Sicon CRM Web Help and User Guide
The Sicon CRM system is connected directly to the Sage 200 system for real-time integration it is installed on your Sage 200 Server and can be accessed through 3 interfaces: Sage 200 Desktop, Web & Sicon CRM Mobile (the Web portal scales seamlessly when viewed on a mobile browser).
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1. Home
Logging on to your account will show your Home Dashboard. This allows the user to see their Dashboard containing a graph and list of information for their Tasks, Cases and Opportunities. It isn’t possible at the moment to access any Custom Dashboards.
1.1. Logging in
Please ensure that your Sicon CRM Web login details have been setup.
Your username and password will have been setup in the Sicon CRM Desktop as explained in the Sicon CRM Web & App V22 Install Guide.
Having successfully logged in if the user has access to multiple companies in Sage 200 and in each dataset, they have been setup in the Maintain Employees section they will be presented with the option to select a company.
From your browser enter the URL of your Sicon CRM Website:
This will then take you to the Sicon CRM Web Login screen.
Having successfully logged in if the user has access to multiple companies in Sage 200 and in each dataset, they have been setup in the Maintain Employees section they will be presented with the option to select a company.
Having selected the desired dataset the user will initially be taken to the Sicon CRM Web Home (Dashboard) page and the Menu options will be displayed on the left of the screen.
1.2. Home (Dashboards)
Currently there are two dashboards that can be selected: My Dashboard and Team Dashboard. These are similar to the Dashboards in the Sicon CRM Desktop.
The data relating to the Dashboard is displayed beneath each chart.
Currently Custom Dashboards are not available in Sicon CRM Web.
Clicking on the hyperlink of a particular record will take the user to the main Activity tab of that record.
Clicking on the graphs will have no effect.
1.3. Header
At the Top right there are some additional pieces of information / actions:
Database – Read only information of which dataset the user is currently logged into.
Username – Read only information of which user is currently logged in.
WebAPI – When clicked on this will open a dialogue box displaying the SiconWebAPI URL. This is the API URL you will need to select if wanted to access Sicon CRM through the APP
Clicking on the App Store or Google Play icons using your mobile phone will take you to the download store for the Sicon CRM App.
You can download the App and then copy and paste the API URL as described in the Sicon CRM App Installation Guide.
Help – Takes you to the Sicon CRM Help and User Guide on the Sicon website.
Notifications – Currently not functional but is intended to work in the same manner as Notifications work in the Sicon CRM Desktop. See Sicon CRM Desktop User Guide
Logout – When clicked will open a dialogue box to confirm you wish to logout.
2. Main Menu
The main menu is displayed to the left of the screen displaying the various entities accessible through Sicon CRM.
2.1. Main Menu Items
The individual menu items (entities) can be expanded to display their key functions.
Cards – Displayes the Card Dashboards (see below).
Search – Can be used against Companies, People, Opportunities, Tenders, Tasks, Cases and Quotes / Orders.
New – Can be used for Companies, People, Opportunities, Tenders, Tasks, Cases, Quotes and Orders.
There is also a button that allows the user to collapse the whole menu, giving the user more screen space.
2.2. Recent List
As the user works, the system records details of which records the user has been working on. This is referred to as the Recent List and provides a convenient method of jumping between records without the need to conduct New Searches.
Note: The Recent List is emptied every time the user logs out of the system.
3. Cards
Card Lists is a tool that helps the User to organise their records into a series of Card Lists contained within one or more Card List Dashboards. In one glance, Card Lists tells the user what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process.
Card Lists allow a user to see records for Cases, Opportunities, Tasks and Tenders in multiple ways at the same time. For example, the user can see a Case in the Closed Cases Card List (filtered by Stage ‘Closed’), Open Cases Card List (filtered by Stage) and the Complaints Card List (filtered by Description ‘Complaint’).
These Card Lists are created within the Sicon CRM Desktop Card List Dashboards under Maintenance (see Sicon CRM Desktop Admin Guide).
There are three ‘Card Lists’ types to choose from.
Each Card List type can be made up of multiple Card List Dashboards.
Each Card List Dashboard can be made up of multiple Card Lists.
Each Card List displays information generated by a SQL database query.
These queries are created by the System Administrator within the Sicon CRM Desktop under Dashboards > Maintenance > Card List Dashboards. (See Sicon CRM System Admin guide for further details).
All the available Cards List Dashboards are shown as tabs below the Card List type.
My Cards
The My Card Type has a predefined filter for the logged-on user. It is not possible to change the user this Type is filtered by.
All Cards
The All Cards Type can be filtered by all Employees (Users) regardless of Team.
Team Cards
The Team Card Type does not actually display a list of Teams. Instead, it has a predefined filter for the Logged on User’s Team. It is not possible to change the Team this list is filtered by. However, you can filter by Users who are part of that Team. In the below example, the Logged on User is part of the Sales team. The user cannot select a different team but they can choose to filter by any user who is part of that Team.
4. Companies
Expanding the Company Menu option allows the user to either search for Companies or to create a New Company
Note: It is not possible to change the fields displayed or the order they are displayed in throughout the Sicon CRM Web system.
4.1. Search Company
Editing a record from a List is usually done through clicking on the … Icon button.
The Search Companies option then presents the user with a list of all Active Companies.
The detail provided on the Search List has been noticeably enhanced.
If more information is displayed than the screen can manage, the user can simply left click on the screen and drag the mouse right or left. It is also possible to do this using the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
Each column is sortable and displays most of the standard fields and any created Analysis codes or Custom fields.
Depending on the users permissions as set in the Sicon System Admin, the user can click on the … Icon button and they will be presented with up to 3 options: View, Edit or Delete.
Clicking on the hyperlink on the Company Name will take the user to the main company Screens. The landing page is the Activity Tab.
Clicking the View option from the … Icon button will achieve the same result.
Clicking on the Edit option from the … Icon button will take the user to the main Summary screen in Edit Mode.
Clicking on the Details Tab and clicking the Edit icon (denoted as a Pencil) will achieve the same result.
Selecting the Delete option from the … Icon button will open a confirmation dialogue box. If the user confirms Yes to this, the Company and all its sub-records (regardless of Stage) will also be deleted.
Any items relating to the Sales or Purchse Ledgers will not be deleted.
Please Note: that if the record in Sage is modified in any way, CRM will automatically create a new Company record (but not with the original sub records).
Searching any of the other entities have similar results.
Filtering the Search List
Finding your records by specific criteria is accessed through the Filters Bar at the top of the Search List.
Using the Search by (top left side of the Search List) – This allows the user to Search by the following:
- Company Name, Account Number, Postcode, Address Line 1. It also allows the user to search on any Custom field that is of type: Text. It does not allow the searching of any other field.
- Searching by Assigned To – This is a toggle switch to only show the user all records assigned to them.
- Searching by other fields has to be completed using the Filter button
- Clicking on the Search button initiates the New filters applied.
- Clicking on the Clear all filters button resets all filter back to their standard defaults.
- It is not possible to add or remove any standard fields from the filters.
Searching against other entities has a very similar effect as Searching against the Company entity.
4.2. Filtering Search List
Finding your records by specific criteria is accessed through the Filters Bar at the top of the Search List.
Using the Search by (top left side of the Search List) – This allows the user to Search by the following:
- Company Name, Account Number, Postcode, Address Line 1. It also allows the user to search on any Custom field that is of type: Text. It does not allow the searching of any other field.
- Searching by Assigned To – This is a toggle switch to only show the user all records assigned to them.
- Searching by other fields has to be completed using the Filter button.
- Clicking on the Search button initiates the New filters applied.
- Clicking on the Clear all filters button resets all filter back to their standard defaults.
- It is not possible to add or remove any standard fields from the filters.
- It is not possible to Search the Company by SL / PL Analysis Codes.
Searching against other entities has a very similar effect as Searching against the Company entity.
Collapsible Search Filters
To maximise the search list area (most specifically for the Mobile Web Version), the Filters for each Search List have been made collapsible.
Clicking on the small arrow pointing to the left next to each filter will expand it.
Clicking on the small arrow pointing down next to each filter will collapse it.
Filtering against other entities has a very similar effect as Filtering against the Company entity.
4.3. Active Record Count
Unlike the Company and People main menus, all the other sub entities conduct counts of active records. This is denoted by a red circle with a white number.
5. New Company
Clicking on the New Company button takes the user to the New Company entry screen.
There are certain standard fields that must be completed together with any Analysis Codes or Custom fields.
Where the user attempts to save the record without these fields being populated a dialogue box will be displayed advising the user on which fields must be completed.
Required fields are denoted by a Red Astrix next to the field name.
If there are any required Custom fields, when the user attempts to save the record, a warning message will be displayed.
These fields can be completed through the Edit Additional Details button at the bottom of the New Company screen.
Edit Analysis Codes
Analysis Codes consist of five basic types of field:
Text, Dropdown, Date, Numeric, Tick Box.
Edit Custom Fields
Custom fields allow the Company to have twelve fields unique to them. These differ from Analysis codes as the types of fields available is noticeably enhanced. These consist of:
Text, Dropdown, Date, Numeric, Tick Box, Integer, Date / Time, Dropdown Multi Select, SQL List, SQL List Multi Select, Company, Person, Employee.
Detailed notes regarding the Company can also be completed using the ‘Edit Description’ button.
The Description field is a multi-lined text field that allows up to 3000 characters. There is a field count at the bottom right of the screen showing how many characters have been used.
Once all validations have been completed, the record can be saved and the user will be taken to the main company screen landing on the ‘Activity’ Tab.
Default Company Type and Currency
It is now possible to set a Default Company Type and Currency.
Once the Company has been saved it is not possible to change the Company Type. The Currency however remain editable until an Opportunity or Transaction record is created.
Once an Opportunity or Transaction has been recorded on the Company, the Currency field is no longer editable and will remain so until all Opportunities or Transactions have been removed.
Note: It is not possible to change:
- The standard fields that are displayed
- The List of Standard fields
- If a standard field is required or not
The Company entity record and all other entity records follow a similar theme – A Header and a series of Tabs.
5.1. Header
The Header displays the record that the user is currently working on. It also holds the Actions and Details buttons.
5.2. Actions & Details
Actions allows the user to
Quick Price Enquiry – Allows the user to provide a quick estimate for a particular product based upon the Companies discount rate and price band.
New Task – Allows the user to create a new Task in.
New Memo – Allows the user to create a detailed description relating to a particular type of Memo.
Additional Details
button – Allows the user to see key primary information relating to the company.
6. Company Tabs
This allows the user to view all the entities and sub entity records that relate to the company.
- Activity – Details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the Company.
- Details – Where the user can record the specific information relating to the Company for Standard, Custom and Analysis Code fields.
- Addresses – Displays a list of all addresses held against the Company.
- People – Displays a list of all People held against the Company .
- Account – Displays key information relating to Sales for the company (including a List of Quotes, Proformas and Orders).
- Tasks– Displays a list of Appointments and To Do’s, both Live and Complete, for the Company.
- Cases– Displays a list of Customer Service issues, both Live and Complete, for the Company.
- Opportunities – Displays a list of Sales Enquiries, both Live and Complete, for the Company.
- E-mails – Displays a list of all attached Outbound and Inbound E-mails, in Sicon’s own E-Mail Editor, for the Company.
- Attachments – Displays a list of all attached or linked files or folders for the Company.
- Memos – A method of recording detailed additional information, tagged as Active or Inactive for the Company.
- GDPR – Another type of Analysis code that can be used to filter data for Sales and Marketing purposes for the Company.
- Linked Companies – A list of bidirectionally linked Companies identified with a relationship type relating to that Company.
- Change History – An Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that Company.
Editing a record from a screen is usually done through clicking on the Pencil icon.
6.1. Activity
The Activity tab allows the user to see details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the entity it is in the context of.
All entities except Campaigns has an Activity Tab.
By clicking on the … Icon button of a particular Activity, the user can jump to that particular record. E.g. If a Case has been created for Abbey Retail Ltd, that activity will be recorded in the Company Activity Tab. The user can then jump from that Activity to the specific Case.
6.2. Details
The Details tab is the area where the user can record the specific information relating to the Company. This contains Standard fields, Description and Company Analysis Code fields. Analysis codes and Custom fields allow the user to gather additional unique information relating to the Company.
Note: Only completed fields are displayed on the screen.
Collapsible Summaries
The Summary Tab on each entity has been removed and added to the details tab. In order to manage the space effectively the Summary, Description and Custom fields have been made collapsible.
When not collapsed:
When NOT collapsed:
6.3. Addresses
Displays a list of all addresses held against the record with the additional benefit of being able to create ones using the New Address button.
Addresses can also be edited and Deleted by clicking on the… Icon button.
6.4. People
Displays a list of all People held against the record with the additional benefit of being able to create ones using the New Person button.
People can also be edited and Deleted by clicking on the… Icon button.
6.5. Account
Customer Account
The Account tab provides key information relating to Sales for the particular company:
Header – information from the Sales Ledger
Graphics – Turnover by Year and by Month.
SOP Lists – Quotes, Proformas, Sales Orders and Returns.
Sales Order Items – a List of all Sales lines that have been invoices in the selected period.
Prospect Customer Accounts
The Prospect Account tab provides details of Quotes and their Quote items for that prospect record only.
There are no Charts or Header details.
Quotes are held against the SL prospect account.
Quotes cannot be converted to an Order until the Company is converted to a Customer record.
End User Account
An End user is as below
Sicon – The Supplier
ABC Ltd – The Reseller – The Customer of Sicon
Peter Smith – The End User – The Customer of ABC Ltd
Sicon do not sell their products or services directly to the End User, instead they sell to a 3rd party (Reseller) who in turn sells to the End User. However, the main supplier might have an ongoing relationship with the End User because for example they have a warranty contract directly with the End User. Therefore the Supplier needs to have the necessary information relating to the End User, what they bought, who they bout it from, etc.
The Account tab provides key information relating to Sales for the particular company:
Header – There is no Header information provided for an End User record as they do not have an actual Sales Ledger account.
Charts – There are no Charts provided for an End User record as they relate to Turnover.
SOP Lists – Quotes, Proformas, Sales Orders and Returns relating to the End User. An End User might have multiple Resellers.
Sales Order Items – a List of all Sales lines that relate to those particular orders in the selected period.
6.6. Tasks
The Tasks specifically relating to this record and its sub entities. Outstanding tasks are identified by a red circle with a number within it. The tasks can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Tasks ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
6.7. Cases
Displays a list of all Cases that are attached to this Record and its sub entities. Outstanding Cases are identified by a red circle with a white number. The Cases can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Cases ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
6.8. Opportunities
Displays a list of all Opportunities that are attached to this Record and its sub entities. Outstanding Opportunities are identified by a red circle with a white number. The Opportunities can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Opportunities ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
6.9. Emails
Displays a list of all emails that are attached to this Record and its sub entities. The emails can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions).
New Emails ‘in context’ can be created from this tab – marked as Out.
Email templates can be selected and a Type specified for later filtering.
Emails can be dragged and dropped from Outlook onto this tab – marked as In.
Email can be associated with a Company, Person, Task, Opportunity or Case.
Emails can be viewed or deleted but not edited.
6.10. Attachments
Files, and Folders can be added to a Record and links to files and folders can also be created.
Files & Folders can also be dragged and dropped here. All are held in the context of the Record and its sub entities.
6.11. Memos
Memos are a method of recording additional information and created ‘in context’.
Memos can have a ‘Type’.
Memos have a maximum character size of 3000 a count of the number of characters currently used is displayed in the bottom right of the memo screen.
Flagged as Active displays a count on the Memo tab.
Memos are especially useful for entities such as Cases. Cases can hold a lot of detail regarding very specific areas. ISO 9001 has some key information that must be completed as part its process (such as Corrective Action, Preventative Action and Responsibility). For a standard case you might have two types of Solution – Solution Pending Confirmation and the other – Confirmed Solution.
6.12. GDPR
GDPR fields are another type of Analysis code that can be used to filter data for Sales and Marketing purposes.
6.13. Linked Companies
A Company can be linked to another company and the nature of that link be defined by a type. A Link has two sides of the same coin.
In this example the link is initiated from the company record Abbey Retail (the Source Company) with a Link Type of Business Partner to Little Truckers Ltd (the Target Company) with a Link Type of End User.
6.14. Change History
Provides an Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that record.
6.15. Sage 200 Sales / Purchase Ledger
It is now possible to access the Sage 200 Analysis codes from withing Sicon CRM Web.
Edit Sage 200 Sales / Purchase Ledger Analysis Codes
It is now possible to Edit the Sage 200 SL / PL Analysis Codes directly from within the Web.
The update is bi-directional.
This functionality is Access from the Account Tab.
Edit Sales / Purchase Ledger Analysis Codes:
Sales / Purchase Ledger details are updated in CRM and Sage.
7. People
Expanding the Person Menu option allows the user to either search for People or to create a New Person
Note: It is not possible to change the fields displayed or the order they are displayed in throughout the Sicon CRM Web system.
7.1. Search People
Editing a record from a List is usually done through clicking on the … Icon button.
The Search People option then presents the user with a list of all Active People.
The detail provided on the Search List has been noticeably enhanced.
If more information is displayed than the screen can manage, the user can simply left click on the screen and drag the mouse right or left. It is also possible to do this using the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
Each column is sortable and displays most of the standard fields and any created Analysis codes or Custom fields.
Depending on the users permissions as set in the Sicon System Admin, the user can click on the … Icon button and they will be presented with up to 3 options: View, Edit or Delete.
Clicking on the hyperlink on the Person Name will take the user to the main Person Screen. The landing page is the Activity Tab.
Clicking the View option from the… Icon button will achieve the same result.
Clicking on the Edit option from the… Icon button will take the user to the main Summary screen in Edit Mode.
Clicking on the Details Tab and clicking the Edit icon (denoted as a Pencil) will achieve the same result.
Selecting the Delete option from the … Icon button will open a confirmation dialogue box. If the user confirms Yes to this, the Person and all its sub-records (regardless of Stage) will also be deleted.
Please Note: that if the record in Sage is modified in any way, CRM will automatically create a new Person record (but not with the original sub records).
Searching any of the other entities have similar results.
Filtering the Search List
Finding your records by specific criteria is accessed through the Filters Bar at the top of the Search List.
Using the Search by (top left side of the Search List) – This allows the user to Search by the following:
- Person Name, Company Name, Email, Phone, Mobile, or Postcode. It also allows the user to search on any Custom field that is of type: Text. It does not allow the searching of any other field.
- Searching by other fields has to be completed using the Filter button
- Clicking on the Search button initiates the New filters applied.
- Clicking on the Clear all filters button resets all filter back to their standard defaults.
- It is not possible to add or remove any standard fields from the filters.
Searching against other entities has a very similar effect as Searching against the Person entity.
Note: People Filters are Collapsible.
7.2. Active Record Count
Unlike the Company and People main menus, all the other sub entities conduct counts of active records. This is denoted by a red circle with a white number.
8. New Person
Clicking on the New Person button takes the user to the New Person entry screen.
There are certain standard fields that must be completed together with any Analysis Codes or Custom fields.
Where the user attempts to save the record without these fields being populated a dialogue box will be displayed advising the user on which fields must be completed.
Required fields are denoted by a Red Astrix next to the field name.
If there are are any required Custom fields, when the user attempts to save the record, a warning message will be displayed.
These fields can be completed through the Edit Custom Fields button at the bottom of the New Person screen.
Custom fields allow the Person to have twelve fields unique to them. These differ from Analysis codes as the types of fields available is noticeably enhanced.
Once all validations have been completed, the record can be saved and the user will be taken to the main Person screen landing on the ‘Activity’ Tab.
Note: It is not possible to change:
- The standard fields that are displayed
- The List of Standard fields
- If a standard field is required or not
The Person entity record and all other entity records follow a similar theme – A Header and a series of Tabs.
8.1. Header
The Header displays the record that the user is currently working on. It also holds the Actions and Details buttons.
8.2. Actions & Details buttons
Actions allow the user to
New Task – Allows the user to create a new Task in.
New Memo – Allows the user to create a detailed description relating to a particular type of Memo.
Delete – Allows the user to delete the record (depending on their permissions).
Additional Details button – Allows the user to see key primary information relating to the Person.
9. People Tabs
This allows the user to view all the entities and sub entity records that relate to the Person.
- Activity – Details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the Person.
- Details – Where the user can record the specific information relating to the Person for Standard, Custom and Analysis Code fields.
- Addresses – Displays a list of all addresses held against the Person.
- Tasks – Displays a list of Appointments and To Do’s, both Live and Complete, for the Person.
- Cases– Displays a list of Customer Service issues, both Live and Complete, for the Person.
- Opportunities – Displays a list of Sales Enquiries, both Live and Complete, for the Person.
- E-mails – Displays a list of all attached Outbound and Inbound E-mails, in Sicon’s own E-Mail Editor, for the Person.
- Attachments – Displays a list of all attached or linked files or folders for the Person.
- Memos – A method of recording detailed additional information, tagged as Active or Inactive for the Person.
- GDPR – Another type of Analysis code that can be used to filter data for Sales and Marketing purposes for the Person.
- Change History – An Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that Person.
Editing a record from a screen is usually done through clicking on the Pencil icon.
9.1. Activity
The Activity tab allows the user to see details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the entity it is in the context of.
All entities except Campaigns has an Activity Tab.
By clicking on the … Icon button of a particular Activity, the user can jump to that particular record. E.g. If a Case has been created for Abbey Retail Ltd, that activity will be recorded in the Person Activity Tab. The user can then jump from that Activity to the specific Case.
9.2. Details
The Details tab is the area where the user can record the specific information relating to the Person. This contains Standard fields and Person Analysis Code fields. Analysis codes and Custom fields allow the user to gather additional unique information relating to the Person.
Note: Only completed fields are displayed on the screen.
9.3. Addresses
Displays a list of all addresses held against the record with the additional benefit of being able to create ones using the New Address button.
Addresses can also be edited and Deleted by clicking on the… Icon button.
9.4. Tasks
The Tasks specifically relating to this record and its sub entities. Outstanding tasks are identified by a red circle with a number within it. The tasks can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Tasks ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
9.5. Cases
Displays a list of all Cases that are attached to this Record and its sub entities. Outstanding Cases are identified by a red circle with a white number. The Cases can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Cases ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
9.6. Opportunities
Displays a list of all Opportunities that are attached to this Record and its sub entities. Outstanding Opportunities are identified by a red circle with a white number. The Opportunities can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Opportunities ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
9.7. Emails
Displays a list of all emails that are attached to this Record and its sub entities. The emails can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions).
New Emails ‘in context’ can be created from this tab – marked as Out.
Email templates can be selected and a Type specified for later filtering.
Emails can be dragged and dropped from Outlook onto this tab – marked as In.
Email can be associated with a Company, Person, Task, Opportunity or Case.
Emails can be viewed or deleted but not edited.
9.8. Attachments
Files, and Folders can be attached to a Record and links to files and folders can also be created.
Files & Folders can also be dragged and dropped here. All are held in the context of the Record and its sub entities.
9.9. Memos
Memos are a method of recording additional information and created ‘in context’.
Memos can have a ‘Type’.
Memos have a maximum character size of 3000 a count of the number of characters currently used is displayed in the bottom right of the memo screen.
Flagged as Active displays a count on the Memo tab.
Memos are especially useful for entities such as Cases. Cases can hold a lot of detail regarding very specific areas. ISO 9001 has some key information that must be completed as part its process (such as Corrective Action, Preventative Action and Responsibility). For a standard case you might have two types of Solution – Solution Pending Confirmation and the other – Confirmed Solution.
9.10. GDPR
GDPR fields are another type of Analysis code that can be used to filter data for Sales and Marketing purposes.
9.11. Change History
Provides an Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that record.
10. Opportunities
Expanding the Opportunity Menu option allows the user to either search for People or to create a New Opportunity
Note: It is not possible to change the fields displayed or the order they are displayed in throughout the Sicon CRM Web system.
10.1. Search Opportunity
Editing a record from a List is usually done through clicking on the… Icon button.
The Search People option then presents the user with a list of all Active People.
The detail provided on the Search List has been noticeably enhanced.
If more information is displayed than the screen can manage, the user can simply left click on the screen and drag the mouse right or left. It is also possible to do this using the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
Each column is sortable and displays most of the standard fields and any created Analysis codes or Custom fields.
Depending on the users permissions as set in the Sicon System Admin, the user can click on the … Icon button and they will be presented with up to 3 options: View, Edit or Delete.
Clicking on the hyperlink on the Opportunity Name will take the user to the main Opportunity Screen. The landing page is the Activity Tab.
Clicking the View option from the … Icon button will achieve the same result.
Clicking on the Edit option from the … Icon button will take the user to the main Summary screen in Edit Mode.
Clicking on the Details Tab and clicking the Edit icon (denoted as a Pencil) will achieve the same result.
Selecting the Delete option from the … Icon button will open a confirmation dialogue box. If the user confirms Yes to this, the Opportunity and all its sub-records (regardless of Stage) will also be deleted.
Searching any of the other entities have similar results.
Filtering the Search List
Finding your records by specific criteria is accessed through the Filters Bar at the top of the Search List.
Using the Search by (top left side of the Search List) – This allows the user to Search by the following:
- Summary, Reference, Company, Person, or End User. It also allows the user to search on any Custom field that is of type: Text. It does not allow the searching of any other field.
- Searching by other fields has to be completed using the Filter button
- It is not possible to add or remove any standard fields from the filters.
- Clicking on the Search button initiates the New filters applied.
- Clicking on the Clear all filters button resets all filters back to their standard defaults.
Searching against other entities has a very similar effect as Searching against the Opportunity entity.
Note: Opportunity Filters are Collapsible.
10.2. Active Record Count
Unlike the Company and People main menus, all the other sub entities conduct counts of active records. This is denoted by a red circle with a white number.
11. New Opportunity
Clicking on the New Opportunity button takes the user to the New Opportunity entry screen.
There are certain standard fields that must be completed together with any Analysis Codes or Custom fields.
Where the user attempts to save the record without these fields being populated a dialogue box will be displayed advising the user on which fields must be completed.
Required fields are denoted by a Red Astrix next to the field name.
If there are are any required Custom fields, when the user attempts to save the record, a warning message will be displayed.
These fields can be completed through the Edit Custom Fields button at the bottom of the New or Edit Opportunity screen.
Custom fields allow the Opportunity to have twelve fields unique to them. These differ from Analysis codes as the types of fields available is noticeably enhanced.
Once all validations have been completed, the record can be saved and the user will be taken to the main Opportunity screen landing on the ‘Activity’ Tab.
Note: It is not possible to change:
- The standard fields that are displayed
- The List of Standard fields
- If a standard field is required or not
11.1. Header
The Opportunity entity record and all other entity records follow a similar theme – A Header and a series of Tabs.
The Header displays the record that the user is currently working on. It also holds the Actions and Details buttons.
11.2. Actions & Details buttons
Actions allow the user to
Quick Price Enquiry – Allows the user to provide a quick estimate for a particular product based upon the Companies discount rate and price band.
New Task – Allows the user to create a new Task ‘in context’ of the record.
New Tracking
This section allows the user to effectively progress the Opportunity rather than continuously updating the details of the Opportunity.
New Memo – Allows the user to create a detailed description relating to a particular type of Memo.
Delete – Allows the user to delete the record (depending on their permissions).
Additional Details button – Allows the user to see key primary information relating to the Opportunity.
12. Opportunity Tabs
- Activity– Details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the Opportunity.
- Details – Where the user can record the specific information relating to the Opportunity for Standard, Custom and Analysis Code fields.
- Tracking – Displays a list of read only Progress Notes recorded against the Opportunity.
- Tasks– Displays a list of Appointments and To Do’s, both Live and Complete, for the Opportunity.
- E-mails – Displays a list of all attached Outbound and Inbound E-mails, in Sicon’s own E-Mail Editor, for the Opportunity.
- Attachments – Displays a list of all attached or linked files or folders for the Opportunity.
- Memos – A method of recording detailed additional information, tagged as Active or Inactive for the Opportunity.
- Quotes & Orders– Displays a List of all Quotes, Proformas, Orders and Returns associated with the Opportunity.
- Change History – An Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that Opportunity.
Editing a record from a screen is usually done through clicking on the Pencil icon.
12.1. Activity
The Activity tab allows the user to see details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the entity it is in the context of.
All entities except Campaigns has an Activity Tab.
By clicking on the … Icon button of a particular Activity, the user can jump to that particular record. E.g. If a Task has been created for Abbey Retail Ltd in the context of an Opportunity, that activity will be recorded in the Opportunity Activity Tab. The user can then jump from that Activity to the specific Opportunity.
12.2. Details
The Details tab is the area where the user can record the specific information relating to the Opportunity. This contains Standard fields and Opportunity Analysis Code fields. Analysis codes and Custom fields allow the user to gather additional unique information relating to the Opportunity.
Note: Only completed fields are displayed on the screen.
Creating an Opportunity
Opportunity Details
Reference – Automatically generated when the opportunity is saved and cannot be amended.
If created in ‘context’, the Company and Person fields will be automatically populated, otherwise the user must select them from a list.
The Assigned user (Employee) is automatically populated and based upon the name of the user who is creating the opportunity. The name of the Team is based upon the Team of the user.
The Stage is dependant on the values setup in the Opportunity Maintenance section within Sage. The Opportunity stage can have a default value which will automatically populate the opportunity stage field.
The Expected Order and Expected Invoiced date fields must be manually populated.
The Currency field is dependant on the currency of the Company when the opportunity is saved and cannot be amended.
The Classification is dependant on the values setup in the Opportunity Maintenance section within Sage. The Opportunity classification can have a default value which will automatically populate the opportunity stage field.
The Probability field (%) can either be manually populated or automatically set giving it a default value based upon either the Stage and / or Classification fields.
The Opportunity Value field can either be manually populated by simply typing into the field or based upon the individual line items of the Quote(s) from the stock list in Sage. See Quotes and Orders New SOP Document.
The Forecast Value field is based upon the Opportunity value * the Probability % when the opportunity is saved and cannot be amended directly.
The Cost Value field can either be manually populated by simply typing into the field or based upon the calculated costs of the individual line items of the Quote(s) from the stock list in Sage.
The Margin Value field is is based upon the Opportunity value – the Cost Value when the opportunity is saved and cannot be amended directly.
The Margin % field is is based upon the Margin value ÷ the Opportunity Value *100 when the opportunity is saved and cannot be amended directly.
The Outcome field displays the final result of the Opportunity (although has no actual effect as to whether the Opportunity is considered closed or not). The Outcome dropdown options are dependant on the values setup in the Opportunity Maintenance section within Sage.
The Tender field will display if the Tender functionality has been turned on in CRM Settings in Sage. The choice of Tenders is dependant on how many have been created in the Tenders menu. A Tender can be linked to multiple opportunities but only one opportunity can ultimately win the Tender. At the point of awarding the tender, all other opportunities are automatically set to Lost (see Tenders).
The Campaign field will display any marketing Campaigns that have been created. The choice of Campaigns is dependant on how many have been created in the Campaigns menu in Sage 200. Campaigns are linked to Mailchimp Audiences.
End User Company – The End User linked to the Opportunity in addition to the actual customer record (see End User details above).
End User Person – the contact linked to the end user company.
Any Custom Opportunity fields – Custom fields are always displayed in the Opportunity Details Tab.
12.3. Tracking
This section allows the user to effectively progress the Opportunity rather than continuously updating the details of the Opportunity.
Tracking notes can be created by clicking on the New Tracking button or Viewed using the … icon.
Note: Tracking notes cannot be edited or deleted. They can have a maximum of 1000 characters.
12.4. Tasks
The Tasks specifically relating to this record and its sub entities. Outstanding tasks are identified by a red circle with a number within it. The tasks can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Tasks ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
12.5. Emails
Displays a list of all emails that are attached to this Record and its sub entities. The emails can be Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions).
New Emails ‘in context’ can be created from this tab – marked as Out.
Email templates can be selected and a Type specified for later filtering.
Emails can be dragged and dropped from Outlook onto this tab – marked as In.
Emails can be associated with a Company, Person, Task, Opportunity or Case.
Emails can be viewed or deleted but not edited.
12.6. Attachments
Files, and Folders can be attached to a Record and links to files and folders can also be created.
Files & Folders can also be dragged and dropped here. All are held in the context of the Record and its sub entities.
12.7. Memos
Memos are a method of recording additional information and created ‘in context’.
Memos can have a ‘Type’.
Memos have a maximum character size of 3000 a count of the number of characters currently used is displayed in the bottom right of the memo screen.
Flagged as Active displays a count on the Memo tab.
Memos are especially useful for entities such as Opportunities. Opportunities can hold a lot of detail regarding very specific areas. For an Opportunity you may have a Reason for Loss field so you can record details on who you lost the deal to and why.
12.8. Quotes and Orders
Allows the user to Create New / View / Edit Quotes, Orders, Proformas or Returns.
The value of the quotes displayed can affect the Opportunity Value if they are flagged to be included.
See section Quotes and Orders below.
12.9. Change History
Provides an Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that record.
13. Cases
Expanding the Case Menu option allows the user to either search for a Case or to create a New Case
Note: It is not possible to change the fields displayed or the order they are displayed in throughout the Sicon CRM Web system.
13.1. Search Cases
Editing a record from a List is usually done through clicking on the … Icon button.
The Search Case option then presents the user with a list of all Active Cases.
The detail provided on the Search List has been noticeably enhanced.
If more information is displayed than the screen can manage, the user can simply left click on the screen and drag the mouse right or left. It is also possible to do this using the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
Each column is sortable and displays most of the standard fields and any created Analysis codes or Custom fields.
Depending on the users permissions as set in the Sicon System Admin, the user can click on the … Icon button and they will be presented with up to 4 options: View, Edit, Copy or Delete.
Clicking on the hyperlink on the Case Name will take the user to the main Case Screen. The landing page is the Activity Tab.
Clicking the View option from the … Icon button will achieve the same result.
Clicking on the Edit option from the … Icon button will take the user to the main Summary screen in Edit Mode.
Clicking on the Copy option from the … Icon button will take the user to the main Summary screen in Edit Mode pre-populated with the information from the Case selected.
Clicking on the Details Tab and clicking the Edit icon (denoted as a Pencil) will achieve the same result.
Selecting the Delete option from the … Icon button will open a confirmation dialogue box. If the user confirms Yes to this, the Case and all its sub-records (regardless of Stage) will also be deleted.
Searching any of the other entities have similar results.
Filtering the Search List
Finding your records by specific criteria is accessed through the Filters Bar at the top of the Search List.
Using the Search by (top left side of the Search List) – This allows the user to Search by the following:
- Summary, Reference, Company, or Person. It also allows the user to search on any Custom field that is of type: Text. It does not allow the searching of any other field.
- Searching by other fields has to be completed using the Filter button
- It is not possible to add or remove any standard fields from the filters.
- Note: Case Filters are collapsible.
- Clicking on the Search button initiates the New filters applied.
- Clicking on the Clear all filters button resets all filters back to their standard defaults.
Searching against other entities has a very similar effect as Searching against the Case entity.
13.2. Active Record Count
Unlike the Company and People main menus, all the other sub entities conduct counts of active records. This is denoted by a red circle with a white number.
14. New Case
Clicking on the New Case button takes the user to the New Case entry screen.
There are certain standard fields that must be completed together with any Analysis Codes or Custom fields.
Where the user attempts to save the record without these fields being populated a dialogue box will be displayed advising the user on which fields must be completed.
Required fields are denoted by a Red Astrix next to the field name.
If there are are any required Custom fields, when the user attempts to save the record, a warning message will be displayed.
These fields can be completed through the Edit Custom Fields button at the bottom of the New or Edit Case screen.
Custom fields allow the Case to have twelve fields unique to them. These differ from Analysis codes as the types of fields available is noticeably enhanced.
Once all validations have been completed, the record can be saved and the user will be taken to the main Case screen landing on the ‘Activity’ Tab.
Note: It is not possible to change:
- The standard fields that are displayed
- The List of Standard fields
- If a standard field is required or not
The Case entity record and all other entity records follow a similar theme – A Header and a series of Tabs.
14.1. Header
The Header displays the record that the user is currently working on. It also holds the Actions and Details buttons.
14.2. Actions & Details buttons
Actions allow the user to
New Task – Allows the user to create a new Task ‘in context’ of the record.
New Tracking
This section allows the user to effectively progress the Case rather than continuously updating the details of the Case.
Tracking notes can be created by clicking on the New Tracking button or Viewed using the … icon.
Note: Tracking notes cannot be edited or deleted. They can have a maximum of 1000 characters.
New Memo – Allows the user to create a detailed description relating to a particular type of Memo.
Delete – Allows the user to delete the record (depending on their permissions).
Additional Details button – Allows the user to see key primary information relating to the Case.
15. Case Tabs
- Activity – Details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the Case.
- Details – Where the user can record the specific information relating to the Case for Standard, Custom and Analysis Code fields.
- Tracking – Displays a list of read only Progress Notes recorded against the Case.
- Tasks– Displays a list of Appointments and To Do’s, both Live and Complete, for the Case.
- E-mail – Displays a list of all attached Outbound and Inbound E-mails, in Sicon’s own E-Mail Editor, for the Opportunity.
- Attachments – Displays a list of all attached or linked files or folders for the Case.
- Memos – A method of recording detailed additional information, tagged as Active or Inactive for the Case.
- Case Links – Displays a List of SOP, POP and Stock Links related to the Case.
- Quotes & Orders – Displays a List of all Quotes, Proformas, Orders and Returns associated with the Case.
- Change History – An Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that Case.
Editing a record from a screen is usually done through clicking on the Pencil icon.
15.1. Activity
The Activity tab allows the user to see details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the entity it is in the context of.
All entities except Campaigns has an Activity Tab.
By clicking on the … Icon button of a particular Activity, the user can jump to that particular record. E.g. If a Task has been created for Abbey Retail Ltd in the context of an Case, that activity will be recorded in the Case Activity Tab. The user can then jump from that Activity to the specific Case.
15.2. Details
The Details tab is the area where the user can record the specific information relating to the Case. This contains Standard fields and Case Analysis Code fields. Analysis codes and Custom fields allow the user to gather additional unique information relating to the Case.
Note: Only completed fields are displayed on the screen.
The Standard Case fields and Analysis Codes can be modified using the Edit button denoted by a Pencil Icon
A more detailed Description of the Case and updating any Custom fields are populated by clicking on the Edit Additional Details and then selecting Edit Custom Fields or Edit Description.
Case Details
Reference – Automatically generated when the Case is saved and cannot be amended.
If created in ‘context’, the Company and Person fields will be automatically populated, otherwise the user must select them from a list.
The Assigned to Employee is automatically populated and based upon the name of the user who is creating the Case. The name of the Team is based upon the Team of the user.
The Case Type field is dependant on the values setup in the Case Maintenance section within Sage. The Case Type can have a default value which will automatically populate the Case type field. If set in CRM Settings, the Case Type can be specified which will then restrict the cases displayed in the Customer Service Dashboards to only that Case Type.
The Stage is dependant on the values setup in the Case Maintenance section within Sage. The Case stage can have a default value which will automatically populate the Case stage field.
The SLA field is dependant on the values setup in the Case Maintenance section within Sage. The SLA field can have a default value which will automatically populate the SLA field. The SLA field can also automatically influence the Due Date / Time field.
Severity – is dependant on the values setup in the Case Maintenance section within Sage. The Case severity can have a default value which will automatically populate the Case severity field.
Any Custom Opportunity fields – Custom fields are always displayed in the Case Details Tab.
15.3. Tracking
This section allows the user to effectively progress the Case rather than continuously updating the details of the Case.
Tracking notes can be created by clicking on the New Tracking button or Viewed using the … icon.
Note: Tracking notes cannot be edited or deleted. They can have a maximum of 1000 characters.
15.4. Tasks
The Tasks specifically relating to this record and its sub entities. Outstanding tasks are identified by a red circle with a number within it. The tasks can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Tasks ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
15.5. Emails
Displays a list of all emails that are attached to this Record and its sub entities. The emails can be Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions).
New Emails ‘in context’ can be created from this tab – marked as Out.
Email templates can be selected and a Type specified for later filtering.
Emails can be dragged and dropped from Outlook onto this tab – marked as In.
Emails can be associated with a Company, Person, Task, Case or Opportunity.
Emails can be viewed or deleted but not edited.
15.6. Attachments
Files, and Folders can be attached to a Record and links to files and folders can also be created.
Files & Folders can also be dragged and dropped here. All are held in the context of the Record and its sub entities.
15.7. Memos
Memos are a method of recording additional information and created ‘in context’.
Memos can have a ‘Type’. In the above example is called Responsibility. The Memo Type field is maintained in Settings, Maintenance, Memo types.
Memos have a maximum character size of 3000. A count of the number of characters currently used is displayed in the bottom right of the memo screen.
Flagged as Active displays a count on the Memo tab.
Memos are especially useful for entities such as Cases. Cases can hold a lot of detail regarding very specific areas. ISO 9001 has some key information that must be completed as part its process (such as Corrective Action, Preventative Action and Responsibility). For a standard case you might have two types of Solution – Solution Pending Confirmation and the other – Confirmed Solution.
15.8. Case Links
Allows the user to Create a link to Quotes, Proformas, Sales & Purchase Orders, Returns and their line items in the context of the Case.
Case Links can be viewed or deleted depending on permissions using the … icon
New Case Links can also be created using the New Case Link button.
The Case Links Tab can also be filtered by Type:
Where a Case Link exists, it is possible for the user to view the link and then hyperlink to the linked record:
Creating the Case Link also adds the same link in the context of the SOP document.
15.9. Quotes and Orders
Allows the user to Create New / View / Edit Quotes, Orders, Proformas or Returns in the context of the Case.
See section Quotes and Orders below.
15.10. Change History
Provides an Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that record.
16. Quotes and Orders
Expanding the Quotes & Orders Menu option allows the user to search for a Quote / Order / Proforma / Return (SOP Document).
Note: It is not possible to change the fields displayed or the order they are displayed in throughout the Sicon CRM Web system.
16.1. Search Quote & Orders
The Search Quotes & Orders option then presents the user with a list of all SOP Documents showing their current status.
The detail provided on the Search List has been noticeably enhanced.
If more information is displayed than the screen can manage, the user can simply left click on the screen and drag the mouse right or left. It is also possible to do this using the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
Each column is sortable (with the exception of the Case/Opportunity column). Currently the Analysis Codes for SOP Documents or their line items are not available through Sicon CRM Web and are therefore not available in the Search List or Search Filters.
Depending on the users permissions as set in the Sicon System Admin / Sage System Admin, the user can click on the … Icon button and they will be presented with up to 3 options: View, Link to or Delete. The Link To option is only available where the SOP Document is not linked. The SOP Document can be linked to an Opportunity or a Case.
Clicking on the hyperlink on the Document Number will take the user to the main SOP Document Screen. The landing page is effectively a Details page but set to the Lines Tab (as this is where New / Additional Line Items can be added, edited, viewed or deleted (depending on user permissions).
Clicking the View option from the … Icon button will achieve the same result.
There is no Edit facility from the SOP Document List but clicking on the View option and then clicking on the
Edit icon (denoted as a Pencil) will achieve the same result.
Selecting the Link to option from the … Icon button will open a dialogue box allowing the user to ‘Link’ the SOP document to a Case or Opportunity.
This will then be displayed on the SOP Documents List:
Selecting the Delete option from the … Icon button will open a confirmation dialogue box. If the user confirms Yes to this, the SOP Document and all its sub-records (regardless of Stage) will also be deleted. This applies to Quotes and Proformas only. It is not possible to Delete or Amend Status for Orders or Returns from Sicon CRM Web. When creating an Order or Return, the system will automatically be put on hold depending on the circumstances. The user can then take the Order or Return Off hold but cannot do it thereafter.
Filtering the Search List
Finding your records by specific criteria is accessed through the Filters Bar at the top of the Search List.
Using the Search by (top left side of the Search List) – This allows the user to Search by the following:
- Document Number, Customer Reference, Company, or Postcode. It does not allow the searching of any other field.
- Searching by other fields has to be completed using the Filter button
- Clicking on the Search button initiates the New filters applied.
- Clicking on the Clear all filters button resets all filters back to their standard defaults.
- It is not possible to add or remove any standard fields from the filters.
There is no active record count shown on the Quotes and Orders main menu.
Note: SOP Filters are Collapsible.
16.2. New Quotes & Orders
It is now possible to access the New Quotes and Orders options directly from the main menu in the Web.
Controls have also been introduced to restrict access to the New Option and to the New Options on the main Account Tab in Web.
17. New SOP Document
SOP Documents can also be created in the ‘context’ of the Company from the Account tab or in the ‘context’ of an Opportunity or Case.
There are certain standard fields that must be completed. Analysis Codes & Custom fields are not available on SOP or SOP Items within Sicon CRM Web.
Where the user attempts to save the record without these required fields being populated a dialogue box will be displayed advising the user on which fields must be completed.
Required fields are denoted by a Red Astrix next to the field name.
17.1. Quotes and Orders Tab from Cases & Opportunities
Within a Case or Opportunity there is a tab called Quotes and Orders. From this tab the user can see a list of all SOP Documents and some limited information in the list that relate to that specific Case or Opportunity.
A case or opportunity can have multiple SOP documents linked to them.
If more information is displayed than the screen can manage, the user can simple left click on the screen and drag the mouse right or left. It is also possible to do this using the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
Each column is sortable. Currently the Analysis Codes for SOP Documents or their line items are not available through Sicon CRM Web and are therefore not available in the Search List or Search Filters.
This allows the user to Create New or View Quotes, Orders, Proformas or Returns in the context of the Opportunity or Case.
* Quotes and Orders Tab (SOP Documents) in Context of Opportunity
Depending on the users permissions as set in the Sicon System Admin, the user can click on the … Icon button and they will be presented with one option: View.
Clicking on the hyperlink on the Document Number will take the user to the main SOP Document Screen. The landing page is effectively a Summary page but set to the Lines Tab (as this is where New / Additional Line Items can be added, edited, viewed or deleted (depending on user permissions).
Clicking the View option from the … Icon button will achieve the same result.
There is no Edit facility from the SOP Document List but clicking on the View option and then clicking on the Edit icon (denoted as a Pencil) will achieve the same result.
At this time, it is not possible to Delete an SOP document from the Quotes / Orders List using the … Icon button in context of a Case or Opportunity.
There are no filter options available on the Quotes / Orders tab in the context of a Case or Opportunity.
17.2. Creating New Quotes, Orders, Proforms & Returns
As well as being able to view the SOP document and then subsequently edit the document, it is also possible to create a New SOP document in the context of the case or Opportunity.
Using the New button, click on the relevant NEW document.
This will display the main header for the SOP document. Most information will be pre-populated because it has been created in context.
Once the header is Saved the user can then begin to add specific line items.
All types of Line items standard in Sage 200 are available from within Sicon CRM Web.
New Standard Item
The user can select the appropriate product by clicking on the Pick button which will display a list of products from the stock list in Sage 200.
The list of items can be filtered.
Upon selecting the stock item, the stock item field will be populated and the Warehouse will be populated with the Default warehouse assigned to the user in Sage 200 User permissions.
The available stock in that warehouse will also be displayed.
The user can select an alternative warehouse if they choose to.
If the quantity selected exceeds the available stock from that warehouse a warning triangle will be displayed.
Hovering over the triangle will display the precise message:
The default unit price of the stock item is displayed but if the User has the necessary user permissions as described above, they can also modify the unit price and / or apply a discount.
The user can then reset the prices back to their original price by clicking on the Reset Overridden Prices button.
The VAT rate defaults to the Default VAT rate of the stock item.
The Requested and Promised Delivery date fields default to the current date.
New Free Text Line Item
The screen is as would be expected.
The VAT rate defaults to Standard rate and the Requested and Promised Delivery date fields default to the current date.
New Additional Charge
The screen gives the user the ability to select the additional charges as setup in Sage 200.
The VAT rate defaults to Standard rate.
New Comment Line
The screen allows a user to add a comment line description and options to display on customer documents and picking lists.
As the line items are added and saved, the main screen is updated.
From the line item list view on the SOP document using the … Icon, individual line items can be viewed, edited or deleted (depending on user permissions).
From the Actions button depending on the type of SOP document, there is the ability to Print, Convert to Order or Convert to Proforma.
From the Details button it is possible to see the associated records of the SOP document and hyperlinks are available to jump directly to those records.
On / Off Hold
If a Company has exceeded their credit limit etc, any further orders that are recorded are automatically placed On Hold. This happens immeditaely the order is created even though no line items have been entered.
If the user wishes to, they can choose to take the order Off Hold by using the Actions button.
The user will then be presented with a dialogue box to confirm they wish to take the order off hold.
At this point in time, there is no facility to manually place an Order On / Off Hold in either CRM Web or Sicon CRM in Sage 200. This has to be completed in Sage 200 within Standard SOP.
It is possible in Sicon CRM Web to Print Quotes, Orders and Proformas. The templates are those that are used in Sage 200.
The user is then asked to confirm that they wish to print and the document is then displayed on screen.
Clicking on Download will download a pdf
17.3. Valuation of Opportunities
An Opportunity can be either manually valued or automatically valued based upon the values of the quotes and their line items.
To manually value and cost an opportunity, the user simply needs to type in the values. This will, together with the probability, calculate the Forecast Value £, Margin £ and Margin %.
Alternatively the user can create a quote against the opportunity and decide which Quote Items should be included in valuing the opportunity.
Opportunity Value is now updated:
Note: The tick boxes are automaticall checked, so the user must manually choose to deselect the Quote Line Item.
In addition, the ‘Update Opportunity Values’ tick box is only displayed if the Quote was created in the context of an Opportunity.
18. Tasks
Expanding the Task Menu option allows the user to either search for a Task or to create a New Task
18.1. Search Tasks
Editing a record from a List is usually done through clicking on the … Icon button.
The Search Task option then presents the user with a list of all Active Tasks.
If more information is displayed than the screen can manage, the user can simply left click on the screen and drag the mouse right or left. It is also possible to do this using the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
Each column is sortable and displays most of the standard fields and any created Analysis codes. Note: Tasks do not have Custom fields.
Depending on the users permissions as set in the Sicon System Admin, the user can click on the … Icon button and they will be presented with up to 4 options: View, Edit, New Follow Up Task or Delete.
Clicking on the hyperlink on the Task Name will take the user to the main Task Screen. The landing page is the Activity Tab.
Clicking the View option from the … Icon button will achieve the same result.
Clicking on the Edit option from the … Icon button will take the user to the main Summary screen in Edit Mode.
Clicking on the Details Tab and clicking the Edit icon (denoted as a Pencil) will achieve the same result.
Selecting the Delete option from the … Icon button will open a confirmation dialogue box. If the user confirms Yes to this, the Task and all its sub-records (regardless of Stage) will also be deleted.
Filtering the Search List
Finding your records by specific criteria is accessed through the Filters Bar at the top of the Search List.
Using the Search by (top left side of the Search List) – This allows the user to Search by the following:
- Summary, Company, or Person. It also allows the user to search on any Custom field that is of type: Text. It does not allow the searching of any other field.
- Searching by other fields has to be completed using the Filter button
- It is not possible to add or remove any standard fields from the filters.
- Clicking on the Search button initiates the New filters applied.
- Clicking on the Clear all filters button resets all filters back to their standard defaults.
- Note: Task Filters are Collapsible.
18.2. Active Record Count
Unlike the Company and People main menus, all the other sub entities conduct counts of active records. This is denoted by a red circle with a white number.
19. New Task
Clicking on the New Task button takes the user to the New Task entry screen.
There are certain standard fields that must be completed together with any Analysis Codes.
Where the user attempts to save the record without these fields being populated a dialogue box will be displayed advising the user on which fields must be completed.
Required fields are denoted by a Red Astrix next to the field name.
Once all validations have been completed, the record can be saved and the user will be taken to the main Task screen landing on the ‘Activity’ Tab.
Note: It is not possible to change:
- The standard fields that are displayed
- The List of Standard fields
- If a standard field is required or not
The Task entity record and all other entity records follow a similar theme – A Header and a series of Tabs.
19.1. Header
The Header displays the record that the user is currently working on. It also holds the Actions and Details buttons.
19.2. Actions & Details buttons
Actions allow the user to
New Follow Up Task – Allows the user to create a new Task ‘in context’ of the previous task.
New Memo – Allows the user to create a detailed description relating to a particular type of Memo.
Delete – Allows the user to delete the record (depending on their permissions).
Additional Details button – Allows the user to see key primary information relating to the Case.
20. Task Tabs
This allows the user to view all Tasks and details relating to the Company, People, Cases, Opportunities and Tenders. Within each Task the user can also see any related Emails, Attachments and memos. The user can also create and edit ‘Follow Up’ tasks.
- Activity – Details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the Task.
- Details – Where the user can record the specific information relating to the Task for Standard, Custom and Analysis Code fields.
- Tracking – Displays a list of read only Progress Notes recorded against the Task.
- Follow up Tasks – Displays a list of Appointments and To Do’s, both Live and Complete, created in the context of the original Task.
- E-mails – Displays a list of all attached Outbound and Inbound E-mails, in Sicon’s own E-Mail Editor, for the Task.
- Attachments – Displays a list of all attached or linked files or folders for the Task.
- Memos – A method of recording detailed additional information, tagged as Active or Inactive for the Task.
- Change History – An Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that Task.
20.1. Activity
The Activity tab allows the user to see details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the entity it is in the context of.
All entities except Campaigns has an Activity Tab.
By clicking on the … Icon button of a particular Activity, the user can jump to that particular record. E.g. If a Memo has been created for Abbey Retail Ltd in the context of an Task, that activity will be recorded in the Task Activity Tab. The user can then jump from that Activity to the specific Memo.
20.2. Details
The Details tab is the area where the user can record the specific information relating to the Task. This contains Standard fields and Task Analysis Code fields. Analysis codes allow the user to gather additional unique information relating to the Task. Note – Tasks do not have Custom fields.
Note: Only completed fields are displayed on the screen.
The Standard Task fields and Analysis Codes can be modified using the Edit button denoted by a Pencil Icon.
A more detailed Description of the Task can be populated by clicking on the Edit Description field.
Tasks now have Custom Fields. These can be accessed from the Edit Additional Details as they can for Description and Analysis Codes.
Task Details
Tasks follow a very similar approach to Appointments in Outlook. Any Task in CRM is scheduled in the Calander.
Summary – A basic Summary of the Task.
Type – Whether it is a Meeting, a Phone Call, etc. The field is dependant on the values setup in the Task Maintenance section within Sage. The Task Type can have a default value which will automatically populate the Case type field.
If created in ‘context’, the Company and Person fields will be automatically populated, otherwise the user must select them from a list.
The Assigned to Employee is automatically populated and based upon the name of the user who is creating the Task. The name of the Team is based upon the Team of the user.
The Stage would usually be something simple: Scheduled, Completed, Cancelled. It is dependant on the values setup in the Task Maintenance section within Sage. The Task Stage can have a default value which will automatically populate the field.
Location – Where the Task is due to take place.
Priority – is dependant on the values setup in the Task Maintenance section within Sage. The Task Priority can have a default value which will automatically populate the field.
Reminder Type – is dependant on the values setup in the Task Maintenance section within Sage. The Task Reminder Type can have a default value which will automatically populate the field. The reminder will pop up the screen x minutes / hours / day before the Due date that is specified.
Note: If setup correctly, Tasks scheduled in CRM will automatically create an entry into the user’s diary along with any reminder.
Create Cases and Opportunities in the context of a Task and associated Person & Company
From a Task, it is now possible to Create a Case or Opportunity. If the Task is already linked to a Company and / or Person, the context will be passed to the Case or Opportunity.
When created from the Task, the Case or Opportunity will also have the Tasks listed in their Task List.
When created from the Task, the Case or Opportunity will also have the Tasks listed in their Task List.
20.3. Tracking
This section allows the user to effectively progress the Task rather than continuously updating the details of the Task.
Tracking notes can be created by clicking on the New Tracking button or Viewed using the … icon.
Note: Tracking notes cannot be edited or deleted. They can have a maximum of 1000 characters.
20.4. Follow up Tasks
This section allows the user to create a New Task in the ‘context’ of another. This provides a simple link to move from one task to another. Creating a Follow up Task is exactly the same as creating a New Task.
20.5. Emails
Displays a list of all emails that are attached to this record and its sub entities. The emails can be Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions).
New Emails ‘in context’ can be created from this tab – marked as Out.
Email templates can be selected and a Type specified for later filtering.
Emails can be dragged and dropped from Outlook onto this tab – marked as In.
Emails can be associated with a Company, Person, Task, Case or Opportunity.
Emails can be viewed or deleted but not edited.
20.6. Attachments
Files, and Folders can be attached to a Record and links to files and folders can also be created.
Files & Folders can also be dragged and dropped here. All are held in the context of the Record and its sub entities.
20.7. Memos
Memos are a method of recording additional information and created ‘in context’.
Memos can have a ‘Type’. Types are dependant on the entity they are associated with. So, in the above example, there is no Type for Tasks and therefore the field is blank. The Memo Type field is maintained in Settings, Maintenance, Memo types in Sage.
Memos have a maximum character size of 3000. A count of the number of characters currently used is displayed in the bottom right of the memo screen.
Flagged as Active displays a count on the Memo tab.
20.8. Change History
Provides an Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that record.
21. Tenders
Expanding the Tender Menu option allows the user to either search for a Tender or to create a New Tender.
21.1. Search Tenders
Editing a record from a List is usually done through clicking on the … Icon button.
The Search Tender option then presents the user with a list of all Active Tenders.
If more information is displayed than the screen can manage, the user can simply left click on the screen and drag the mouse right or left. It is also possible to do this using the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen.
Each column is sortable and displays most of the standard fields.
Note: Tenders do not have Analysis Codes or Custom fields.
Depending on the users permissions as set in the Sicon System Admin, the user can click on the … Icon button and they will be presented with up to 3 options: View, Edit or Delete.
Clicking on the hyperlink on the Tender Name will take the user to the main Tender Screen. The landing page is the Activity Tab.
Clicking the View option from the … Icon button will achieve the same result.
Clicking on the Edit option from the … Icon button will take the user to the main Summary screen in Edit Mode.
Clicking on the Details Tab and clicking the Edit icon (denoted as a Pencil) will achieve the same result.
Selecting the Delete option from the … Icon button will open a confirmation dialogue box. If the user confirms Yes to this, the Tender and all its sub-records (regardless of Stage) will also be deleted. However, opportunities linked to a Tender will not be deleted, simply the link.
Filtering the Search List
Finding your records by specific criteria is accessed through the Filters Bar at the top of the Search List.
Using the Search by (top left side of the Search List) – This allows the user to Search by the following:
- Summary, Reference, or Primary Opportunity. It does not allow the searching of any other field.
- Searching by other fields has to be completed using the Filter button
- It is not possible to add or remove any standard fields from the filters.
- Clicking on the Search button initiates the New filters applied.
- Clicking on the Clear all filters button resets all filters back to their standard defaults.
Note: Tender Filters are Collapsible.
21.2. Active Record Count
Tenders are not assigned to a particular user and therefore do not have a record count.
22. New Tender
Clicking on the New Tender button takes the user to the New Tender entry screen.
There are certain standard fields that must be completed. Tenders do not have Analysis codes or Custom fields.
Where the user attempts to save the record without these fields being populated a dialogue box will be displayed advising the user on which fields must be completed.
Required fields are denoted by a Red Astrix next to the field name.
Once all validations have been completed, the record can be saved and the user will be taken to the main Tender screen landing on the ‘Activity’ Tab.
Note: It is not possible to change:
- The standard fields that are displayed
- The List of Standard fields
- If a standard field is required or not
The Tender entity record and all other entity records follow a similar theme – A Header and a series of Tabs.
22.1. Header
The Header displays the record that the user is currently working on. It also holds the Actions and Details buttons.
22.2. Actions & Details buttons
Actions allow the user to
New Task – Allows the user to create a new Task ‘in context’ of the Tender. However the details of the Tender are not displayed on the actual task.
New Memo – Allows the user to create a detailed description relating to a particular type of Memo.
New Tracking
This section allows the user to effectively progress the Tender rather than continuously updating the details of the Tender.
Note: Tracking notes can be created by clicking on the New Tracking button or Viewed using the … icon.
Note: Tracking notes cannot be edited or deleted. They can have a maximum of 1000 characters.
Delete – Allows the user to delete the record (depending on their permissions).
Additional Details button – Allows the user to see key primary information relating to the Tender.
23. Tenders Tab
This allows the user to view all Tenders and their linked Opportunities. Within each Tender the user can also see any related Emails, Attachment and memos.
23.1. Activity
The Activity tab allows the user to see details of newly created and newly closed records relating to the entity it is in the context of.
All entities except Campaigns has an Activity Tab.
By clicking on the … Icon button of a particular Activity, the user can jump to that particular record. E.g. If a Memo has been created for Abbey Retail Ltd in the context of an Task, that activity will be recorded in the Task Activity Tab. The user can then jump from that Activity to the specific Memo.
23.2. Details
The Details tab is the area where the user can record the specific information relating to the Task. This contains Standard.
Note: Tenders do not have Analysis Codes or Custom fields.
Note: Only completed fields are displayed on the screen.
Summary – A basic Summary of the Tender.
The Stage would usually be something simple: Advertising, Invited, Awarded. It is dependant on the values setup in the Tender Maintenance section within Sage. The Tender Stage can have a default value which will automatically populate the field.
Due Date / Time – The date the Tender is expected to be closed and awarded.
23.3. Tracking
New Tracking
This section allows the user to effectively progress the Tender rather than continuously updating the details of the Tender.
Tracking notes can be created by clicking on the New Tracking button or Viewed using the … icon.
Note: Tracking notes cannot be edited or deleted. They can have a maximum of 1000 characters.
23.4. Tasks
The Tasks specifically relating to this record and its sub entities. Outstanding tasks are identified by a red circle with a number within it. The tasks can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Tasks ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
23.5. Opportunities
Displays a list of all Opportunities that are attached to this Record and its sub entities. The Opportunities can be Edited, Viewed or Deleted (depending on permissions). New Opportunities ‘in context’ can be created from this tab.
23.6. Emails
Tenders do not have an Emails Tab.
23.7. Attachments
Files, and Folders can be attached to a Record and links to files and folders can also be created.
Files & Folders can also be dragged and dropped here. All are held in the context of the Record and its sub entities.
23.8. Memos
Memos are a method of recording additional information and created ‘in context’.
Memos can have a ‘Type’. Types are dependant on the entity they are associated with. So, in the above example, there is no Type for Tenders and therefore the field is blank. The Memo Type field is maintained in Settings, Maintenance, Memo types in Sage.
Memos have a maximum character size of 3000. A count of the number of characters currently used is displayed in the bottom right of the memo screen.
Flagged as Active displays a count on the Memo tab.
23.9. Change History
Provides an Audit trail of all changes made at field level relating to that record.
24. Release Notes
The release notes page shows which release of the system includes new features or issues resolved.
At the release of Sicon v21 we announced that going forward, we will only be supporting Sage 200c and as such we are able to drop the year from our version numbers. We moved from to 210.0.0.
New features detailed in the Release Notes relating to Pre-Release versions will not be detailed in the current Help and User Guide until the end of development phase.
Sicon CRM Release Notes