WAP Help and User Guide – User Settings v18
This WAP Help and User Guide will take you through the user settings which require setting up at implementation following installation of the software.
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Help and User Guide maintained for WAP version 18.638.0.20 up to 18.0.40
This WAP User Settings Help and User Guide will take you through the user settings which require configuration when implementing the WAP software.
By clicking on the System Settings cogs at the top of the screen you are taken directly to the User Setup home page as shown below. Only users with Administrator Permissions will have access to these system settings cogs. The filter at the top of the screen can be used to search for particular settings.
NB: options available within WAP System Settings will change depending on release version and WAP modules enabled.
1. Allocate User Types
When a user is created initially, a User Type must be selected. Once created, the user type cannot be changed on the user profile, it must be done through this screen. It is possible to allocate more than one user type to a user and set one to be a default. If a permission is granted to any one of the user’s user types, this is enabled for the user.
To allocate user types, select the user from the top drop down box, select the relevant user types and click allocate. It is then possible to either make one a default or remove a user type if no longer relevant.
2. Business Units
Business Units can be created to match an organisation’s departments or sections and used to group users together. Users can belong to more than one business unit if required and can be given permission to run reports based on business units.
- Purchase Requisitions – users within a business unit have visibility of each other’s orders to allow for enquiries to be made on what has been ordered, emailing of approved orders to suppliers or goods receiving.
- Timesheets – users within a business unit have visibility of each other’s timesheets; e.g. a manager may have additional user type permissions to allow for running reports on their business unit member’s timesheets.
- Holidays – users within a business unit can have visibility of each other’s holiday requests to allow for potential conflicts to be checked prior to a holiday being submitted.
To create a new business unit, click add a new business unit, enter the name and move users into the selected users box. Once created, save this business unit.
To add or remove users from an existing business unit, click Edit next to the unit and move users to or from the selected users box as required. Click Save to ensure the changes are retained. On the user’s WAP profile it is possible to mark a business unit as a default if the user has access to multiple business units.
3. Company Access
Each user can be configured to access certain Sage Companies (as listed in System Setup – Sage Connections) with the corresponding delivery and invoice addresses, expense supplier accounts and costing resource set. This function is also accessible through User Setup – Users – Company Access tab. If needing to add or remove company access from multiple users, it can be quicker to do it through this screen.
4. Delegates
WAP Delegates functionality is set to allow for additional reporting and access purposes. Users can have delegates allocated to them but not be able to switch between profiles; the ability to delegate switch is a User Type permission.
Examples of users having delegates and permission to delegate switch: WAP administrators or Superusers may need permission to access other users’ profiles; either to approve documents or assist with any training queries. If documents are approved by a user on behalf of a delegated user, the history will show as it has been approved by the logged in user on behalf of the delegate user.
Examples of users having delegates but no permission to delegate switch: managers may be given delegate permission to their team members to allow for reporting on timesheets, holiday requests etc. If users have to enter documents on behalf of other users (e.g. a PA entering expenses for a MD), it is possible to pick the requesting user from the assigned delegates when entering a timesheet or expense claim.
Within this screen it is possible to set which users the selected ‘master’ user can have as delegates.
Choose the user to configure the delegates for from the drop down list and move users from the Available list to the Selected list as required; the selected users will then appear in the drop down list at the top right of their WAP screen. When viewing a delegate user’s WAP profile, click the arrow on the delegate drop down list to log back in as the logged in user. If required, a user can be given access to all delegates; this means that when a new user is added onto the system, they will automatically appear on the user’s delegate list. This permission is assigned on a user’s WAP profile and is usually only assigned to WAP administrators and Superusers.
5. Email
If notifications need to be changed for a particular user, this can be carried out here by either editing per user or using the wizard. Any amendments will show under Overridden Email Threads; these changes can also be made on a user’s WAP profile, under the Notifications tab. Generally, it is not recommended to override the system email threads at a user level as this can create increased maintenance for WAP Superusers.
6. Expense Item Types
This is where expense types can be linked through to the user with a default nominal account, maximum claim amounts or memos per user.
Please refer to the Expenses Help and User Guide for further information.
7. Expense Meetings
If expense meetings have been configured, this is where expense meetings can be linked with users.
Please refer to the Expenses Help and User Guide for further information.
8. Holidays
Within this section holiday rules can be set, holiday entitlement assigned for future years or bank holidays removed from users.
Please refer to the Holidays Help and User Guide for further information.
9. Job Header Types
This wizard can be used to allocate Job Header Types to a user; i.e. so all Job Headers within an expense Job Header Type will be visible to that user when entering an expense claim. Job Header Types can be removed per user as required, or click Add New Cost Type to add a new Job Header Type to a user. Depending on how the Job Headers have been structured within Job Costing, either configure Job Header access in WAP through the Job Headers wizard, or Job Header Type wizard, do not try to use both.
Job Header Type configuration in Sage will determine which module job header types are available in within WAP; i.e. Code E for Expenses, code T for Timesheets and code P for Purchases.
Please refer to the Job Costing Help and User Guide for further information.
NB: if Project Accounting is configured rather than Job Costing, the menu option will be ‘Project Item Types’.
10. Job Headers
This wizard can be used to allocate Job Headers to users and state which modules they will be available in. Per user it is possible to either edit or remove Job Headers as required, or click Add New Cost Header to assign a new Job Header to the user. Select the user(s), Sage Database, tick the correct modules to apply the Job Header to and then go through to select the correct Job Headers. Depending on how the Job Headers have been structured within Job Costing, either configure Job Header access in WAP through the Job Headers wizard, or Job Header Type wizard, do not try to use both.
Please refer to the Job Costing Help and User Guide for further information.
NB: if Project Accounting is configured rather than Job Costing, the menu option will be ‘Project Items’.
11. Jobs
This wizard can be used to allocate Jobs to users. Select the user to see what jobs have already been allocated to the user, remove any if required or click Add New Job to select a Sage Database and show all jobs currently active within Job Costing. Select the required jobs and add to the user. It is not possible to link jobs to specific modules.
NB: if Project Accounting is configured rather than Job Costing, the menu option will be ‘Projects’.
12. Logged in Users
Within here any users who are currently logged onto the system will be shown; this is useful to ensure all users are logged out before carrying out a WAP upgrade or system maintenance. If required, a user’s session can be ended by clicking the End Session button next to each user, or an email can be sent to all logged in users prior to this asking them to end their session.
13. Nominal Accounts
Users of the WAP system will often need to be restricted as to the nominal codes they can see so they are only able to view nominal codes specific to their department or the function the users carry out. This will most commonly apply to users who are raising requisitions or viewing budget enquiry information.
13.1. Edit Per User
This option allows nominal allocation either by user or by nominal; both options permit a maximum line and approval value for a specific nominal. If left at 0.00, the system will use the user’s default line and approval values set in their User Profile – Account Options tab.
NB: overridden nominal approval values are only applicable to Requisitions.
13.2. Using the Wizard
A wizard is provided to speed up the process of assigning or removing nominal codes to users. If a user has moved departments and needs new nominal codes allocated, run the wizard once to select all nominal codes, the applicable user, remove the codes and then run the wizard again but to select the required codes and allocate to the user.
The first step is choosing the required Sage Company, then select the required nominal accounts (these can be searched for at the top by typing in an Account Number, Cost Centre or Department). Once the nominal codes have been checked, further searches can be undertaken – any codes previously selected will be retained. If all nominal codes need to be selected, click the box at the top of the list. When all required nominal codes have been selected, click Next.
Select all the users that need to be granted access to the selected nominal codes.
If specific line or approval values need to be entered for the selected nominal codes, enter these here. If left at 0.00, the system will use the user’s default line and approval values set in their User Profile – Account Options tab.
NB: overridden nominal approval values are only applicable to Requisitions.
The final step is to select whether access to these nominal codes needs to be assigned to or removed from the users. Click Next to complete the wizard.
13.3. Copy from another user
This will copy nominal code access from one user to another; this functionality is useful if setting up a new user who should match an existing user. Only new nominal accounts will be added; to remove access to nominal codes, either edit the user individually or use the wizard.
13.4. Import / Export
Nominal access per user can be configured and imported once a template has been generated from within WAP. Generate, complete, validate and import. When importing, there is an option to maintain existing allocations, or override what the user(s) has currently with what is in the import.
It is possible to export nominal allocation, a database and user should be specified, or leave the user field empty to export for all users. This will show what nominal codes have been allocated to which users.
14. Out of Office Alternate Users
If a user is an approver they can switch on their out of office to direct approvals to another user. Once the out of office has been set as on, the user will see a list of other users to select from; it is only possible to select one alternate. By setting a specific list of alternate users here, it is possible to restrict who a user can choose as their alternate user. If no alternate users are configured, the user will be able to choose from all users. In the following example, when Henry switches on his out of office, he will be able to choose either Admin or George as his alternative user.
NB: there is no link between WAP Out of Office and Outlook Out of Office.
15. Requisition Templates
If using templates within the Requisition module, this section can be used to allocate templates to users.
Please refer to the Requisition Help and User Guide for further information.
16. Send Welcome Emails
When a new user is added onto the system, a welcome email can be sent containing information on the link into WAP and their login details. If users are added onto WAP using an import, a welcome email can be sent immediately or at a later date; this can cover the instance where users are imported at initial configuration but users should not be accessing the system until it has been fully setup. The welcome email can either contain a system generated password which the user must change on first login, or a password can be included in the import and this will be sent to the user.
A list of users will be displayed showing whether a welcome email has been sent; select the users to send a welcome email to and click next. Choose whether to create a new temporary, system generated password, or to include the password on the welcome email (if a password has already been allocated to the user). Click to send the welcome email to the users.
NB: the text on the welcome email cannot be changed.
17. User Credit Cards
If using credit cards within the Expense module, this screen is where you would link the user to a credit card.
Please refer to the Expense Help and User Guide for further information.
18. User Subsistence Incidentals
If using incidentals within the Expense module, this screen is where you can link the user to an incidental.
Please refer to the Expense Help and User Guide for further information.
19. User Types
User Types must be configured prior to users being added onto the WAP system; these determine permissions as to what the user can or cannot do within WAP. Applying these at a user level is more efficient than having to set at an individual user level.
User types can be added to an approval route where any one of the users in a user type can approve a requisition, invoice, expense etc. User types can be added to each organisation’s specification and it is worth spending some time deciding the functions you wish your staff to perform, how they can be grouped and therefore the name of the user type. This could be set out as below, job titles could be used or different modules could be used and users assigned to multiple user types (e.g. Requisition Approver and Expense Approver or Requisition Submitter and Expense Submitter).
Each user type can be edited and permissions enabled to perform various functions in relation to the system and each WAP module. A user type can be copied and renamed to allow for quick setup where user types may be similar.
The Permission Report at the bottom of the screen can be run to show each permission assigned to a user type; this can be used to ensure the user types have been set up correctly.
Within each user type it is possible to expand the banner to view which users belong to the user type.
19.1. General Tab
Create Ad-hoc approval routes: the ability to create a bespoke approval route to override the pre-configured approval route. This is usually only given to Superusers or Administrators.
Use ‘Approve Selected’ option on approval pages: the ability to select multiple documents to approve at once, rather than approving each document individually. This is usually only given to Superusers or Finance staff who may have many documents at a time to approve.
Remove Attachments from Completed Documents: the ability to remove attachments stored against a document in WAP.
Send Email: the ability to email directly from within WAP – there is no integration with Outlook or other email programmes.
View dashboard on Home page: to allow users to see their notifications and documents awaiting approval on initial login.
Enable Failed Documents Commands: if a document fails to post, this allows users to clear the error flag and resubmit the document.
Enable Delegate Switching: whether the user is able to access the system as another user and enter or approve documents on behalf of that user.
Allow Report Filtering by Delegate: whether to let the user run reports based on their delegates.
Allow Report Filtering by Business Unit: whether to let the user run reports based on their business unit.
Allow Report Filtering by All Users: whether to let the user run reports based on all users.
Security Level (0=lowest): this is related to reporting within the HR module.
19.2. Requisitions Tab
Submit Requisitions: the ability to create and submit requisitions.
Approve Requisitions: the ability to approve a requisition. If a user does not have this permission, they cannot be selected when building an approval route.
Delete Requisitions: the ability to delete a requisition. A requisition cannot be deleted if goods have been received or invoiced against. If an approved order is deleted, it will show in Sage with 0.00 value and a status of Completed.
View all Requisitions: the ability to view all requisitions in the system.
Batch update nominal: the ability to update nominal codes across multiple lines on a requisition.
Print Requisitions: the ability to open the print popups to email an approved order to a supplier.
Print Quote Requests: the ability to open and print or email quotes attached to an order.
Archive Requisitions: the ability to archive completed orders; i.e. orders that have been fully goods received and invoiced against. Completed requisitions should be archived regularly for speed and performance benefits – these requisitions can still be searched for using the search filters.
Amend Requisitions Posted to Sage: the ability to amend a requisition in WAP once fully approved and posted to Sage. This is usually a permission only given to Finance or Administrator user types.
Amend delivery addresses: this is the permission to be able to add or edit delivery addresses in WAP; this is access to the setting under System Setup – Delivery Addresses, rather than the ability to pick different delivery addresses on the requisition entry screen.
Confirm Goods Received: whether the user is able to goods receive.
Hide Supplier Pricing: if configured, whether a user should not be able to see pricing on a stock item.
Amend Templates: the ability to make changes to a generated template.
Generate Templates: the ability to create new templates.
Can Delete All Templates: the ability to delete templates.
View all Order Lines Report: permission to run the all order lines report which will list all orders, their values, status, approval history etc.
View all Outstanding Orders Report: permission to run the outstanding orders report showing all orders that have goods outstanding.
View Goods Received Not Invoiced Report: permission to run the goods received not invoiced report showing all orders that have been goods received but not invoiced.
19.3. Project Requisitions Tab
Submit Project Requisitions: the ability to submit a project requisition.
Set Supplier on new Project Requisitions: whether a user is able to choose a supplier when entering a project requisition.
View all Project Requisitions: the ability to view all project requisitions entered by all users in the system.
Approve Project Requisitions: the ability to approve project requisitions. If a user does not have this permission, they cannot be selected when building an approval route.
View Approval comments on Project Requisitions: the ability to view any comments made during the approval process.
Enter Approval comments on Project Requisitions: the ability to enter comments during the approval process.
View Project Requisition Report: the ability to run a report on project requisitions.
19.4. Quotes Tab
Create Quotes: the ability to create quotes.
Approve Quotes: the ability to approve quotes.
Convert Quotes: the ability to convert a quote to a sales order.
19.5. Sales Order Tab
Submit Sales Orders: the ability to raise new sales orders.
Approve Sales Orders: the ability to approve sales orders.
Delete Sales Orders: the ability to delete sales orders.
View All Sales Orders: the ability to view all sales orders in the system.
Print Sales Orders: the ability to open the print popups to email an approved sales order to a customer.
View Sales Order Reports: the ability to run sales order reports.
Archive Sales Orders: the ability to archive completed sales orders; i.e. sales orders that have been fully despatched, invoiced and posted the invoice against. Completed sales orders should be archived regularly for speed and performance benefits – these sales orders can still be searched for using the search filters.
Amend Sales Orders Posted to Sage: the ability to amend a sales order in WAP once fully approved and posted to Sage. This is usually a permission only given to Finance or Administrator user types.
Perform Goods Despatched: the ability to mark goods as despatched.
SOP Stock Item batch entry: the ability to enter stock items using the batch entry screen.
19.6. Invoices/Credits Tab
Enter New Invoices: applicable to invoices entered directly into WAP only – the ability to enter new invoices.
Enter New Batch Invoices: applicable to invoices entered directly into WAP only – the ability to enter invoices in a batch.
Enter New Credit Notes: applicable to invoices entered directly into WAP only – the ability to enter new credit notes.
Copy Invoices: applicable to invoices entered directly into WAP only – the ability to create new invoices by coping existing invoices.
Record PO Invoices: applicable to invoices entered directly into WAP only – the ability to record invoices against approved Purchase Orders.
Approve Invoices / Credits: the ability to approve an invoice. If a user does not have this permission, they cannot be selected when building an approval route.
Delete Invoices / Credits: the ability to delete an invoice. If an invoice has been pulled through to WAP from Sage and then deleted in WAP, it will be pulled through to WAP again for approval as the invoice in Sage still has the ‘U’ query flag.
View all Invoices / Credits: the ability to view all invoices in WAP. Usually only Admin or Finance users would be given this permission.
Amend Invoices / Credits: the permission to edit an invoice or credit note, i.e. to change a nominal code or split lines. Depending on Costing module configuration, it may not be possible to change the invoice.
Allow Adding Notes to Invoices / Credit Notes: the ability to add notes to an invoice during the approval process; these notes are only visible in WAP and will not post through to Sage. If an invoice is edited or re-routed it can be useful to add notes to pass information onto other approvers.
View Invoice / Credit Reports: permission to run the invoice report showing all invoices, their values, status, approval history etc.
Approve Proposed Payments: the ability to approve suggested payments. If a user does not have this permission, they cannot be selected when building an approval route.
Amend Proposed Payments: the ability to make any changes to suggested payments.
Delete Proposed Payments: the ability to delete a proposed payment within WAP; the suggested payment routine would need to be run within Sage to pull through payments for approval.
19.7. Expenses Tab
Submit Expenses: the ability for a user to submit an expense claim.
Approve Expenses: the ability for a user to approve an expense claim.
Delete Expenses: the ability to delete an expense. N.B. once an expense has been fully approved it cannot be deleted.
Edit Expenses during approval: the ability for an approver to make changes during approval, e.g. changing a nominal code.
View All Expenses: the ability for the user to see all expenses within the system, rather than just their own or those they have approved. This is usually a permission just given to System Administrators or Finance users.
Change Nominal Account on Expense Entry: the ability for a user to select a different nominal account than the one defaulted.
Change Tax Rate on Expense Claims: the ability for a user to amend the tax rate or VAT value on expense entry. N.B. a tax rate can only be changed if the receipt attached value is set to Yes; if no, the VAT value will default to Exempt.
Split Expense and Mileage Lines: the ability to split a line; this would be applicable if using a costing module and a line needs to be split across multiple jobs or projects.
Can Select All Company Vehicles: the ability for a user to select from any company vehicles; by default, a user can only select a company car that has been assigned to their profile and the default private vehicle.
Can Create/Amend Vehicles: the ability to add, assign or amend vehicles and fuel rates. This is usually a permission just given to System Administrators or Finance users.
Can Create/Amend Credit Cards: the ability to add, amend or assign credit cards. This is usually a permission just given to System Administrators or Finance users.
Can Import Credit Card Statements: if credit card import statements have been configured, a user type will need the permission to import statements; this is usually a permission just given to System Administrators or Finance users.
View Expense Enquiry: the ability to view expense and mileage reports in WAP.
View Reports: the ability to view expense and mileage reports in WAP.
Perform Year End: the ability for a user to reset all users’ mileage claims back to zero. This is usually a permission just given to System Administrators or Finance users.
Process Payroll Expenses: the ability to process expense claims that do not post through to Sage. This is usually a permission just given to System Administrators or Finance users.
19.8. Timesheets Tab
Submit Timesheets: the ability for a user to enter a timesheet using the standard timesheet entry screen.
Submit Rapid Timesheets: the ability for a user to enter a timesheet using the rapid timesheet entry screen.
Approve Timesheets: the ability for a user to approve a timesheet.
Delete Timesheets: the ability for a user to delete a timesheet; once approved, a timesheet cannot be deleted.
Amend Submitted Timesheets: the ability for a user to make changes to a timesheet once submitted.
Edit timesheets during approval: the ability for a user to edit a timesheet while it is awaiting their approval.
Enter Timesheet Adjustments: the ability for a user to make adjustments on an approved timesheet; this is done under the Adjustments tab. This permission is usually reserved for Administrator or Finance roles.
View All Timesheets: the ability to view timesheets submitted by all users; rather than just those submitted or approved by that user.
View Business Unit Timesheets: the ability to view timesheets submitted by other users in the same business unit.
Configure Work Patterns: the ability to create and assign work patterns; this is usually just a WAP Superuser permission.
Lock Timesheet Weeks: the ability to lock weeks to perform TOIL period end.
View clocked in Users in Time and Attendance: if T&A terminals are configured, the ability to view users’ login status.
Update Works Orders in Time and Attendance: allows time entered using the T&A terminals to be posted to a Works Order.
Perform TOIL Period End: if TOIL has been configured, this is the ability to perform the period end routine which will update TOIL accrued, taken and carried over figures. This is usually a permission reserved for Administrator users.
View Unsubmitted Timesheets Report: permission to run the unsubmitted timesheets report to see users that have not submitted timesheets within a date range.
View TOIL and Overtime Report: permission to run the TOIL and Overtime report detailing hours’ users’ have recorded.
View Timesheet Line Report: permission to run the Line report showing timesheet hours recorded, status, approval history etc.
Force TA Login: if configured, users will not be able to select a job on the T&A terminal until they have logged in.
Don’t display users in TA Current Activity screen: this will hide the users from the current logged in users list within T&A.
Copy Timesheet to other users: this permission will allow users to copy their timesheet to other users; i.e. for the instance where a team leader will copy their timesheet to their team members to save them time when completing their timesheet. Users with copied timesheets are still able to make adjustments if required before submitting for approval.
Add additional resources to timesheet lines (Job Costing): this permission will allow users to add other Job Costing resources (i.e. vehicles or machinery) to a timesheet for those costs to be included on the job.
User is not required to submit a weekly Timesheet: if the user should not submit a timesheet, configure here so they are not included in reminder emails about unsubmitted timesheets.
19.9. Holidays Tab
Submit Holiday Requests: the ability for a user to submit a holiday request.
Approve Holiday Requests: the ability for a user to approve a holiday request.
Delete Holiday Request: the ability for a user to delete a holiday request. N.B. once a holiday request has been fully approved, it cannot be deleted but instead needs to be cancelled and submitted as a cancellation request.
Reset Completed Holiday: this setting allows users to reset a completed holiday request so it can be cancelled and the holiday added back onto the user’s entitlement; i.e. to cover the situation where a user has a holiday booked but ends up working on this day and wishes to cancel a holiday that has already been flagged as taken.
View Business Unit Holiday Requests: the ability to view holiday requests submitted by other users in the same business unit.
View All Holiday Requests: the ability to view all holiday requests in the system for all active WAP users.
View Holiday Reports: the ability to access reports showing entitlement and booked holiday. Depending on permissions on the General tab, the user will either be able to see requests for themselves, their business unit users, their delegates or all users.
Amend User Holiday Rules: the ability to change rules for how users within the organisation conflict with other users’ holiday requests. This permission is usually only given to the WAP Superusers.
Perform Holiday Month End: this gives the user the ability to perform holiday month end which will create new entitlement for coming years, identify hours to carry forward or hours to pay. This permission should only be given to WAP Superusers.
Add Starting Holiday lines for users: this will give the user the permission to access the Starting Holiday tool; generally, this is only given to WAP Superusers. This tool can be used to adjust a user’s holiday entitlement is a user is starting part way through the year.
Configure Work Patterns: the ability to create and assign work patterns; this is usually just a WAP Superuser permission.
19.10. Costing Tab
Edit Jobs during Invoice Approval (if no Job selected or N/A and the Invoice is not in Sage already): the job entered on an invoice can only be changed if it was entered in Sage against the N/A job and N/A Job Header.
Edit Jobs during Order Approval (if no Job selected or N/A and the invoice is not in Sage already): the job can only be changed on the approval page if the line has not been goods received or invoiced.
Can access Job Costing screens: whether the Job Costing screen menu options are visible on the menu options on the left of the screen.
Can view all jobs in Job Costing screens: if this is ticked, the users will be able to see all jobs, if unticked, users can only view jobs where they have been set as the job manager or, have had jobs allocated to them within their user profile.
Can edit jobs in Job Costing screens: if this is ticked, the users will be able to amend a job and edit the percentage complete figure and the actual completion date. Once saved, these will then update the job within Sage.
Can add/edit memos in Job Costing screens: if this is ticked, users will be able to add notes or memos onto the job in WAP which once saved, will post through to the job within Sage.
Can create jobs in Job Costing screens: the ability for a user to create a job within WAP that will save through to the Job list within Sage.
Can edit job analysis codes in Job Costing screens: if this is ticked, users will be able to edit analysis codes as configured from Job Costing settings within Sage. Once an update has been saved it will post through to the job within Sage.
Can view Job Custom Field values in Job Costing screens: the ability for a user to view additional custom analysis tabs, as configured from Job Costing settings within Sage.
Can edit Job Custom Field values in Job Costing screens: this setting is used in conjunction with the setting above; the ability for a user to edit additional custom analysis tabs, as configured from Job Costing settings within Sage. Once updates have been saved, these will post through to the job within Sage.
Can approve Construction Applications: if Sicon Construction Manager is installed, applications can be put on in Sage and approved in WAP. This permission allows the user to approve such applications.
Can View Construction Applications: the user will be able to view applications that are awaiting their approval or they have approved.
Can View all Construction Applications: the user will be able to view all applications in WAP.
19.11. User Tab
Can Maintain User Type Allocation: this will open the setting to maintain which user types a user belongs to. Once a user has been saved in WAP their user type cannot be changed on their user profile, it must be done through this screen.
Amend Users: this permission will allow for existing users to be edited or new users to be added onto the system.
Amend User Types: allows for existing user types to be edited or new user types to be added onto the system.
Amend Delegates: this will allow the user to amend users’ delegates.
Amend Users Nominal Codes: this permission will allow users to add or remove nominal codes that have been assigned to users.
Amend Business Units: the ability to edit existing business units or create new units, and add or remove users from business units.
Amend User Projects: the ability to add or amend which jobs or projects a user has access to.
Amend User Warehouses: the ability to manage which warehouses users have access to.
Amend User Template Access: the ability to manage which templates users have access to.
Reset Users Passwords: the ability to change the password on a user’s profile.
19.12. System Tab
Amend approval routes: the ability to create or amend approval routes.
Amend WAP Projects: if WAP Projects have been configured as the Costing module, this permission will provide the ability to add or amend WAP projects.
Manage System Settings: the ability to access WAP System Settings – this permission is required to open up other System and User permissions.
Clear IP Address Lockouts: this permission will allow IP address lockouts to be cleared. It may be that this permission is only given to Administrators or IT Superusers.
View Event Logs: the ability to view information stored in the event logs; i.e. if a document has failed to post, the reason can be found in the event log. This permission is usually just given to Administrators.
Amend Print Reports: if a custom PO layout has been created, this will allow the user to make amendments. This should only be given to users with knowledge of creating reports using DevExpress to avoid live PO layouts being corrupted.
Customise Pages: this will allow the user to make changes to various pages (at present only the WAP homepage). Once this setting is enabled, the user will also need to check “Page Customisation On” within their “My Settings” option.
19.13. Enquiries Tab
View Budget Enquiry: the ability to view the budget enquiry to see transaction information on any nominal codes they have been given permission to.
View Expenses Nominal Accounts: the ability to view the expense nominal report showing the total expense claims against individual nominal codes for expense claims entered in WAP. This would usually just be given to Finance or Administrator User Types.
View Project Costing Enquiry: this would only be applicable if using Project Accounting.
View Custom Reports: if reports have been designed specifically for an install, these would be visible here.
View Costing Item Allocation Reports: this enquiry will show Jobs, Job Headers and Job Item Types allocated to users. This would usually just be given to Finance or Administrator User Types.
19.14. Sage Admin Tab
Request new Customers: the ability for a user to request a new customer.
View all Customer Requests: the ability for users to view all customer requests entered through WAP.
Request new Suppliers: the ability for a user to request a new supplier.
Request new Expense Suppliers: the ability for a user to request a new expense supplier; this option appears when linking a user through to a PL supplier account. Usually this permission is only given to Finance or Administrators who will be creating new users in WAP.
View all Supplier Requests: the ability for users to view all supplier requests entered through WAP.
Request new Stock Items: the ability for a user to request a new stock item.
Approve new Customers: the ability to approve new customer requests.
Approve new Suppliers: the ability to approve new supplier requests.
Approve new Expense Suppliers: the ability to approve new expense supplier requests.
Approve new Stock Items: the ability to approve new stock item requests.
Delete Customer Requests: the ability to delete customer requests; it is not possible to delete a request once it has been approved.
Delete Supplier Requests: the ability to delete supplier requests; it is not possible to delete a request once it has been approved.
Delete Stock Item Requests: the ability to delete stock item requests; it is not possible to delete a request once it has been approved.
19.15. HR Tab
HR Admin: this permission should be enabled for the users who will be administrating the HR module; this enables access into the HR Settings.
Edit Courses/Qualifications: the ability to edit or add new courses or qualifications entered onto the system; usually this would only be an Administrator or HR Admin permission.
Delete Courses/Qualifications: the ability to delete courses or qualifications entered onto the system; usually this would only be an Administrator or HR Admin permission.
Edit Documents: whether a user is able to edit any documents added in the HR module; usually this would only be an Administrator or HR Admin permission.
Delete Documents: the ability to delete documents entered onto the HR module; usually this would only be an Administrator or HR Admin permission.
Edit own bank details: the ability for a user to change their bank details within their HR settings. If the user is linked through to an expense supplier account, any bank detail changes will post through to Sage.
Notify when employee details change: if an employee makes any changes to their own HR details (e.g. Next of Kin), a notification can be sent to any user with this permission. This would generally remain an Administrator or HR Admin permission.
19.16. Mobile Access Tab
These permissions relate to using the WAP App; using the WAP App may involve additional consultancy and setup.
Mobile User: if a user is to be adding documents through the app, they need to be configured as a mobile user.
Can add new timesheet: the ability for a user to add a new timesheet.
Decimal timesheet entry (default is start and end times): set how users are to enter time, either through decimal format or start and end time.
Can add new timesheet for others: whether a user is allowed to enter timesheets through the app on behalf of other users.
19.17. Audit History
If auditing is enabled within WAP, this tab will be populated with any changes that are made on the User Type; what the change was, who made it and when. By default, all change lines will show but the filters can be used to only show specific actions or a date range when the action occurred.
Auditing is switched on in System Settings – Auditing.
20. User Vehicles
If using vehicles within the Expense module, this screen is where you can link users to vehicles.
Please refer to the Expense Help and User Guide for further information.
21. Users
As many users can be added onto the WAP system as per the licenced amount; users marked as leavers do not take up a user licence. The Admin user will not take up a user licence unless it appears in an approval route.
If a user has left employment, it is recommended that they are not deleted from the system using the delete user option; instead mark them as a leaver and remove their ability to log into the system. Done this way, the user will not take up a user licence but will their history will remain in the system and reports. The option to delete a user should only ever be used to delete incorrectly setup users during original creation. If a user appears in an approval route, they cannot be marked as a leaver until removed from the routes; use the Global Replace functionality first and then mark them as a leaver.
To add a new user, click the Add a New User button at the top or bottom of the user list. When adding users, make sure two WAP windows are not open with the same user logged into both as this can cause user details to be overridden between profiles.
21.1. Add a New User
At initial user creation, some fields are marked as mandatory; if fields on other tabs cannot be selected, please check these mandatory fields have been completed.
Username: login name for the WAP system. If single sign on is enabled, this username must match the user’s Windows login username. This is a mandatory field and usernames must be unique.
First name: this is a mandatory, free text field.
Surname: this is a mandatory, free text field.
Email Address: this is a mandatory, free text field.
Job Title: this is a free text box but is not mandatory.
Password: if required, enter a password here. This is not a mandatory field and generated passwords can be sent out to the user via the welcome email.
Confirm Password: if entering a password for the user, repeat the password.
Copy existing user: if required it is possible to copy an existing user; this will copy through from the existing user to the new user their user type, weekly contracted hours, job or project allocation and company access. Item and approval values, nominal allocation and employee or PL suppliers are not copied across.
Edit on save: by default this will be configured so when the user profile is saved, other options against the user can be allocated and saved. If the user profile doesn’t need further configuration, untick this option before adding the user.
21.2. User Profile | Person Details Tab
Username: login name for the WAP system. If single sign on is enabled, this username must match the user’s Windows login username. This is a mandatory field and usernames must be unique.
Default User Type: this can be selected when first creating a user but cannot be edited once created. Select from the drop down list the required user type as configured in User Types. This is a mandatory field.
Employment Started: this is an optional field to enter an employment start date and is used by a number of modules. Timesheets; users will not receive notifications about submitting timesheets prior to their start date. Holidays; users can be prevented from taking more holiday than they have accrued. HR; employment start and anniversary dates can be configured to show on the HR calendar.
Leaver: only check this box if the user has left the company. An alternate user account must be selected as there may be documents awaiting approval that the alternate user would then have to action.
Out of Office: if the user has marked themselves as out of the office, this box will be populated. It is not possible to switch on out of office through this screen; out of office is switched on through the ‘My Settings’ option at the top of the screen.
Alternate User Account: the specified alternate user will be used to approve items submitted by the user if the relevant self-approve function is enabled and the current user is in the approval route (see System Settings – Approval – Self-Approval).
Allow Login: if this option is unticked, the user will not be able to log into WAP and their name will not appear in some places in the system; i.e. in Global Replace User.
Reset password on next login: if this option is selected, the user will be forced to choose a new password the next time they log into WAP.
Access all delegates: select this option for users who should have access to all users as delegates on the system; this would generally only be the Admin or Superusers. When new users are added onto the system, they will appear automatically in this user’s delegate drop down box.
Part Time: tick to mark a user as part time; when a user puts a holiday request on WAP it will default to show in hours, rather than days.
Title: this is a free text box but is not mandatory.
Forename: this is a mandatory, free text field.
Surname: this is a mandatory, free text field.
Email: this is a mandatory, free text field.
Job Title: this is a free text box but is not mandatory.
Telephone Number: this is a free text box but is not mandatory. It is possible to configure this number to appear on PO layouts emailed out to suppliers. This number can also show on the logged in users’ screen.
Country: this will default to the default country set in System Settings but can be overridden if needed. The country selection is used for Subsistence claims (within the Expense module) and Bank Holidays (within the Timesheet module).
Analysis Codes: if user analysis codes have been configured (System Setup – Analysis Labels – User), these will appear here as free text boxes.
21.3. User Profile | Account Options Tab
Set the Item and Approval values per document. All approval values are entered in the system base currency; any documents entered with a different currency will be converted to the base currency; Sage exchange rates are used when converting. If a user has unlimited approval value (i.e. for users at the end of an approval route), set the approval value as 999,999,999. When editing or adding new values, make sure to click Update before saving at the bottom of the screen.
Document Type: choose from the drop down box the applicable document type. It is recommended to select a document type to specify approval values.
Item Value: this sets the maximum document value that the user can enter into the WAP system; if there is no limit to the value of a document that can be raised, enter 999,999,999 as an unlimited value.
Approval Value: this sets the maximum approval value for the user, if they were to be approving a document submitted by another user.
User Self-Approval Values: if a user is allowed to enter and automatically approve a document up to a certain value, set a maximum self-approval value per document type as shown below. Certain document types (e.g. Expenses) would not usually have a self-approval value allocated. Make sure to click Update before saving.
Various options are available to enable or disable settings regarding budget checking and whether the user is able to override any budgets. By default, users will not be able to override any budgets.
Check Budgets on Self-Approval: this setting is on by default; if an order is raised within a user’s self-approval value, it will still require approval if the nominal or job is over budget. If a requisition is submitted that is over-budget, the standard approval route will be used, not just steps that have been marked as mandatory over approval.
Can change requested by: if this is ticked, the user will be able to change the user who is raising the requisition; this is done on the Justification tab. If approval routes are based on requesting user, this will pick up the approval route for the user selected from the drop down box.
View all nominal codes on Budget Enquiry: if ticked, the user will be able to view all nominal codes when running the budget enquiry. If not ticked, the user will only be able to see the nominal codes that have been allocated to them.
Can Override Nominal Monthly Budget: if ticked, the user will be able to override monthly budgets so these requisitions will not be flagged as over budget and therefore not require further approval.
Can Override Nominal YTD Budget: if ticked, the user will be able to override nominal year to date budgets so these requisitions will not be flagged as over budget and therefore not require further approval.
Can Override Annual Nominal Budget: if ticked, the user will be able to override nominal annual budgets so these requisitions will not be flagged as over budget and therefore not require further approval.
Can Override Job Budget: if ticked, the user will be able to override job budgets so these requisitions will not be flagged as over budget and therefore not require further approval.
Can Override Cost Header Budget: if ticked, the user will be able to override job header budgets so these requisitions will not be flagged as over budget and therefore not require further approval.
21.4. User Profile | Notifications Tab
If notifications need to be changed for a particular user this can be carried out here by selecting the relevant line, editing and clicking save and close. Any amendments will show under Overridden Email Threads. As with all email thread settings, the WAP service will need to be restarted after any email threads have been changed.
Generally, it is advised to not use this function to start changing what individual users will receive and on what days as this can become a large task to maintain for the Admin user.
Please refer to the System Setting Help and User Guide for further information.
21.5. User Profile | Business Units Tab
On this tab it is possible to allocate the user to business units; the available business units are setup under User Setup – Business Units. A user can be a member of multiple business units and have one set as their default. https://www.sicon.co.uk/user-guide/wap-user-setup/#2
21.6. User Profile | Time & Attendance Tab
The General sub tab relates to the Timesheet module and allows setting up of the user’s individual contracted and overtime hours, and linking to a Timesheet work pattern.
PIN: if using the T&A terminals linked into WAP, this PIN will be how the user clocks into the system.
Sage payroll employee reference: the user’s payroll reference can be entered here; this will appear on timesheet reports but there is no direct link between WAP and Sage Payroll.
Weekly contracted hours: depending on Timesheet System Settings, users will not be able to submit their timesheet until their weekly contracted hours have been reached.
Maximum Daily Hours (0 for unlimited): depending on Timesheet System Settings, users will not be able to submit their timesheet if they have entered more than their daily maximum hours.
Default Overtime starts at x hours: number of hours at which the overtime rate will be applied; these figures will only show on timesheet reports and will not affect cost or pay rates.
Default Overtime 2nd cut-off starts at x hours: number of hours at which the second overtime rate will be applied; these figures will only show on timesheet reports and will not affect cost or pay rates.
Default Overtime 3rd cut-off starts at x hours: number of hours at which the third overtime rate will be applied; these figures will only show on timesheet reports and will not affect cost or pay rates.
User can only log onto one project or job at a time: this setting is used in conjunction with the T&A terminals to prevent users working on more than one job or project at one time.
Timesheets Work Pattern: select the user’s timesheet work pattern from the drop down list; these work patterns are configured in System Setup – Work Patterns & Pay Rates. N.B. if using Job Costing and settings have been configured to use Job Costing work patterns, it will not be possible to link a work pattern here, this is done in Job Costing.
Time in Lieu Tab
If using WAP TOIL, enter or check TOIL information for the user.
Maximum accruable Time in Lieu hours (at month end): if a user cannot accrue more than a certain number of TOIL hours at the end of the month, enter the value here.
Minimum accruable Time in Lieu hours (at month end): if a user is allowed to go into negative TOIL hours at the end of the month, enter the minimum value here as a negative amount; e.g. -7.50.
Current accrued Time in Lieu hours: the user’s current TOIL hours will show here. If any adjustments have been made to the user’s hours, these will show underneath.
21.7. User Profile | Expenses & Mileage Tab
Expenses Sub Tab
Disable Sage posting of Expense Items: if ticked, the user’s expenses will not post through to Sage.
Vehicles and Mileage Sub Tab
Disable Sage posting of Mileage Items: if the user’s mileage claims submitted in WAP should not post through to Sage, tick this option. By default, a user’s mileage claims will post through to Sage.
Default Vehicle: this will display the vehicle set as the default on User Setup – User Vehicles.
Unrecorded Claimed Business Mileage (Company): use when first setting up a new user to record any business miles already claimed on a company car but not recorded through WAP.
Unrecorded Claimed Business Mileage (Private): use when first setting up a new user to record any business miles already claimed on a private car but not recorded through WAP.
Unrecorded Claimed Personal Mileage: if tracking personal mileage, use when first setting up a new user to record any personal miles already claimed but not recorded through WAP.
Total Claimed Business Mileage (Company): this is a calculated field that will show opening business mileage balance plus any business mileage claims submitted on a company vehicle.
Total Claimed Business Mileage (Private): this is a calculated field that will show opening business mileage balance plus any business mileage claims submitted on a private vehicle.
Total Claimed Personal Mileage: this is a calculated field that will show opening personal mileage balance plus any personal mileage claims submitted.
Total Claimed Mileage: this is a calculated field that shows opening balance plus any mileage claims submitted.
Place of Work: enter the user’s typical place of work; this will then appear as a Favourite when the user enters a mileage claim.
Regular Commute (distance from home to place of work): if the user does not have a place of work and home address configured, use this to calculate regular commute distance which can be deducted if required from a mileage claim. If a Google Maps API key has been entered, the Google Maps icon can be used to calculate the distance.
Subsistence Sub Tab
Enable Subsistence Claims: tick to allow this user to enter subsistence claims within the system.
Subsistence Grade: select from the drop down list the appropriate grade for the user; these grades are created under System Setup – Subsistence Grades.
21.8. User Profile | Holidays Tab
Each user needs to be setup with correct holiday entitlement and linked to the correct work pattern. This is done on their WAP User profile – Holidays tab. Click Add or Edit for the relevant holiday period to enter or amend holiday entitlement figures. Holiday entitlement is always entered and booked in hours, but will be converted to days to be user-friendly (the estimated days figure uses the holiday work pattern to get the average hours in a working day to then estimate the days).
If adding a user part way through the holiday year, enter the full entitlement correctly and either submit any taken holiday requests for approval so the entitlement figure will be adjusted once the holiday request is approved, or use the Starting Holiday tool.
Entitlement (h): when a holiday period is added to the user the default holiday entitlement figure will be automatically entered, but this can be overridden if required. Any configured mandatory days will be deducted from this amount but non-working days will not so these should not be included in the entitlement figure.
Period Start and Period End: the default holiday start and end dates will also be automatically pulled through but these can be overridden if needed.
Brought Forward (h): if a user is carrying forward any entitlement from a previous holiday period, this can be entered in the ‘Brought Forward’ hours.
Notes: text can be entered here to explain any changes that have been made. These notes will not be visible to the end user; they are for reference only.
NB: make sure to click ‘Update’ before saving the user’s profile to make sure any changes are saved.
Click the padlock icon to lock or unlock a holiday period to prevent or allow holiday requests to be submitted.
Entitlement (h): this is the total number of hours’ holiday entitlement the user has been given.
Accrued (h): this figure is calculated from ‘months until now’ (either from the start of the holiday year or from the employee’s start date, depending on which is the most recent date), multiplied by ‘monthly accrual’ (the entitlement hours divided by months – usually 12 as this is the number of months in a holiday period).
Remaining Accrued (h): this figure is calculated from ‘accrued hours’ minus ‘taken hours’, ‘booked hours’ and ‘mandatory hours’.
Est Accrued (d): the holiday work pattern is used to get the average hours in a working day to estimate the accrued hours figure into an estimated days figure.
Remaining Est Accrued (d): the holiday work pattern is used to get the average hours in a working day to estimate the remaining accrued hours figure into an estimated days figure.
Remaining (h): this figure is calculated from ‘entitlement hours’ plus ‘brought forward hours’ minus ‘taken hours’, ‘booked hours’ and ‘mandatory hours’.
Est Entitlement (d): the holiday work pattern is used to get the average hours in a working day to estimate the entitlement hours figure into an estimated days figure.
Est Remaining (d): this figure is an estimate from the ‘estimated entitlement in days’ minus ‘taken days’, ‘booked days’ and ‘mandatory days’. The holiday work pattern is used to get the average hours in a working day.
21.9. User Profile | Nominal Tab
This tab can be used to view nominal codes the user has been given access to, or to set that the user is to have access to all nominal codes. These codes will be visible to the user when entering a new requisition or if the user has permission to, to view the budget information against. Different approval values can be set against a nominal code that would be used during requisition approval.
To add a new nominal account, select the Sage Database, choose the nominal account from the drop down list and click Add. If the user should no longer have access to the nominal account, click to Remove. If the user is to have access to all nominal codes across all Sage Companies they have access to, tick the ‘User can access all Nominal Accounts’ box. This is usually only given to Finance or Administrator Superusers.
If adding multiple nominal codes to a user, it is quicker and easier to either use the wizard, copy from another user or use an import.
21.10. User Profile | Jobs Tab
If a costing module has been configured, this tab can be used to view jobs or job headers the user has been given access to, or to set that the user is to have access to all jobs or job headers. These jobs and job headers will be visible to the user when entering a new document.
The current allocated jobs are shown in the box at the bottom of the screen; to see a full list click on the arrow to the left of the Company. As new jobs are added into Sage, they will need to be allocated to the correct users.
When allocating job headers to a user, it is possible to specify which modules these will be available to the user in, and also override the default item and approval values if required. These value overrides are only applicable to the requisition module. If new job headers are added into Sage, they will need to be allocated to the correct users.
21.11. User Profile | Company Access Tab
Select the company from the available companies list that the user should have access to. Multiple companies can be selected at a time by holding the shift button.
Default Sub Tab
Click Edit on a company to allocate a default nominal account, delivery address and invoice address. Each user can be configured to have permission to be able to change the nominal, delivery or invoice address as required. If a user only ever raises a requisition against one nominal code, allocate that code here. Allocate a default delivery and invoice address; users would typically be allowed to change a delivery address but not change the invoice address.
Expenses Sub Tab
Supplier Account: if a user is to submit an expense claim, select from the drop down box the Purchase Ledger account to link to the user for their personal expense claims. Always click Update once a supplier account is selected.
Resource: if Job Costing or Project Accounting is enabled, link the user to the Employee or Resource by selecting the correct name from the drop down box. Always click Update once an Employee is selected. A resource will be required if entering expense claims, timesheets or holiday requests.
New Expense Supplier: it is possible from this screen to go to another page to create a new PL supplier account which will be sent for approval in WAP before appearing in Sage and being linked to the user.
Time and Attendance Sub Tab
Resource: if Job Costing or Project Accounting is enabled, link the user to the Employee or Resource by selecting the correct name from the drop down box. Always click Update once an Employee is selected. A resource will be required if entering expense claims, timesheets or holiday requests.
Touch Screen Default: if using T&A Terminals and the user has access to more than one Company, select the company which should be the default on logging in or out by ticking this box.
Works Order Sub Tab
If using T&A Terminals and users will be booking on or off works orders, this tab will show.
Resource: if Job Costing or Project Accounting is enabled, link the user to the Employee or Resource by selecting the correct name from the drop down box. Always click Update once an Employee is selected. A resource will be required if entering expense claims, timesheets or holiday requests.
Component Warehouse: link the user through to the correct component warehouse.
21.12. User Profile | HR Tab
If the WAP HR module is enabled, there will be the ability to enter various HR information against each users’ WAP profile.
Details Sub Tab
Also known as: free text box, enter if the user has another alias.
Sage Payroll employee reference: this will be populated if the user has been imported from Sage 50 Payroll.
National Insurance Number: free text box.
Date of Birth: calendar field.
Gender: free text field.
Personal email address: free text field.
Home Phone number: free text field.
Mobile Phone number: free text field.
Ethnicity: free text field.
Religion: free text field.
Medical Information: free text field.
House Number/Name & Road: free text boxed, all to be used within HR module only.
Emergency Contact Sub Tab
These are view only fields; the Emergency Contact details should be entered by the individual user themselves. Users can have up to three emergency contacts.
Bank Sub Tab
These are all free text fields for entering the user’s bank details; if the user has been linked through to a PL Supplier account, bank details will update in Sage if changed in WAP.
Absences Sub Tab
This tab will show the user’s Bradford Factor score relating to the user’s absence record.
21.13. User Profile | Audit History
If configured, this tab will be populated with information on certain user fields; when they were amended and by which user. Filters can be used to show only specific audit actions or a date range when the action occurred.
Auditing is switched on in System Settings – Auditing.
21.14. User Profile | User Profile Options
At the bottom of all user profile tabs are the below options:
Save & Close: this will close the user’s profile and save any changes made to the profile.
Change Password: a Superuser will be able to edit a user’s profile and change a password if required. This option is a User Type permission.
Delete User: this should only be used during first user creation if an error is made. Once a user has been created; i.e. they have been included in approval routes or have entered any transactions, the user should not be deleted as this can cause corruption issues.
21.15. User Reports
On the Users page there is the option to run the Nominal Accounts List report; this will list out per user all the nominal codes that have been assigned to the user.
22. User Imports
CSV import templates are available to bring in users and user data and are recommended if 25+ users need to be added to the system at once. The first import to run is the New Users import; this will bring in a skeleton user profile that can be filled out using the other imports.
CSV templates are generated within WAP by choosing the required import and then clicking Generate Template. Imports will contain sample text to assist with completion. Once filled out, these need to be validated and if there are no errors, can then be imported. When a template has been generated, please ensure the file name ends with the version number; it will fail validation if it does not.
22.1. User Imports | New Users
This import should be run first to bring the users into WAP. It can also be used to update existing users already in the system. If users are in the template that exist in the system already, user information will be overridden if ‘Overwrite Existing Accounts’ is also selected in the screenshot below. There are options to send a welcome email when the user is imported, or these can be sent out later once the system is ready for users to login.
22.2. User Imports | New Users from Job Costing Employees
If employees are created within Job Costing it is possible to set up accounts in WAP using these details; choose the correct Sage Company and refresh to show users that exist in Job Costing but not in WAP. Configure applicable user types, work patterns, contracted hours and holiday entitlement, validate and then import.
22.3. User Imports | Sage 50 Payroll
If Sage 50 ODBC connection details have been added into System Settings, users can be imported. Complete relevant fields and import.
22.4. User Imports | User Type Allocation
This import can be used to assign user types to users, with one user type set as their default. There are various options for if users in the import already have user types allocated; to either stop the import, add, replace existing or clear all.
22.5. User Imports | User Approval Items
This import can be used to assign item and approval values per user and document type. There is an option to overwrite existing item and approval values if these have already been allocated.
22.6. User Imports | User Business Units
This import can be used to assign business units to users, with one business unit as their default. There is the option when importing to leave business units as they currently have been configured for users that are not included in the import.
22.7. User Imports | User Holiday
This import will allocate to users a holiday entitlement year with default entitlement and any brought forward hours. Notes can be entered against a holiday year if required.
22.8. User Imports | User Company Access
This import can be used to assign to a user company access with default delivery and invoice addresses and link the user to a PL Supplier Account (mandatory if the user is to submit an expense claim) or Job Costing Resource or Project Accounting Employee (mandatory if a costing module is configured and the user is to be submitting an expense claim, timesheet or holiday request).
22.9. User Imports | User Nominal
Use this import to assign nominal codes to a user with specific item or approval values per nominal code. It is possible through here to export the current nominal allocation, either per user or for all users.
NB: overriding nominal approval values are only applicable for requisitions.
22.10. User Imports | User Costing Allocation
This import can be used to assign users to a job and job header, with overriding item and approval values if required.
NB: overriding approval values are only applicable for requisitions.
22.11. User Imports | Self-Approval Values
This import can be used to set self-approval values per user and document type. By default, when created users will have zero self-approval value for all document types.
22.12. User Imports | User Expense Types
A CSV template can be generated, completed and imported to allocate expense types to users with the correct nominal codes, tax rates, maximum claim amounts and memos. Import templates are generated from within WAP and will contain sample text to assist with completing the import. For each user and expense type, two lines will be required; ‘E’ line to assign the expense type to the user with a default tax code, memo etc. and a ‘N’ line to assign the nominal code to the expense type to the user.
When importing there are a couple of options for how to proceed if there is already expense types or nominal codes allocated to user.
Clear Nominal for All Users Expense Types: if this is selected, all nominal allocations will be removed for all users and all expense items prior to the import. The access to expense types will not be cleared.
Action if there is an existing nominal:
Stop Import: validation will fail for the import to be corrected to remove any duplicated data.
Append Only: if nominal codes are found in the import that aren’t already allocated, they will be added. Existing nominal codes won’t be removed. The default nominal code will be changed if one is specified in the import.
Replace Existing: if one or more nominal codes are found in the import file for a User Expense Item, all nominal codes for that item not found in the import will be removed and the ones specified in the import for the given item will be created.
22.13. User Imports | Export to Excel
The list of current users can be exported to Excel; this will list all users as per the filters on the user list and show all columns as per the Users page.
23. Warehouses
Users can be allocated access to warehouses within each Sage Company with restrictions placed as to whether they are able to use for raising requisitions or sales orders, or goods receiving. A wizard can be used if allocating many warehouses to users.
24. Work Pattern Rates
Within this section work pattern rates can be linked to the users.
Please refer to the Timesheets Help and user Guide for further information.
25. Work Patterns
Within this section, users can be linked through to work patterns.
Please refer to the Timesheets Help and user Guide for further information.
26. Sicon WAP Help and User Guide User Setup v17
27. New Features & Important Information
27.1. Sicon v21.1
Sicon WAP v21.1 New Features & Important Information27.2. Sicon v21
Sicon WAP v21 New Features & Important Information27.3. Sicon v20.1
Sicon WAP v20.1 New Features & Important Information27.4. Sicon v20
Sicon WAP v20 New Features & Important Information27.5. Sicon v19.2
Sicon WAP v19.2 New Features & Important Information27.6. Sicon v19.1
Sicon WAP v19.1 New Features & Important Information27.7. Sicon v19
Sicon WAP v19 New Features & Important Information27.8. Sicon v18
New Features:
- A Redesigned Default Expense Voucher and Default Categorised Expense Voucher Report to include Pay Code as a column. To view these, you may need to delete your existing report and refresh (if there are no report customisations or you do not need to keep the customisations) or add the field manually in design view.
- Added ability to disable posting of Mileage- or Expense Item Lines on a per user These lines need to be processed separately using the Expense Payroll Posting functionality. This is a User Type permission.
- Added ability to book off jobs on time and attendance screens by scanning a barcode.
- Added popup to TA screen for quantity complete (works orders) when booking off a job.
- Booking off all jobs on TA screen asks if you want to set all the Qty completed to the total amount for any works orders in the list.
- Logging out of TA screen will warn if there are any works orders that need a Qty set before logging off.
- Initial list of Job costing headers are filtered by a setting on the Job in Sage.
- Quantity complete and operation ID posting to works.
- Added Goods received approval A new entry will be created each time goods are received against an item.
- Added Goods fully received approval A new entry will be created each time an item is fully received. The entry will indicate whether it was part of a final receipt.
- Added Order Goods Fully Received approval A new entry will be created once an entire Order is fully received. o Added a Goods Fully received notification. A new notification will be generated when an Order has been fully received. o Added a Goods Received Amended approval history. A new entry will be created each time a receipt line is amended.
- Added Job costing user import page.
- Added new costing popup to rapid timesheet entry which allow selection of job, variation, item, phases and stages.
- Allow invoice lines to be split by invoice editors as well as approvers.
- Added the ability to split expense lines that were created by Credit Card Statement Once a line is split, it can only be submitted if the total for the statement line still matches up. If a split line is deleted the value will be added back to the original line regardless of changes to the expense line such as expense type or nominal.
- Added ability to configure a Nominal per line on Order Setting this nominal will override the default nominal set from the Stock/Warehouse.
- Added ability to export the imported statement result grid of Credit Card Statement Import.
- Added Line Numbers to all document types, reports and approval history controls.
- Added a popup keypad to the book off works order quantity control to allow easier editing of quantities.
- Changed standard timesheet entry to allow editing of JC and WO time that has been posted to sage when the timesheet is submitted.
- New user popup to collect initial details and validate before Existing user can be used as a template to create new users.
- Added a new feature to determine whether machine time appears on the Book on job control for operations.
- Added a new popup keypad control on TA.
- Added the ability to pick the finished works order quantity by keypad.
- The operation name will be shown in addition to the operation description on the touch screen terminals.
- Works Order transactions posted to sage will now have the start and end date set.
- Added new theme ‘R18Dark’
- Added button to show cleared system messages.
- Added Quotes User type settings.
- Added Quotes menu.
- Added Quote screens and approval.
- If default supplier contact doesn’t exist or the contact has no telephone or fax number, it will be populated from the supplier details.
- Added a column to invoice approval report for Sage user name for invoices generated in Sage.
- Added a new approval history type for when items restart an approval route to distinguish from items that are sent for approval the first time.
- Added User Self Approval Values to User Approval Values Report.
- Added Setting to include Sage Company in The setting is off by default and can be found in the Misc Tab of System Settings under the Notifications section.
- Added “Allow previous approvers” columns to approval route import template.
- When selecting a stock item on an order line it will now drop down the warehouse comobox if there is not a value selected.
- Added the ability to specify the first cut-off rate when adding a rate change for fuel rates.
- Added ability to record low level auditing of database field changes to Order and Order Line The setting is enabled by default and can be disabled in the Misc Settings logging section.
- Added an Audit History Tab to Order.
- Added Line summary text to existing holiday request list.
- Added ability to record low level auditing of database field changes to Timesheet and Timesheet Line tables.
- Added setting to hide “Remember Me” option on the Log in screen.
- Auditing of new document and document item creation added.
- Added Date filter to Audit History.
- Added Audit History to User.
- Added Separate Audit Tab to System.
- Added the ability to export approval routes.
- Added the ability to export user nominal values on the import user nominals page.
- Added option to set default tax rate of order line free text and charge item to be set from the Supplier’s default rate on page load.
- Added option to set default tax rate of sales order line free text and charge item to be set from the Customer’s default rate on page load.
- Added Audit Log type to record when an order gets a PO Number allocated from Sage.
- Added option to nominal allocations import to maintain or delete existing records.
- Added the ability to see stock item images on sales and purchase order stock line entry.
- Added Business Units column to Timesheet Projects report.
- Changed all instances of report user selection filters to read “My Delegates” and “My Business Unit(s)” rather than “Delegates” and “Business Unit”.
- Moved the job / barcode search text box on the time and attendance dashboard to the top of the page, it’s now used to book on and book off jobs.
- Added an additional popup when booking on to a job to show the job / works order / operation details.
- Added the ability to view the works order finished item image when booking onto a job from the touch screen terminals.
- Added a hover over on the description for stock lines on requisition entry to show the amended description.
- Load thumbnail for attachment and use zoomable image control to view on approve expenses page.
- Added the ability to reset the route for all lines on Expense entry.
- Added the ability to reset the route for all lines on Sales Order Entry.
- Added the ability to reset the route for all lines on Proposed Payment Entry.
- Added the ability to reset the route for all lines on Timesheet Entry.
- Added a status flag to the operation details popup to show if the operation is complete or not.
- Changed the job and item selection control to load the job analysis labels from JC settings.
- Operation Comments are now scrollable on the time and attendance page.
- Added a warning to the book off job control if the entered quantity is more than the outstanding qty.
- Added a warning to the book off job control if the entered finished item quantity is more than the Works order quantity.
- Added the ability to specify the finished item quantity to book into stock on the final operation.
- Changed the TA login screen to not show the keypad if it’s not a touch screen location.
- Changed the TA dashboard page to not show popup keyboards when not at a touch screen location.
- Order Line entry now supports selecting Confirmation Methods.
- Majority of reports will now have a link on the report lines to redirect a user directly to the relevant document entry screen.
- Users will now be given a notification when booking time on the same day as time already approved as holiday on the current timesheet.
- Added ability to include leavers in Search page user filters.
- The Time and attendance dashboard screen will now always focus on the project code / barcode box when the page loads (even after postback).
- Changed WAP to check the quantity outstanding in WAP on operations that have not been sent to sage yet.
- Added Job Manager to the job costing selection control.
- Added a banner at the bottom of the settings page as a note the WAP service may need a restart after changing Settings.
- Changed the book off job control to focus the cursor on the quantity box when it opens.
- Added Proposed Payments functionality.
- (WAP Add-on) Changed the Generate payments screen to check whether there is an unapproved proposed payment in WAP and stop generation if it’s not approved.
- Added the ability in the WAP add-on to use the WAP objects directly.
- Improved the readability of Audit History page by displaying user friendly properly values when auditing only record related IDs, such as costing Header ID.
- Proposed payments generated in sage will now complete the payment in WAP.
- Added ability to submit holiday requests from time and attendance o Added ability to submit holiday requests from time and attendance screens.
- Added All Sales Order Lines Report.
- Implemented Analysis code support for Sales Analysis codes can now have custom labels and be configured to display or hide in approval reports and Sales Order search page and be searchable in Sales Order page.
- Added Audit History for User Type Edit page.
- Added ability to add Justification Value bands to This allows specification of a minimum amount of attachments required to submit a requisition based on requisition value. This functionality can be configured by a System Account user through the System Settings page under the Requisitions tab.
- When MRP orders are now picked up by WAP the nominal account will be taken from the job Header if specified.
- Added a file viewer to the view proposed payment page.
- Added the ability to view DMS attachments from the invoices on the approve proposed payments page.
- Added Requisition Quote Requests.
- Setting added to determine whether to show the Book In finished item quantity box on the book off job control.
- Added ability to import Requisitions from User Types need to be granted permission to import Requisitions. Contact your Business Partner/Sicon if you wish to enable this feature.
- Sales Order attachments will now be added to DMS if integration is enabled.
- Requisition attachments will now be added to DMS if integration is enabled.
- Requisition Justification documents will now be added to DMS if integration is enabled.
- Added a “Justification” tab to sales order and moved the file attachment control to the tab so users won’t have to enable viewing additional information to perform file attachments.
- Made it clearer on Expense Line entry which lines are split from an original line with row highlighting.
- Users will no longer be able to select nominal accounts that aren’t posting accounts on order line entry.
Important Information
- Added an analysis code to the Expense Meeting Entity for reporting purposes.
- Added the ability to determine whether subsistence can be claimed per user. v17.558.0.126
- Added a setting to determine whether client files are synchronised in the service configuration. v17.571.0.168
- After this upgrade, existing PO reports will have to be deleted and refreshed to get the new call-off orders reports. If there are customisations to original reports, these will be lost through this process so is optional.
v17.588.0.256 Database changes
- SiWorksOrderLineID added to TimesheetLine Table
- SiWorksOrderLineID added to JobActivity Table
- All taken, Submitted and Booked holiday hours will now be calculated dynamically rather than stored in the database, this way it will be impossible to get out of sync with the totals for holiday requests in the database.
- Added SQL server client tools as a pre-requisite on the installer for sites that force TLS 1.2 security due to windows update.
- Latest version of Job Costing will be required to address an issue with changing jobs for lines that already have receipts recorded.
- ‘Rework’ column added to JobActivity table.
- Rework column added to TimesheetLine table. v17.590.0.270
- Changed the WAP service and installers to no longer deploy sage assemblies and instead copy them from the sage server folder when it starts.
- Database change: Added SOPMandatoryAnalysisBehaviour setting.
- The SOP analysis codes and mandatory analysis behaviour need to be configured in WAP system settings to validate the analysis codes as required.
- WOFinishedItemQuantity added to JobActivity table.
- WOFinishedItemQuantity added to TimesheetLineTable table. v17.609.32.1
- Changed the WAP service and installers to no longer deploy sage assemblies and instead copy them from the sage server folder when it starts.
- The SOP analysis codes and mandatory analysis behaviour need to be configured in WAP system settings to validate the analysis codes as required.
- To view the Sales Order Lines report, the user type needs to be allocated the View Sales Order Reports permission.
- InvoiceID Added to ProposedPaymentLine table.
- In order to use Quote Requests, the report needs to be configured for each Sage Connection and the user type needs permission to print quotes.
- Added Columns [QuoteRequestPrinted] and [QuoteRequestEmailed] columns to Order table.
- Added [QuoteRequestReport] column to SageDatabase table.
- Added [CanPrintQuoteRequests] column to UserType table.
- The exchange rate between the two currencies need to be configured in both the base currency database and the document database. Differences between these two could lead to issues with approval value conversion.
[Last Important Information August 20, 2018.]
Sicon WAP v18 New Features & Important Information