Sage System Administrator.

Right-click ‘Users’ then select ‘Update Users’ from the drop-down menu. Press OK to link the new Sage User.

SFDC HUG Section 1.2 Image 4

Right-click on the user and choose properties, then click ‘Is Web User’, then while still on the user properties screen click the ‘Company Access’ tab and select the companies you require the WebAPI to access. The more companies accessed, the higher the memory usage of the service will be, so it is recommended to keep it to a minimum. Then Click OK.

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For business partners, further detail on installing WebAPI can be found under the Technical Area in our Partner Portal.

2. Configuring Shop Floor Data Capture (overview)

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2.1. Configuring Shop Floor Data Capture

Once you have set up your API (Previous step), open Shop Floor Data Capture settings.

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance – Settings – Licencing Tab

SFDC HUG Section 2.1 Image 1

When the settings box appears, a number of tabs can be viewed. The tabs displayed may vary depending on the licenses that have been purchased. The example below shows all the tabs that could be seen, which are explained in further detail in the following section.

The first tab is ‘Licensing’. Here the Sage 200 site number, along with Shop Floor and Time and Attendance (TA) licenses can be seen, which is a separate chargeable module.

This is also where the SFDC app can be downloaded and linked to the Sage company.

In order to download the SFDC app, ensure you have your android handheld device ready (this could be a specialised bar code scanner, android mobile phone or an android tablet). Using the device scanner or camera, scan the bar code on the right-hand side, entitled ‘App details’.

SFDC HUG Section 2.1 Image 2

Once scanned, the following App Center website will appear on the device, with the App ‘Sicon SFDC v[latest version]’. In this example, the latest version is v221. The app will display as ‘For Android by Sicon Ltd’. The latest release of the app will appear at the top of the list, along with a blue ‘Download’ button. Press on the download button.

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Follow any further steps that appear on the screen to continue with the App download.

Once the app has successfully downloaded. Open the SFDC app.

Once opened for the first time, it needs to be connected to the API to link to the correct Sage200 company.

SFDC v221.0.14 Section 2.1 Image 4

It is recommended that the scan QR code option is used. Scan the QR code on the left-hand side in the settings box in sage entitled ‘Web API details’ to connect the app to Sage200.

SFDC HUG Section 2.1 Image 5

Once the code has been scanned, press ‘connect’ on the handheld device.

When the following screen appears on the handheld device, use the ‘Select Company’ drop down to link this to the correct Sage200 company. This will usually be the live company, unless being used for testing.  Please note, that if this is used with multiple companies, this step must be completed again to change this to the relevant company.

Then click ‘Save and close’.

SFDC v221.0.14 Section 2.1 Image 6

Shop Floor Data Capture is now correctly linked to the Sage200 company. There are multiple configurations this App can be used in. In the next stage of this help and user guide, we explore additional things that need to be set up in Sage in order to use the features of SFDC.

3. Resource Set-up (user setup)

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Depending on how Shop Floor Data Capture is to be used, some elements of this section won’t be relevant.

For users to begin using SFDC with Sicon Works Orders, there is further configuration in Sage required.  The flow of these is outlined below and expanded in the following sections.

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3.1. Create Team in Sage (relevant only for integrating SFDC with Works Orders)

Manufacturing System Manager – Labour Register – Records – Labour Resource Groups

This is done in two parts. In Sage, it is given the name, the nominal codes to post to, and the default values to use.

SFDC HUG Section 3.1 Image 1

Once the team is created with Sage tools, it appears in Sicon Teams for finishing off set-up.

3.2. Complete the Team in Sicon

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance – Teams

Select the team created in Sage Manufacturing System Manager and add the Cost Work Pattern as required (if not added, the default will be used).  This is a shared screen with other modules and as such some fields are not required for SFDC configuration.

SFDC HUG Section 3.2 Image 1

The work pattern will help determine which rate to use when applying actual labour to a works order operation.  Only the cost working pattern is used, Manufacturing doesn’t use the charge working pattern.

Note that changing any of the fields on the team record will not update existing employee records, i.e., future changes made to the team will not be automatically pushed out to linked employees.

It is not recommended to change the Team Name once configured as some Sicon modules use this as a unique identifier.  Changing the Team Description is possible, however, and will push changes through to the Labour Resource Group Description within Manufacturing System Manager.

3.3. Create Employee in Sicon

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance – Maintain Employees

SFDC HUG Section 3.3 Image 1

Again, this is a shared screen with other Sicon modules and as such, not all fields are relevant for Shop Floor Data Capture.  The important fields on the Details tab for SFDC are:

First Name: Enter the first name of the user.

Surname: Enter the surname of the user.

Team: Choose the relevant team for the employee.  This will prompt for any team cost rates and work pattern to be pulled through to this user if desired (this can be rejected and overridden with individual rates).

Shop Floor User: If this is not ticked, the user will be unable to log in to the SFDC app.

Only show user operations: It is possible to assign works order operations to a specific user.  This can be ticked to create a “user work to list” which will only show the operations allocated to this user.

PIN: Each PIN must be unique per user.

Cost Work Pattern: This will determine what rates are used at the point of applying costs to a works order.

3.4. Create Operations

If using Shop Floor Data Capture with Works Order Processing, Operations will need to be added to the works orders. Although this is standard Sage functionality that is likely to already have been covered in Sage training, a downloadable guide detailing the Sicon-specific requirements is included in the link below.  This isn’t a full guide but aims to assist users who may not have been familiar with this process.  For further information on Sage Manufacturing System Manager queries, speak with your Business Partner in the first instance.

To find out more about creating operations please go to the Additional Notes and Features > Creating Operations section within this Help and User Guide.

4. SFDC Set-up

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4.1. T&A Settings

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance – Settings – T&A Settings tab

This section details the SFDC settings box and the tabs within it.

If enabled, the second tab will show T&A settings. This is for the time and attendance part of the module. Time and attendance allows people to clock in and out of their place of work, it also allows for recording of break times and hours they have been present for.

The bullet point numbers relate to the number of each area on the image below.

  1. Disable Time and attendance: If this button is checked, the features to clock in will not show when a user logs on to the app. They will instead go straight to the app main menu where they will see the works orders, projects etc.
  2. Enable auto clock out with work pattern: When a work pattern is set (A certain team work between the hours of 9am – 5pm) with this option enabled, users will be automatically clocked out at the end of the work patter time assigned to that employee.
  3. Auto clock out reason: this is where the reason displayed when a user is automatically clocked out, will show. When looking at a report the clock out reason will show as whatever it is set to in this field. The reason entered will be omitted from the reasons presented to users on the SFDC device when clocking out.
  4. Logo URL: enables a logo to be added to the T&A home screen.
  5. Create timesheet lines from default project/item (Set on devices per location): When a default project is selected at a location, if this setting is enabled, timesheet lines will be created from the default project.
  6. Enable WAP holidays (& WAP TA URL): If Sicon Approvals module is being used in conjunction with SFDC this enables holidays to be pulled though and displayed appropriately.

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4.2. SFDC Settings

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance – Settings – SFDC Settings tab

The next tab is ‘SFDC Settings’ this tab contains settings that are specifically for the shop floor data capture functionality of the app.

The settings and descriptions are listed below, the bullet point numbers relate to the image below.

  1. Disable Shop Floor Data Capture: enabling this will allow only T&A to be used on the handheld device, if this setting is enabled the user will not see any Works orders, projects etc. on the device.
  2. Auto logout __ (Secs): This setting allows automatic log out to be enabled. The specified number of seconds after which any user should be automatically logged out should be specified in the box provided. This feature could be useful if multiple users are sharing one device, this ensures the previous user is logged out and the device is ready to be used by the next user.
  3. Disable multi operation mode: When a user books on to an operation in a works order using the SFDC app, they can come out of that operation without finishing it and simultaneously start another operation (This could be useful if a user has to wait for an item to dry before they can finish that operation, or maybe if they are loading things to a machine and can then work on another task while the machine is running). Enabling this setting, stops the user from being able to have multiple operations in progress at any one time; they must instead select to stop or pause the active operation, giving a reason they have stopped or paused before they can start another operation.
  4. Enable work pattern use: This allows the work pattern of the user to be picked up when recording time for calculating the rate used.
  5. Enable single operation mode – with this setting configured, users will only be able to clock onto one operation at a time.
  6. Lock settings to user – This enables the SFDC settings to be locked to a particular user. The user can be selected from the drop-down menu, if applicable.

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4.3. WOP Settings

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance – Settings – WOP Settings tab

The SFDC interaction with the Sicon Works Orders module is configured from this SFDC WOP settings tab.

The settings and descriptions are listed below, the bullet point numbers relate to the image at the end of this section.

  1. Disable Works Order Processing: Enabling this setting will disable the ability to use or view works orders using the app on the handheld device. In the app, the menu item for ‘Works Orders’ will disappear.SFDC v221.0.14 Section 4.3 Image 1
  2. Labour operations only: This setting allows only labour operations to be shown on the app, machine operations will not be visible.
  3. Enable ‘Operation Complete’: This allows an additional button to be visible when using the operation in the handheld app. The ‘Operation complete’ button will automatically update the number of completed parts to the full amount required as it assumes if the operation is completed, you have completed all the items assigned to it. If not all the items are completed, the stop/pause task function should be used as normal.
  4. Enable Supplementary Operations: This allows the user to book their time and then book the same amount of time to a machine or another labour operation on the works order. Note, “Enable Single Operation” setting must be turned off for this to work.
  5. Enable Inspection Operations: This will enable inspection operations to be visible on the handheld app. Like if the works order was being processed manually, the user cannot book in the parts until the inspection questions have been fully answered. A setting is available within the inspection operation itself (Found at ‘Manufacturing System Manager – Operations Register – Operations Register List, then select on the desired operation, a tick box can be select to make this operation an inspection operation if desired. If this box is ticked, an additional tab will appear in the operation titled ‘Inspection’ here the questions can be added, removed, order changed, and a tick box is available to select for the inspection questions to be asked before the operation is asked. If this is not ticked the questions will be asked at the end of the operation). Note, if using inspections that require the user to take a photograph with the device, the user’s app will need to be given access to the Camera and Storage, as mentioned in the earlier Prerequisites section.
  6. Use last runtime as completed operation count: By default, SFDC consolidates and displays the Operation Count based on all operations within the Works Order. g. 20/60 = 33.33% completed.  With this setting turned on, instead SFDC will use the last sequential Runtime operation, and display this figure instead. e.g. 10/10 = 100%.  So even though the overall WO may have 60 operations, this setting would only look at the quantities on the last sequential runtime operation (i.e. not the most recently completed runtime), which may only have 10.  Activating and de-activating this setting will amend the view of all active Works Order in the Works Order list in the SFDC app. It does not only change WOs added after the time of activating or deactivating the setting.
  7. Post labour timesheet when completing machine operations: This allows labour timesheets to be posted to a works order when a machine operation is being completed, the person working on the machine will have their labour time booked according.
  8. Lock down notes from BOM on operation: This will lock the notes on a BOM operation, the user of the handheld will be able to see the notes but not edit or change the notes.

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4.4. Project Settings

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance – Settings – Project Settings tab

The SFDC interaction with the Sicon Projects module is configured from this SFDC Projects Settings tab.

The settings and descriptions are listed below, the bullet point numbers relate to the image at the end of this section.

  1. Disable Projects: enabling this option will hide the projects option in the menu on the app in the handheld device.
  2. Hide projects over X %: this will prevent the user from seeing projects that are more than the specified percentage complete. Note, this only hides projects in the handheld app.
  3. Enable posting actual labour time: this enables all the actual labour time to be posted to the project.
  4. Hide projects without operations: enabling this option ensures that project without operations will not appear in the handheld app, this can make it easier to use if the user will be using the app primarily for booking onto operations and do not need to see projects.

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5. Sage Menu Features

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5.1. Entry

Shop Floor Data Capture – Entry

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Shop Floor Data Capture – Entry – Amend Timesheet Clock In Lines

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Week Start Date: Enter the start date of the week to filter by if desired.  This is an optional field.

Location: Select the Clock In location to filter by if desired.  This is an optional field.

Employee: Select the Employee to filter by if desired.  This is an optional field.

Timesheet: Select the Timesheet to filter by if desired.  This is an optional field.

Reason for Leaving: Select the specific Reason For Leaving filter by if desired.  This is an optional field.

Currently Clocked In Only: Tick if only timesheets for users currently clocked in should be presented.  This is an optional field.

Display: Click Display to show the results based on the optional filters above (if no filters applied, all results will be displayed).


It is possible to update the Location, Reason and Existing Day Time Entry.  It is not possible to amend the date or employee.  If a significant change is required, it is advised to use the Delete option at the bottom of the screen and re-enter the time as required.

Additional functionality

Save: Saves any amendments made to the timesheet clock in lines.

Delete: Will delete the line selected.  The line will be crossed through.  The screen will need to be Saved for changes to be made, and next time the screen is viewed any deleted lines will no longer be visible.

Clear: Clears all filters and results.

Close: Closes the screen without saving changes (unless the prompt to save is accepted).

Shop Floor Data Capture – Entry – Timesheet Entry  

SFDC HUG Section 5.1 Image 3

If required, timesheets can be manually viewed, entered or amended from this screen.  Note, if using multiple Sicon modules, multiple timesheet sources may appear here, not just Works Orders entered through Shop Floor Data Capture.

Add Line: if required, timesheet lines can be manually added.  Select the type (usually Works Order for SFDC).

Remove Line: if required, timesheet lines can be manually removed.  Select the type (usually Works Order for SFDC).

View Timesheet History: Not relevant for Timesheets entered through SFDC.  Selecting the day would show any history for the timesheet additions or amendments.

5.2. Enquiry

Shop Floor Data Capture – Enquiry

SFDC HUG Section 5.2 Image 1

Shop Floor Data Capture – Enquiry – View Current Clock Ins

SFDC HUG Section 5.2 Image 2

This screen shows any users currently logged in to T&A through Shop Floor Data Capture and can be filtered if required.

Shop Floor Data Capture – Enquiry – View Timesheet Clock In Lines

SFDC HUG Section 5.2 Image 3

This screen works in a similar way to the ‘Amend Timesheet Clock In Lines’ explained earlier in this guide and is view only.  As with much of Sage, it is possible to right-click and export the lines to Excel for further manipulation if required.

5.3. Maintenance

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance

SFDC HUG Section 5.3 Image 1

Bank Holidays: See the Bank Holidays Section of our Projects Help and User Guide.

Maintain Employees: Shop floor data users are set up in the maintain employees section of the module. The user needs to be flagged as a Shop Floor user and a pin needs to be set for use when logging into the app.  Employees can also be linked to teams, and this can then control what works order operations they have access to in the handheld.  See the relevant “Resource Setup” section of this user guide for more information.

Maintain Teams: In this screen teams can be linked to work patterns, to dictate rates and availability.

Maintain Timesheet Leaving Reasons: For the Time And Attendance (T&A) module only.  Time and Attendance leaving reasons can be set up, so they can be selected in the handheld.

Maintain Timesheet Locations: For the Time And Attendance (T&A) module only.  Locations can be set up for SFDC users to state their location on log in.

Maintain Stop Reasons: Stop reasons can be created for use when stopping an operation in the handheld.

Maintain Work Patterns: Allows works patterns to be configured that can then be linked to the teams.

6. SFDC handheld app settings

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As well as the setting on in the Sage 200 environment, additional settings can be accessed from the Shop Floor Data Capture handheld app itself.

To access settings on the handheld, go to the log-in screen and press ‘Settings’.

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6.1. Endpoint / company

The Endpoint screen will open, the numbers below relate to the image at the bottom of this section.

  1. This is where the company that the user wishes to work in, can be selected. Note to change company you must reset the web API URL (Instructions earlier in this guide).
  2. This is showing the version the app is running on. The download link to the app (Earlier in this guide) can be used to check if the app the user is working with is the latest release.
  3. Here, the Web API can be seen. This can be changed using the button below.
  4. Reset Web API URL, using this button will open the screen mentioned earlier in this document.

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6.2. Time / Attendance

The following screen will open, the numbers below relate to the image at the bottom of this section.

  1. Enable Instant Login – This allows the user to set the handheld device to allow instant log in. This means the users will just enter their unique code and will be automatically clocked in to the default location set on the next option. This is useful for those who will use a dedicated tablet or device at once location for clocking in. (I.e. A tablet just for time and attendance will be placed by the entrance door to the site). Different tablets can be set to different default locations.
  2. Select Default Location – This is where the default location for instant log in (Specified in item 1 of this section, above) can be set.
  3. Enable Instant Logout – This allows the user to set the handheld device to allow instant log out. This means the users will just enter their unique code and will be automatically clocked out with the default reason set on the next option. (The user must be logged in first). This is useful if the site do not wish to capture reasons for staff leaving the site or clocking out (End of day, Lunch, Health appointment, Dentist, Half day etc.) if this is set, all users will be logged out using the default reason specified in the next setting.
  4. Select Default Reason – This is where the default Reason for instant log out (Specified in item 3 of this section, above) can be set.
  5. Disable T/A Mode – Selecting this option will ensure that Time and Attendance features are not visible on the handheld device. When a user enters their unique code, they will be logged in straight to the SFDC menu items.
  6. Disable Shopfloor Mode – Selecting this option means that the Shop Floor Data Capture features will not be visible on the handheld device. When a user enters their unique code. If T&A is enabled they can clock in and out but will not see any Shop floor menus, after clocking in or out, the user will see the code screen again. If T&A is also disabled the user will see an error stating that both the T&A and SFDC features are not enabled.

7. Using Shop Floor Data Capture

SFDC HUG Section 7 Image 1

This section will further explain each of the options and functionality available in the Shop Floor Data Capture (SFDC) handheld app. This also outlines some standard functionality of the SFDC.

The standard use interface will look like this;

SFDC v221.0.14 Section 7 Image 2

7.1. Works Order List

This is where the user will see any Works Orders with operations assigned to them or their team.

As default the works orders will load in order of date created, with the most recent displaying at the top of the list.

Reading the screen, the numbers below relate to the image at the bottom of this section;

  1. Search – Here the user can search for a specific Works Order number if they wish to navigate quickly to a particular WO.
  2. WO number – Displays the WO number.
  3. Date – Shows the due date this work should be completed by, if the date shows in red, this indicated the due date is in the past.
  4. WO item – The item description for the part/s the works order is making will be displayed here. This makes it easy and convenient for the user to identify what each works order is for.
  5. Completed parts – This shows the total number of items the WO requires to be complete and the total that have currently been made. Current total/Required total. It then uses the calculation between the two figure to display a percentage complete in the bar below. The bar will be partly coloured in green with the percentage figure displaying.
  6. Completed time – This shows the total time required to complete the WO and the total time completed so far. Displayed in hours and minutes. Time taken so far HOURS: MINS/Time required to finish HOURS:MINS. It then uses the calculation between the two figure to display a percentage complete in the bar below. The bar will be partly coloured in green with the percentage figure displaying.

SFDC v221.0.14 Section 7.1 Image 1

7.2. Within the Works Order – Details Tab

When on the Works Orders list in the handheld device, the WO can be tapped on and this will take the user into that WO. The first screen they will see after opening the Works Order is the details tab, seen and described below.

The numbers below relate to the image at the bottom of this section.

  1. Number – This displays the Works Order number, for the WO currently opened.
  2. BOM – This is the name and description of the Bill Of Materials being produced on this Works Order.
  3. Quantity – This displays the total quantity of the BOM required to complete this Works Order.
  4. Status – This will display the status of the Works Order, for example ‘New’, ‘Part Allocated’, ‘Allocated’, ‘Part Issued’, ‘Issues’.
  5. Operation count – This shows the total number of operations required to complete this Works Order on the right-hand side of the slash, preceded by the current total of operations completed so far. OPS COMPLETED SO FAR / TOTAL OPERATIONS ON WO
  6. Act/Est Hours – This shows the total time required to complete this Works Order on the right-hand side of the slash, preceded by the current time completed so far. (Time is shown in hours and minutes) TIME COMPLETED SO FAR / TOTAL TIME ON WO
  7. Operation % – This shows the progress percentage of the WO so far, based on the operation count (setting 5). (I.e. If the total operations is 2 and so far 1 has been completed, the operation % will show as 50%, and the green progress bar will be halfway along.)
  8. Act/Est% – This shows the actual hours completed on the left and the estimated hours required on the right. (Time is shown in hours and minutes). The actual hours are the hours recorded using the Shop Floor Data Capture handheld device. The estimate hours are the time assigned to the operation when this was originally created in Sage.
  9. Start Date – This shows the start date of the Works Order
  10. Due Date – This shows the due date of the Works Order, set within the Sicon Works Order in Sage200
  11. Version – This shows the revision or version of the Works Order
  12. Area – This shows the current production area that this particular Works Order should be in, if different operations are in different areas, this box will change as the Works Order progresses around the factory.
  13. Warehouse (F) – This displays the FINISHED warehouse, the warehouse in which the finished Works Order will be sent to. This could be for despatch or into free stock.
  14. Warehouse (C) – This displays the COMPONENT warehouse, the default warehouse in which components for this Works Order can be found.
  15. Comments – This displays any comments that have been added to the Works Order in Sage 200. These could be used for production notes or specific items for note on any given purchase order.

SFDC v221.0.14 Section 7.2 Image 1

7.3. Within the Works Order – Operation Tab

The next screen the user will see, the centre option within the Works Order, is the ‘Operations’ tab. This tab displays details of the operations to be carried out on this Works Order and from here the user can clock on to operations too. Details on the contents of this screen are seen and described below.

The numbers below relate to the image at the bottom of this section.

  1. Operation ID and type – This shows the operation ID, this will correspond with the Works Order in Sage 200.
  2. Operation due date – This displays the date the operation should be completed by in order to complete the Works Order by its due date, this takes into account all the other operations that also need to be carried out.
  3. Operation description and name – This displays what the operation is, giving the description, name and the team the operation is assigned to. This makes it easy for users to identify which their operation is and book on to the correct one.
  4. Operation count – This shows the total number of items required to complete this operation on the right-hand side of the slash, preceded by the current total of operations completed so far. OPS COMPLETED SO FAR / TOTAL OPS NEEDED TO BE COMPLETED
  5. Operation count percentage – This displays a percentage figure of the calculation above.
  6. Operation time (Actual and estimate) – This shows the actual hours completed on the left and the estimated hours required on the right. (Time is shown in hours and minutes). The actual hours are the hours recorded using the Shop Floor Data Capture handheld device. The estimate hours are the time assigned to the operation when this was originally created in Sage.
  7. Operation time percentage – This displays a percentage based on the actual time that has been booked verses the total estimated time base on the operations.
  8. Operations list (If more than one op) – Displayed here will be all the operations required to complete the works order. Each operation will have details displayed in the same way as the example.
  9. Operation sequence – Here is the sequential number of the operations, operations must be completed in numerical order.

SFDC v221.0.14 Section 7.3 Image 1

Here is an example of a Works Order will multiple operations that have not yet been completed.

When the sequence number displays in green, this shows it is complete. When it is grey, this shows it is not yet complete.

SFDC v221.0.14 Section 7.3 Image 2

7.4. Booking on to an operation

To open an operation, simply click on the operation from the Works Order, as described in the previous section.

SFDC v221.0.14 Section 7.4 Image 1-3

The ‘Operations Details’ screen will now be displayed. This screen includes much of the same data as the previous screen, with a couple of extra parts.

If an operation has already been completed and the full amount if the item logged, the ‘Start’ button at the bottom changes to a ‘rework’ button, this works exactly the same way as the ‘Start’ button, with the exception that it will add additional time for reworking the item.

7.5. Within the Works Order - Materials Tab

8. Additional Notes and Features

SFDC HUG Section 8 Image 1

This section holds further information to build on settings and scenarios explained in the Help and User Guide.

8.1. Security

Many manufacturing facilities and places of work must comply to strict security processes. Our Shop Floor Data Capture app has an auto log out function that can be enabled to ensure that the app is not left open with details of Works Orders or operations displayed for others to see.

This setting can be managed by navigating to (Numbers relate to the steps in the image below)

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance – Settings – SFDC Settings

  1. Enable the ‘Auto logout’ setting. The number of seconds after which users should be logged out can also be edited here, this must be above 20 seconds.

SFDC HUG Section 8.1 Image 1

If enabled, once the app has been idle for the applicable amount of time, a notification will appear at the bottom of the screen stating ‘Auto logout 10 seconds’, then ‘Auto logout 5 seconds’ giving the user time to touch the screen to keep on the app should they wish to. After the set amount of time the user is logged off and a message shows ‘Auto log off’ for a few seconds.

SFDC v221.0.14 Section 8.1 Image 2 & 3

8.2. Creating Operations

Configuring Operations for use with Sicon Manufacturing Modules (this follows on from the earlier section around Resource set-up.

SFDC HUG Section 8.2 Image 1

1.Create an Operation

Manufacturing System Manager – Operations Register – Operation Register List

Add the operation to link the Team (labour resource group) to.  Ensure a Reference and Description are included.  These can be identical. It is recommended that there are no spaces in the Reference.  This is a field that cannot be amended later.

More information on configuring Teams is explained in the Shop Floor Data Capture User Guide.

SFDC HUG Section 8.2 Image 2

Allocate timings and resource group under the Resources tab.

SFDC HUG Section 8.2 Image 3

Select the Operation Phase and which labour resource group carries out this operation. Phases can be Setup, Runtime or Teardown.  Best practice is for Setup phases to be configured as a Fixed Length (e.g. 30 minutes).  This means that it doesn’t matter how many items are being made, it will always take this amount of time to setup (30 minutes).  Runtime phases should not be configured in this way.  Instead, the time of the phase (e.g. 10 hours) will be multiplied by the quantity being made on the Works Order later.

Further information on configuring Operations is available in the Sage Desktop Help Guides.  Alternatively, your Sage Business Partner will be able to assist with the Sage Manufacturing System Manager menu items.

2.Create a Bill of Materials (BOM) with an Operation

Bill of Materials – Bill Of Materials List

SFDC HUG Section 8.2 Image 4

The Bill of Materials (BOM) is a standard Sage screen that Sicon use with its Works Order module.

Further information on creating and maintaining BOMs is available in the Sage Desktop Help Guides. Alternatively, your Sage Business Partner will be able to assist with the Sage Bill of Materials configuration.

3.Create Works Order for BOM Stock Item

Sicon Works Order Processing – Works Order List

Create the Works Order, select the BOM item and enter the due date.  The dates will recalculate based on the labour time.

More information on creating Works Orders is explained in the Works Order User Guide.

SFDC HUG Section 8.2 Image 5

This Works Order and operation will now be available within the Shop Floor Data Capture app.

8.3. Example of “Use last runtime as completed operation count” setting

The setting ‘Use last runtime as completed operation count’ can be within Sicon’s Shop Floor Data Capture module.

Shop Floor Data Capture – Maintenance – Settings – WOP Settings

SFDC HUG Section 8.3 Image 1

With this setting off (Unticked) the status of completed operations will appear as standard, SFDC looks at the total operations required, and the operations completed so far and work out the percentage of the operation count accordingly. In the example below WO00000067 is currently showing as 33.33% complete on the operation count bar.

SFDC HUG Section 8.3 Image 2

When the Works Order is opened either in the SFDC app or in Sage200 Sicon Works Order Processing, the status of the operations can be viewed. In this example we can see that 2 out of 10 have been completed for all the operations with the exception of line 5 (OP 006.2-Runtime) this operation has 10 out of 10 completed.

(In the image below the green ‘X’ are pointing the Runtime operations).

SFDC HUG Section 8.3 Image 3

SFDC HUG Section 8.3 Image 4

With the setting ‘Use last runtime as completed operation count’ on (Ticked). SFDC now looks at the last runtime operation that has been completed in that Works Order. Note this is only for Runtime operations, this does not work with Setup or Teardown operations. In this example the last runtime operation (In sequence order) is line 5 (OP 006.2-Runtime). When looking at the Works Order list the operation count is now marked as 100% and 10 of 10 items operations have been completed.

SFDC HUG Section 8.3 Image 5

There has been no change to the status of the other operations, this setting simply takes into account the completed number of the last runtime operation in the operations on that Works Order.

With this setting turned on, instead SFDC will use the last sequential Runtime operation, and display this figure instead. e.g. 10/10 = 100%.  So even though the overall WO may have 60 operations, this setting would only look at the quantities on the last sequential runtime operation, which may only have 10 (i.e. not the most recently completed runtime).

Please note this does not mark all additional operations at 100% completed, nor does it change the quantities completed of any operation in the SFDC app or in Sage200. This is just displayed on the Works Order list in the SFDC app.

Activating and de-activating this setting will amend the view of all active Works Order in the Works Order list in the SFDC app. It does not only change WOs added after the time of activating or deactivating the setting.

9. Release Notes

The release notes page shows which release of the system includes new features or issues resolved.

At the release of Sicon v21 we announced that going forward, we will only be supporting Sage 200c and as such we are able to drop the year from our version numbers. We moved from to 210.0.0.

New features detailed in the Release Notes relating to Pre-Release versions will not be detailed in the current Help and User Guide until the end of development phase.

Shop Floor Data Capture Release Notes