Sicon CRM Administrator Guide
The Sicon CRM system is connected directly to the Sage 200 system for real-time integration it is installed on your Sage 200 Server and can be accessed through 3 interfaces: Sage 200 Desktop, Web & Sicon CRM Mobile (the Web portal scales seamlessly when viewed on a mobile browser).
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Administrating Sicon CRM is all completed through the Sage Desktop UI.
This consists of:
- The Sage 200 System Admin – to set user’s permissions that relate anything Sage 200 orientated (such as New Order, Convert quote to order etc).
- Sicon CRM System Settings which relates to Employee Setup and Maintenance, Sicon CRM Roles permissions.
- The Maintenance section under each entity which relates to maintenance of Standard Sicon CRM fields, Sicon CRM Analysis Codes and Sicon CRM Custom fields and various other entity specific items.
- The Utilities section under each entity which relates to the Importing and Exporting of data, along with various other entity specific items.
- Campaign Setup and Management
- Reports
- Dashboard & Card Setup.
How to use Sicon CRM is documented in the separate Sicon CRM V22.1 Help & User Guides.
1. Sage 200 System Admin Settings
How to Install Sicon CRM is documented in the separate Sicon CRM V22.1 Install Guide.
Once the add-on is installed, the user will need to ensure that all users who wish to use Sage related functionality need to be setup in Sage 200 System admin and assigned an appropriate role with the appropriate features enabled.
1.1. Sage 200 Roles
A Web /App only user still needs to be setup as a Sage 200 user and then assigned to a role, which is designated as a Remote User Only role.
This will allow users to access certain key features such as creating quotes and orders, converting a Prospect record to a Sales Ledger record, etc.
1.2. Sage 200 Users
This is where you assign your Sage 200 user to their role.
There are also some additional permissions that potentially need to be assigned to the user from the SOP Utilities>System Setup> User Permissions.
If the settings, shown above are not assigned then the user will not be able to override items such as prices, discounts, etc.
1.3. Change SL / PL Account Status Account On / Off Hold
It is possible to give a user permission to change the Account Status of a linked record (placing it On or Off Hold).
The permission is set in the Sage 200 System Admin.
This is not the same setting as the Sicon CRM Company Status.
1.4. Customer Account Enquiry
From the Company Account Tab select Account Enquiry. Access to this button is managed within Sage System Admin.
2. Employees
The Employees section is where the Sicon CRM Users (Employees) are defined. The Employee section is used by various Sicon modules so the information required for Sicon CRM is limited.
2.1. Maintain Employees
A user is created and details are maintained within the Maintain Employees section of Sicon CRM, which is held within the main menu section, Employees:
For Sicon CRM only a few details are required for the user setup as identified below.
If the user is also a Sage 200 user, their records can be linked together but the Sicon Employee still needs to be created.
The above details are self-explanatory however, the CRM Tab requires further explanation.
2.2. Employee CRM Tab
2.2.1. User Licence Level
The user licence level is the level of functionality rights that a user has:
- None – No Access to Sicon CRM.
- Basic – Access to Companies, People and Tasks.
- Intermediate – Access to Companies, People, Tasks, Opportunities and Cases.
- Advanced – Access to Companies, People, Tasks, Opportunities and Cases, and Campaigns.
Note: The permission ‘Edit Linked Records’ has been moved to the Sicon System Admin Section.
2.2.2. Sales Target Year
Allows the Administrator to set the Sales Targets for each employee. This is then compared with actual Opportunities, Orders and Invoices for that Employee on the My Sales Dashboard:
The orders and returns have an additional field called Account Manager, this identifies which Orders and Returns are associated with which Account Manager in CRM.
Invoices refer to stock items that have actually been invoiced.
2.2.3. Multi Factor Authentication
Please note – This will ONLY activate 2FA inside of CRM Web and NOT Sage 200.
Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) greatly enhances the security of your accounts by requiring multiple forms of verification. To implement MFA for Sicon CRM Web, this must be done through Sicon CRM in Sage. We have complied a comprehensive list of instructions you can use.
1. Log into Sage 200 using an administrator account.
2. Go into Sicon CRM > Settings > CRM Settings and select the Web tab.
3. Add the CRM Web URL and tick the box ‘Enforce Two Step Authentication’.
4. Now, go into Employees > Maintain Employees.
5. Find the employee you are looking for using the Employee drop down and select the Details tab.
6. Tick the ‘Two Step Authentication’ Box.
7. Now, get the user to login into CRM Web and select the company that MFA has been activated on.
8. The user will then be presented with a QR code where they can setup MFA using Google or Microsoft Authenticator. All they need to do is open the app, scan the QR code and follow the instructions.
9. Your authenticator app will then generate your verification code, enter the code into the Verification Code within CRM Web.
2.3. Maintain Teams
This section allows the Administrator to create or maintain teams, that an Employee is then assigned to:
Teams are relevant in various areas such as Analysis of Cases, Opportunities, Orders and Dashboards.
There are additional tabs displayed here which are relevant to additional Sicon modules that have been installed.
3. Sicon CRM Settings
This section is where key settings for CRM are defined. It is essential that the Administrator goes through each of the tabs within this section as they will affect the behaviour of the system.
3.1. Licence
This is where you enter your licence key to use Sicon CRM:
3.2. Employees
This is where additional permissions for the user are set. These are:
- Sending tasks to your calendar (emailing Tasks to Outlook as email invites). Note – For a User to be able to Send or Receive appointment notifications into Outlook, they must have this option turned on.
- Edit the user licence level.
3.3. Contacts
Add API Key for Loqate (Postcode Search sold separately)
Sicon CRM integrates with ‘Loqate’, a Postcode Lookup application.
To activate this, click on the link Sign Up for Loqate and follow the instructions.
The User can then do searches for addresses wherever they can specify an address.
Sync Customers and Suppliers
Allows the user to specify:
Do they wish to sync the Customers and / or Suppliers with CRM.
Do they wish to sync the Customer and Supplier Contact Records with CRM
Do the wish to Sync Delivery Addresses and if yes, do they want to add them to the Company Address List or to create new Companies from the Address.
Enable End Users
End Users are Companies in CRM that are linked to a Sales Ledger Account.
When an End User places an Order, the SL Account is populated with the linked Account and the End User is populated on a separate field on the SOP Header.
This function can be enabled here.
If the option ‘Set SOP Delivery Address to End User’ is selected, when the SOP document is created, the Delivery Address shows as the End User’s address and not the Address of the SL Account.
Enable SOP and / or POP Tabs on Companies
If these options are selected, the SOP List is displayed and filtered for the linked ledger account:
Display Turnover & History (in Account Tab)
If this option is selected, the Feature allows users to see the Company Turnover and Sales History Screens. This is a system wide permission.
Where the permission is enabled, it can then be restricted at a Role Level so only certain users can see the Company Turnover and Sales History Screens.
For further details please see Sicon System Admin > Features > View Turnover and Sales History.
Enable Memos for Companies & People
If this option is selected, the Feature allows users access to the Memos module for both Companies and People:
Enable Territories
Territories are used as a level of security that restricts access to Companies (including their sub-records) where the User and the Company are assigned to the same Territory.
For further details see Territories section under Company Maintenance.
3.4. Tasks
Customer / Supplier Account Automatic Task creation
When a user attempts to create a Sales or Purchase Ledger account in Sage 200 from a prospect record in CRM, and they do not have permissions in Sage to create those accounts, Sicon CRM will automatically create a Customer / Supplier Account Creation task. The default team and default employee are then used to decide which person the task is to be sent to and added to that user as a Tentative appointment in Outlook.
Enable Tracking notes
On a Task, if you change the Assigned user, it will automatically update the team to that of the newly assigned user.
Enable the Memos entity for Tasks.
Unlike Tracking Notes, Memo’s allow the user to record additional details against an entity. These details can also be edited and flagged as Active or Inactive and can also be assigned a Type. If flagged as active, a count will be displayed on the Memo Tab of the record.
Memos have a character limit of 3,000.
3.5. Cases
In Sicon CRM there is a section on the main menu referred to as Dashboards:
Within the Dashboard menu there are six specific dashboards, which are referred to as:
Team Customer Service – Where a Case is assigned to a Team and is filtered by Team regardless of Case Type.
My Customer Service – Where a Case is assigned to the logged on user regardless of Case Type or Team.
My Credit Control – Where a Case is assigned to the logged on user and the Case Type is Credit Control.
Team Credit Control – Where a Case is assigned to a Team and the Case Type is Credit Control. This Dashboard has a filter at the bottom of the screen which allows the user to filter by other teams.
My Quality Control – Where a Case is assigned to the logged on user and the Case Type is Quality Control.
Team Quality Control – Where a Case is assigned to a Team and the Case Type is Quality Control. This Dashboard has a filter at the bottom of the screen which allows the user to filter by other teams.
- The purpose of the above two Case Type settings is to select which case type should be used for the cases you wish to appear on the Quality Control and Credit Control Dashboards.
- Enable Tracking notes for Cases.
- On a Case if you change the Assigned user, it will automatically update the team to that of the newly assigned user.
- Enable the Memos entity for Cases, (see Memos detail above).
3.6. Opportunities
Enable Tenders – allows the Administrator to turn Tenders on or off.
Tenders are used by Companies who get multiple opportunities for the same work but the opportunity can only be realised once. For example, there is a project to build a new conference hall.
This building could consist of many products, two of which are the customer’s main areas of business.
Many subcontractors may want a quote from the company to supply them with glass or metal, to in turn make the bid to the End Customer is Inviting Tenders for the building contract.
By placing these opportunities into a Tender and specifying which opportunity is the one you wish to include into your forecast, you can avoid double counting opportunities and overinflating your forecast.
Tenders are covered under the Opportunity Section of this document.
- Enable Tracking notes for Tenders and / or Opportunities.
- On an Opportunity if you change the Assigned user, it will automatically update the team to the team of the newly assigned user.
- Enable the Memos entity for Opportunities and / or Tenders (see Memos detail above).
- Display the Opportunity and / or Tender Reference when a new Opportunity or Tender is created.
3.7. Campaigns
Allows the Administrator to enable using Mailchimp Integration.
The user must acquire an API Key from within their Mailchimp Account.
For further information please see:
Mailchimp integration is covered in the Campaigns section of this document.
3.8. Email
Allows the Administrator to set the SMTP details of their mail server.
SMTP Host – The customer’s MX record
Port – Usually 25
SMTP User name – The Office 365 account that has been setup with a full Outlook Mailbox.
Enable SSL – Secure Socket Layer – Normally ticked
Organiser Email Address – This is the email address that appears in the Email / Invite
Organiser Name – This is the Name that appears in the Email / Invite
The SMTP setup details should be provided by the Customer’s IT provider.
For further details on how to setup an email relay using Office 365 please see:
Sending Emails
The SMTP setup allows users to send emails directly out of Sicon CRM using the CRM’s internal email editor.
However, these emails do not show in the user’s sent items. They are stored in the Emails tab in CRM.
The email address of the actual user that sent the email will not be displayed in the From in Outlook. Instead, it will show the email address of the Organiser name set in the SMTP settings above.
Task Invites
The Emails section also allows users to send Email invites to users when scheduling a Task.
Tasks and Invites are covered in the Tasks section of this document.
3.9. Web
This section allows the user to scan the QR code for using the Sicon CRM Mobile and will prompt installing the URL to the user’s home screen on their mobile phone. Please note this functionality replaces the Sicon CRM App.
The Website Tab is where you put in your URL to your Sicon CRM Website.
3.10. Employee Login Details (for Web and App)
These details are held under the section Employees in the Sicon CRM menu:
3.11. Email Templates
This section allows the user to create specific templates relating to specific entities.
The fields relating to the specific entity (such as cases) includes the Case entity fields and other commonly required fields from other entities such as Company and People.
Click New, add the description for the template, identify which entity this template is for.
Once this is created, the template becomes available for that entity.
As per the example above, the right hand side of the screen shows the available fields for that template / entity. You can drag and drop fields from the right hand side to the Subject or Body of the email.
For example, go to a Case and click on New Email. This will open a New email form and allow you to choose a template that is relevant to that entity:
The user can also add attachments to an email at the point of sending the email.
At this point in time, it is only possible to create email templates for Tasks, Cases and Opportunities.
3.12. Common - Managing Notifications
A User can subscribe themselves or their Team to a particular record and any activity updates associated with that record.
This is enabled through Settings > CRM Settings > Common Tab > Enable Notifications for Subscriptions.
The user can then Subscribe / Unsubscribe themselves or their Team to the record by clicking on the Bell icon displayed at the top right corner of the Record Header.
See Sicon CRM User Guide for further details.
3.13. Misc – Repair User Permissions
This function should only be used if instructed to by Sicon Support.
4. Sicon System Admin
Sicon System Admin is an area which provides more granular security for each user. A User is referred to as an Employee. The Employee is assigned to one or more Roles and a Role is made up of one or more Features.
4.1. Employees
Within the Employees section it is possible to:
Create New / Edit Employee – Takes the user to the same screen as the Maintain Employees section.
Delete, Print a List or Export to Excel Employee(s).
4.2. Roles
A role in Sicon System Admin is similar to Sage System Admin. A role is assigned a list of features (permissions) and then users are assigned to the role.
Create / Edit Role – Allows the user to specify the name of the role and select which employees are part of that role.
Right clicking on the role name will present the user with a number of options:
Delete, Print a List or Export to Excel Role(s)
Assign Features by Role – Presents the user with a Features list that can then be ticked to specify the permissions.
This affects all Primary entities (Company, Person, Task, Opportunity, Case) and all secondary entities (Attachments, Memos, E-Mails etc)
There are also features Specific to an entity.
4.3. Features
If the user right clicks on a Role and selects Assign Roles by Feature they will be presented with the below screen.
In addition to the obvious, New, Edit, View and Delete Features, there are also some specific ones.
Export to Excel
Allows a user to Export any list views from CRM to Excel (if available).
Edit Sage Linked Fields
- Where a CRM Company and Sage 200 Account is linked, this allows the user to Edit any Linked fields in either CRM or Sage which will automatically update it in the other.
Ability to Update the information from CRM to Sage is Enabled.
Ability to Update the information from CRM to Sage is disabled.
View Turnover & Sales History
- Where a CRM Company and Sage 200 Account is linked, this allows the user to:
- View the Turnover
- Create, Edit, View, Delete, Print, Convert SOP records
- Edit SL / PL Analysis Codes
Change Company Status
- This feature allows the user to be able to change the Company Status field (setting it to Active or Inactive) on the main Company Details tab. The purpose of this is to stop users from being able to Create New, Edit or Delete existing records. In effect, this makes the Company Read Only. By allowing the User to be able to Change Company Status, the user can control who can enable / disable a company.
- Note – This still allows the user to View information regarding an Inactive Company
- If set to Active the user can Edit the Company and all related sub records (depending on other permissions granted).
- If set to Inactive, the user can only view the Company record and all related sub records (regardless of other permissions granted).
- However, where a user has been granted permission to be able to alter the Company Status, this field remains editable. This means the user can set the record back to being Active and can subsequently edit the record and related sub records (depending on other permissions granted).
- If the Company Status is changed from Active to Inactive a warning message will be displayed advising the user that any Open Cases, Opportunities or Tasks will also be set as Inactive.
Note – This does not delete the records.
Company Details view when Company Status is Set to Inactive:
Case List view when Company Status is set to Inactive:
- If the user does not have the Change Company Status permission set in Sicon System Admin they will not be able to set the Company Status to Active and therefore cannot enable the Company.
Link Sage Accounts
- This Feature allows the linking of an existing CRM Company and Sage 200 Account that are currently not linked.
By typing into the Account Reference field of an unlinked account and saving, a link is created and the Turnover and SOP details are displayed.
Unlink Sage Accounts
- This Feature allows the unlinking of an existing CRM Company and Sage 200 Account that are currently linked.
By Unlinking the Company and Account, the Account Reference, Balance etc, the Turnover and SOP details are removed.
View Cost & Margin
Copy Opportunity
It is now possible to Copy an Opportunity. See Copy cases below.
Copy Case
It is now possible to Copy a Case or Opportunity.
Existing Case
Copy Case
From the list view, select the Case or Opportunity you wish to copy.
Click on the Copy button. A new case is created with the same details populated.
When copied the following information is replicated: Summary, Description, other Standard fields, Custom Fields and Analysis Codes.
No other information is replicated (e.g. Activities, Tasks, Memos, Case Links, Tracking notes etc).
Activity is not copied (although the creation of the company will be logged).
Standard and Custom fields are copied.
Analysis Codes are copied.
Sub entity information is not copied.
Copy of Case / Opportunity is displayed.
Perform Actions
By holding down the Control key and left click on the various tasks, the user will be able to select multiple tasks and then ‘Perform Actions’ against those Tasks by clicking on the Actions button.
These actions currently consist of Sending an Email or Running a Sage 200 report.
Example Template
The user then sets the Stage the Task needs to be set to.
In this scenario, the Task Stage was set to Complete.
Web SOP Permissions
Dependant on the SOP permissions assigned, the user can be restricted to Creating, Viewing Editing or Deleting SOP records in the Web.
SOP View when permissions are granted:
SOP view when permissions are restricted:
5. Maintenance
This section allows the Administrator to define other fields that are not directly associated to a specific entity.
5.1. Reminder Types
These are beneficial when a user creates a Task and wants to be reminded in a certain amount of time to do the task. These types are setup as standard.
Adding or altering Type is simple.
Note – The Number field is not relevant and can be left as 100.
5.2. Snooze Types
Very similar to Reminder types, they are beneficial when a user has created a task with a reminder and they wish to snooze the reminder for a certain amount of time.
5.3. Email Types
This is a simple dropdown list of types of email and can be used in conjunction with the email templates / email functionality to set a type at the point of creating the email.
5.4. Memo Types
This is a simple dropdown list of types which can be associated with a specific entity.
Memos can have a default value assigned to them and the order in which they are displayed can be altered using the Move Up / Down buttons.
Where a Memo Type is associated with an Entity, it will only be available to select when recording a Memo against that entity.
Memos can be related to Companies, People, Opportunities, Cases, and Tasks.
Memos can be flagged as Active or Inactive. If flagged as Active a number will be displayed on the Memo Tab.
Memos are also displayed as Notifications in the Notifications section:
6. Company Maintenance
6.1. Company Sectors, Sources & Statuses
These all follow the same functionality of being able to add New, Edit, View or Delete. In Version 22 it is also possible to re-order how the list is presented to the user using the Move Up / Down buttons.
In certain circumstances there are system types that the user cannot delete but can edit.
In all instances, these fields are limited to single select only (however, the user can create custom multi-select fields).
The Company Sectors, Sources and Status fields are simple dropdown lists with no direct impact on the system
An example of this is the Company Status field:
6.2. Company Types
The Company Type field is a system field. This field has effects on the system dependant on the type of value chosen. For example, if the Company Type is set to Supplier or Prospect Supplier it is not possible to add an opportunity. In addition, if this is not set to Prospect Customer / Supplier, it is not possible to convert the company to an account.
The Types below should never be removed as they are crucial to the functionality of Sicon CRM.
Additional Types can be added but not advised.
It is possible to Move the Order of the Dropdown Values.
Default Company Type
Default Company Type of Prospect Customer is set and New Company created:
Once the Company is saved, the Company Type cannot be changed to ensure that users convert a Company correctly using the Sicon CRM options and not simply changing the Company Type from the main Company Details screen.
If a Prospect Customer has a Quote or Opportunity assigned, the Currency field is locked down.
All Quotes or Opportunities must be deleted before the Currency field becomes editable once more.
Prospect Customer
The currency for an Opportunity is set according to the Prospect Customer currency and cannot be changed.
The currency for a Quote is set according to the Prospect Customer currency and cannot be changed.
This ensures that the Prospect Customer cannot have a Currency which accidentally has an Opportunity or Quote with a differing Currency.
In turn, this means that when a Prospect Customer is converted to a Sales Ledger and then a Quote is converted to an Order, there is no disparity.
End User
Allows an Opportunity, and SOP document to be associated with an End User Company.
6.3. Account Types
The Account Types field can be used to further categorise the Company Type. E.g. a Company of Type Customer could be further categorised as a Reseller by using the Account Type field.
The Account Type field is not linked to the Company Type and has no system effects.
6.4. Company Link Types
Each Company can be linked to multiple companies to show relationships. A Company Link Type has two sides.
- The Source Company (the Company from which you are initiating the linking process).
- The Target Company (the Company to which you are linking).
Under the Company Link Types the user can add a new Company link Type – Head Office and its Opposing Link Type is Branch.
It is also possible to set the Account Type for this relationship if required.
6.5. Territories
Territories are used as another level of security that if enabled (within Settings > CRM Settings > Contacts > Enable Territories) allows the Administrator to limit access to data for specific users to the Territory assigned to them.
Once enabled, the Administrator can then setup the territories within the Company Maintenance section.
Territories can be controlled by New, Edit, View or Delete buttons.
Once created the user can reposition the territory using drag and drop, to any point in the hierarchy.
All records begin with a blank territory, considered the top of the territorial hierarchy. A parent territory will show all of its records and those of its sub-territories.
A user can manage records within their own territory but not records of other territories or the parent territories.
Note- This means a record without an assigned territory will not be seen by users with an assigned territory.
Territories are then assigned to Sicon CRM Employees (Users). This is managed under the section Employees > Maintain Employees.
In this instance if the Employee was given the Territory ‘UK’, they would only be able to see Companies and their respective child data that had been set as UK on the Company Details Tab.
Now when the Employee tries to do a Company Search, only one company is displayed, because it is the only company record that have been given the Territory of ‘UK’.
6.6. Company Analysis Codes
As with most Sage 200 modules, the CRM entities come with the ability to add Analysis Codes.
Analysis codes are a series of fields which can be used to sub analyse the standard data. A customer can create up to 20 Analysis Codes for each entity. These analysis codes are entirely user defined.
These fields can take the form of Text, Date, Dropdown List (single select only), Numeric or Tick Box and can be made mandatory if required:
![]() | If selected as a Drop-Down List, a grey button will be displayed. Clicking on it will allow the Administrator to add items to the list. |
From the Company Entry screen the analysis codes are available under the Analysis Codes Tab.
See Cases section for full details on Entity Analysis Codes.
6.7. GDPR Analysis Codes
The Company GDPR Analysis Codes functionality provides the user with the means to set various choices specified to the Company record regarding their Marketing preferences.
The GDPR Analysis Codes for People are maintained through the Company GDPR Analysis Codes. However, the value selected for people can differ from the GDPR values chosen for the company.
There is one GDPR field that is a system field and cannot be amended: Marketing Opt Out.
The marketing opt out field is automatically updated between CRM and Mailchimp if that integration is enabled.
GDPR Analysis Codes have the same field properties as Standard Analysis Codes.
See Cases section for full details on Entity Analysis Codes.
6.8. Company Custom fields
Within Sicon CRM it is possible to create up to 12 Custom fields for the Company entity.
These fields can be any of the following types:
Unlike Analysis Codes which are held in their own tab, the Custom Company fields are held on the main Company Details tab. It is possible to make the fields mandatory and to add these to the Company Search List and its corresponding filter.
Most of the custom field types are self-explanatory, however, be advised of the following:
Employee – Gives you a list of Employees (Users) that can be selected from (e.g. Secondary Account Manager).
Company – Gives you a list of Companies to select from (e.g. Secondary Company).
Person – Provides the user with two selection lists – 1 is the company and 2 is the list of people associated with that company.
A new feature in Sicon CRM Version 22 is the introduction of Multi-select fields.
Multi-select fields store their data separated by an ; ACS/BLENDER;ACS/ESPRESSO;ACS/FILTER-COFFEE
Fixed List Multi-select – Manually create a list of choices.
SQL List Multi-select – Present Users with a list of choices based upon an SQL Select statement:
select code AS ‘Code’, + ‘ ‘ + name AS ‘Product Description’ from stockitem
See Cases section for full details on Entity Custom Fields.
6.9. Company How to’s
This section will walk you through the essential steps for managing company effectively in Sicon CRM. Whether you arere adding new companies, updating existing details, or organizing your data, this section provides clear instructions to help you navigate and utilize the Companies module with ease.
6.9.1. How to mass update companies in Sicon CRM
If you ever need to update multiple companies in one go, instead of having to go through each record individually, follow the process below. Simple use the Export / Import Companies Utility:
1.Within Sage 200, go to Sicon CRM > Companies > Utilities and select Export Companies.
2. A new dialogue will appear that will run a check of all companies and allow you to export the companies.
3. Once completed, Select the Export button and choose a friendly path for you to export the document too.
4. Browse the file you exported and open it in Excel. When you Excel opens, it may ask to convert the file select Don’t Convert.
5. Amend the Columns Required (ensuring that if they are dropdown lists, they must match).
Please note – the Account Manager is split between First Name & Last Name.
6. If amending the territories, you will first need to amend you employees to ensure they have the correct access. Go into Employees > Maintain Employees and select the relevant user, go the CRM Tab and select their territory.
7. If you then need to amend your Territories, go to Companies > Maintenance > Territories. Select the relevant fields you wish to modify, then amend the name or add/remove fields as needed.
8. Once you have updated your spreadsheet and saved the changes, you need to reimport it. Go to Companies > Utilities > Import Companies and browse for the file export.
9. Click on the Validate button. If you see the box ‘Validation errors have been found, would you like to ……’ Select No.
10. Review any errors by going to the Data Tab and select Filter by errors. Any fields that have errored will be highlighted in Red. Make a note of these, close the import, correct the spreadsheet and then try to re-import.
In the below example, the Account Manager doesn’t have a Lastname, and the website format is incorrect.
7. Company Utilities Menu
This section allows the Administrator to import existing Sage 200 data and import records not currently held in CRM (e.g. Prospect Customers). Duplicate companies can be identified and merged. Data can be exported to csv. Memos can be imported.
7.1. Migrate Sage 200 Contacts
This feature allows the immediate importing of the SL & PL Accounts, along with all their static data (phone numbers, addresses, etc) and their contact information into the Sicon CRM module creating a link between the two records.
For example, Abbey Retail is a pre-existing Sage 200 SL account, prior to implementing Sicon CRM.
By using the Migrate Sage 200 Contacts this data is automatically replicated into the Sicon CRM Company entity as a Type: Customer. If it was a Supplier it would do exactly the same thing.
What do the check boxes mean?
Migrate Customers – whether to migrate Sales Ledger accounts or not.
Migrate Suppliers – whether to migrate Purchase Ledger accounts or not.
Migrate Delivery Addresses – whether to migrate each customer delivery address from SOP as separate address under the sales company, or as a separate company.
Migrate New Accounts only* – whether to migrate only accounts that don’t exist in CRM already.
- All four boxes ticked – Will update any Customer or Supplier companies that have already been migrated, Migrate all SOP Delivery Addresses as either New Customer Companies or Add / Update existing Company addresses to existing Customer Companies.
- Migrate Suppliers – Will update existing Supplier Companies.
- Migrate Customers – Will update existing Customer Companies.
- Migrate Suppliers and Migrate New Accounts only – Will just create New Supplier Companies.
- Migrate Customers and Migrate New Accounts only – Will just create New Customer Companies
*Please note, any future Accounts that are created in either the Sales or Purchase Ledgers will automatically create a new CRM Company of either Type Customer or Supplier and a link will be established.
7.2. Importing Company Data
All import templates are available through the Utilities Menu item for the relevant entity.
Obtaining these templates can be done through selecting the Import Companies feature and then selecting the Generate Template button.
It is recommended that you have fully configured your Company fields prior to importing your data.
Import your Companies and People data before importing your addresses.
Sicon CRM needs a correct match to avoid importing any duplicate data. Follow the below instructions:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Company in CRM it is recommended that you use the Export Companies feature. This will export all data relating to those Companies, including their IDs, which will be used by the Import Companies feature to identify the correct existing record when you reimport your data.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Company in CRM ensure that the SiconCRMCompanyID, CompanyName, CompanyType, CompanyStatus, SupplierAccountNumber or CustomerAccountNumber, AccountManagerPersonFirstName, AccountManagerPersonLastName are populated.
- If you are importing Prospect Customers, you must include the ProspectCurrency.
- If you are using Territories, you should include the Territory Name on the import file. If left blank, it is considered to be the top of the territory hierarchy.
- If you are using Analysis Codes or Custom fields and they are flagged as Mandatory, they must be completed.
- Incorrectly defined email addresses will cause the validation to fail.
- Do not populate the Delete column.
- If you are importing fresh Company data, where the Company does not already exist in the database, you should create a unique reference ID, then add this into the ExternalReference column for each company and Not populate the SiconCRMCompanyID field. Then ensure the CompanyName, CompanyType, CompanyStatus, SupplierAccountNumber or CustomerAccountNumber, AccountManagerPersonFirstName, AccountManagerPersonLastName fields are populated.
- Only use the values specified in the Import template for the CompanyType field.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.
The Export Companies feature is extremely useful if you wish to export data for mass modification of fields and then re-importing them. The data is exported according to the standard templates. When re-importing, the data is either merged if a field is empty or ignored if not, unless the user specifies they wish to overwrite the data.
7.3. Exporting Company Data
From the Company Utilities Menu select the Export Companies and a csv file will be generated.
7.4. Importing Company Addresses
This feature includes importing Addresses for Companies and People.
Import your Companies and People data before importing your addresses.
You must have a separate line to import Company and People Addresses, however it is recommended to use two separate import files for Company and People addresses.
You can import multiple addresses for the same company and / or Person.
It is recommended to split your Address import files out into their Company Addresses and People Addresses to avoid confusion and to ensure that fields specific to those entities are completed.
Sicon CRM needs a correct match to avoid importing any duplicate data. Follow the below instructions:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- Exporting your existing Company addresses will help you to ensure that you are not duplicating existing addresses.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.
Importing additional addresses for an existing Company in CRM:
- Ensure that the CompanyName on the import file matches the Company name on the Company entity Exactly and Do not populate the SiconCRMAddressID field.
- Ensure that the Address details are Unique.
Importing additional data for an existing Address in CRM:
- Ensure that the SiconCRMAddressID, CompanyName, PostalName, AddressLine1 match the existing address and are populated.
- It is not mandatory to complete the other address fields.
Importing New Company Address data, where the Company does not already exist in the database.
- You Must create the Company record first (as described above). You will have already needed to give the Company an CompanyExternalReference.
- Run the Import Address routine for Companies specifying the CompanyExternalReference column for each new company you have created and do Not populate the SiconCRMAddressId field.
- Ensure the CompanyName matches the CompanyName Exactly.
- Ensure the PostalName, AddressLine1, IsPrimaryAddress are populated and Unique.
7.5. Exporting Company Addresses
From the Company Utilities Menu select the Export Addresses and a csv file will be generated.
7.6. Importing Company Memos
This feature includes importing multiple Company Memos and their respective types. Company Memos can be a max of 3,000 characters.
Import your Companies data before importing your memos.
You can import multiple memos for the same company. Please note:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.
Importing additional memos for an existing Company in CRM.
It is recommended that you use the Export Company Memos feature. This will export all static data relating to those Memos, including their IDs, which will be used by the Import Company Memos feature to identify the correct existing record when you reimport your data.
Importing additional data for an existing Company Memo in CRM.
- Ensure that the CompanyName, SiconCRMMemoID, Memo, MemoType, IsActive are populated.
Company Memo data, where the Company does not already exist in the database
- You Must create the Company record first (as described above).
Run the Import Company Memo feature for Companies specifying the CompanyExternalReference column for each company and do Not populate the SiconCRMMemoID field.
Ensure the CompanyName, Memo, MemoType, IsActive are populated.
7.7. Exporting Company Memos
From the Company Utilities Menu select the Export Company Memos and a csv file will be generated.
7.8. Merge Companies
From the Company Utilities Menu Select the option Merge Company.
This will allow the user to select two companies and to specify which company they wish to keep and which one to be removed.
Most one to many sections will be transferred from the company the user has chosen not to keep.
Any static data, such as Type, Sector, Custom fields etc will not be transferred over.
Company chosen to keep.
Company chosen to remove.
Merge Screen advising what information there is against each company.
Clicking on Save will open a confirmation box and then merge the two companies together.
The Activity tab shows the user what has happened as a result of merging of the two companies.
Note that the number of Tasks, and Cases has increased but the static data has not changed.
Searching for Airport Catering Services also produces no result because the company was deleted at the point of merging.
7.9. Duplicate Company Search
This feature enables the user to identify if there are duplicate Company records and then allows you to select it and click on the Merge button.
The user can increase the amount of variance the search can encompass.
From here the user can edit or view the Company record and then choose to merge the Company. Pressing the Merge button initiates the Merge feature described above.
See Duplicate Person Search (9.9) for more details.
8. People Maintenance
8.1. Person Statuses
These all follow the same functionality of being able to add New, Edit, View or Delete.
In certain instances there are system types that the user cannot delete but can edit.
In all instances, these fields are limited to single select only.
A simple example of this is the Person Status field:
8.2. Person Analysis Codes
Analysis Codes follow the same format as Company Analysis Codes and are accessed from the Person Entry screen under the Analysis Codes Tab. Person Analysis codes are entirely separate from Company Analysis codes.
See Cases section for full details on Entity Analysis Codes.
8.3. Person Custom Fields
Person Custom Fields are managed within the Company Custom fields menu item.
Person Custom fields follow the same format as Company Custom fields and are accessed from the Person Entry screen.
Person Custom fields are entirely separate from Company Custom fields even though they are managed from exactly the same location.
Unlike Analysis Codes which are held in their own tab, the Person Custom fields are held on the main Person Details tab.
It is possible to make the fields mandatory and also to decide whether or not you wish to add these fields onto the Person Search List and its corresponding filter.
Person Search view showing Custom fields ‘Likes Golf’ & ‘Favourite Football Team’ in the Columns and in the Filters.
Within Sicon CRM it is possible to create up to 12 Custom fields for the Company entity.
These fields can be any of the following types:
Unlike Analysis Codes which are held in their own tab, the Custom Company fields are held on the main Company Details tab. It is possible to make the fields mandatory and to add these to the Company Search List and its corresponding filter.
Most of the custom field types are self-explanatory however, be advised of the following:
Employee – Gives you a list of Employees (Users) that can be selected from (e.g. Secondary Account Manager).
Company – Gives you a list of Companies to select from (e.g. Secondary Company).
Person – Provides the user with two selection lists – 1 is the company and 2 is the list of people associated with that company.
A new feature in Sicon CRM Version 22 is the introduction of Multi-select fields.
Multi-select fields store their data separated by an ; ACS/BLENDER;ACS/ESPRESSO;ACS/FILTER-COFFEE
Fixed List Multi-select – Manually create a list of choices.
SQL List Multi-select – Present Users with a list of choices based upon an SQL Select statement:
select code AS ‘Code’, + ‘ ‘ + name AS ‘Product Description’ from stockitem
See Cases section for full details on Entity Custom Fields.
8.4. Person GDPR Analysis Codes
The GDPR Analysis Codes for People are maintained through the Company GDPR Analysis Codes. However, the value selected for people can differ from the GDPR values chosen for the company.
There is one GDPR field that is a system field and cannot be amended: Marketing Opt Out.
The marketing opt out field is automatically updated between CRM and Mailchimp.
Addresses, Tasks, Cases, Opportunities, Emails, Attachments and Memos. All these tabs behave in exactly the same manner as their equivalent tabs against the Company.
See Cases section for full details on Entity Analysis Codes.
9. Person Utilities Menu
This section allows the Administrator to import contact records not currently held in CRM. Duplicate Contacts can be identified and merged. Data can be exported to csv. Memos can be imported.
9.1. Importing Person Data
All import templates are available through the Utilities Menu item for the relevant entity.
Obtaining these templates can be done through selecting the import entity and then selecting: Generate Template button.
It is recommended that you have fully configured your People fields prior to importing your data.
Sicon CRM needs a correct match to avoid importing any duplicate data. Follow the below instructions:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Person in CRM it is recommended that you use the Export People feature. This will export all Static Person data, including their IDs, which will be used by the Import People feature to identify the correct existing record when you reimport your data.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Person record in CRM Ensure that the SiconCRMPersonID, CompanyName, CompanyExternalReference, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonStatusName, IsPrimaryPerson are populated.
- If you are using Analysis Codes or Custom fields and they are flagged as Mandatory, they must be completed.
- Incorrectly defined email addresses will cause the validation to fail.
- Do not populate the Delete column.
- If you are importing fresh Person data, where the Person does not already exist in the database, you should create a unique reference ID, then add this into the ExternalReference column for each Person and do Not populate the SiconCRMPersonID field and then ensure , CompanyName, CompanyExternalReference, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonStatusName, IsPrimaryPerson are populated.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.
The Export People feature is extremely useful if you wish to export data for mass modification of fields and then re-importing them. The data is exported according to the standard templates. When re-importing, the data is either merged if a field is empty or ignored if not, unless the user specifies they wish to overwrite the data.
9.2. Exporting Person Data
From the Company Utilities Menu select the Export People and a csv file will be generated.
9.3. Importing People Addresses
The feature to import People addresses is held under the Company Utilities section.
Import your Companies and People data before importing your People addresses.
You must have a separate line to import Company and People Addresses, however it is recommended to use two separate import files for Company and People addresses.
You can import multiple addresses for the same Person.
Sicon CRM needs a correct match to avoid importing any duplicate data. Follow the below instructions:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- If you are importing additional Addresses for an existing Person record in CRM it is recommended that you use the Export Addresses feature. This will export all static address data, including their IDs, which will be used by the Import Addresses feature to identify the correct existing record when you reimport your data.
- If you are importing data for existing People Addresses, ensure that the SiconCRMAddressID, CompanyName, CompanyExternalReference, PersonExternalReference, PostalName, FirstName, LastName, AddressLine1, IsPrimaryAddress are populated.
- It is not mandatory to complete the other address fields.
- If you are importing fresh Person Address data, where the Person does not already exist in the database, you Must create the Company and Person records first (as described above).
- Then run the Import Addresses feature for People specifying the CompanyExternalReference and PersonExternalReference columns for each Person and do Not populate the SiconCRMAddressID field.
- Then Ensure the CompanyName, PostalName, FirstName, LastName, AddressLine1, IsPrimaryAddress are populated.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.
9.4. Exporting People Addresses
From the Company Utilities Menu select the Export Addresses and a csv file will be generated.
9.5. Importing Person Memos
This feature includes importing multiple People Memos and their respective types. People Memos can be a max of 3,000 characters.
Import your People data before importing your memos.
You can import multiple memos for the same Person. Please note:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- If you are importing additional memos for an existing Person in CRM it is recommended that you use the Export People Memos feature. This will export all static data relating to those Memos, including their IDs, which will be used by the Import People Memos feature to identify the correct existing record when you reimport your data.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing People Memo, ensure that the CompanyName, FirstName, LastName, SiconCRMMemoID, Memo, MemoType, IsActive are populated.
- If you are importing fresh Person Memo data, where the Person does not already exist in the database, you Must create the Company and Person records first (as described above).
- Then run the Import Person Memo feature for People specifying the CompanyExternalReference column for each company / person and do Not populate the SiconCRMMemoID field. Then ensure the FirstName, LastName, CompanyName, Memo, MemoType, IsActive are populated.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.
9.6. Exporting Person Memos
From the People Utilities Menu select the Export People memos and a csv file will be generated.
9.7. Move Person
This feature allows the user to ‘Move’ a Person record from one company to another. Its purpose is to move certain key pieces of information that are unique to the Person rather than the Company they were working for.
- The user must select the Person who is moving and the company they are moving to.
- The user then must decide what static data they intend to move with the Person.
- There is no movement of ‘one to many’ records with the exception of Memos and Attachments.
- The ‘Old’ Person record has its Person Status changed to Ex-Employee and the ‘New’ Person record has its Person Status field set to Current Employee.
- The ‘Old’ Person record neither any of its data is deleted.
9.8. Merge Person
From the Person Utilities Menu Select the option Merge People.
This will allow the user to select two People and to specify which person they wish to keep and which one to be removed.
Most one to many sections will be transferred from the person the user has chosen not to keep.
Any static data, such as Salutation, Last name, Custom fields etc will not be transferred over.
Person chosen to keep:
Person chosen to remove:
Merge Screen advising what information there is against each Person:
Clicking on Save will open a confirmation box and then merge the two people together.
The Activity tab shows the user what has happened as a result of merging of the two People.
Note that the number of Tasks, and Cases has increased but the static data has not changed.
Searching for Anne Woolf also produces no result because the person was deleted at the point of merging.
9.9. Duplicate Person Search
This feature enables the user to identify if there are duplicate Person records and then allows you to select it and click the Merge button.
Using the sliders that represent how many characters in the string can be different, set your search criteria.
In this instance the first name has a tolerance of 3 characters and the last name has a tolerance of 2.
In the second instance the first name has a tolerance of 1 character and the last name has a tolerance of 0.
Therefore, in this instance, the duplicate search will find any record that allows one character on the first name and none on the last name to differ in order to find a match.
The difference between the two records is that Hayley Bass is only one character out on the first name search (Hayle) and exactly right on the last name search (Bass).
Hayly Basse is both one character out on the first name (Hayly) and also one character out on the last name (Basse).
This functionality helps the user to identify duplicate records in various complexities and then launch the Merge function to allow duplicate People to be merged.
10. Case Maintenance
This section allows the Administrator to define the dropdown values for the existing standard fields for Cases. A default value can be specified and the order they are presented can be altered.
10.1. Case Stages
Case Stages are generally used to Identify the current progress of the case.
There is the ability to set which Stage Name is the default when creating a new Case.
Additional Stages can be created.
The Order in which the cases are presented can now be modified by selecting a stage and using the Move Up / Down buttons.
10.2. Case Types
There is the ability to define the different types of Case that can be raised such as Customer Service, Quality or just a General Case. Many businesses will have several case types so that they can report on what areas of the business are having issues.
There is the ability to set which Type of Case is the default when creating a new Case.
Additional Types can be created.
The Order of how the Case Type is presented can now be modified by selecting a Type and using the Move Up / Down buttons.
10.3. Case Severities
There is the ability to define the Severity or Urgency of a Case that can be raised such as Low, Normal, High and Critical, therefore allowing the user to prioritise the order that cases are addressed.
There is the ability to set which Severity is the default when creating a new Case.
Additional Severities can be created.
It is currently not possible to move the order of the Severities.
10.4. Case Analysis Codes
Case Analysis Codes follow the same format as any other Analysis Code and are accessed from the Case Entry screen under the Analysis Codes Tab. Case Analysis codes are entirely separate from any other Analysis codes.
- It is possible to have up to 20 Analysis Codes.
- The Analysis Code Tab will not display against the Case entity until at least one Code has been defined.
- Unlike standard Sage Analysis Codes which can be either a free text field or a dropdown list field, Sicon CRM Analysis Codes can also be Date, Numeric or Tick Box type.
- Case Analysis Codes can also be made Mandatory.
- Any defined Case Analysis Codes will automatically be displayed in the Dashboards, Search List and Search Filters.
10.5. SLAs
SLAs (Service Level Agreements) are where the Customer and the Business have agreed terms (time scales) in which a Case should be addressed / resolved etc.
Sicon CRM’s SLAs is an easy to use function that when applied will automatically set the due date of the case. These can be defined in Days / Hours and Minutes.
There is the ability to set which SLA is the default when creating a new Case.
Additional SLAs can be created.
It is currently not possible to move the order of the SLA.
SLAs are not linked to Case Types or Severities.
10.6. Case Custom fields
- Case Custom Fields are managed within the Case Custom fields menu item.
- Case Custom fields follow the same format as any other Custom field and are accessed from the Case Entry screen.
- Case Custom fields are entirely separate from other entity Custom fields.
- Case Custom fields can be set to Mandatory, Displayed as Columns on the Case Search List and Displayed as Fields on the Case Search List Filters.
Unlike standard Sicon Analysis Codes, Sicon CRM Custom fields also include:
Integer – whole number
Date / Time – self explanatory
Fixed List Multi-Select- A dropdown list that has been specified where one value can be selected.
The values can also be moved up or down to show the order in which they are displayed to the user.
Fixed List Multi-Select fields can be displayed on the Case Search List as Columns and as fields in the Filters on the Search list.
SQL List Multi Select
An SQL List Multi Select field behaves in exactly the same way as a Fixed List select field with the exception of how the values are defined / obtained.
It allows the user to define an SQL query that will display a series of values of which one or more may be selected. The query can be validated, an example of the expected results can be displayed by clicking on the Results tab. In the example below, the Stock Code and Name fields have been specified in the query.
An understanding of SQL and the Sage 200 & Sicon Database tables is required. Alternatively, the BP or Sicon can assist.
Company Advanced Search – Allows the user to do a lookup against the Company Entity and then select one value only from the entity.
The Company Type, Customer, Supplier Account Ref and Postcode fields have been added to help the user identify an account where there is more than one with the same name.
Person Advanced Search – Allows the user to do a lookup against the Person Entity and then select one value only from the entity. This works exactly the same as the Company as described above.
Employee Advanced Search – Allows the user to do a lookup against the Employee Entity and then select one value only from the entity.
These fields can be set to be Mandatory, displayed on the Search List columns and displayed as fields on the filter of the Case Search List.
10.7. Case Links
Case Links allows the user to associate a case to another specific record within Sage 200. This will allow the user to hyperlink to the relevant document. There is no maintenance section to add further link types other than those already specified.
A case can have multiple links.
Case Link to Sales Order
A Case Link to a Sales will display on the Cases Tab at the Header Level only on the Sales Order.
Case Link to Sales Order Line
Clicking on the Order Line Hyperlink will take the user to the Order header not the Order Line.
Also, no Link is displayed on the Cases tab at the Order Header Level.
Viewing the Order Line will take the user to the Sicon Tab which will show the Line Details and the CRM Case Links.
Note – The number of Case links displayed on the Order Header does not include the number of cases at the Order Line. Only cases linked to the Order header are displayed against the Case Links tab. This issue is being investigated.
Case Links to Quotes and Quote Lines
Case Links to Quotes and Quote Lines as options are also available.
Note: At this time, unlike the other Case Link options, The links are not displayed from the Cases Tab in the context of the Quotes or Proformas.
However, creating a Case Link against a Quote Line item DOES create a Link.
Return, Return Line – Follows the same principle as Sales Order and Sales Order Line.
Purchase Order, Order Line – Follows the same principle as Sales Order and Sales Order Line.
Stock Item – Where a case has been linked to a stock item, the stock item will also have the case linked to it.
11. Case Utilities Menu
This section allows the Administrator to import Case records not currently held in CRM. Data can be exported to csv. Memos can be imported.
11.1. Import Cases
Import templates are available through the Utilities Menu item for the relevant entity.
Obtaining these templates can be done through selecting the import entity and then selecting the Generate Template button.
It is recommended that you have fully configured your Case fields prior to importing your data.
Sicon CRM needs a correct match to avoid importing any duplicate data. Follow the below instructions:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Case in CRM it is recommended that you use the Export Cases feature. This will export all Static Case data, including their IDs, which will be used by the Import Case feature to identify the correct existing record when you reimport your data.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Case record in CRM, ensure that the SiconCRMCaseID, CaseReference, Stage, Case Type, CompanyName, CompanyExternalReference, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonExternalReference, AssignedToFirstName, AssignedToLastName, AssignedToTeamName, Summary, Description, DueDateTime.
- If you are using Analysis Codes or Custom fields and they are flagged as Mandatory, they must be completed.
- If you are importing Closed Cases you will also need to import the ClosedDate and ClosedUser fields.
- Do not populate the Delete column.
- If you are importing fresh Case data, where the Case does not already exist in the database, Do Not populate the SiconCRMPersonID field.
- However, ensure the Stage, Case Type, CompanyName, CompanyExternalReference, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonExternalReference, AssignedToFirstName, AssignedToLastName, AssignedToTeamName, Summary, Description, DueDateTime are populated.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.11.2 Exporting Case Data.
11.2. Export Cases
From the Case Utilities Menu select the Export Cases and a csv file will be generated.
11.3. Import Case Memos
This feature includes importing multiple Case Memos and their respective types. Case Memos can be a max of 3,000 characters.
Import your Company, People and Case data before importing your memos.
You can import multiple Memos for the same Case. Please note:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- If you are importing additional Memos for an existing Case in CRM it is recommended that you use the Export Case Memos feature. This will export all static data relating to those Memos, including their IDs, which will be used by the Import Case Memos feature to identify the correct existing record when you reimport your data.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Case Memo, ensure that the CaseReference, SiconCRMMemoID, Memo, MemoType, IsActive are populated.
- If you are importing fresh Case Memo data, where the Case does not already exist in the database, you Must create the Cases first (as described above).
- Then run the Import Case Memo feature for Cases specifying the CaseReference column for each Memo do Not populate the SiconCRMMemoID field. Then ensure the, Memo, MemoType, IsActive are populated.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.
11.4. Export Case Memos
From the Case Utilities Menu select the Export Case memos and a csv file will be generated.
12. Tasks Maintenance
Tasks, as the title suggests, allows a user to schedule a ‘Task’ relating to a record, an Employee and their Team
Tasks in Outlook are displayed as Appointments in the Outlook Calendar.
12.1. Task Types
The number of Task Types that can be created is unlimited.
A Task Type can be designated as the Default (as in the standard type the task will automatically be set to upon creating a new task).
The Order of how the Task Type is presented can now be modified by selecting a Type and using the Move Up / Down buttons.
Task Types can also be linked to a specific entity (e.g. a Sales Order or a Case), so they only appear when that specific entity type is being used.
If a Task Type is linked to a Case (and is currently limited solely to the Case entity), the option to link it to a Sub Type (the Case Type field) from the Case entity is displayed.
This allows the task to be restricted further to only the specific Case Type.
So for example, the below case has been setup as a Case Type: Service.
Therefore the Task Type: Service Call will then become available.
Any Tasks that are not linked to a specific entity type will always be available for selection.
12.2. Task Stages
The number of Task Stages that can be created is unlimited.
A Task Stage can be designated as the Default (as in the standard stage the task will automatically be set to upon creating a new task).
Multiple stages can be designated as closed. If a Task is set to a stage with a designation of Closed, the Task can no longer be considered overdue.
The Order of how the Case Type is presented can now be modified by selecting a Type and using the Move Up / Down buttons.
12.3. Priorities
The number of Priorities that can be created is unlimited.
A Task can be designated with a Default Priority when it is created.
Case Priorities cannot be re-ordered at this time.
12.4. Task Analysis Codes
As with most Sage 200 modules, the CRM entities come with the ability to add Analysis Codes.
Analysis codes are a series of fields which can be used to sub analyse the standard data. A customer can create up to 20 Analysis Codes for each entity. These analysis codes are entirely user defined.
These fields can take the form of Text, Date, Dropdown List (single select only), Numeric or Tick Box and can be made mandatory if required:
![]() | If selected as a Drop-Down List, a grey button will be displayed. Clicking on it will allow the Administrator to add items to the list. |
From the Task Entry screen the analysis codes are available under the Analysis Codes Tab.
Note – Currently Tasks do not have Custom Fields.
See Cases section for full details on Entity Analysis Codes.
12.5. Task Custom Fields
Select Tasks, Maintenance, Task Custom fields. Setup your custom fields in the same way you would for any other entity.
13. Task Utilities Menu
This section allows the Administrator to import Task records not currently held in CRM. Data can be exported to csv.
13.1. Importing Task Data
All import templates are available through the Utilities Menu item for the relevant entity.
Obtaining these templates can be done through selecting the import entity and then selecting: Generate Template button.
It is recommended that you have fully configured your Task fields prior to importing your data.
Sicon CRM needs a correct match to avoid importing any duplicate data. Follow the below instructions:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Task in CRM it is recommended that you use the Export Tasks feature. This will export all Static Task data, including their IDs, which will be used by the Import Task feature to identify the correct existing record when you reimport your data.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Task record in CRM, ensure that the SiconCRMTaskID, Summary, Description, ReminderType, ReminderDateTime, CompanyName, CompanyExternalReference, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonExternalReference, DueDateTime, AssignedToFirstName, AssignedToLastName, AssignedToTeamName, DueDateTime, Stage, Priority, TaskType.
- If you wish to link the Task to an existing Opportunity, Tender or Case, simply populate the OpportunityReference, TenderReference or CaseReference fields.
- If you are using Analysis Codes or Custom fields and they are flagged as Mandatory, they must be completed.
- If you are importing Closed Cases you will also need to import the ClosedDate and ClosedUser fields.
- Do not populate the Delete column.
- If you are importing fresh Case data, where the Case does not already exist in the database, do not populate the SiconCRMTaskID field.
- However, ensure the SiconCRMTaskID, Summary, Description, ReminderType, ReminderDateTime, CompanyName, CompanyExternalReference, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonExternalReference, DueDateTime, AssignedToFirstName, AssignedToLastName, AssignedToTeamName, DueDateTime, Stage, Priority, TaskType are populated.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.11.2 Exporting Task Data.
13.2. Exporting Task Data
From the Task Utilities Menu select the Export Tasks and a csv file will be generated.
It is not possible to import Task Memos at this time.
14. Opportunity Maintenance
Opportunities are the potential to win business whereas a quote is simply one of many documents that may relate to the opportunity.
14.1. Outcomes
The end result after the opportunity has been worked through its process to completion.
Additional Outcomes can be created.
The order of the Outcome names can be altered using the Move Up / Down buttons.
Note: Outcomes are not related to Stages in any way. So if you have an opportunity set to a stage of In Progress, even though you have set the Outcome to Lost, the Stage will remain at the In Progress stage.
Therefore users must understand to complete the opportunity fields to a point that matches what the Outcome implies.
In addition, any Quotes related to the Opportunity do not have any effect on the stage field. So a user could convert a quote to an order and it would not update the Quote stage from an open stage to a closed stage.
In addition, any other quotes linked to the opportunity are not automatically completed if the opportunity is set to a closed stage since there is no means to set a quote to Complete other than through Converting it to an Order.
The only alternative would be to manually delete any quotes that relate to an opportunity once the opportunity is set to a closed stage.
14.2. Classifications
Identifying the perceived quality of the Opportunity, its associated likelihood of being won and the ability to set which Classification is the default when creating a new opportunity.
Additional Classifications can be created.
Classifications can automatically affect the calculated value of an opportunity. In the above example, an Opportunity worth £100 with a classification of ‘Cold’ would have a weighted value of £10.
In addition, where an opportunity that has a Stage % and a Classification %, the two percentages are multiplied by each other and the total percentage calculated.
A default Value for a Classification can be specified.
The order of the Outcome names can be altered using the Move Up / Down buttons.
14.3. Opportunity Stages
Identifying the perceived point in the Sales Process the opportunity is at, its associated likelihood of being Won and the ability to set which Stage is the default when creating a new opportunity.
The number of Opportunity Stages that can be created is unlimited. An Opportunity Stage can be designated as the Default (as in the standard stage the Opportunity will automatically be set to upon creating a new opportunity) and multiple stages can be designated as closed. If an Opportunity is set to a stage with a designation of Closed, it will no longer be considered in the Opportunity Forecast.
Stages can automatically affect the calculated weighted value of an opportunity. For example an Opportunity worth £100 with a classification of ‘Lead’ would have a weighted value of £10.
However, Opportunity Stages can also interact with Opportunity Classifications to calculate the weighted value of an opportunity. For example an Opportunity worth £100 with a classification of ‘Hot’ and at the Stage of ‘Negotiating’ would have a weighted value of £18.75.
A Default Value for Opportunity Stages can be specified by clicking on the default toggle button.
It is also possible to move the Opportunity Stages up or down to specify the precise order in which the stages should be presented to the user.
14.4. Tender Stages
Identifying the perceived point in the Tender Process to set which Stage is the default and which Stage is perceived as Closed.
When an opportunity associated with a Tender is Closed and Won, the Tender is closed and all other opportunities related to that Tender are considered to be Closed / Lost.
A Default Value for Tender Stages can be specified by clicking on the default toggle button.
It is also possible to move the Tender Stage up or down to specify the precise order in which the stages should be presented to the user.
It is also possible to specify which Tender Stages are Closed Stages.
14.5. Opportunity Analysis Codes
Opportunity Analysis Codes follow the same format as any other Analysis Code and are accessed from the Opportunity Entry screen under the Analysis Codes Tab. Opportunity Analysis codes are entirely separate from any other Analysis codes.
- It is possible to have up to 20 Analysis Codes.
- The Analysis Code Tab will not display against the Opportunity entity until at least one Code has been defined.
- Unlike standard Sage Analysis Codes which can be either a free text field or a dropdown list field, Sicon CRM Analysis Codes can also be Date, Numeric or Tick Box type.
- Opportunity Analysis Codes can also be made Mandatory.
- Any defined Opportunity Analysis Codes will automatically be displayed in the Dashboards, Search List and Search Filters.
See Cases section for full details on Entity Analysis Codes.
14.6. Opportunity Custom fields
- Opportunity Custom fields behave in the same manner as any other entity’s custom fields.
- Opportunity Custom Fields are managed within the Opportunity Custom fields menu item.
- Opportunity Custom fields follow the same format as any other Custom field and are accessed from the Opportunity Entry screen.
- Opportunity Custom fields are entirely separate from other entity Custom fields.
- Opportunity Custom fields can be set to Mandatory, Displayed as Columns on the Opportunity Search List and Displayed as Fields on the Opportunity Search List Filters.
Unlike standard Sicon Analysis Codes, Sicon CRM Custom fields also include:
Integer – whole number
Date / Time – self explanatory
Within Sicon CRM it is possible to create up to 12 Custom fields for the Company entity.
These fields can be any of the following types:
Unlike Analysis Codes which are held in their own tab, the Custom Company fields are held on the main Company Details tab. It is possible to make the fields mandatory and to add these to the Company Search List and its corresponding filter.
Most of the custom field types are self-explanatory however, be advised of the following:
Employee – Gives you a list of Employees (Users) that can be selected from (e.g. Secondary Account Manager).
Company – Gives you a list of Companies to select from (e.g. Secondary Company).
Person – Provides the user with two selection lists – 1 is the company and 2 is the list of people associated with that company.
A new feature in Sicon CRM Version 22 is the introduction of Multi-select fields.
Fixed List Multi-select
A dropdown list that has been specified where one value can be selected.
The values can also be moved up or down to show the order in which they are displayed to the user.
Fixed List Multi-Select fields can be displayed on the Opportunity Search List as Columns and as fields on the Filters on the Search list.
Multi-select fields store their data separated by an ; ACS/BLENDER;ACS/ESPRESSO;ACS/FILTER-COFFEE
SQL List Multi Select
An SQL List Multi Select field behaves in exactly the same way as a Fixed List select field with the exception of how the values are defined / obtained.
It allows the user to define an SQL query which will display a series of values of which one or more may be selected. The query can be validated, and an example of the expected results can be displayed by clicking on the Results tab. In the below example the Stock Code and Name fields have been specified in the query.
An understanding of SQL and the Sage 200 & Sicon Database tables is required. Alternatively the BP or Sicon can assist.
SQL List Multi-select – Present Users with a list of choices based upon an SQL Select statement:
select code AS ‘Code’, + ‘ ‘ + name AS ‘Product Description’ from stockitem
See Cases section for full details on Entity Custom Fields.
Company Advanced Search – Allows the user to do a lookup against the Company Entity and then select one value only from the entity.
The Company Type, Customer, Supplier Account Ref and Postcode fields have been added to help the user identify an account where there be more than one with the same name.
Person Advanced Search – Allows the user to do a lookup against the Person Entity and then select one value only from the entity. This works exactly the same as the Company as described above.
Employee Advanced Search – Allows the user to do a lookup against the Employee Entity and then select one value only from the entity
These fields can be set to be Mandatory, Displayed on the Search List columns and displayed as fields on the filter of the Case Search List.
See Cases section for full details on Entity Custom Fields.
15. Opportunity Utilities Menu
This section allows the Administrator to import Opportunity records not currently held in CRM. Data can be exported to csv. Opportunity and Tender Memos can also be imported.
15.1. Import Opportunities
Import templates are available through the Utilities Menu item for the relevant entity.
Obtaining these templates can be done through selecting the import entity and then selecting the Generate Template button.
It is recommended that you have fully configured your Opportunity fields prior to importing your data.
Sicon CRM needs a correct match to avoid importing any duplicate data. Follow the below instructions:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Opportunity in CRM it is recommended that you use the Export Opportunities feature. This will export all Static Opportunity data, including their IDs, which will be used by the Import Opportunities feature to identify the correct existing record when you reimport your data.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Opportunity record in CRM, ensure that the SiconCRMOpportunityID, OpportunityReference, Stage, ExpectedOrderDate, ExpectedInvoiceDate, OpportunityValue, ProbabilityPercentage, Classification, Summary, Description, CurrencySymbol, CompanyName, CompanyExternalReference, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonExternalReference, AssignedToFirstName, AssignedToLastName, AssignedToTeamName, TenderReference, CostValue, EndUserCompanyName, EndUserCompanyExternalReference, EndUserPersonExternalReference, EndUserPersonFirstName, EndUserPersonLastName are populated.
- If you are using Analysis Codes or Custom fields and they are flagged as Mandatory, they must be completed.
- If you are importing Closed Opportunities, you will also need to import the Outcome, ClosedDate and ClosedUser fields.
- Do not populate the Delete column.
- If you are importing fresh Opportunity data, where the Opportunity does not already exist in the database, Do Notpopulate the SiconCRMPersonID field.
However, ensure that the Stage, ExpectedOrderDate, ExpectedInvoiceDate, OpportunityValue, ProbabilityPercentage, Classification, Summary, Description, CurrencySymbol, CompanyName, CompanyExternalReference, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonExternalReference, AssignedToFirstName, AssignedToLastName, AssignedToTeamName, TenderReference, CostValue, EndUserCompanyName, EndUserCompanyExternalReference, EndUserPersonExternalReference, EndUserPersonFirstName, EndUserPersonLastName are populated where relevant. - Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.11.2 Exporting Case Data.
15.2. Export Opportunities
From the Opportunity Utilities Menu select the Export Opportunities.
and then the Export button.
A csv file will be generated.
15.3. Import Opportunities Memos
This feature includes importing multiple Opportunity Memos and their respective types. Opportunity Memos can be a max of 3,000 characters.
Import your Company, People and Opportunity data before importing your Opportunity Memos.
You can import multiple Memos for the same Opportunity or update existing Memos using the Import Memos Template.
Sicon CRM needs a correct match to avoid importing any duplicate data. Follow the below instructions:
- Do not fill in column 1.
- Do not remove rows 1 to 6.
- If you are importing additional Memos for an existing Opportunity in CRM it is recommended that you use the it is recommended that you use the Generate Template from the Import Opportunity Memos feature. Ensure that the OpportunityReference, Memo, MemoType, IsActive are populated.
- If you are importing additional data for an existing Opportunity Memo, it is recommended that you use the Export Opportunity Memos feature. Ensure that the OpportunityReference, SiconCRMMemoID, Memo, MemoType, IsActive are populated.
- If you are importing fresh Opportunity Memo data, where the Opportunity does not already exist in the database, you Must create / import the Opportunity first (as described earlier).
- Then run the Import Opportunity Memo feature for Opportunities specifying the OpportunityReference column for each Memo. Do Not populate the SiconCRMMemoID field. Ensure the Memo, MemoType, IsActive are populated.
- Ensure the length of the data you are importing does not exceed the Max Length as specified in the Import template on Row 5.
15.4. Export Opportunities Memos
From the Opportunity Utilities Menu select the Export Opportunity memos.
Click the Export button
A csv file will be generated.
15.5. Import Tender Memos
This feature includes importing multiple Tender Memos. Tender Memos can be a max of 3,000 characters.
Obtaining these templates can be done through selecting the Opportunity Utilities Menu option and then selecting the Import Tender Memos.
Click on the Generate Template button
A csv file will be generated with the fields required to be populated before importing.
Do NOT delete any of the columns and do not delete any of rows 1-6
For importing New memos into a Tender, fill in the TenderReference, Description, Memo, MemoType and IsActive fields.
For updating existing memos, use the Export Tender memos which will produce a csv file with the existing rows and columns completed. Simply update the data and use the Import Tender memos option to import the updated information.
15.6. Export Tender Memos
From the Opportunity Utilities Menu select the Export Tender memos.
Click the Export button
A csv file will be generated.
16. Campaigns / Marketing / Mailchimp Integration
This section allows the Administrator to create E-Marketing Campaigns using Mailchimp integration.
16.1. Maintenance - Audiences
Sicon CRM integrates with Mailchimp allowing the creation of Audiences based upon search criteria against CRM data that will then upload to Mailchimp. The user can then create a Campaign and merge their Mailchimp template with the data that has been created from the search criteria.
To setup an Audience, the user is required to populate the below information.
Note: You cannot link from CRM to an existing Mailchimp Audience.
16.2. Audience Details
Go to Sicon CRM > Campaigns > Maintenance > Audiences.
Click New and enter Audience details.
16.3. Members
To add Members to the Audience, go to the Members tab and click Add Members.
The user is presented with two types of Criteria, Quick and Advanced, these can be used to build their members list.
16.4. Quick Criteria
Quick Criteria builds a simple list by filtered options, in an AND type function, so the list must match all the filter criteria. This allows the user to create an audience quickly.
16.5. Advanced Criteria
The Advanced Criteria provides the ability to build a complex list by combining both AND / OR type functions.
Note: Currently, Segments are not available to be created or managed in Sicon CRM.
Clicking on the Preview button will then produce a list of contacts. The Preview button can be used to view the members List prior to uploading it to Mailchimp.
Click Save and the Audience will be updated with the new criteria which in turn will update the members list.
Note: The field labels are not displayed here so you need to know the actual database field name.
16.6. Subscribing / Unsubscribing Members
When the user clicks on Save, the Audience is updated with any New Members.
A New Audience is created in CRM and Mailchimp:
Note: You cannot link to an existing Mailchimp Audience.
Where an Audience has multiple records with the same email address, only one record is uploaded, so it is important for the data to be correct prior to creating the Audience.
In the below scenario, there were 5 members.
Only 3 members are actually added to Mailchimp as only 3 email addresses are unique.
Unsubscribing a Contact
A contact can be unsubscribed in two ways. Either the GDPR Tab against a Person or Unsubscribe option from Contact Profile in Mailchimp.
GDPR Tab against Person
From the GDPR tab against the Person record, there is a Tick box: ‘Marketing Opt-Out’. If the user ticks this box, the contact record will be immediately unsubscribed within Mailchimp.
Once unsubscribed, the only way to re-subscribe is from within Mailchimp.
This is done by clicking on the contact record within Mailchimp, clicking on the three dots icon and selecting Subscribe.
A confirmation dialogue box will be displayed.
Once confirmed, Sicon CRM will need to be manually updated and the tick box on the GDPR tab of the contact unticked.
If the user attempts to untick the Opt-Out button where the record is currently un-subscribed in Mailchimp, the Mailchimp integration will re-apply the Opt-Out tick.
Unsubscribe option from Contact Profile in Mailchimp
This is done by clicking on the contact record within Mailchimp, clicking on the three dots icon and selecting Unsubscribe.
A dialogue box will then be displayed for the user to confirm.
The Marketing Opt-Out box in Sicon CRM on the Person GDPR tab will be automatically ticked.
Note: If a user creates a contact record directly in Mailchimp, this record will not be available within Sicon CRM.
16.7. Mailchimp Merge Fields
From the Audience screen click on the Merge fields button.
Person’s Email Address, First Name, Last Name, Company Address, Person’s Phone Number, Job Title and Company Name are automatically added as Merge fields.
Additional fields can be added by clicking on the Add button.
On Save, these fields are pushed to the Merge fields in Mailchimp.
These fields can be individually added to the Audience Contact List in Mailchimp:
The Merge field information can also be viewed by clicking on the individual contact within the Profile Information:
16.8. Mailchimp Tags
From the Audience, click on the Tab: Tagged Fields. Click Add and a dropdown list is displayed of Standard fields, Custom fields, Analysis Codes and GDPR Analysis Codes for both Companies and People.
Once the fields are added and saved, the tags against the contacts in Mailchimp are updated.
The Tags can also be viewed from the Profile Information.
16.9. Create Campaign
Go to Sicon CRM > Campaigns > New Campaign.
Click New and enter the Campaign name.
Select your Audience from the dropdown list. The details will be automatically populated from the details of the Audience you setup earlier. You can also rename the Campaign name at this point.
Click Save.
16.10. Mail Campaign
In the below scenario, there are 39 Members in the Audience. Go to Mailchimp, login and then click on Campaigns:
Select your campaign by clicking on the name. The Campaign will be available to Send.
Note: The ‘To’ field defaults to All subscribed contacts in the Audience. If the user wishes to change this, they must click on the Edit Recipients button (see Edit Recipients / Segmentation below).
You will receive a prompt before sending the email.
Click Send Now.
You will then receive a confirmation notice:
16.11. Campaign Link / Statistics
If you go back to the Campaign in Sicon CRM and click View, you will notice that the link between Sicon CRM and Mailchimp has been created.
Clicking on the Edit or View buttons and then the Report Tab some basic statistics are shown.
If another Email or more is opened by a recipient, by clicking on the Campaign name and select View. The statistics are updated within Sicon CRM.
It is possible to select a link between the Campaign and an Opportunity:
16.12. Troubleshooting
If you have setup a free Mailchimp account you will only be allowed to create one audience (you will need an subscription to create more). This is a Mailchimp restriction not a Sicon CRM one.
If you have already created the Campaign in Mailchimp and sent an e-shot relating to that Campaign, you may not be able to delete that audience or Campaign for 1 week after the e-shot has been sent.
If you do attempt to create another Audience using the Free subscription, you will receive the following error:
You will need to delete the Audience in order to create a new one from Sicon CRM.
Advice on any other queries please visit Mailchimp Help Centre:
16.13. Mailchimp Pricing Plans
Please note: That Mailchimp pricing will change from a free to a chargeable plan if you exceed the parameters of the plan.
How many contacts do you have?
Each plan has a specified number of contacts included in the monthly subscription.
Please Note: Sicon CRM does not know which price plan the user is on, the user needs to check the number of contacts that will be uploaded before proceeding.
If the user increases this amount on the pricing matrix, they can see how much they will be charged for the number of contacts that are uploaded from Sicon CRM.
In the example below for 500 contacts, note the prices (Note: This Information is correct as of April 2023 – for current pricing information, please refer to the Mailchimp website).
However, if the number of contacts the user uploads were say 2,500, now note how the prices have changed.
The Pricing listed above is subject to change (Please refer to the Mailchimp website for current pricing information) and is used to illustrate the caution the user should show when selecting their plan and uploading their contact list.
Using a single audience is recommended to have a clear understanding of the number of contacts the user has and are being charged for.
However, Sicon CRM will support multiple audiences restricted to the max number of audiences the user’s plan allows.
Against each plan there is a ‘Learn more’ hyperlink (highlighted in green) that provides further details regarding pricing plans.
To find more about current Mailchimp plans and pricing please visit: Mailchimp Pricing Plans
For further details on how to use Mailchimp please refer to:
Please Note: This information is correct as of April 2023 – for current pricing information, please refer to the Mailchimp website.
16.14. Edit Recipients / Segmentation
Sicon CRM does not currently provide the ability to sub divide the target audience of a Campaign. To do this, the user must use the Edit Recipients button against the Campaign in Mailchimp.
Go to the Campaign and click on the Edit button.
From there, click on the Edit Recipients button.
From there, click on the Segment or Tag dropdown list.
The Tags sent from Sicon CRM are listed for the user to identify the Contacts they want to make up their Campaign Target Audience. Selecting an individual Tag from the list here will only allow the user to select one tag to base the Campaign Target Audience on.
Once Selected, Click Save.
The recipient list is then updated to reflect the criteria based upon the Tag.
Alternatively, the user can select the Group or New Segment option.
The user can then build up the Group / Segment based upon a search criteria that can be based on multiple fields / tags.
The user can then update the list of recipients based upon the search criteria by clicking on the Update Recipient Count button.
17. Reports
There are a series of standard reports that are provided out of the box for CRM users.
These reports are created using the standard Sage 200 Report Designer so additional reports can be written by anyone familiar with it.
18. Dashboards
There are a series of dashboards provided ‘out of the box’. However, it is also possible to create Custom Dashboards
18.1. Custom Dashboards
Note – Analysis Codes and Custom fields can now be searched on and Filtered on the Entity Search List and Standard and Custom Dashboards.
Users can create up to 5 custom dashboards.
A dashboard is made up of 4 panels.
18.2. Dashboard Maintenance
Each Panel is defined under the section Custom Panel Configuration.
New Panels can be created and existing panels can be edited, deleted or copied.
A Panel is given a Name, Panel Type and the supporting SQL query.
Panels are based upon SQL queries that are user defined. A good understanding of SQL and the Sicon and Sage 200 tables is required to create these custom panels.
The user can then decide to display the data as a field, List, Pie Chart or Bar Chart.
Custom Dashboard 1
In this scenario Custom Dashboard 1 has been designed to show My customers as a list, My Customers by Industry Type summed by Type as a list and My Customers by Industry Type summed by Type as a Pie Chart.
To design the panels used to create the dashboard the following queries were created.
My Customers
Panel Type: List
SQL Query:
SELECT SiconCRMCompany.CompanyName, SiconCRMCompany.AccountManagerEmployeeID, SiconCRMAddress.AddressLine1, SiconCRMAddress.AddressLine2, SiconCRMAddress.AddressLine3, SiconCRMAddress.AddressLine4, SiconCRMAddress.PostCode, SiconCRMCompanyType.SiconCRMCompanyTypeID, SiconCRMCompanyType.CompanyTypeDescription
FROM SiconCRMCompany
INNER JOIN SiconCRMAddress ON SiconCRMCompany.PrimaryAddressID = SiconCRMAddress.SiconCRMAddressID
INNER JOIN SiconCRMCompanyType ON SiconCRMCompany.SiconCRMCompanyTypeID = SiconCRMCompanyType.SiconCRMCompanyTypeID
WHERE [SiconCRMCompany].[Deleted] = 0
AND [SiconCRMCompany].[AccountManagerEmployeeID] = <EMPLOYEE_ID>
My Customers by Industry
Panel Type: List
SQL Query:
SELECT ISNULL([SiconCRMSector].[SectorName],’None’) AS [Sector],
COUNT(*) AS [Count]
FROM [SiconCRMCompany]
LEFT JOIN [SiconCRMSector]
ON [SiconCRMSector].[SiconCRMSectorID]
= [SiconCRMCompany].[SiconCRMSectorID]
AND [SiconCRMSector].[Deleted] = 0
WHERE [SiconCRMCompany].[Deleted] = 0
AND [SiconCRMCompany].[AccountManagerEmployeeID] = <EMPLOYEE_ID>
GROUP BY ISNULL([SiconCRMSector].[SectorName],’None’)
My Customers by Industry Graph
Panel Type: Pie Chart
SQL Query:
SELECT ISNULL([SiconCRMSector].[SectorName],’None’) AS [Sector],
COUNT(*) AS [Count]
FROM [SiconCRMCompany]
LEFT JOIN [SiconCRMSector]
ON [SiconCRMSector].[SiconCRMSectorID]
= [SiconCRMCompany].[SiconCRMSectorID]
AND [SiconCRMSector].[Deleted] = 0
WHERE [SiconCRMCompany].[Deleted] = 0
AND [SiconCRMCompany].[AccountManagerEmployeeID] = <EMPLOYEE_ID>
GROUP BY ISNULL([SiconCRMSector].[SectorName],’None’)
The SQL written can be validated (using the Validate button) to ensure the query is correct and identifies the expected results of the query:
There is also a Keywords button that provide details of how the current logged on user and their team can be referenced in the query.
The SQL queries shown are examples that the administrator can use to define their own queries.
Note – There is no ability to add New, Edit, View or Delete buttons to these panels nor is there any means to add hyperlinks.
19. Dashboards - Cards
Card Lists is a tool that helps the User to organise their records into a series of Card Lists contained within one or more Card List Dashboards. In one glance, Card Lists tell you what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process.
Card Lists allow a user to see records for Cases, Opportunities, Tasks and Tenders in multiple ways at the same time. For example, the user can see a Case in the Closed Cases Card List (filtered by Stage ‘Closed’), Open Cases Card List (filtered by Stage) and the Complaints Card List (filtered by Description ‘Complaint’).
Card Lists are based upon SQL queries and are highly customisable.
They allow speed of access to edit / view a record and upon saving will display the record in alternate Lists depending on their design in SQL.
There are 3 Types of Card List:
Card Lists (All)
My Card Lists
Team Card Lists
The Card List types cannot be modified nor can new ones be added.
The Card List Types are displayed slightly differently in Sicon CRM Web where instead of the expression ‘Team Card Lists’, it shows the name of the User’s Team. This means that it is not possible to alter the Team the Card List is being filtered by (unlike how it works within Sage).
Out of the box there are no Card List Dashboards or Case Lists setup in Sicon CRM.
Card List Dashboards and Card Lists cannot be configured in CRM Web or Mobile.
Card List Dashboards are the Headers within which Card Lists are held.
One Card List Dashboard may have multiple Card Lists contained within it.
Card List Dashboards
In order to use Card Lists, one or more Card List Dashboards must be configured. This is achieved through the Card List Dashboards Maintenance option from the Main Menu in Sicon CRM Desktop.
Configuration can be accessed via Dashboards > Maintenance > Card List Dashboards.
19.1. Card Lists (All)
The Cards List (All) Type has no predefined filters other than those incorporated into the SQL database queries themselves for each Card List with the exception of a Free Text filter.
So, in the example below although the user is viewing all the information displayed in the Total Opportunities Card Dashboard, the information has been further filtered by the word ‘Espresso’ but cannot be filtered by User Name, Team, Stage etc.
19.2. My Card Lists
The My Card Lists has a predefined filter for the logged on user. It is not possible to change the user the Card List type is filtered by.
Therefore, although possible, it is advised not to specify any Employee ID or Team ID in your SQL database query for any Card Lists that are going to be used for the My Card Lists type.
19.3. Team Card Lists
The Team Card Lists Type has a predefined filter for each Team and defaults to the logged on User’s Team. However, that Team filter can then be changed to show details of another team.
The information can be further filtered by specifying a user within that Team or using the Free Text filter.
It is advised not to specify any Employee ID or Team ID in your SQL database query for any Card Lists that are going to be used for the Team Card Lists type.
Any Card List Dashboard can be displayed against the Card Lists (All), My Card Lists or Team Card Lists.
19.4. Maintenance - Card List Dashboards, Card Lists and Card List Queries
Card Lists are structured as shown below:
1.Card List Type
Any Card List Dashboard can be displayed against the Card List Type (Card Lists (All), My Card Lists or Team Card Lists).
The key difference is the predefined filters:
- Card Lists (All) – None
- My Card Lists – Logged on User
- Team Card Lists – Specified Team and / or User defined in the available filter).
2.Card List Dashboards
A Card List Dashboard is Linked to a specific entity (Case, Opportunity, Task or Tender). This link controls which database tables and fields are available to the SQL Database query.
3.Card List (contained within the Card List Dashboard with its linked entity type).
So, in the above example the user has created one Card List Dashboard called ‘Cases’. Within the ‘Cases’ Card List Dashboard they have created three Card Lists: Closed Cases, Open Cases and Complaints.
A Card List is made up of four items:
List Heading – The Name of the Card List
Group by Type – How the information returned by the database query is grouped (Stage, User, Team, Date or not grouped).
The available Group By Type is not amendable nor can new ones be added.
Example: Card List for All Cases Grouped by Stage.
Case 1 – Stage = Logged, Case 2 – Stage = In Progress, Case 3 – Stage = Logged, Case 4 Stage = Closed, Case 5 – Stage = Closed
If the Card List is Grouped by Stage then the list would be displayed as:
Cases (5) – List Heading
Logged (2) – Grouped by Stage
Case 1, Case 3
In Progress (1) – Grouped by Stage
Case 2
Closed (2) – Grouped by Stage
Case 4, Case 5
4.Card List SQL database queries
The information within each Card List is controlled by the SQL database query that it is linked to.
The fields available within the query are based upon the entity type (Cases, Opportunities, Tasks, Tenders) the Card List Dashboard is linked to
Upon creating a new Card List, based on one of these entities, a predefined ‘Out of the Box’ SQL query is provided.
Example of Tender SQL Query provided ‘Out of the Box’:
Within coded parameters the actual layout of the Card can be modified. For example, the Text Font and Size cannot be changed but we can modify the SQL query to add the Company Name to the Card Summary Section (see below).
‘Company: ‘ + [SiconCRMCompany].[CompanyName] AS [CardSummary], ‘#404040’ AS [CardSummaryColour], — Grey
‘Ref: ‘ + [SiconCRMOpportunity].[OpportunityReference] + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)
+ ‘Description: ‘ + [SiconCRMOpportunity].[Summary] + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)
+ ‘Stage: ‘ + [SiconCRMOpportunityStage].[StageName] + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)
AS [CardDetail], ‘#00C000’ AS [CardDetailColour], — Green
[SiconCRMOpportunity].[SiconCRMOpportunityID] AS [CardForeignID],
‘Status: ‘ + ISNULL([SiconCRMOutcome].[OutcomeName], ‘In progress’) AS [CardStageName],
WHEN (ISNULL([SiconCRMOutcome].[OutcomeName],”) = ‘Won’) THEN ‘#00C000’ — Green
ELSE’#404040′ — Grey
END AS [CardStageColour],
[SiconCRMOpportunity].[ExpectedInvoiceDate] AS [CardDate], ‘#404040’ AS [CardDateColour], — Grey
[SiconCRMOpportunity].[AssignedToEmployeeID] AS [CardAssignedToEmployeeID],
[SiconCRMOpportunity].[AssignedToTeamID] AS [CardAssignedToTeamID],
[SiconCRMCompany].[SiconCRMTerritoryID] AS [CardTerritoryID]
FROM [SiconCRMOpportunity] WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN [SiconCRMOpportunityStage] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [SiconCRMOpportunityStage].[SiconCRMOpportunityStageID] = [SiconCRMOpportunity].[SiconCRMOpportunityStageID]
AND [SiconCRMOpportunityStage].[Closed] = 0
LEFT JOIN [SiconCRMOutcome] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [SiconCRMOutcome].[SiconCRMOutcomeID] = [SiconCRMOpportunity].[SiconCRMOutcomeID]
LEFT JOIN [SiconCRMCompany] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [SiconCRMCompany].[SiconCRMCompanyID] = [SiconCRMOpportunity].[SiconCRMCompanyID] AND [SiconCRMCompany].[Deleted] = 0
WHERE [SiconCRMOpportunity].[Deleted] = 0
19.5. Customising the Card List Layout
The Layout of a Card list is quite specific and can only be modified to a certain extent. Below is an explanation of how this works:
20. Release Notes
The release notes page shows which release of the system includes new features or issues resolved.
At the release of Sicon v21 we announced that going forward, we will only be supporting Sage 200c and as such we are able to drop the year from our version numbers. We moved from to 210.0.0.
New features detailed in the Release Notes relating to Pre-Release versions will not be detailed in the current Help and User Guide until the end of development phase.
Sicon CRM Release Notes