Sicon Approvals Help and User Guide – HR Module

This Sicon Approvals HR Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon Approvals HR Module.

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Sicon Approvals Help and User Guide – HR Module

This Sicon Approvals HR Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon Approvals HR Module.

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Product overview

Help and User Guide maintained for Approvals v221.0.0 and Upwards.

The Sicon Approvals HR module allows HR Administrators to enter and manage HR details, absences, courses, job information and to distribute company policies and information to team members.  The HR module also provides some self-service tools allowing employees to manage their personal details (including any Medical or Disability details), enter Emergency Contact information, amend their bank details and enter any absences.  Users can also view any job information, courses or documents that the HR Administrator has uploaded to their profile.

The HR module also links with the Approvals Expense module so updates to user’s bank and address details can update their Purchase Ledger account directly in Sage.

If a user belongs to a User Type with permission to HR Admin, they will see the HR Admin options within their side menu.  Within here is a list of HR Admin settings and functionality, each section detailed further throughout this guide.

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Help and User Guide Overview

This Help and User Guide is set out into four main areas:

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Overview: aimed to provide a summary of the HR Module, and some basic pre-requisite configuration information

Configuring HR – Setup: aimed at Consultants and Superusers looking to set the system up for the first time.  This would be covered in initial consultancy with your Sage Business Partner or Sicon Consultant.

Using HR – HR Administrator: aimed at the HR Administrator for the company once Approvals has been configured, covering the features the HR Administrator may use in their day-to-day role.

Using HR – Employee: aimed at Users, covering the HR features they may use in their day-to-day role.

1. Approvals Navigation

To enter a new absence request, either click the Quick Link ‘Request Holiday’– this will only show if the user has permission to enter a new holiday request.  Alternatively, use the side menu and click to either Create New or use the Quick New option:

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To navigate to the user’s personal HR pages, select the employee initials at the top right of the screen:

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To navigate to the HR Settings as an HR Administrator, click the relevant option from the side menu:

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2. HR Enable Configuration

For the HR module to be available the enable module must have HR module ticked.

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Once this is configured, HR options will then be visible within the system.

This is included in the online licence and cannot be ticked manually.  For further information on licencing, please speak with your Business Partner in the first instance.

3. Configuring HR – Setup

The following sections are aimed at Consultants and Superusers looking to set the system up for the first time.  This would be covered in initial consultancy with your Sage Business Partner or Sicon Consultant.

4. HR User Type Permissions

HR permissions for whether a user can view HR Admin information, submit absence requests, run reports are set at a User Type level, under the HR tab.

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HR Administrator:  if this is ticked, users will be able to access the HR Admin settings and HR calendar.

Edit courses/qualifications:  if this is ticked, the user will be able to edit courses and qualifications that have been allocated to themselves.  Usually this would just be an HR admin permission.

Delete courses/qualifications:  if this is ticked, the user will be able to delete courses and qualifications that have been allocated to themselves.  Usually this would just be an HR admin permission.

Edit documents:  if this is ticked, the user will be able to edit any documents that have been allocated to themselves.  Usually this would just be an HR admin permission.

Delete documents:  if this is ticked, the user will be able to delete any documents that have been allocated to themselves.  Usually this would just be an HR admin permission.

Edit own bank details:  this will allow users to make changes to their bank details under their HR account.  If their account is linked to a PL Account in Sage, the bank details will be updated here too.

Edit own employment start date:  this will allow users to make changes to their employment start date; some companies will lock this down so only HR admin users are able to make this change.

Notify when employee details change:  if ticked, users within this user type will get a notification when an employee makes changes to their employee details.

Approve absences:  the ability to approve an absence request.  If a user does not have this permission, they cannot be selected when building an approval route.

Enter absences:  the ability to enter and submit an absence request.

Enter absences for all users:  the ability to enter absence requests for all users.

Enter absences for delegates:  the ability to enter absence requests for delegate users.

Can view all absences:  the ability to view all absences; this is usually just a Superuser permission.

Can view business unit absences:  the ability to view absence requests for business unit users.

Can delete absences:  the ability to delete an absence request.  Once fully approved, the absence request cannot be deleted, it must be cancelled.

Can view absence reports:  the ability to access reports showing absence requests.

5. HR User Settings

On a user’s profile there are a number of tabs within the HR tab to configure the user HR details.

5.1. Details Sub Tab

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Users with HR Admin permissions are able to enter information here or information the user has entered themselves on their HR profile will show.  None of these fields are mandatory.

Also known as:  free text field to enter any other names the user may be known as.

Previous Surname:  free text field to enter any previous surnames.

Sage payroll employee reference:  if this is entered against the user’s Time & Attendance tab, this will show here.

National Insurance Number:  free text field to enter user’s national insurance number.

Driving Licence Number:  free text field to enter the user’s driving licence number.

Driving Licence Expiry Date:  calendar option to enter the user’s driving licence expiry date.

Date of Birth:  calendar option to enter the user’s date of birth.

Gender:  free text field.

Personal email address:  free text field for user’s personal email account.

Home phone number:  free text field for the user’s home phone number.

Mobile phone number:  free text field for the user’s mobile phone number.

Ethnicity:  free text field for the user’s ethnicity.

Religion:  free text field for the user’s religion.

Nationality:  select from the drop down list the user’s nationality.

Right to Work in UK Documents Received:  tick whether these documents have been received.

House Number/Name/Address:  free text fields to enter the user’s home address.

Image:  browse to attach an image against the user.

The information on this tab can also be imported using the option to Import HR Employee Detail explained later in this help and user guide.

5.2. Medical Sub Tab

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Medical:  enter or view any medical information entered for this user.

Disability:  enter or view any disability information entered for this user or tick if they are registered disabled.

The information on this tab can also be imported using the option to Import HR Employee Detail explained later in this help and user guide.

5.3. Emergency Contact Sub Tab

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Users can enter up to three emergency contacts within their HR profile which will be visible to HR Admin users here.  No changes can be made here to the emergency contact information; end users will manage this data.

The information on this tab can also be imported using the option to Import Emergency Contacts.  Please note, only one emergency contact can be imported, so if more than one is required the others would still need to be entered manually by the end user.

5.4. Bank Sub Tab

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Bank Name:  free text field to enter the user’s bank name.

Account Name:  free text field to enter the user’s bank account name.

Account Number:  free text field to enter the user’s bank account number.

Sort Code:  free text field to enter the user’s bank sort code.

Address Lines:  free text field to enter the user’s bank address details.

If the Approvals user’s account is linked to a PL Account in Sage, the bank details will be updated here too (depending on HR Settings).  The information on this tab can also be imported using the option to Import HR Bank Details.

5.5. Absence Sub Tab

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This tab will show the total number of absence occasions and days over the time period and the resulting Bradford score.

6. HR Admin - Settings

Before HR data can be recorded, a number of initial settings need to be configured.  These settings are found within HR Admin – HR Settings.

6.1. Absence Types

A number of system absence types will be configured, more can be added as required.

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Click to add a new leave type, enter the name, configure the below options and save.

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Display name:  enter a description for the leave type.

Document Type:  select whether the leave type should be associated with holiday or absence requests.

Show on calendar?  If ticked, the leave type will show on the holiday calendar and be included in conflict checks; some absences (e.g. sickness that occurred in the past) may not need to show on the holiday calendar.  If not ticked, the absence will not show on the calendar or be included in any conflict checks.

Update records?  If ticked and the leave type is linked as holiday, any holiday requests will be deducted from the user’s holiday entitlement.  If the leave type is linked as an absence, any absence requests will count towards the user’s Bradford index score.  If not ticked, the user’s holiday entitlement will not be reduced or their Bradford index score affected.

Display?  If ticked, the leave type will be available for selection by users, if not ticked, it cannot be selected.  For example, a short-term absence type that is no longer relevant to the business, such as Furlough.

TOIL?  This would only be applicable if the leave type is linked as holiday and TOIL is being used with Approvals Timesheets.  Holiday requests input against this leave type could be taken from the user’s TOIL figure rather than their holiday entitlement.

6.2. Accidents

Here accidents can be recorded and a list of previous accidents recorded will be displayed.  Click to record a new accident.

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User:  select from the drop down list the user affected.

Date/Time:  use the calendar and clock to record the date and time the accident occurred at.

Accident Type:  select from the drop down list the accident type.  Accident types are created under HR Admin – Accident Types.  A system default will be available at initial install but additional types can be added as required.

Location:  this is a free text field used to record where the accident took place.

Description:  enter in this free text field details of what happened.  There is an 8,000-character limit on this text field.

Follow up actions:  if applicable, enter any follow up points that are required.  There is an 8,000-character limit on this text field.

Once the accident has been saved, it will be displayed under the main Accidents screen.  Saved accidents can be edited or deleted.

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6.3. Accident Types

By default, one system accident type will be created, more can be added as required.  Click to add a new accident type, enter a name and save.

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6.4. Calendar

The Calendar will show to any user that has the HR Admin user type permission; clicking this menu item will show the current month and the user is able to scroll back or forwards across the months.

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Under Options it is possible to select which notifications will show on the calendar.

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6.5. Calendar Labels

The HR calendar will show various events with default colours assigned to each but these can be changed if needed.

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6.6. Courses

A list of courses will show under HR Admin – Courses.

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To add a new course, click ‘Add a new course’.

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User:  select whether the course should be linked to one user from the drop-down box or tick to say it should be allocated to all users.

Notify User(s)?  if this is ticked, the user(s) linked to the course will have a notification on their dashboard.

Confirm read?  if this is ticked, the user(s) must go into the course and tick that they have viewed the course information.

Course Type:  select from the drop-down box the course type configured.

Course Status:  select from the drop-down box whether the course is pending, booked, completed, postponed or cancelled.

Title:  enter a name for the course; this is a free text field.

Notes:  enter any notes for the course; this is a free text field.

Lock down?   if ticked, this will prevent any user apart from a HR Admin being able to make changes.

Course dates

Course Start date:  select from the calendar the start date of the course.

Course End date:  select from the calendar the end date of the course.


Qualification date:  select from the calendar the date the qualification was or will be obtained.

Qualification expires:   enter the date the qualification will expire.

Expiry reminder date:  enter a date to be reminded about the expiry date of this qualification; this will show as a notification on the dashboard.

Documents:  upload course documents for the end user(s) to review.

Once a course has been assigned to a user, it will show to them under their HR page – Documents – Courses/Qualifications.

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Here users can view any attachments added and notify as read if required.

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6.7. Course Types

By default, one system course type will be created, more can be added as required.  Click to add a new course type, enter a name and save.

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6.8. Disciplinary

Disciplinary cases can be added, stages assigned to them and given to users for investigation.  Only HR Admin users are able to add disciplinary cases but other users can view if they have been assigned to investigate.  Within an individual user’s HR space their disciplinary record is shown displaying their cases.  Once a disciplinary has been added, it cannot be deleted – if wanting to test this functionality, it is advised to record disciplinaries against test users rather than live users.

Viewing or Adding a disciplinary case

Within here it is possible to record disciplinary actions against a user from recording investigations through to suspending a user.  All cases will be listed here; HR Admin users will be able to view all cases while investigators will only be able to view cases assigned to them.

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Search filters allow for specific cases to be shown, all cases for a particular user or all cases of a certain type.  Use the Quick Link to only show cases assigned to the user logged in for investigation.

To create a new case, click Add a new case.

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User:  select from the drop down list the user who the case is affecting.

Investigator:  select from the drop down list the user who is investigating the case.

Description:  enter an overall description of the disciplinary case.

Once the case has been added, individual lines can be added to this case with further details.

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Entry Type:  select from the list the correct entry type (Investigation, Response, Appeal, No Action Required, Verbal Warning, Written Warning, Suspension or Dismissal – these are pre-configured system entries and cannot be changed).

Description:  enter further details specifically about the case entry.  There is an 8,000-character limit on this field.

Start and End Date:  depending on the entry type selected, these fields will either be available to be selected or will be greyed out.  If Verbal Warning, Written Warning or Suspension has been selected, a start and end date can be entered.

File –

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If applicable, browse and upload or drag and drop files onto here that would need to be added to the disciplinary line.

Meeting Request(s) –

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If a meeting request should be sent, enter the details, whether the case employee should receive a copy and whether any additional users should also receive a copy.  If a meeting invite has previously been sent but is no longer required, this can be cancelled here.

Once a line has been added, this will show under the case header.  Additional lines can be added as required; i.e. follow up from an investigation or if a verbal or written warning has been issued.

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Investigating a Disciplinary Case

If a user who is not a HR Admin has been assigned a case to investigate, a new icon will appear when they log in to allow them to view these cases.

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Clicking here will open the disciplinary list which will then show all cases assigned for investigation; the case can then be viewed to show all lines or edited to allow for extra lines to be added.  Again, search filters can be used to view specific cases.  As this user is not a HR Admin, the option to add a new case is greyed out.

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User Disciplinary Record

If a user logs into their HR profile they will be able to view their disciplinary record; only verbal or written warnings, suspensions or dismissals will show here – users will not be informed here if they are being investigated.  The start and end dates on the case will determine whether the warning is current.  If a user has been suspended or dismissed, they will not be able to log into Approvals.

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If a user with HR Admin permissions has access to the user list, this disciplinary record can be viewed on the user profile.

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6.9. Documents

Different document types will show in here once they have been added; there are four different types of documents that can be added – Appraisals, Certificates, Company Policies or Contracts.

Adding a New Document

To add a document, click Add New at the top of the screen.

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User:  select whether the document should be linked to one user from the drop-down box or tick to say it should be allocated to all users.

Document Type:  choose from the drop down list the correct document type.

Title:  enter a name for the document – this is a free text field.

Version:  enter a version number for this document.

Lock down:  if ticked, this will prevent any user apart from a HR Admin being able to make changes.

Limit display:  select if the document should only be visible to the end user for a period of time; for example, if a company policy about Christmas hours may only need to be shown for the month of December.

Display from:  enter a date that the document should be displayed from.

Display to:  enter a date that the document should be displayed until.

Visible to HR Admins Only: If the document should be confidential and only visible to HR Administrators, select this option.  The document will then be hidden from the user but visible to HR Administrators.


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URL:  enter a web link to a document that will display to the end user(s).

File:  either drop a file or browse and upload to attach a document that will display to the end user(s).

Confirm received and read:  if this is ticked, the user(s) must go into the document and tick that they have received and viewed the document information.

Notify user(s):  if this is ticked, the user(s) allocated to the document will have a notification on their dashboard.

Meeting Request(s) –

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If required, an Outlook invite can be sent to users to appear in their calendar; this might be applicable if adding an appraisal.

Send request to additional Users:  if required, the invite can be sent to other users – this is particularly appropriate if the document has only been set to notify one user initially.

Subject:  enter the detail to be sent out to the user in the subject field.

Body:  enter the detail to be sent out to the user in the body of the invite.

Start date/time:  use the calendar and clock to record the start date and time of the meeting.

End date/time:  use the calendar and clock to record the end date and time of the meeting.

Location:  enter the location for the meeting in this free text field.

Cancel meeting:  if the document has been saved and an appointment sent, use this functionality to cancel the meeting if required.

Requests sent:  once saved, the requests sent will list out user email addresses here.

Viewing Confidential Documents

In the example below, a Pre-employment certificate document has been set up against the user, and marked that only HR Administrators will be able to view this:

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When HR Admin use the Documents view from the HR Admin settings, they can see all documents against all users:

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As the user viewing documents from their own HR menu, they will only be able to view documents that are not marked for HR Admins only.  In the example above, Andy Absence can only see one certificate from their HR screen as the private document is not visible to them:

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Once an appraisal has been added and linked to a user, it will show to them under their HR page; Documents – Appraisals.

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Here users are able to view any attachments added or send any notifications for having read the document.


Once a certificate has been added and linked to a user, it will show to them under their HR page; Documents – Certificates.

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Users can view any attachments added or notify that they have read the document.

Company Policies

Once a policy has been added and linked to a user, it will show to them under their HR page; Documents – Company Policies.

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Here users can view any attachments added and notify as read if required.


Once a policy has been added and linked to a user, it will show to them under their HR page; Documents – Contracts.

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Here users can view any attachments added and notify as read if required.

Confirming Documents have been received and read

If ‘Confirm received and read’ has been selected, users will need to mark to confirm that they have received and read the document from the Documents section within their HR screen:

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Click Close on this screen to save the changes.

HR users are able to view who has read these documents by using the HR menu on the top right to navigate to Documents, and click view on the one they wish to check:

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From within this view, they can navigate to the Document Logs tab and filter by the Confirm Read column to view users who have or have not read the document:

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6.10. HR Settings

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Update Purchase Ledger Account on Bank Detail Update: By default, if a user is linked with their PL Account in Sage, Approvals will update the PL Account with any bank details entered in the HR module.  If this is not required, this setting can be turned off and any changes will remain in Approvals only.  This can be helpful if a site imports HR data, but wishes to continue to maintain bank account details in Sage rather than Approvals.

Enable Notifications of Employees’ birthdays and employment anniversaries:  switch on if notification emails should be sent reminding about user birthdays and employment anniversaries.  Use this setting in conjunction with the setting below.  The user’s start date (as configured on their user profile) will calculate employment anniversaries while their DOB as entered on their HR profile will create the birthday reminders.

Who to notify:  choose from either the Line Manager (the ‘Reporting To’ user on the user’s default job role), HR Admin (any users belonging to a User Type with the HR Admin permission) or both (Line Managers and HR Admins).

6.11. Import Emergency Contacts

Generate a template, populate with user emergency contact information (e.g. name, address and contact details etc.), validate and then import.  Only the user’s first emergency contact will be imported, additional emergency contacts will need to be added manually.

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By default, the options at the top will not be ticked.

CSV File Does Not contain Column Headers: if the import includes a header row like the example above, this setting should remain unselected.

Show All Lines: tick this to display whether lines have successfully validated or not in the validation results window below.  With this setting turned off, only error lines will be shown instead.

Show imported values in the result screen: If used in conjunction with Show All Lines above, Approvals will also show the detail of what has been imported.

6.12. Import HR Bank Details

Generate a template, populate with user bank details (e.g. address, account number and sort code etc.), validate and then import.

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By default, the options at the top will not be ticked.

CSV File Does Not contain Column Headers: if the import includes a header row like the example above, this setting should remain unselected.

Show All Lines: tick this to display whether lines have successfully validated or not in the validation results window below.  With this setting turned off, only error lines will be shown instead.

Show imported values in the result screen: If used in conjunction with Show All Lines above, Approvals will also show the detail of what has been imported.

6.13. Import HR Employee Details

Generate a template, populate with user details (e.g. DOB, gender, address, disability and medical information etc.), validate and then import.

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By default, the options at the top will not be ticked.

CSV File Does Not contain Column Headers: if the import includes a header row like the example above, this setting should remain unselected.

Show All Lines: tick this to display whether lines have successfully validated or not in the validation results window below.  With this setting turned off, only error lines will be shown instead.

Show imported values in the result screen: If used in conjunction with Show All Lines above, Approvals will also show the detail of what has been imported.

6.14. Job Role Allocation

Once job roles have been created, this screen is used to allocate job roles to users.  Once job roles have been allocated, these will display here.

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Click on the three dots icon on the left-hand side to show additional information about this job role.

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Click to add a user to a job role.


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User:  select the user from the drop-down list.

Reporting to:  select the user’s manager from the drop-down list.

Job Title:  enter the user’s job title; this is a free text field.

Job Role:  select from the drop-down list one of the pre-configured job roles.  It is only possible for a user to belong to one job role at a time.

Description:  enter a job description if required; this description will be visible to the end user.

Manager Induction Date:  if applicable, enter a manager induction date.

Company Induction Date:  if applicable, enter a company induction date.

Yearly salary:  if required, enter the user’s salary.  This information is password protected but some companies will still decide not to enter this here; it is not a mandatory field.

Department:  select from the drop down list the department (business unit) the user belongs to.

Notice Period:  enter the user’s notice period; this is a free text field.

Notice details:  enter any extra details about the user’s notice period.

Default:  if the user has multiple jobs assigned, set one to be their default.

Job Role Nominal Overrides:  if using Approvals Expenses and nominal codes should be overridden based on the user’s job role when entering a mileage or expense claim, choose the correct nominal combination and apply.  When the user enters a mileage or expense claim, the nominal code will alter depending on the job role selected.  This is here for the instances where a user may spend a couple of days working e.g. as a Support consultant and some days as an Implementation consultant.  This option is only visible if Approvals Expense module is enabled in the licence.

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Probation due date:  enter the date of the user’s probation date.

Probation review date:  enter the date of the user’s probation review date.

Probation successful?  Tick if the user has successfully passed their probation.

Probation notes:  enter any notes applicable from the user’s probation review.


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Start Date:  enter the start date of the user’s employment in this role; this is a mandatory field.

End Date (date role ended):  if the user has finished this role, enter their end date.

Contract Type:  this is a free text field to enter the contract type.

Location:  this is a free text field to enter the main location the user works at.

Secondary (bank) Contract:  tick if applicable.

Restrictive covenant?  Tick if applicable.

Restrictive covenant comments:  enter any details if there are any clauses to apply to the user.


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Notes:  enter any notes to be added to the user’s job role allocation.

6.15. Job Roles

Add in as many job roles as required here; these will then be linked when allocating jobs to users.  Click to add a new job role, enter a name in the description box and click update.  Once a job role has been assigned to a user, it cannot be deleted.

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6.16. Reports

Below are the report options that can be run within HR Admin.

HR Report Wizard – Absence Score

Select either the users or the business unit to run the report for and click Next.    The report generated will show the number of absences the user has had across so many days with the Bradford scale and can be printed, emailed or exported.

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HR Report Wizard – Employee Details

Select either the users or the business unit to run the report for and click next.  The report generated will show employee’s user details, emergency contact details and medical information and can be exported.

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HR Report Wizard – Accident Report

This report will list any accidents that have been reported with the description, who was affected, their emergency contact details and any follow up action points.  It can also be filtered by specific users or business units if required.  This report can be printed, emailed or exported.

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HR Report Wizard – Work Place

This report will show in either graphs or bar charts the below information:

  • Gender distribution within the company
  • Comparison of full time/part time employees
  • Religious background of employees
  • Ethnicity of employees
  • Number of employees in age brackets
  • Number of years employed
  • Number of users set to each country

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Employee Change History Report

This report can be run to show the below details, who has updated the user details and when.  Data can be shown on the below information:

  • Employee Details – user DOB, AKA, Gender, NI Number, medical and disability notes, ethnicity, religion, contact details, right to work document status etc.
  • Employee Address – address information, contact details, date updated and by whom.
  • Bank Details – bank name, bank account number, sort code, date updated and by whom.
  • Bank Address – the bank address, phone number, email address, date updated and whom.
  • Emergency Contact – user’s next of kin name, surname, relationship, telephone, mobile, email address, date updated and by whom.
  • Emergency Contact Address – user’s next of kin address, phone, mobile number, email address, date updated and by whom.

Each of these reports can be customised or exported as required.

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6.17. Sage 50 Payroll Departments

This will import the Departments through from Sage 50 Payroll; Sage 50 Payroll ODBC connection details must be configured before this functionality can be used – these are setup in Approvals System Settings – Miscellaneous – Sage 50 Payroll.

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This import will create Business Units within Approvals (if they do not already exist).  If this is run first, departments will be set up as Business Units prior to importing Sage 50 Users (see next section, Sage 50 Payroll Employees).

6.18. Sage 50 Payroll Employees

This will import users from Sage 50 and create them as users; these profiles can then be edited as required.  HR details can be updated in Approvals with details from Sage 50.  Sage 50 Payroll ODBC connection details must be configured before this functionality can be used – these are setup in Approvals System Settings – Miscellaneous – Sage 50 Payroll.

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6.19. Update user - PL Account

This wizard can update user details from their Purchase Ledger account; it can either update bank details or home address details.  Choose the user(s) to update and click Next.

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Select whether to update either the bank details, home address or both and click Update.

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Approvals will then notify the users and details that have been updated; these changes will show on their user profile and the user’s HR record.

Note, the user must already be linked with their Purchase Ledger Account under the Company Access tab, see the Approvals User Help and User Guide for more information.

7. Employment Anniversary and Birthday Notifications

7.1. Why would you use HR notifications?

This functionality will allow either line managers, HR Admins or both, to receive notifications regarding user’s employment anniversaries and birthdays.  This is to notify line managers and HR Admins of important dates – notifications are sent in advance for the following month, week and day.

7.2. Approvals Configuration

Within HR Admin – HR Settings, switch this functionality on and set whether to notify line managers, HR Admins or both.

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Under System Settings – Email Threads, choose which thread to send out HR notifications on – it may be that this should be sent independently of other email threads.

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If notifying HR Admins, make sure correct users belong to a User Type with HR Admin permissions.

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If notifying line managers, make sure job roles have been allocated to users with ‘Reporting Users’ configured (HR Admin – Job Role Allocation).

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7.3. Employment and Birthday Notifications

Once the system has been configured, reminder emails will be sent to either the line manager or HR Admin notifying about upcoming anniversaries.  Employment anniversaries will show years of employment but birthdays will not show years.  Reminders will be highlighted in red when the anniversary date is the following day.

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8. Using HR – As an Employee

The following sections are aimed at Users, covering the HR features they may use in their day-to-day role.

8.1. User HR Profile

To navigate to the user’s personal HR pages, select the employee initials at the top right of the screen:

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Once users click to access their HR profile, they will see a prompt to enter their password.  HR information cannot be viewed until the user enters their password.

N.B. it is not possible to obtain access to a user’s HR profile if using delegate switching.

8.2. Summary Tab - HR Calendar

The calendar will show to the user any events that are either linked to themselves or linked to all users; e.g. their own appraisals or absences and all bank holidays.  Under Options users can filter to only show particular notifications.

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8.3. Summary Tab - Holiday Summary

This tab will show the user their current and any future year holiday entitlement with a breakdown of days or hours booked, taken, mandatory etc.  Sub-tabs will show to the user their current accrual figures and requests.

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8.4. Summary Tab - Absence

This will show to the user the total number of absence occasions and days over the time period and the resulting Bradford score.

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8.5. Summary Tab - Disciplinary Record

This will show to the user if they have any current verbal or written warnings, any previous verbal or written warnings and any suspensions.

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9. User HR Profile – My Details

Within this section are three further areas for users to record their own details, emergency contact information and bank details.

9.1. My Details

Expand banners to open information on their own details, medical or disability information.  Ensure information is saved at the bottom of the page.

There is a User Type permission to allow users to change their employment start date; if users do not have this permission, this field is greyed out.

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9.2. Emergency Contacts

Up to three emergency contacts can be recorded by the user; ensure information is saved at the bottom of the page.  Once saved, this information will then be displayed on the HR tab of the user’s Approvals profile.

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9.3. Bank Details

If users have permission, they will be able to update their own bank details; once saved it will update the HR tab on their user profile and also update their Purchase Ledger account linked to their user under the Company Access tab within User Setup.

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10. User HR Profile - Absence

Within this section are four further areas for users to view their own holiday entitlement, absences and to be able to request new holiday and absence requests.

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10.1. Holiday Entitlement

This tab will show the user their current and any future year holiday entitlement with a breakdown of days or hours booked, taken, mandatory etc.  Sub tabs will show to the user their current accrual figures and requests.

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10.2. Sickness

The user will see a breakdown of their current absences within the last 12 months; either by a calendar or list view.  The user will see the total number of absence occasions and days over the time period and the resulting Bradford score.

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10.3. Add a New Holiday

If the Approvals Holiday Module is enabled, clicking through here to enter a new holiday request will open a quick holiday pop-up to allow the user to enter and submit the holiday request.

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Type:  select to book a holiday request in days or half days.  If the system has been configured accordingly, users will be able to book in single hours.

Start Date/Time:  enter the start date and shift time.

End Date/Time:  enter the end date and shift time.

Description (Optional):  a description can be entered against the request if required but this is not a mandatory field.  If a description has been entered, it will show on the holiday calendar.

Hide description:  if required, the description can be hidden – this means it will only show to the approver and will not appear on the calendar.

Leave Type:  select the correct leave type, either Annual Leave or Unpaid.

Alternative User:  if the user submitting the holiday request is an approver, they can select an alternate user here.  When the holiday starts the user’s Approvals out of office will be automatically switched on, any documents they have to approve will go to the alternate user selected above and the Approvals out of office will be switched off when the holiday request has finished.

Save & Submit or Close:  either submit the holiday request for approval or close to cancel.  With quick holiday requests there is no option to save only.

10.4. Add a New Sickness

Clicking through here to enter a new sickness request will open a quick absence request pop-up to allow the user to enter and submit an absence request.

HR HUG Section 10.4 Image 1

Type:  select to enter an absence in hours on a certain day – absences can also be entered in days/half-days.

Start Date/Time:  enter the start date and shift time.

End Date/Time:  enter the end date and shift time.

Description (Optional):  a description can be entered against the request if required but this is not a mandatory field.  If a description has been entered, it will show on the HR and holiday calendar.

Hide description:  if required, the description can be hidden – this means it will only show to the approver and will not appear on the calendar.

Leave Type:  select the correct leave type.  Absence types are set up by the HR Admin under HR Settings – Absence Types.

Alternative User:  if the user submitting the absence request is an approver, they can select an alternate user here.  When the absence starts the user’s Approvals out of office will be automatically switched on, any documents they have to approve will go to the alternate user selected above and the Approvals out of office will be switched off when the absence request has finished.

Save & Submit or Close:  either submit the absence request for approval or close to cancel.  With quick absence requests there is no option to save only.

Files:  it is possible to upload attachments to an absence request; it might be that users are required to upload a self-certification document or details to an appointment.

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11. User HR Profile - Employment

Within this section under Job Roles users will be able to view any job roles that have been allocated to them.

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At header level users will be able to view their reporting to manager, department, start and if applicable end dates and salary information if it has been entered.  To view more information about the job role, click the circle icon to view an additional popup.

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12. User HR Profile - Documents

Within this section are five further areas for users to view any document that has been allocated to the user.

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12.1. Appraisals

Any appraisals either linked to the user specifically or showing to all users will be displayed here.

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Click to view the appraisal where any documents can be downloaded.  If a date, time and location were entered when the appraisal was created, an Outlook invite would be sent through to the user’s email account on their user profile.

12.2. Certificates

Any certificates linked to the user will be visible and attachments can be viewed by clicking the View button.

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If the user has to confirm they have received and read the document, they would need to download the attachment and click to say they have received and read this document.

Document Logs

This tab will show further information on when the user was originally notified, whether an email was sent and whether confirmation is still required to say the document has been read.

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12.3. Contracts

Any contracts linked to the user will be visible and attachments can be viewed by clicking the View button. If required when the contract was set up, the user would need to confirm they have read the document.

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12.4. Courses/Qualifications

Any courses or qualifications linked to the user will be visible and can be viewed to see further details such as course dates, qualification dates etc.  Courses that have expired will be highlighted in red while courses that are close to the qualification expiry will be highlighted in orange.

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12.5. Company Policies

Any company policies linked to the user will be visible and can be viewed to see any documents attached and if required, to mark as read.

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13. Absences

As well as being able to record absences through their HR profile, absences can be added using the side menu options on the left.  Absence types will need to be configured before users can enter an absence request and approval routes should be created.

13.1. New Absence Request

To add a new absence line to the request, click Add New Request Line.

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Type:  select to enter an absence in hours on a certain day – absences can also be entered in days/half-days.

Start Date/Time:  enter the start date and shift time.

End Date/Time:  enter the end date and shift time.

Description (Optional):  a description can be entered against the request if required but this is not a mandatory field.  If a description has been entered, it will show on the HR and holiday calendar.

Hide description:  if required, the description can be hidden – this means it will only show to the approver and will not appear on the calendar.

Leave Type:  select the correct absence type.  Absence types are set up by the HR Admin under HR Settings – Absence Types.

Alternative User:  if the user submitting the absence request is an approver, they can select an alternate user here.  When the absence starts the user’s Approvals out of office will be automatically switched on, any documents they have to approve will go to the alternate user selected above and the Approvals out of office will be switched off when the absence request has finished.

Save or Close:  either submit the absence request for approval or close to cancel.

Files:  it is possible to upload attachments to an absence request; it might be that users are required to upload a self-certification document or details to an appointment.

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Once the date has been entered, click Save to return to the absence request.

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To save the request to allow for changes to be made or more information added, click the Save button; this will store the request without sending for approval.  Alternatively, click Save and Submit to send the request for approval.  If more dates need to be added, these must be done as a new request.

13.2. New Quick Absence

If this option is selected a pop-up will appear to allow the user to enter and submit an absence request.

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Type:  select to enter an absence in hours on a certain day – absences can also be entered in days/half-days.

Start Date/Time:  enter the start date and shift time.

End Date/Time:  enter the end date and shift time.

Description (Optional):  a description can be entered against the request if required but this is not a mandatory field.  If a description has been entered, it will show on the HR and holiday calendar.

Hide description:  if required, the description can be hidden – this means it will only show to the approver and will not appear on the calendar.

Leave Type:  select the correct absence type.  Absence types are set up by the HR Admin under HR Settings – Absence Types.

Alternative User:  if the user submitting the absence request is an approver, they can select an alternate user here.  When the absence starts the user’s Approvals out of office will be automatically switched on, any documents they have to approve will go to the alternate user selected above and the Approvals out of office will be switched off when the absence request has finished.

Save & Submit or Close:  either submit the absence request for approval or close to cancel.  With quick absence requests there is no option to save only.

Files:  it is possible to upload attachments to an absence request; it might be that users are required to upload a self-certification document or details to an appointment.

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It is not possible to save only a quick absence request, once completed these will be submitted for approval.

13.3. Approve Absence Request

To get to the approval page, either click on the approval link on the user’s dashboard or select Approve Absence Request from the navigation menu on the left side.

To open a request to see line details, click on the arrow on the left side of the line.

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Start and End Time:  these will show the start and end time and dates of the user’s absence request.

Total Hours:  this will show the total hours on the absence request, either based on the number of days or hours on the original request.

Description:  if the user had entered a description on the line, this would show here.

Reject Reason:  this will only be populated if the absence request was rejected by an approver.

Exclude from Score:  if the absence request has been configured to not count towards the user’s Bradford index, this box will be ticked.

Out of Office:  if the approver has this request to approve because they have been selected as another user’s out of office alternate user, this box will be ticked.

Attachments:  if any documents have been added to the absence request, these will show here.

Conflicts/Conflicts With:  this will indicate if the absence request will conflict with another user and will show the relevant user(s).

Extension:  if this request is an extension to an additional request (i.e. directly before or after an existing request), this box will be ticked.

Cancelled Request:  this will be ticked if the request is a cancellation request; the line will also have a strikethrough to indicate it is a cancellation request.

Approve/Reject:  the approver can approve or reject the request as applicable; if the request is rejected a reason for the rejection must be entered.

View Request Details:  this will take the approver through to the original holiday request page.

Approval History Tab

This tab will show detailed information on the approval history of the request; when it was submitted and approved by whom.

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Approver Messages Tab

This tab will show a breakdown of the absence request detailing any conflicts, descriptions etc.

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13.4. View Existing Absence Requests

A user can view their absence requests by clicking the Show Existing option from the side menu.  Using the Quick Links, the user is either able to view their requests or requests they have approved (if they are an approver).  Absence requests will be sorted by status and show in relevant tabs.  Use the search filters to find a particular absence or absences within a certain date range etc.

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The Calendar tab will show the user their absence requests.

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13.5. Entering Absence Requests for Other Users

If a user has permission to enter absence requests for other users (e.g. a team leader may require the ability to enter absence requests for their team members); when they go to enter a new absence request, they can change the requested by field.  User Type permissions will determine whether users can enter absences for all users, or their delegates.  Approval routes will be used based on the ‘Requested By’ user (the user whose absence it is), not the ‘Entered By’ user (the user who is putting the absence on the system).

It is not possible to select another user if using the ‘Quick Absence’ functionality.

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13.6. Absence Headers

New:  the absence request has not yet been submitted.

Submitted:  the absence request has been submitted for approval but not yet fully approved.

Approved:  the absence request has been fully approved but the absence date has not yet passed.

Rejected:  the absence request has been rejected.

Completed:  the absence request has either be taken or has been cancelled.

Failed:  the absence request has failed during the approval process.  A user with permission to clear errors would need to clear the error and repost the request.  A request may fail if trying to post time onto a timesheet and possibly an Absence Default Project has not been set correctly.

13.7. Absence Line Status

New Line:  the absence line has not yet been submitted

Waiting:  the absence line is awaiting approval.

Authorised:  the absence line has been approved.

Rejected:  the absence line has been rejected.

No Authorisers:  there are no authorisers for the absence line; check the approval route has been configured correctly.

14. Release Notes

The release notes page shows which release of the system includes new features or issues resolved.

At the release of Sicon v21 we announced that going forward, we will only be supporting Sage 200c and as such we are able to drop the year from our version numbers. We moved from to 210.0.0.

New features detailed in the Release Notes relating to Pre-Release versions will not be detailed in the current Help and User Guide until the end of development phase.

Sicon Approvals Release Notes

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