WAP Help and User Guide – Approval Routes v19
Help and User Guide for Sicon WAP Approval Routes
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Help and User Guide maintained for WAP version 19.640.0.10 – v19.2
The WAP Approval Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for approval in WAP. WAP Approval Routes allow separate approval routes to be created for each type of document within the system, e.g. Purchase Requisition, Sales Order, Invoice, Expense, Timesheet, Holiday Requests, Project Requisitions, new supplier, customer or stock requests. Approval routes can be based on Nominal Account, Requesting User, Job or Job Header (Project or Project Item), Job Manager (Job Costing only), Document Value or Supplier. Approval routes can be built on a combination of these options, e.g. nominal account and requesting user, but it is advised to keep routes as simple as possible to allow for easier administration within the live system. The most common approval route for requisitions and invoices is approval based on nominal account (this refers to a combination of Nominal Code, Cost Centre and Department). Other modules such as Expenses or Holiday Requests are usually configured based on requesting user while Timesheets can either be based on requesting user, job or combination of the both.
Approval routes can contain more than one approver in a step; i.e. if a document of high value requires approval from multiple developers, the approval step can contain a User Type or User List.
The route (from top to bottom) is the order in which the documents will be processed. A document will go as far as is required until it reaches a user with sufficient approval value at which point the document will be fully approved. If any users in the approval route have been marked as mandatory or mandatory over budget (and the document is over budget), these users will need to approve before the document is fully approved and posts to Sage.
1. Approval Settings Tab
The WAP Approval Routes system provides a number of options to create approval routes for documents which need to be configured within System Settings cogs – System Setup banner – System Settings – Approval Tab.
1.1. Display Banner
View PDF Attachments Inline: this must be enabled if using a document management system within the Invoice module; this setting will allow the attached invoice to be viewed during the approval process.
Use Acrobat Viewer for Inline PDFs: if Adobe is installed on client machines it will use this to open the attachment; if not enabled, the WAP viewer will be used.
Hide Budgets tab on approval pages: this setting will hide the budget tab on all approval pages.
1.2. Functionality Banner
Various parameters can be turned on and off to create the required approval route settings per document within the WAP system. These settings are configured per WAP install rather than per Company. Once routes have been created or there are documents awaiting approval, these settings cannot be changed without deleting routes. Combinations of approval options are possible (for example, requisitions could be approved by both requesting user and nominal account) but it is recommended to keep the routes as simple as possible to allow for easier administration.
All applicable document types are listed, e.g. Requisitions, Sales Orders, Invoices, Project Requisitions etc. and approval route functionality is set per document type. Some document types may not have all approval options available; e.g. Holiday Requests can only be approved by requesting user.
Document Requires Approval: by default this will be on, but if documents do not require approval, this can be unticked.
Approve as Single Document: if this is ticked it would mean that only one nominal account can be set per document; usually more than one nominal code would be needed on a document so this wouldn’t need to be switched on.
Approval Type: set at either document item value or document value; document value will use the total value of the document for approval while document item value will total the lines with the same nominal code for approval.
Nominal Account: approval to be based on nominal account (combination of account number, cost centre and department); if a new nominal account is added in Sage, corresponding approval routes would need to be created in WAP.
Supplier: approval to be based on Purchase Ledger supplier account; if a new supplier account is added in Sage, corresponding approval routes would need to be created in WAP.
Value Band: value bands would need to be created to allow for documents to skip approvers; for example if documents over a certain value should go straight to a Director for approval rather than going through line managers before reaching the Director. Value bands are usually used in conjunction with another functionality option, e.g. nominal account or requesting user.
Requesting User: approval to be based on the user who submitted the document; if new users are added in WAP, corresponding approval routes would need to be created.
Job: approval to be based on the job (or project) selected; if new jobs or projects are created in Sage, corresponding approval routes would need to be created.
Job Header: approval to be based on the job header (or project item) selected; if new job headers or project items are created in Sage, corresponding approval routes would need to be created in WAP.
Job Manager: this can only be used in conjunction with Job Costing; approval would be based on the job manager linked to the job selected. If new job managers are created in Sage, corresponding approval routes in WAP would need to be created. If jobs are being created in Sage regularly, it can be advisable to have approval in WAP based on job manager (rather than job) as this would mean less maintenance in WAP; approval routes only need configuration if new job managers are created, rather than every time a new job is entered.
Approval Configuration per Document Type
Requisitions: if no costing module is configured, approval would usually either be based on nominal account or requesting user; if a costing module is configured, approval may be based on job or job manager.
Sales Orders: usually approval would be based on requesting user.
Invoices: if invoice approval is used in conjunction with the requisition module, the invoice approval routes will usually mirror requisition approval routes. N.B. requesting user can only be selected if invoices are entered directly into WAP (i.e. when Commercials are not configured in Sage).
Project Requisitions: approval is usually always to the same set of users, i.e. the Procurement Team, so a default approval route is usually sufficient. Approval routes can also be configured based on requesting user or value band.
Expenses: usually these would be approved based either on requesting user or on the nominal code.
Timesheets: usually these would be approved based either on requesting user or on job/project selected.
Holidays: these can only be approved based on requesting user.
Construction Applications: if this functionality is to be used; approval will be based either on supplier or job.
Customers: these can only be approved based on requesting user. Usually a default approval route for this document type will be created to either a Finance user or set of users.
Supplier: these can only be approved based on requesting user. Usually a default approval route for this document type will be created to either a Finance user or set of users.
Stock Item: these can only be approved based on requesting user. Usually a default approval route for this document type will be created to a Procurement user or set of users.
Expense Supplier: these can only be approved based on requesting user. Usually a default approval route for this document type will be created to a Finance user or set of users.
Proposed Payments: these can only be approved either based on value or supplier. A default approval route for this document type may be sufficient to the Company’s MD or FD.
Absence: these can only be approved based on requesting user.
1.3. Approval Route Deletion Options
Once an approval route option has been configured above and approval routes have been created, it is not possible to change the approval configuration for that document type without clearing down all the existing routes; i.e. changing Requisition approval from being based on nominal account to requesting user. Clicking on Approval Route Deletion Options will show buttons provided to clear down all approval route for each document type allowing new options to be selected and new routes configured. Routes can be deleted per Sage database and per module type.
NB: deleting all routes will stop the WAP system being able to be used until there is a default approval route (all menu options on the left will disappear). A global default approval route will need to be created; we would advise this to be an Admin user who does not appear in other routes.
1.4. Approval Route Functionality Options
These settings can be changed while approval routes are configured in the system.
Approval Routes for a document are restarted on changes made to a document by any user (not just the requestor): by default, any changes made to a document by the requester will cause the document to restart the approval route, but checking this option will mean changes made to the document by any user will restart the route.
All Document Approval Routes are restarted when an approval route is changed: if an approval route is changed while a document is awaiting approval, this option will cause the document to start the approval route from the beginning, rather than carrying on from the current stage.
Prompt for confirmation before approval when using ‘Approve All’ option: this option will cause a pop up to appear to ask the user for confirmation when they are approving documents using the multi select option.
Prompt for confirmation for individual item lines before completing approval (only when single document approval is disabled): this option will cause a pop up to appear to ask the user for confirmation when they are approving a single document item or line.
When single document approval is enabled, compare the actual approval routes for the items rather than the approval options (e.g. the routes are the same instead of the nominal accounts being the same): this will mean the routes are checked during document entry; i.e. items can only be entered if the approval route is the same, rather than only checking nominal accounts (i.e. if document approval is based on another option other than nominal account). All lines on the document will be approved or rejected at the same time.
Approval history display type for report grids: this affects how approval progress is displayed in all reports with approval details. Combined – all details are combined into a single column per step. Discrete – all the details are separated into multiple columns per step. All – shows all columns from combined and discrete. None – approval step columns are hidden.
1.5. Invoice Approval Banner
These settings are only applicable if using WAP Invoice Approval.
There are three options for approving invoices entered against POs, only one of these options can be selected. If any settings are changed here, please restart the WAP service.
Option 1 – Automatically approve invoices that are linked to Purchase Orders. This setting will mean an invoice linked to a related requisition will be automatically approved but variance checking can be enabled using the below options. The recommended settings are shown below but these can be configured per install as required; i.e. some companies will set the variance as zero – any difference of any amount means the invoice will require approval.
Check the total value of the invoice against the total of the matched PO lines: when entering the invoice in Sage, this will check the overall Goods and VAT value entered at the top of the invoice screen against the totals per matched lines.
Check the invoiced quantity matches the Goods Received quantity: if three way matching is enabled, the invoiced quantity will be checked against the goods received quantity.
Check the invoice line values compared to the purchase order line: this setting will check line totals on the purchase order against line totals on the invoice. If this setting is enabled, a line that has been part received and part invoiced would still require approval because the invoice line total does not match the order line total.
Check the invoice line unit prices compared to the purchase order line: this setting will check unit prices on the invoice line against the unit prices on the order line. If this setting is enabled, a line that has been part received and part invoiced would not require approval unless the invoice unit value was different to the unit value on the purchase order.
Check invoice variance by percent/invoice line total value variance percentage with Purchase Order Line: to check variance by a percentage, tick and then enter applicable percentage, e.g. 2%. The ‘by percent’ and ‘by value’ checks can be used in conjunction; i.e. to approve if under 2% and under £50 but to require approval if under £50 but over 2%.
Check invoice variance by value/invoice line total value variance value with Purchase Order line in WAP base currency: to check variance by a value, tick and then enter applicable value, e.g. £50. The ‘by percent’ and ‘by value’ checks can be used in conjunction; i.e. to approve if under 2% and under £50 but to require approval if under 2% but over £50.
Automatically approve if invoice line is less than purchase order line: if it is company policy that if an invoice arrives and is less than the purchase order it doesn’t require approval, enable this setting.
N.B. a default approval route can be created for all invoice that have a variance (under Global Default approval routes); this will send all variance invoices to one user (or User Type or List, depending on how the route has been configured) to approve.
Option 2 – Invoices linked to requisitions should be approved by the requisition requester. This option generates a custom approval route for each invoice that is linked to a requisition and the route will only contain the user account who raised the requisition in WAP. This means the user who raised the requisition will also require unlimited invoice approval value. N.B. this setting is for invoices entered into Sage 200 only.
Option 3 – All invoices require approval. If this option is configured, all invoices entered into Sage 200 and picked up by WAP, or entered directly into WAP, will use the standard configured approval routes created for invoices.
If any settings are changed here, please restart the WAP service.
1.6. Mandatory Approval – Custom Fields Banner
This feature allows up to three additional mandatory approval labels to be included in approval routes and have a custom label so they can be personalised per installation. An example of this being used is the Cap-Ex Spend option below; it might be that when the user is raising a requisition they identify the purchase as cap-ex and so additional approval would be required.
When adding or amending an approval route, any custom fields that have been enabled will appear as selectable options, similar to the standard mandatory flags, see below.
If enabled, the label is displayed when submitting either a requisition or an invoice for a user to select.
1.7. Self-Approval Banner
Each WAP user can be set with a self-approval value (User Setup – Users – Account Options) per document type. There are three options available for configuring self-approval when a requester is also in the approval route. One of these options must be selected; by default the first option is checked at install.
NB: self-approval will override mandatory approval routes, expect if the nominal or job is over budget.
Use the requestor self-approval value instead of the document approval value: as a general rule, self-approval value is usually less than the user’s document approval value and this will accommodate the scenario where a user can approve other user’s documents at one value but they can only approve documents submitted by themselves at a lower value or at 0.00, forcing the document through the approval routes.
Use the approvers alternate user account where available, or remove the requester from the approval route for that document when there is no alternate user available: the alternate user is set on the WAP user’s profile; if there is no user configured here, the document will go to the next stage of the approval route.
Use the normal approval value that would be used if approving a document requested by another user: the user’s document approval value or specific nominal approval value will be used rather than their self-approval value. Use this option if different nominal codes have different requisition approval values.
2. Approval Route Reports
There are four reports that can be run from the approval route report section.
2.1. Approval Routes
This report will show all approval routes for a particular document type and Sage database. Depending on approval route configuration, options will appear to select a nominal code, requesting user etc. when running the report. Once the report has been run, it will show each route configured with each approval stage; if single users are in the approval step, their approval value will show in brackets with M marking Mandatory and MOB showing Mandatory over Budget.
This report can be exported to Excel or PDF and can be adapted either by dragging columns to change the order or group data by a particular header. Click the ‘Customise’ button for the Field Chooser to appear which will allow for additional headers to be added or existing headers to be removed.
NB: reports are cookie based so to allow for this customisation, ensure the browser settings allow cookies from the WAP website. Customised columns may return to the standard configuration following a WAP or browser upgrade as cookies may be cleared.
2.2. User Approval Values
This report will show all users with their item, approval and self-approval values for each document type. The report can be run for one user or if the user filter is left blank, data will be generated for all users.
This report can be exported to Excel and can be adapted either by dragging columns to change the order or group data by a particular header. Click the ‘Customise’ button for the Field Chooser to appear which will allow for additional headers to be added or existing headers to be removed.
NB: reports are cookie based so to allow for this customisation, ensure the browser settings allow cookies from the WAP website. Customised columns may return to the standard configuration following a WAP or browser upgrade as cookies may be cleared.
2.3. Custom User Nominal Values Report
This report will show per database and per user nominal codes with overridden approval value per nominal code. If the ‘Show Nominal with no custom value’ option is ticked, all nominal codes allocated to the user will be displayed. This report is the best to run to show nominal codes allocated to users. The report can be run for one user or if the user filter is left blank, data will be generated for all users.
This report can be exported to Excel and can be adapted either by dragging columns to change the order or group data by a particular header. Click the ‘Customise’ button for the Field Chooser to appear which will allow for additional headers to be added or existing headers to be removed.
NB: reports are cookie based so to allow for this customisation, ensure the browser settings allow cookies from the WAP website. Customised columns may return to the standard configuration following a WAP or browser upgrade as cookies may be cleared.
2.4. User Nominal Accounts List
This report will show per database and per user nominal codes allocated to the user. The report can be run for one user or if the user filter is left blank, data will be generated for all users.
This report can be exported to Excel and can be adapted either by dragging columns to change the order or group data by a particular header. Click the ‘Customise’ button for the Field Chooser to appear which will allow for additional headers to be added or existing headers to be removed.
NB: reports are cookie based so to allow for this customisation, ensure the browser settings allow cookies from the WAP website. Customised columns may return to the standard configuration following a WAP or browser upgrade as cookies may be cleared.
3. Approval Routes
Once the initial functionality set up has been completed, approval routes can be created. By selecting the System Settings cogs icon and choosing the Approval Routes option from under the Approval Route Setup banner, the Approval Routes menu will be displayed as below.
3.1. Edit Single Route
Create or edit a single approval route based on the configured approval options for the selected document type. When a route is chosen, the existing route will be shown and amendments can be made or a new route created.
In the below example an approval route is being created/edited for a requisition raised in the Demo Data company against nominal code 89100-ADM-ADM and value band 0 – £25,000. Once the route components have been selected, click Edit Route.
If a route has been created, this will be shown, if no route has yet been created, an empty Approval Route screen will be displayed.
Approval routes will always work from the top down (e.g. James to Henry); the first approver will always need to sign the document and if it is within their approval value, will look for any other steps marked as mandatory or mandatory over budget. If no other steps are mandatory, the document will be fully approved. If the first approver does not have sufficient approval value to approve the document, it will go to the next approval step and keep progressing until a user has adequate approval value. Any further steps will be checked for mandatory or mandatory over budget flags and either direct for additional approval or the document will be fully approved.
In the example below, if a requisition is raised for £22,000, the document will first be approved by James King as she appears first in the list. Although James can approve up to £25,000, the document will also go to Henry Hooper if the nominal is over budget. Once the document has been through the approval process and the requisition is authorised, the requester will be notified by email and the PO can be sent to the supplier.
Clear Route: use this to empty all approval route steps previously created, if new steps are to be configured.
Simple: by default this radio button is selected to allow for single users to be selected from the drop down box and users added. Users will only be visible on the drop down list if they have permission to approve the document type.
Advanced: select this radio button for further configuration options, e.g. to add a User Type or User List to an approval step.
Name: this will show the user(s) included at the approval step; their User Type is shown in brackets.
Type: this will show details on the approval step; either a single user, User Type or User List will be shown.
Maximum Approval Value: if the step is a single user, this will show the user’s maximum approval value with an explanation of where the approval value is taken from. If the step includes multiple users (e.g. a User Type or User List step), this will show the lowest maximum approval value and the highest maximum approval value. For example, if James and Henry from the example above were both in an approval step as a User List, the maximum approval value would show ‘25,000 to 999,999,999’ (James can approve up to £25,000 and Henry can approve up to £999,999,999).
Req. No. App (Required Number of Approvers): this will show the required number of approvers at the step; if the step contains a User List or User Type it might be that more than one approver is required.
Mandatory: tick if the approver at the step must sign of all documents regardless of value. An example of a user being marked as Mandatory is a final Finance approval step of all expenses.
Mand. Ovr. Bud. (Mandatory over Budget): tick if the approver at the step must sign off documents if the nominal or job is over budget.
Blue Directional Arrows: use these arrows to move configured steps either up or down the route.
Cross Icon: use this to delete the step from the route.
Users Icon: this will show the number of approvers at the current step; if clicked, the approval route will be shown in more detail with all approvers listed, required number of approvers etc.
Back To Route Selection: use this option to return to the previous screen to select another route if additional changes are to be made.
Copy Route: use this option to copy the current route to another configuration. Make sure to save the current route first if changes have been made.
Save: use to save the route if changes have been made.
Close: use to return to the approval route management options.
3.2. Creating a Route – Simple Option
By default this radio button is selected when using the wizard or creating a single route to allow for single users to be selected from the drop down box and users added. Users will only be visible on the drop down list if they have permission to approve the document type. Add as many users as required until the route is completed; approval values should start with the smallest amount and finish with a user with unlimited approval value. Up to ten approval steps can be configured.
3.3. Creating a Route – Advanced Options
When using the wizard or creating a single route, select this radio button for further configuration options, e.g. to add a User Type or User List to an approval step.
- Add User. Select a single user, add the selected user and save the step. Users will only be visible on the list if they have permission to approve the document type.
- Add User Type. Select the required User Types from the list, add the selected user types and save the step. Before saving, make sure the required number of users is correct. User Types will only be visible on the list if they have permission to approve the document type.
- Add User List. Select the required users from the list, add the selected user and save the step. Before saving, make sure the required number of users is correct. Users will only be visible on the list if they have permission to approve the document type.
- Add Requester. This setting will only work if entering invoices directly into WAP rather than into Sage.
Required Number of Approvers for this Step: enter the required number of approvers at this step; if the step contains a User List or User Type it might be that more than one approver is required. For example, the document may be sent to four directors and any two can approve.
This Step is Mandatory: tick if the approval step must sign of all documents regardless of value. An example of a user being marked as Mandatory is a final Finance approval step of all expenses.
This Step is Mandatory only if Over Budget: tick if the approval step must sign off documents if the nominal or job is over budget.
Allow previous approvers to approve this Step: make sure this is ticked if a user is being added to the approval route twice; e.g. if a Finance User Type is the first step and the last step, when adding the last step make sure this option is ticked. If it is not ticked, the Finance approvers will not be able to approve at the final stage.
3.4. Editing Default Approval Routes
The default approval route is used when a document is processed and there is no specific route configured. There is a default route for each document type and a global default that is used if no document default has been set.
A global default route must exist before the system can be used; at installation this will be set to go to the Admin user account. If the Admin user exists in an approval route they will take up a licence; replace this user with a named user to free up the Admin licence. Note; if all routes including defaults are deleted, the system will not be able to be used – all menu options on the left will disappear.
If the invoice approval module is enabled, it is necessary to create a default route for rejected invoices or credit notes; usually this is either one Finance User or a Finance User Type who would edit the nominal code and resend for approval.
The first route to configure within this section is the Global Default which is used when no approval route exists for the selected nominal code, user or project and should be used as a ‘catch all’ for these situations.
For some document types; i.e. Customer, Supplier, Stock or Expense Supplier requests, a default route may be created rather than individual routes – if the requests will always require approval from the same user or group of users. Default routes for each document type are created in the same way by clicking on the relevant button for the document above and then creating the route in the usual way.
3.5. Approval Route Wizard
The approval route wizard can make configuration much quicker and simpler; multiple routes can be created and maintained at once. If the approval route configurations are the same (i.e. based on nominal account), multiple document types can be selected.
The wizard cannot display any existing routes configured; either edit a single route or use the approval route report to view current routes.
In the below example, routes will be created for requisitions based on a set of nominal codes. Firstly select the correct document type; only documents enabled in the licence string will show.
Select the required Sage Database.
The next step is to choose the nominal codes the approval routes should be assigned to. In the example below, the Cost Centre and Department ‘ADM’ have been entered in the top search bar. Once listed, either click the nominal codes required or tick the top box to select all. Once nominal codes have been selected, different cost centres or departments can be entered in the search bar – previous selections will be retained. Click on the column headers to sort; by default the nominal account name will be listed A-Z. Once all required nominal codes have been chosen, go onto the next step.
NB: this step shows here as nominal codes; if approval route configuration was based on e.g. requesting users, this step would list all users in WAP or if configuration was based on Jobs, this step would list all Jobs.
Build the approval route as required adding users/user types/user lists as applicable; see further explanation above. Please refer to section 3.2
Once the route has been built correctly, move onto the next step.
The final step will show a summary of what is to be created, click through the next step to confirm the wizard to create new approval routes. Depending on system configuration, any documents currently awaiting approval will either remain at their current step or will reset to the beginning of the new route.
3.6. Global Replace for User
This function will allow for a user to be replaced in approval routes with an alternate user; as changes occur in the organisation such as promotions, users leaving etc. amendments will need to be made to the routes to reflect these changes. Users can be marked as leavers in their user profile so they will not take up a licence but their user history remains, however they cannot be marked as a leaver while they are configured as an approver in a route. In order to replace a leaver with another user in all the approval routes, first make sure the new user is setup with the appropriate permissions (access to nominal codes, jobs, user type permissions and approval values). When the new user is set up correctly, click the Global replace user button.
Choose the user to replace from the User to replace menu box and the new user from the second menu box. Once the save button is clicked, this will replace the old user with the new user wherever they appeared in approval routes in the WAP system. Users will not appear in these drop down fields if they do not have permission to login.
3.7. Import/Export Approval Routes
Import templates are generated from within WAP, completed and then imported into the system to allow for multiple routes across multiple documents and Sage Companies to be created at once. When a template has been generated, please ensure columns and rows with sample text are not deleted and the file is saved with the same name as when generated. If these are not retained, the file will fail validation.
Approval routes can be exported per Document Type and Database, select the required option from the drop down filters and click export. A CSV file is then generated in the format of the import ready for any changes to be made and imported back in. Again, please ensure columns and rows with sample text are not deleted and the file name is saved with the same name as when exported. The option to export current routes, change and re-import is particularly useful if many changes are to be made or if a user is leaving and they cannot be globally replaced just with one user.
4. Restrict Nominal Accounts
This function allows for a list of nominal accounts to be configured that cannot be authorised within the WAP system, e.g. if a set of nominal codes temporarily cannot be used. To add a nominal to the list, choose the Company and the Nominal Account from the drop down options and click Add Nominal Account. A list will show all the nominal codes that are currently restricted (N.B. the WAP cache may need to be cleared if nominal codes have been added but are not showing here). If a nominal code can be approved at a later date, click Remove to take the nominal off the list and allow documents to be approved.
If a document has been entered using a nominal on the restricted list, the approver will see the below message as they try to approve the document. The approver could either reject the line or document with an instruction for the requestor to change the nominal code, or speak with the WAP Superuser to unblock the nominal so the document can be approved.
5. Value Bands
Value Bands are configured in System Settings cogs – Approval Route Setup Banner – Value Bands.
5.1. Using Value Bands
Value bands are a way to separate approval routes depending on the value of the document. For example if higher value documents do not require approval from lower steps of the route but would just go to Directors for approval. Value Bands can also be used to target approval to certain directors; e.g. if the document is to be sent to four directors but if over a certain value, one in particular must approve, value bands can be set so the lower value would go to all four and any two could approve while the higher value would go first to one specific director and then go onto the remaining three for one to approve.
You do not require value bands to be set up for general approval values, i.e. to set approval values at a user level, value bands are only required to ‘skip’ steps or for targeted approval requirements.
5.2. Creating Value Bands
Value bands can be created for a particular document type; i.e. if Requisitions require different value bands to Invoices, or default bands can be created if they are to be applicable across all modules. To create or edit bands for a document type, select the document type from the drop down box and click ‘Edit Bands For’.
The Description is used when creating approval routes, either a single route, using the wizard or the import and for ease of reporting etc. should be named as per the band start and end. Ensure band end and start figures do not overlap and are sequential; e.g. as above ending at £25,000.00 and then starting at £25,000.01 – not £25,001. Make sure there are no gaps in the end and start figures but they cannot overlap; e.g. a band cannot end at £25,000.00 and the next band then start at £25,000.00.
Once bands have been created correctly, make sure to click Save at the bottom of the screen before moving away to a different screen.
6. Creating Ad-Hoc Approval Routes
If a user has appropriate permissions, they can edit an approval route on a line to create a new approval route for that instance; the standard approval route will not be changed.
When creating or editing a line, the route can be changed through the Approval Tab; click Edit Route and then either clear the route and start again or make changes to individual lines. The standard Simple and Advanced options are available to include User Types, User Lists etc. in on the new route. Make sure the new route is saved before the line is saved for the changes to be picked up. The document will need to be re-submitted for the new route to be picked up.
7. User Type Approval Permissions
There are a couple of User Type permissions relating to the general Approval Process.
7.1. General Tab
Create Ad-hoc approval routes: the ability to create a bespoke approval route to override the pre-configured approval route. This is usually only given to Superusers or Administrators. Please refer to section 6.
Use ‘Approve Selected’ option on approval pages: the ability to select multiple documents to approve at once, rather than approving each document individually. This is usually only given to Superusers or Finance staff who may have many documents at a time to approve.
7.2. Users Tab
Amend Users: this permission will allow for existing users to be edited or new users to be added onto the system – e.g. if approval values are to be changed, it would be done against the user’s profile.
7.3. System Tab
Amend approval routes: the ability to create or amend approval routes. This permission will also allow for approval route reports to be run.
8. User Approval Permissions
Approval values are set against each user, under the Account Options of their User profile.
Set the Item and Approval values per document. All approval values are entered in the system base currency; any documents entered with a different currency will be converted to the base currency; Sage exchange rates are used when converting. If a user has unlimited approval value (i.e. for users at the end of an approval route), set the approval value as 999,999,999. When editing or adding new values, make sure to click Update before saving at the bottom of the screen.
Document Type: choose from the drop down box the applicable document type. It is recommended to select a document type to specify approval values against.
Item Value: this sets the maximum document value that the user can enter into the WAP system; if there is no limit to the value of a document that can be raised, enter 999,999,999 as an unlimited value.
Approval Value: this sets the maximum approval value for the user, if they were to be approving a document submitted by another user.
User Self-Approval Values: if a user is allowed to enter and automatically approve a document up to a certain value, set a maximum self-approval value per document type as shown below. Certain document types (e.g. Expenses) would not usually have a self-approval value allocated. Make sure to click Update before saving.