Works Order Processing Help and User Guide v17

Works Order Processing Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon Works Order Processing module for Sage 200.

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Works Order Processing Help and User Guide v17

Works Order Processing Help and User Guide will take you through the features and settings for the Sicon Works Order Processing module for Sage 200.

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Help and User Guide maintained for Works Order Processing version v17

Works Order Processing is designed specifically for Sage 200, integrating with BOM and Stock Control.  It provides enhanced functionality to the Sage 200 BOM module and is an ideal addition for clients in manufacturing who need a simplified stock allocation and issuing process with the ability to be amended.

1. Works Orders

This section is used to create and amend works orders.  The user has the ability to create a works order using a BOM as a template, or start from a blank works order and add the components and finished items. The user can also copy existing works orders or generate works orders from sales orders. Works orders can also be quickly generated for kits if the Kitting module is being used, and a scheduler screen is available to display the rough schedule of operations attached to the works orders.

1.1. Create Works Order

Create New Works Order from a Sage BOM


The new works order screen is used to create a new works order based on a Sage BOM as a template.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Choosing warehouse

To create a works order, do the following:

  • Select a BOM from the drop down list
  • Select warehouses for the finished product(s) and the components
  • Enter the quantity to be made
  • If job costing integration is enabled, select a job from the Job/analysis drop down
  • Click the Create button in the bottom left corner

The works order will now be populated with details from the BOM.  Components, labour, machine, subcontractor and comment lines will be loaded.  An Average total cost for the works order will be shown in the header section.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Create Works Order

Selecting a warehouse for works order component lines

The warehouse used for component lines on works orders when they are created are either taken from the default component warehouse entered on a works order, or can be overridden by setting default warehouses against that component stock item code.

Step 1: Check default warehouse settings on stock item

In Works Order Settings on the Stock and Warehouse tab, there is a setting that specifies whether to check the default warehouse on the stock item:

If this is selected, the default component warehouse set on the stock item is used (this is found on the WOP/MRP tab of the stock item record).

If the component works order line is to represent a sub assembly, then there is a setting on the Stock and Warehouse tab to check if the default component warehouse or the default finished item warehouse should be used:

Based on this setting, the default finished item warehouse may be used instead of the default component warehouse.  The reason for this is that the works order finished items may be built into a finished items warehouse, and therefore the component line representing the sub assembly should pick up the stock from the finished items warehouse, not the component warehouse.

Step 2: Use a manually set warehouse if there is one.

A manually set warehouse may be provided. For example:

  1. When creating a works order manually, then the default warehouses are set on the works order screen before creating the works order. These are initially set from the default user settings or the global defaults setup in settings (further details in Step 3):

Step 3: Global settings are checked.  Global warehouse defaults is the last check to obtain a warehouse:

NB: If the warehouse found from the above steps does not exist against the stock item for the works order line, then the warehouse is not set. When the works order is opened, the user will have to set the warehouses on works order lines that have not been set.

Sub Assemblies Created when Works Order Created

Sub-assembly Works Orders will be automatically created if the Create separate works order for each sub assembly option is ticked on the Settings screen.

When a works order is created (either manually or from a sales order line) and you have the setting enabled to ‘Always ask before creating sub assembly’, then a box will appear for each sub-assembly displaying any free stock and asking if you want to use this free stock or create a sub-assembly works order. If you do not have this option ticked, then the system will always generate a sub-assembly works order.

Once the works order is created, component lines that link to a sub assembly will be shown in blue.

A works order sub assembly will have a / in the works order number and the numeric value.  For example; PM/SINK/PACK is a sub assembly of CA\ARIZONA SINK UNIT and CA\ARIZONA SINK UNIT is a sub assembly of BS/ARIZONA/BOM.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Subassemblies numbers

1.2. Create New Empty Works Order

Creating a New Empty Works Order

The Create new empty works order screen is used to create a new works order with no components, finished items or operations.  All details of the works order will be entered manually.

The name of the works order must be entered, followed by the default warehouse for components and finished items.  The quantity of how many items are to be made should also be entered.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - New empty works order

Once the Create button is selected, the empty works order is created and displayed; ready to have the various elements added to it. It’s possible to have a works order with no finished items at all, to reflect what components have been issued as part of some other process (i.e. research and development).

1.3. Generate Works Orders from Sales Orders

Generating a Works Order from a Sales Order Line

This screen can be used to create works orders for sales order lines, provided that the stock item on the sales order line is an item that is set to ‘Make’ on the WOP/MRP tab of the stock item, and that the sales order is live.  The sales order line must also have an outstanding quantity to allocate – so if an order line is not appearing then it could be down to it already being allocated.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Generate Works Order from SO

When searching for sales order lines, promised date, sales order numbers and warehouse can be used as filters.  The Find button will look for outstanding sales order lines.

A list of items will appear.  Once a line is selected and a default warehouse for components is selected, the works orders can be created by selecting the Create Selected Works Orders button. The ‘Qty To Make’ field can be updated first, if you would like to create a works order with a different quantity to that required by the sales order line.

Multiple works orders for each sales order line can be created by selecting the tick box at the bottom of the screen.  This will create multiple works orders, each with a quantity of 1, for each item selected.  For example; if the ‘Qty To Make’ was set to 5, and this option was selected, then 5 works orders will be created.

The works order number used for the generated works orders will match the sales order document number and sales order line.  For example; 5178-001, where the first part of the number is the sales order document number and the second part is the sales order line.

The generated works orders will also be pre-allocated to the sales order lines.

Some reasons why a sales order line did not appear in the list could be one of the following:

  • The item on the sales order line is not a BOM item
  • The item on the sales order line has an allocation to it
  • The sales order is complete
  • A works order already exists for the sales order line
  • The stock item is set to Buy on the WOP/MRP tab when amending the stock item in stock control.
  • The BOM is not active or is on hold

1.4. Amend Works Order

Amending and Finding Works Orders

The Amend Works Order screen is used to search for and amend works orders.  From here you can edit the works order, change the dates of the works order, delete the works order or bulk allocate or issue stock to the selected works orders. This screen is intended to act as the main list of works orders.

By default, the Amend Works Order list will default to the Due Dates being 1 month before today, and 1 month after today. This can be changed via the ‘All Settings’ button in Works Order Processing settings, and changing the value against the setting called ‘WorksOrderSearchMonths’, the number entered here being the number of months you would like the screen to sea.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Amend Works Order

If there are subassemblies linked to a works order, a plus symbol will be displayed to the left of the works order number and clicking on this will expand the structure to show the next level of subassemblies. Because of this functionality, the standard option of right clicking in a list in Sage200 in order to send the information to Excel is not available in this screen. To counter this, we have added a button at the bottom for Send to Excel which displays the list of works orders in a format where you can right click and send to excel.

The list of works orders can be filtered by using the Search criteria at the top of the screen.  The status drop down defaults to All Current works orders, but can be changed to display completed works orders in addition to searching for a single status. Searching by W/O number would cause subassembly works orders to appear twice on the screen, within the structure of the linked works orders (indicated by the plus symbol to the left of the works order number) and as a separate works order in the list.

A works order can be edited by selecting the works order and then clicking the Edit button.

The other buttons available at the bottom of the screen are:-

Link to Sales Order : Creates a pre-allocation connection between the works order and a sales order line. This will make a button available when viewing or editing the works order that will open the view sales order screen. The works order will also be viewable from within the sales order, as it will be displayed on the Works Order tab that is available there. Finally, the finished item will be pre-allocated to the sales order line so that when it is booked into stock, it will allocate to the sales order line.

Print : This opens up a drop down where you can select from the four displayed reports (Works Order Structure, Works Order Detailed Report, Picking List and Expediting) for the selected works orders. If you want to run a different report, you can also click the Browse button which will then open up the default reports folder for works order processing to enable you to select from any of the reports in there.

Allocate/Unallocate/Issue : These buttons enable you to process these stock transactions on the components for the selected works orders. This may be preferable to opening each works order and carry out these processes in there if you wish to process lots of works orders in a quicker fashion.

Delete : This will delete the selected works orders. It is not possible to delete a works order that has components that have been allocated or issued, so the works order would need to be amended first in order to reverse these transactions.

On Hold : This button can be used to either put a works order on hold, or to take it off hold. Works orders that are on hold cannot be processed until they are taken off hold, and their demand is also ignored by Material Planning.

The tick box to the left of the works order number can be used in conjunction with the Print, Allocate, Unallocate, Issue, Delete and On Hold buttons, in order to use these for multiple works orders in one click.

The works order name, dates and area can also be edited in the list itself. The Overtime and Printed checkboxes do not have an effect on processing, they are purely there for a production scheduler to mark whether overtime is needed for any works orders, and whether all necessary paperwork has been printed.

Works Order Screen Details

The works order screen is divided into a number of sections:

  • Header section: Contains details about the works order
  • Finished products section: Lists the finished products as well as transactions for each finished item
  • Components section: List the components used to build the finished item(s)
  • Additional sections: Extra tabs are provided to add non stock items, labour, machine, sub contract and comments. There is also a History tab that displays a transaction list that shows when the works order status has changed. An attachment tab enables you to add attachments to the works order. An optional Finished Product tab can be used to apportion costs where different finished products are being generated from the works order.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Amend Works Order sections

Header Details

The header section is made up of the following fields:

Bill of material / Works OrderThe name of the works order
VersionThe BOM version number the works order was originally based on
QuantityThe works order quantity to make. If you revise this after creating the works order, then you will be prompted if you wish to update component quantities on the works order to reflect the new works order quantity. Note that this will only update component lines that are not already issued.
NumberThe unique works order number
Start dateThe start date of the works order
StatusThe status of the works order, that updates automatically as it is processed. The statuses are New, Part Allocated, Allocated, Part Issued, Issued, Part Booked and Completed.
Sales orderThe sales order number that the works order is linked to, if applicable.
Due dateThe due date of the works order
Estimate days req.This is the estimated days required based on the labour and machine items on the works order. This is dependent on whether labour and machine items affect date calculations setup in works order processing settings
Days availableThis is the number of working days available depending on the start date and due date
Default warehouse for finished productsThe default warehouse to use for finished items
Default warehouse for componentsThe default warehouse to use for components
AreaThe area the works order is currently in. Areas are setup against the stock item as a routing on the WOP/MRP tab on the stock item in Stock Control and the Areas menu option in the Maintenance menu in Works Order Processing. A default routing can be set in that screen and is used if no routing is setup on the stock item.
CommentAny comment relating to the works order, this field is limited to 4000 characters.
Total cost for WOThe total cost for all items on the works order. This cost can be an:

EstimateThere are some issued items
AverageThere are no issued items
ActualAll items have been issued

When double clicking on this field, a breakdown of the cost is given. A further break down of the components is given if the components value is double clicked.

Total issued costThis is the value of all issued components. It can also include labour, machine, non-stock items and subcontract costs once finished items are booked in. This is dependent on settings.
Job/analysisIf Sicon job costing integration is enabled, a job can be selected here. This can only be changed when the status of the works order is New. Relevant job costing transactions are then posted to the job during the life of the works order

Additional Information tab

This tab displays any information that may have been recorded on the sales order.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Additional Information tab

Production CommentsA text field (limited to 4,000 characters)
Sales order textWill display any text entered on the Works Order tab on the linked Sales Order. Note that this field is not editable here
Sales order line textWill display any text entered on the Sales order line via the WO Comments button. Note that this field is not editable here
ScheduledA checkbox that can be used to tag works orders as being scheduled
Stock cover percentA field used in conjunction with job costing. See the later section in this guide for more information

Works Order Summary tab

This tab is made up of two parts – a sale summary and a cost summary. The sale summary can be used to allow you to enter a desired margin against each element of your works order, and a suggested sales price can then be applied to the linked sales order line. The cost summary gives you a breakdown of the costs incurred on the works order.

Sale Summary

The Sale Summary tab displays the component stock cost price (from any relevant information on the stock item supplier record, i.e. list price or last order price) and selling price (from Price Book). You can manually amend the unit cost price, the margin percentage and the unit selling price in order to arrive at a new total suggested selling price for that component. Alternatively, you can use the Discount % or Increase % fields to decrease or increase the selling price by that percentage. You can do this per component, and use the Update Sales Order button in the bottom right hand corner to amend the selling price on any linked sales order line.

If the sales order is in a foreign currency, then additional columns are displayed in both that currency and base currency.

Note that any changes to unit cost prices here are just for the purposes of this screen, they will not affect stock issue costs as the works order is processed, as these will be done with the usual Sage stock costing rules.

Also note that although this tab also appears on sub-assembly works orders, changes to it will not automatically update any costs on parent works orders, so it is intended that this tab is generally only edited on the top level works order.

Cost Summary

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Cost Summary

This tab shows cost information split by the types of costs on that works order (i.e. Materials, Labour etc.). A budget figure is displayed which reflects the original estimated costs of the works order when created (or reset to a later point via the Reset Budgets button).

Components and Other Operations

A list of components is shown on the materials tab, and there are other tabs for displaying the relevant cost items that could be contributing to the cost of the finished item(s).

The Finished Products box displays the items that will be booked into stock from the works order. Generally there is only one stock code displayed in this box (the stock code from the bill of material), but there could be more added to reflect by-products if applicable.

There is also a list of booking transactions that are filtered for each finished item. Booking transactions record when finished items are booked into stock, and at what cost:

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Materials tab

Finished Products

The finished products window is shown when a finished item is edited and is used to amend the finished item.  The stock item can be changed if no stock has been booked in.  Also, the quantity to book in and the location to book stock into can be amended.  If the finished item is a traceable item, the batch or serial number will have to be entered, but can default to the works order number if configured to in the settings. It is possible to add additional finished items, but this requires the Finished Products tab to be enabled in order to ensure that the costs are split correctly, which is within settings and detailed in the Finished Products Tab section of this user guide.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Finished Items screen

Materials Tab

The components section is found on the materials tab.  This section lists the components required to build the finished item(s).

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Materials tab closeup

Add Component

To add a component, click the Add button and the following screen will appear:

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Component line

Select a stock item code.  Enter the quantity required and the warehouse from where the stock is going to be used from. Then click Save.

If the component item is a BOM, then the user will be asked whether they would like to add a sub assembly for this line.

If Yes is selected, a sub assembly with all the components will be created and linked to the component line added.  The number of the works order for the sub assembly will be the parent’s works order number followed by a /#, where # is the sub assembly number.

If No is selected, the stock item will be added as a component, but there won’t be a subassembly works order created for it. This would be suitable if the item was held in stock so was available for allocation without further production needed for it.

Edit Component

All lines that have not been fully issued can be edited. If the quantity required is reduced to the issued quantity on the line, then the line will automatically be marked as ‘Issued’ and therefore cannot be further edited. You can also change the warehouse that a component will be taken from in this screen.

Remove Component

To remove a component, select the line to remove and then select the Remove button.  The following message will appear:

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Remove Component prompt

Select Yes and the component line will be removed. Only lines that have not been allocated or issued can be removed.

Allocating a Component Line

To allocate a component line, select the component line to allocate and then select the Allocate button.  When the line is allocated, the quantity in the allocated column will increase by the amount allocated. All lines can be allocated at once if no line is selected and the Allocate button is selected. This will allocate every line possible in the component list, and provide a warning at the end of the process for those lines where allocation was not possible.

A component line can be part allocated by select the line and then selecting the Part Allocate button.  The Part Allocate screen will appear and the user can enter the amount to allocate. The standard allocation routine will only allocate a line if it can allocate the full quantity, so this part allocate button would need to be used if you wished to part allocate.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Part Allocate

A bin location can be selected, provided that the Component Line Allocations section of the Works Order Settings has been set to ‘Select bin during allocation’. This will allow the user to select a bin during the allocation process.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Bin selection during component allocation

If the stock item on the component line is a traceable item, and you have the standard setting within Stock Control to select batch and serial numbers when allocating stock, then the Works Order Allocation screen will appear during allocation to enable you to confirm the relevant batch/serial numbers for the allocation. If you have the radio button within the Component Lines Allocations section of the Works Order Processing settings set to ‘Auto allocate across multiple bins’, then the allocation of batch/serial numbers will happen automatically, so this window will not appear.

Select the batch/serial number to allocate against by double clicking on the line.  The quantity to allocate can be changed in the allocation box.  Next select the Apply button and the total allocated quantity will increase.  Once the whole line is allocated (the allocated quantity matches the required quantity), the OK button can be selected and the allocation will commence.

See the section in the Settings\Options tab for settings that give choices as to how allocations work and select the location and bin.

Issuing a Component Line

Only lines that have been allocated can be issued.  To issue a component lines, select the line and then select the Issue button.  All allocated lines can be issued at once if no line is selected and the Issue button is selected.  This will issue every allocated line possible in the component list.

If the Allow part issue of components lines setting is enabled within the Component Line Issues section in Works Order Settings then the Issue Allocations screen will appear, where the user can select the quantity to issue based on the amount allocated (note that this screen appears for each component line during the issue process), otherwise the allocated quantity will be automatically issued.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Issue Allocations

Once the user selects the Issue Allocations button, the component line will issue.  If all allocated amounts have been issued and there is no outstanding quantity on the line, the allocated quantity column will be marked as Issued.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Issued Components

If the component line is a traceable item, then standard Sage Batch/Serial Detail screen will appear during the issue process.  Here the user can select the quantity to issue, as well at which batch or serial number to use. This assumes that you have not already had to select the batch/serial number during allocation if you have the standard setting in Stock Control set to select numbers when allocating stock.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Traceable item issue


Component lines can link to sub-assembly works orders.  Line representing a sub assembly are shown in blue.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Components including sub-assembly

To view the sub-assemblies, right click the component line and then select Show Works Order for Sub Assembly. If a component is a built item, but not linked to a sub-assembly works order, then it will appear in green.

Right Click Menu on Component List

The following menu appears when the user right clicks on the component list.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide right click menu

FindOpens a standard Sage find window for searching for components
ExportThe standard Sage function to export either selected or all component rows to Excel
PrintThe standard Sage function to print the component rows
View Stock Item BalancesA link to the standard Sage View Stock Item Balances screen for the selected component
View Stock Item DetailsA link to the standard Sage View Stock Item Details screen for the selected component
View Stock Item HistoryA link to the standard Sage View Stock Item History screen for the selected component
View Stock Item MovementsA link to the Sicon Future Stock Movements screen, as documented in the MRP help and user guide.
AllocateAllocates stock to the selected component lines
Part AllocatePart allocates stock to the selected component lines
Un-AllocateRemoves allocations on the selected component lines
BinsWhere there is an allocation on the selected component line, hover over the right pointing arrow to see warehouse and bin details for the allocation
Allocated to BatchesIf the selected component line is a traceable stock item, and is allocated, then hover over the right pointing arrow to see the batches that are allocated (if they have been selected at that stage)
Show Free Stock & On-OrderThe default view that is displayed in the Components window, with the Free Stock and On Order columns to the right of the Issued column
Show Units of MeasureChanges the Components window to display the Unit of measure for each component, to the right of the issued column
Show Component Costs (Issued)Changes the Components window to display the Issued Cost figure for lines that have been issued, to the right of the issued column
Show Purchase OrdersChanges the Components window to display Purchase Order details where the relevant component line has an outstanding pre-allocation against it
Show Unit Selling PriceChanges the Components window to display a selling price for the line based on the standard price band, to the right of the issued column
Show WarehousesChanges the Components window to display the warehouse for each component line, to the right of the issued column
Show Line NumbersChanges the Components window to display a Line No. column against each component.
Alternate ItemsIf the selected component line is a stock item that has any alternative items defined within its stock record, then hover over the right pointing arrow to see these alternative stock items
Show Works Order for Sub-AssemblyIf the selected component line is a sub-assembly with a linked works order, then clicking on this will open a second works order window with this sub-assembly being displayed.
Works Order LinksIf the selected line is a sub-assembly, then a window opens to confirm which works order it is pre-allocated from, and allows you to move the pre-allocation to a different works order if desired.
Link to Purchase OrderCreate a pre-allocation between an existing purchase order and the selected component line. If the setting is enabled within the Options tab of Works Order Processing settings, then this list of purchase orders will include completed ones.
Convert to Sales Order LineIf the user would like to sell a component from a works order as a separate item, and the works order is linked to a sales order, then clicking this button will cause the component to be removed from the works order and added to the sales order as a new line item. This would then be despatched and invoiced as any other item on the sales order.


Linking existing works orders to create sub assemblies

It is possible to link an existing works order to a works order that has been amended.  This can be linked on any component line in the works order.

NB: Whilst flexibility is provided, the finished item on the sub assembly may then not match the component line on the header works order.  This is up to the user if they want these to match, however works order processing will continue to function if these items don’t match.

To link a component line to an existing works order, right click the component line and then select the Works Order Links option at the bottom.

A new screen will appear and will allow the user to select an existing works order to link to.  A works order can be selected from the drop down or the Show All button can be selected to show all works orders. Once a works order is selected, the Link to Selected Works Order button should be selected to create the link.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Link Line to Works Order

An existing link can also be removed via the same screen.  If a link exists, then the Remove Link button at the top of the screen to allow the user to remove the link.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Link Line to Works Order 2

NB: Works orders that are linked using this method will not have the same works order numbering structure as mentioned above.  This is because works order numbers are not overwritten when links are created between existing works orders.

Picking Components

To allow picking of works order lines, the ShowPickedColumn setting has to be set to Yes. This is done within the ‘All Settings’ button within Works Order Settings.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Show Picked Column

A column will appear in the list of components specifying whether a line has been picked or not.  A Pick button will also appear below the list of components to allow the user to pick the line selected.

Picking and Transfer

This facility enables you to allocate stock from all available warehouses, and then when marking the stock as picked, have it transferred to the warehouse that is the designated warehouse for that component on the works order.

The stock allocated on the component line will be unallocated, then reallocated to the stock on the destination warehouse once the stock has been transferred.

To activate the Pick and Transfer process, the PickAndMoveWhenPick setting needs to be set to Yes. This is done within the ‘All Settings’ button within Works Order Settings.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Pick and Move When Pick

You also need to have the ‘Auto Allocate across multiple warehouses’ on (within the Options tab of Works Order Settings), in order for this functionality to work.

When the user selects a component line and then selects the Pick button, the Pick and Transfer screen appears.  The user can enter the quantity picked.  Allocations will be displayed in the list and if additional stock has become available since the initial allocation, the user can add extra quantity at the bottom of the list so that the stock to transfer matches the quantity picked also changing the quantity picked field at the top to ensure it matches.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Pick and Transfer

A destination bin location is selected at the bottom of the screen.  When the Pick and Transfer button is selected, a summary window is displayed and then the stock is moved and the allocated lines are re allocated. If you have picked and transferred more than the allocated amount, then the extra stock is moved to the new warehouse and is then available for allocation.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Pick and Transfer outcome

The location on the component line has also been changed to the new location.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Pick and Transfer outcome 2

If the component line is a traceable item, and there is an extra quantity added to the list of stock to transfer besides the allocations, then the standard Sage Batch / Serial details screen is shown after the Pick and Transfer button is selected, allowing the user to select the batch or serial numbers that represent the extra quantity.

NB: At this stage, if the Cancel button is pressed, then the Pick will go ahead and only the allocations will be transferred and then reallocated.  The extra amount will be cancelled and will have to be transferred manually.

Non-Stock Items Tab

Here non-stock items can be added to the works order for the purpose of potentially adding to the cost of the finished item(s).  Non-stock items can be added, edited and removed on this tab.  When added or editing a non-stock item, the description, quantity, unit price and supplier can be entered and amended.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Non-Stock Line

The value of the non-stock item can be added to the total cost of the works order if the Add non stock items to cost of works order option is selected on the Calculations tab in settings.  A nominal code will also have to be selected and will be used when booking in the finished item.  For more on nominal posting in works order processing, please visit the Nominal Postings section of this Help and User Guide.

Adding Labour Time

The labour tab is used to add labour costs to a works order.  The top list will provide estimated totals for each labour item which are either read from the operations on the bill of material, or can be manually added.  An estimated labour time for an operation has to be entered before actual labour time can be entered.  The bottom list provides actual time entries for each labour operation selected in the top list.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Labour tab

When adding or editing an estimated labour entry, the cost item, unit cost and estimate quantity in hours, minutes and seconds are entered. The drop down of cost items is read from the defined labour records in the standard Sage Manufacturing System Manager/Labour Register menu folder.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Editing Labour cost item

When entering an actual labour entry, select the cost item from the top list and then select the bottom Add button to enter the actual hours, minutes and seconds.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Labour transaction

The employee name will be a drop down reading from the employees defined in Job Costing, if you have that module installed. Otherwise it will be a free text field.

How the costs of labour items contribute to the finished item(s) depend upon settings on the Calculations tab in Works Order Processing Settings.

Adding Machine Time

Machine items work in much the same way as labour items, except that all items are filtered for machine items instead of labour items. So the machine records are defined in the standard Sage 200 Manufacturing System Manager/Machine Register menu folder.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Machine transaction

Adding Sub Contract

Sub Contract operations will be read from the bill of materials, or can be manually added via this tab. Dependent upon settings on the Calculations tab in the Works Order Processing settings, the cost of these can be added to the cost of the finished item(s) on the works order.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Subcontract tab

Using the respective buttons at the bottom of the screen, these cost items can be edited or removed. A purchase order can also be generated from the information recorded on the transaction, and if so then the PO number will be displayed. A View Purchase Order button is also available to view this purchase order.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Subcontract line

NB:  Lead Time in days and Duration Days fields.

These fields are not used in any calculations or processes within the system, and are only information fields only , details of which are recorded as below.

Lead time is stored in the actual time fields [ ActualHours ]  and the duration is stored in the estimate time fields [ EstimateHours ] in the SiWorksOrderLine table.

Note that once the purchase order is generated from this line, any changes made to this screen will not update the existing purchase order automatically. Similarly, any changes made to the purchase order, or if the invoice that is matched to the purchase order is for a different amount than initially thought, will need to be manually reflected on this tab.

Adding Comments

The comments tab is used to add comments to a works order. There is a separate Instructions field, and both of these can then be used within Sage reports.123

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Comment line

When adding a comment line, ensure that the radio button at the top is on the Comment choice as this screen is also shared for adding components to the works order.

History Tab

The history tab will show certain changes to the works order for historical purposes.  These changes could include labour items been added, works order status changes or nominal posting entries.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide History tab

Finished Products Tab

The finished products tab is used to add more than one finished item to a works order.  This tab will list the finished items and allow the user to add the cost of each finished item.  The UseFinishedProductsTab setting (in Settings – All Settings) needs to be set to Yes in order to use the Finished Products tab.  This is a global setting and will be applied to all works orders.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide UseFinishedProductsTab

More than one finished item can now be added to the works order using the Amend Works Order screen as the Add button in the Finished Products section will now be enabled, even after adding one finished item.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Multiple Finished items

When adding extra finished items, the following message may appear:

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Extra finished items prompt

This warning means that the quantity of the finished items is more than the quantity originally entered for the works order.  Simply click Yes to add the extra finished item. Note that this does not change the quantity on the works order header, or of any of the components.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Multiple Finished Products on tab

When amending the works order, the finished products tab will also now be visible.  On this tab, a list of the finished items for the works order is listed.

On each line, the portion of the total cost can be entered.  The percent of the total cost is shown next to the cost amount entered.  It is advisable to have all components issued before entering the costs for each line, as the total issued cost of the works order may change if there are some outstanding components. The initial ratio of costs is determined based on the average buying price of that stock item as tracked by Sage.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide editing finished product cost

Once all the costs for each line have been entered, the finished items can be booked in.  If the total costs entered against the finished items on the finished products tab does not match the total cost of the works order, then no finished items will be allowed to be booked in and a message will appear when trying to book in a finished item.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Finished Item cost warning

Once a finished item is booked in, the finished item will be marked as booked and a booking transaction line will appear for that particular finished item line.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Finished Product booking transaction

1.5. Copy Works Order

This option is used to copy an existing works order.  The works order to copy is selected and the number of copies to make. You can specify the Due date of the created works order(s) and also whether sub-assembly works orders should also be copied.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Copy Works Order

Once the Create Copies button is selected, the works order is copied the specified number of times and the resultant works orders are shown.

1.6. Complete Works Order

The Complete Works Order screen can be used in two scenarios:

Scenario 1: To complete a works order that does not have a finished item; all components will have to be issued and the status of the works order will have to be issued.

Scenario 2: To complete all works orders where you have the setting enabled to allow booking in without issuing all components.

Scenario 1

In this scenario, the works order has no finished item and the components have been issued, thus giving the works order a status of Issued.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide No Finished product WO to complete

To complete the works order, select Works Order – Complete Works Order. A list of Issued works orders will appear.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Complete Works Order List

Tick the works order(s) to complete and then select the Complete button at the bottom.  A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to complete the works order.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Complete prompt

This will now complete this works order.  The works order status will be set to Complete.

Scenario 2

If the setting is enabled to ‘Allow booking in stock before issuing all components’  (on the Options tab in Works Order Settings) then when you finish a works order by booking in the final item, you will see this message:

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Scenario 3 Complete Works Order warning

If you continue with the booking, then the works order will remain on a status of Issued, so will need completing via the Complete Works Order screen. Note that you will have to do this on all works orders with this setting enabled.

1.7. Scheduler

This screen provides a diary view of which labour and machine resources have operations on active works orders. The works order start dates and due dates are used to determine which days the relevant works orders should appear on the diary. You can filter the resources displayed using the check boxes on the left hand side, and there are icons along the top of the screen that can be used to alter the display of the days.

1.8. Generate Works Orders for Kits

In a similar fashion to the Generate Works Orders from Sales Orders, this screen can be used to generate works orders that are required as components on kits. Although it is unsual for a site to be using both works orders and kits, it is possible – in the screenshot below we are using the example where the head of a watch is a built item (with a defined BOM), but is then combined on a kit with other items like the strap, buckle etc. to make the finished watch that is then sold on a sales order.

You can filter this screen to search for specific kit references, or built item kit component codes. Then tick the relevant lines and click the Create Works Order button to generate the works order(s).

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Generate Works Orders for Kits

2. Templates

Works Order templates can be used in environments without Bill of Materials, so that templates can be designed and re-used on subsequent works orders.

2.1. New Template

Creating a New Template

The new template screen is used to create a new works order template.  Components can be added to the template to form a starting point to works orders generated from the template.

Once the Create button is selected, the new empty template is shown. You can add all elements to this template in the same way that you can when creating/amending a works order. If you have automatic template numbering turned off in the settings, then you will be prompted for a template number. The formatting applied to this number is also controlled within the settings.

To generate a works order from the template, first amend or view the template via the Amend Template menu option. After clicking Search, select the relevant template and click Edit. You can then use the Create Works Order button at the bottom of the Amend Template screen to generate the new works order.

A new works order can also clone a template by selecting the Copy From Template button at the bottom of the amend works order screen.  This option is only available if the works order has a status of New, and all component lines will be replaced.

2.2. Amend Template

You can use this screen to change templates already created. If you wish to search by template reference number, you can use the WO number field to enter that reference number.

2.3. Copy Template

This screen can be used to create a new template copying all details from an existing way, in a similar manner to the Copy Works Order screen.

3. Estimates


3.1. New Estimate

Creating a New Estimate from within Works Order Processing

The new estimate works order screen is used to create a new estimate.  An estimate is used to calculate an estimate cost of a works order.  An estimate can be converted into a works order using the Create Works Order button when amending the estimate. An estimate can also be linked to a line on a standard Sage Sales Order Processing Quotation, and then when the Quotation is converted into a Sales Order, the estimate will be converted into a works order.

When creating an estimate, the name of the estimate is entered, as well as the default warehouse for finished products and components.  The quantity to estimate on is also entered.  A BOM can be selected as a template, and therefore will pre-populate the estimate with the components on the BOM.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide New Estimate

Once the Create button is selected, the new estimate will be shown.

Creating a New Estimate from Sales Order Processing

From within a line on a SOP Quotation, you can use the Create Estimate button at the bottom of the screen to create an estimate that is then linked to this Quotation line.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide New Estimate from SOP Quotation

If you have already created an estimate and would like to link it to a Quotation line, then highlight the quotation line while on the Quotation Details tab of the quote header, and use the Link to Existing Estimate button at the bottom of the screen to link them.

If you use the standard Copy Quotation button as part of the Enter New Quotation screen, then this will also copy any estimates that were on the original quotation as new estimates linked to the new quotation.

When you are working with an Estimate that is linked to a Quotation line, then you can use the Works Order Summary tab/Works Order Sale Summary to manipulate expected costs and desired margins to arrive at a suggested quote price, and can then use the Update Quotation button to update the quote line with this selling price. See the section on the Sale Summary tab earlier in this guide for further details.

When converting quotations to sales orders, after you have progressed through the Conversion Summary, Sales Order Confirmation and had the Sales Order number confirmed, you will be presented with the following window which enables you to select which estimates you would like to convert to sales orders. Note that this is the only opportunity to convert these estimates if you want them to have the right format works order number (i.e. one containing the sales order). The estimates could still be converted manually later and then manually linked to the relevant sales order lines, but their works order number will not match those that have been converted.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Convert estimates to works orders

3.2. Amend Estimate

This screen allows you to make changes to an estimate in the same way as you could amend a works order. You can convert an estimate into a works order by clicking the Create Works Order button at the bottom when editing the desired estimate.

3.3. Copy Estimate

This screen will copy an existing estimate, in the same way as the Copy Works Order screen.

4. Processing

The Processing section is used to add cost item time entries, move works orders into another area, pick components and back flush works orders.

If manufacturing is enabled, the expediting function is also available in this section.

4.1. Back Flush

Completing Works Orders using the Back Flush Utility

The back flash utility is used to complete works orders quickly.  The first step is to select the works order to process from the drop down menu and then select which works orders you want to back flush. If you click the Search button without selecting a works order, then all current works order will be displayed, ready for you to select which ones you want to back flush.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide- Back flush 1

After clicking the Next button, component lines will be validated to see if there is enough available stock.  From here, we can amend the works order or add stock for items that don’t have enough stock. Although it might seem strange to allow access to add stock from here, the idea behind back flushing is that these works orders have been built, so they either had enough stock or the components on the works order is incorrect.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Back flush 2

On the next screen, component lines are allocated and issued. If any sub-assemblies were included in your back flush then you will be prompted to confirm that the pre-allocation should be fulfilled from the sub-assembly to it’s parent. You will also need to confirm batch/serial details for any traceable components.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Back flush 3

Following allocation and issuing, the finished item(s) are booked into stock.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Back flush 4

The last screen completes the back flush process.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Back flush 5

4.2. Bulk Issue

This screen allows you to search with a component stock code, and review all outstanding works orders that require this item.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Bulk Issue

4.3. Expediting

Expediting Works Orders

The expediting function is used to examine outstanding component lines on a works order.  Incoming purchase order lines can be viewed for each potentially problem component line.  The expediting report can be filtered by date or by works order number and can include allocated and issued works order lines.

Component lines with potential problems are shown in red, whilst lines in orange may not have free stock at the time it is required.  Lines in green will have enough free stock at the time it is required.  Please note that the term Free Stock here refers to the stock levels at the point when the stock is required for the works order, not current free stock levels.  For example; there may not be current free stock, but future purchase orders coming in may increase future free stock quantities.

By default, allocated and issued component lines are not displayed in this screen, but this can be changed via checking the checkbox near the top of the screen.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Expediting

4.4. Pick Components

Selecting Components to Pick

This option can be used if picking component lines is required.  Once a works order is selected, a list of allocated component lines to pick is displayed.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Pick Components

To pick the component select, select the Pick button.  At this point, the selected components will disappear from this list, as they have now been picked. If you have the Picked column activated on the works order, that component line will now show as being picked.

4.5. Work List

Entering Actual Times and Moving Areas

The work list screen is used to show a list of works order in the area selected.  Areas can be setup from the Areas menu option and the routes are setup against the stock item, or a default route is used.  This screen was initially designed for an environment where you may not want the supervisor of that area to have full access to Amend Works Orders, but they need to be able to progress works orders in their area.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Areas 1

The area against a works order can also be set on the amend works order list screen in the Area column.

On the Work List screen, the works order can be moved into another area and actual times for labour and machine items can be entered against the works order.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Work List

The works order can be moved to the next area by selecting the Next Area drop down in the grid.  Once an area has been chosen, selecting the Move select works order to next area button will move the works order to the selected area.

5. Enquiries

The enquiries section is used to view works orders.

5.1. View Works Order

This screen is used to view works orders without the ability to amend them.  The search screen looks very similar to the amend works order list screen.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide View Works Order

6. Maintenance

6.1. Areas

Setting Up An Area

System areas, that can be used to track at what point in the process a works order is at, are setup using the Areas menu option.  The area code and description can be specified. The Remove button at the bottom can be used to delete areas that are no longer needed.

Beneath these is the Default Route, which is applied to each works order, unless an override route is specified on a stock item. You can add areas to this by clicking beneath the last area in the route, or use the Remove button to delete entries.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Areas

Creating Routes for a Stock Item

Routing from one area to the next is setup against the stock item.  On the WOP/MRP tab when amending a stock item, a routing list is displayed at the bottom of the screen.  An area is setup in the route by selecting an area in the drop down when clicking in the list.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Areas on stock item

7. Reports


8. Utilities

This section has screens to add BOM lines to a works order, disassemble works orders, import works order lines and change works order processing settings.

The settings for works order processing are also contained in this section.

8.1. Add Outstanding BOM Lines

This screen allows you to update current works orders en masse to reflect additional components that have been added to the BOM. Enter the finished item (BOM) stock code, and then you will see a list of all current works orders that could be updated with these new components.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Add Outstanding BOM lines

Select the desired works orders and use the Update button to add the new components to them.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide relevant settings

Any changes to existing component quantities will also be updated, and if you have the setting enabled to allow items to be deleted when updating from BOM, then these components will be removed from the works order. If you have the setting enabled to ask before deleting, then you will see the following message:

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide delete prompt

If the component that has been deleted from the BOM has either been allocated or issued to the selected works order, then you will receive this message to confirm that the component cannot be removed from the works order. If the component quantity has been reduced on the BOM, then the component quantity will be reduced on the works order, which can lead to situations where you have either allocated or issued a higher quantity than the works order component quantity should be. In these situations, it is expected that you would either unissue or unallocate the relevant component line on the works order, and then allocate and issue it again with the revised quantity.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide unable to delete

If the selected works orders have any sub-assemblies, then you would be prompted if you wish to also update those sub-assemblies if there were changes to their BOMs that would affect them.

8.2. Create Works Orer to Dissasemble

A completed works can be created for disassembly.  The completed works order will have all components marked as issued and all finished items set as booked in.

Before creating a works order to disassemble, the stock items, default warehouses and the quantity to disassemble needs to be selected.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide works order to disassemble

Once the Create button is selected, a completed works order is shown.  The process of disassembly involves unbooking the finished item, followed by unissuing the component lines.

When you click the Un-Book button underneath the finished item on the new works order, you may see the following warning message:

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide journal warning

This message means that the anticipated total component cost of the works order varies from the current average cost price of the finished item in stock control. As the unbooking process will take one of these out of stock, then we need to post a corrective journal for this difference. This journal will crediting the finished product stock nominal code, and debit the work in progress nominal code against the internal area specified for the Internal area to use when booking in within WOP Settings.

After unbooking the finished item, you will see the following message:

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide unbook complete

You need to close the works order at this point so that it can refresh the works order status correctly, otherwise the component Un-Issue button will not become available. This disassembly works order can now be found in the standard Amend Works Order screen list, with a status of Issued.

When a component line is unissued, the user will be asked to specify the location to add the component stock to. Confirm the warehouse and the bin and then click Save and Continue.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide select location

The components will be returned to stock at either the last buy price for the item, or the current average cost price for that item if the last buy price is zero. If you click the View button at the bottom of the screen, when the selected component line opens, it will show you where the component cost has come from.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide disassemble where costs coming from

Once all of the components have been un-issued, the status of the works order will reset to New, and at this point the works order can be deleted.

8.3. Import Works Order Lines

Creating New Works Orders via the Import

The import facility is used to import works orders into works order processing.  This can either be used to create new works orders from the import (this will require a manual works order number to be assigned in the import file), or to add new components to existing works orders.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Import Works Order Lines

When the Import Works Order Lines menu option is selected, an open dialog window is displayed asking for the location of the import file. Click the File button to open a window to browse and select the relevant file. This file needs to be in csv format.

The Template button will open an example file in Excel, with examples of the columns populated and clarification as to what type of values are expected.

Once the import file is selected, the lines in the file are validated.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide import file validated

Following successful validation, the Import button becomes available to import the lines into works order processing.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide import successful

Finally, a message is displayed stating whether the import was successful or not. At this point, the csv file used for the import will be renamed to being a .bak file to avoid accidental reimporting.

8.4. Enable Module

This screen is used to show all configured Sicon Add-ons and allows the entry of enable strings to allow use of a module.  When a new module enable string is provided, copy into the ‘Enable string’ field and then click Apply to save the changes.

If online enable strings have been activated these will self-populate.

9. Settings

This screen is used to alter various settings for Works Order Processing.

The All Settings button gives access to numerous minor settings that are not documented in this help and user guide. Please contact Sicon if you require further information on any of these.

9.1. Options Tab

Auto Generate and Number Formats

These settings control general formatting options.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Settings Option Tab

Auto generate works order numberAutomatically generate a sequential works order number for each new manually created works order. Works Orders generated from Sales Orders.
Reset Next WO NumberWhen using the option above, manually enter the number that you would like to be used in the sequence for the next and subsequent works orders.
Works order document number formatA string used to format the works order number. Only works in conjunction with automatic numbering, or when manually entered numbers are purely numeric. To allow free format entry of works order numbers, set this setting to blank.
Estimate number formatAs with preceding setting, but relating to estimates.
Auto generate template numberAutomatically generate a sequential template number for each template.
Template document number formatFormatting for template numbers, see works order document number format above.
Run a report when booking in finished itemYou can browse to a report that you would like to be printed each time you book in finished items on a works order.
Price FormatThe number of decimal places to display for all price/cost values in the create/edit works order screens (defaults to “0.00”)
Quantity FormatThe number of decimal places to display for all quantities in the create/edit works order screens (defaults to “0.00”)

Expand BOM and Sub Assembly Settings

These settings are used during the creation of a works order.

Expand Boms when creating works order to include sub assembly componentsIf Yes, then explode sub assembly components into the current works order (although see option below).
Create separate works order for each sub assemblySub assembly components will be exploded into a separate sub assembly works order
Always ask before creating sub assemblyWill prompt the user during sub assembly works order creation as to whether they want to use any available stock as an alternative to creating a new sub assembly works order. If this is not ticked, then sub assembly works orders will always be created (unless works order is being generated via Material Planning).
Use consolidation to group like components together when creating works ordersThis will group multiple lines for the same component code into a single line.

General Usage and Functionality

These setting refer to general usage when processing works orders.

Auto allocate stock on linked sales order line when booking in finished itemIf the works order is preallocated to a sales order, then allocate the finished item to the sales order line when booking it in.
Allow booking in stock before issuing all components (manual works order completion)By default, finished items can only be booked in once all components have been issued. Selecting this setting will allow you to book in finished items at any time (regardless of component issues). You will only be able to book in the final quantity of the finished product once all components have been issued. You will also need to complete a works order using the Complete Works Order menu screen.

When part booking the finished items, an estimated cost for the works order will be evaluated and applied to this part booking, with the final booking transaction being a balancing transaction to ensure that the total finished items cost is equal to the costs on the works order. This could lead to differences between costs on early bookings compared to the final booking.

Check customer credit limit when allocating or issuing component linesIf the customer account is on hold, then this will prevent allocations or issues on works orders linked to sales orders for them.
Show all purchase orders (no matter the status) when linking to a componentWhile amending a works order, you can right click on a component line and choose to ‘Link to Purchase Order’. Ordinarily, you would only see Live purchase orders in the list of purchase orders displayed, but if you enable this setting then all purchase orders (including completed ones) would appear. This enables you to link works order components to completed purchase orders to reflect where they came from.
Delete lines when updating from BOMIf enabled, then if a component has been removed from a BOM, the same component will be deleted from the works order when either using the Update from BOM button in the works order, or the Add Outstanding BOM Lines screen (if not allocated or issued). By default, this option is not enabled so items being removed from BOMs will not affect works orders where these processes are applied.
Ask before deleting lineWill prompt when removing a line (see previous setting)
Default finished item batch number to Works Order number (where ‘Automatic number generation is set to ‘Do not auto generate’)If the finished item on a works order is batch numbered, then default that batch number to the works order number. Only applicable for stock items that do not auto generate their batch numbers.
Component Issue DateThe date used for the stock transaction for component issues can either be the current date, the Works Order start date or the user can be prompted for a date

Component Line Allocations and Issues

These settings refer to how component lines are allocated and issued.

Show allocations screen to split allocations across multiple warehousesThis will display an allocation screen when component lines are allocated. This screen allows the user to select a location and quantity when allocating for each selected component, with the warehouse defaulted to the warehouse on the component line. It also allows the user to split the allocation across multiple warehouse locations, with different quantities by clicking the split selected allocation with another warehouse button. If this setting is selected, then all of the remaining settings in this section are greyed out.
Auto allocate to a binOnce the warehouse is set on the component line, then this option will automatically allocate the whole allocation quantity to one bin during allocation. If there is insufficient free stock available in any single bin in that warehouse, then it will display the message advising that no bin has sufficient stock to carry out the allocation.
Auto allocate across multiple binsOnce the warehouse is set on the component line, then this option will automatically allocate the whole allocation quantity to available bins in this warehouse during allocation. Therefore, the allocation could be split across multiple bins. Without using bin priority, it will allocate to the bins in alphabetical order.
Split allocation using bin priorityWith this selected, then the bins will be selected based on having the lowest allocation priority value. This setting is only relevant when the previous setting is selected, but does also apply to the next setting.
Auto allocate across multiple warehousesThis option will automatically split the allocation across multiple warehouses of available stock if it needs to. Therefore, the user will have no control over which warehouses and bins are used during allocation, any free stock location will be used (it uses whichever bin locations it finds first, unless you have enabled setting regarding bin allocation priority). Therefore, the allocation could be split across multiple warehouses and bins, and will not necessarily be allocated to the warehouse on the component line.
Select bin during allocationThis option will pop up a screen allowing the user to select which bin to use from the warehouse set on the component line. If no bin in the component line warehouse has sufficient stock, then it will display the message advising that no bin has sufficient stock to carry out the allocation.
Use this specific binThis option will only allocate to the bin entered within this setting, and will display the message advising that no bin has sufficient stock to carry out the allocation if there is not enough free stock there. If this bin does not exist on the component stock item, then a different message will be displayed explaining that the stock item cannot be found in this warehouse and bin combination.
Select customer stock allocations during allocationWithin standard Sage stock control, you can use the Allocations\Customer Allocation screen to allocate stock to a customer. With this setting enabled, if the works order is linked to a sales order and there are any outstanding customer allocations for the sales order customer for the relevant component, then a screen will be displayed prompting if you wish to use this allocation for the works order.
Allow part issue of component linesIf this is enabled, then a screen will be shown when issuing component lines allowing the user to part issue the allocated quantity on a component line. Note that this screen pops up separately` for each component line being issued. Without this setting enabled, it will always issue the allocated quantity (which might not be the full component line quantity).
Show traceable issue adjustment screenIf this setting is enabled, then a new screen pops up when issuing traceable components giving you an alternative option for choosing which batch/serial numbers you are issuing.
Allow part un-issue of component linesIf this setting is enabled, then when you un-issue a component line, a screen pops up allowing you to enter how many you wish to un-issue. Otherwise, the full issued quantity will be un-issued.

Button Settings

These settings give you options to hide certain buttons.

Delete button on Amend Works OrdersEnabling this setting will add a Delete button to the bottom of the Amend Works Order screen that lists all of the filtered works orders.
Delete button on a Works OrderEnabling this setting will add a Delete button to the bottom of the Works Order screen when you are amending it.
Issue selected button on Amend Works OrdersEnabling this setting will add the Issue button to the bottom of the Amend Works Order screen that lists all of the filtered works orders.
Show options when adding componentsEnabling this setting will then display options when adding components to a works order, as to whether you want to add the new components to the top or the bottom of the component list, or inserted at a specific point by highlighting the component line that you want to insert this new component above when adding it (highlight before clicking the button). Without enabling this setting, all new components will be added to the bottom of the component list.

9.2. Stock and Warehouse Tab

Internal Area Settings

These are the internal areas to be used when issuing components and booking in finished items. You will not be able to process a works order without specifying these.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - stock and warehouse options tab on settings

When issuing a component, the stock nominal (Balance Sheet) on the stock item is credited and the nominal on the internal area is debited (WIP nominal).

When booking in finished items using the finished item internal area nominal code, the stock nominal (Balance Sheet) on the stock item is debited and the nominal on the finished item internal area is credited (WIP nominal).

When booking in finished items and NOT using the finished item internal area nominal code, the stock nominal (Balance Sheet) on the stock item is debited and the issues nominal on the stock item is credited.

The value of these journals will include component costs and labour and machine, and non-stock item costs

For further information, please see the Nominal Postings section of the Works Order Processing Help and User Guide

Component Issue when using Production Issues Internal Area

If this setting is turned on, then this internal area is used instead of the components internal area if there are no finished items on the works order.  In this example, the internal area called Production Issues is used and is setup as below:

In this case, when issuing a component, the stock nominal (Balance Sheet) on the stock item is credited and the nominal on the Production Issues Internal Area is debited (probably Profit and Loss and in the region of cost of sales).

NB: The Production Issues Internal Area will also be used when completing an outstanding works order via the Complete Works Order screen when there is a difference in cost of the finished items booked in and the cost of the works order.

Default Warehouses

These settings allow for warehouse defaults and how to select which warehouse a component should be in.

Default component warehouseThe default component warehouse when creating works orders.
Default finished item warehouseThe default finished item warehouse when creating works orders.
Enable Supplier Stock Code selection within stock control amend detailsThis setting adds an additional Supplier stock code search box to the top of the standard Sage Amend Stock Item Details screen.
Use by date on finished item is to use earliest component use by dateIf the finished item is a traceable item that uses use by dates, then the works order will populate this date with the earliest use by date on any traceable components.
Use default warehouses from stock item if they existThe settings for component and finished item warehouse exist on each stock item, and if this is checked then these will overwrite the defaults above.
When creating component lines that are sub assembliesIf a component on a works order is a subassembly, should it use the default component warehouse from the main finished item, or should it use its own finished item warehouse?

Quarantine Warehouse

Warehouses can be set as quarantine warehouses.  These warehouses will be excluded from works order allocations and from material planning.

9.3. Job Costing Tab


The following settings exist for Sicon Job Costing integration with Works Order Processing.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide Job Costing Configuration Settings

Enable job costing integrationEnables Sicon Job Costing integration with Works Order Processing. Transactions from works orders will then be posted to Job Costing.
Default job numberIf you wanted to link all works orders to the same job, then you can select that job number here.
Post separate job costing transactions for each works order itemA separate transaction will be posted to the relevant job for each cost recorded against component issues, labour transactions, machine transactions, subcontractor transactions and non-stock items.
Post a single job costing transaction when finished item is booked inA single transaction will be posted to the relevant job when the finished item is booked in. This will be the total cost of the finished item.
Create a negative cost transaction for finished itemWith this option enabled, a transaction would be created in Job Costing with a negative value equal to the cost of the finished item. This would have the effect of balancing out the existing works order transactions on the job, with the intention being that you would post a cost of sales transaction in Job Costing when you sell the finished item on a sales order line.
When linking a purchase order to a works order lineThere are considerations to be made regarding purchase orders that are linked to jobs, in order to avoid double costing on the job. For example, if a line on a works order has a purchase order linked to it, you may not want that purchase order to appear on the job as you are only interested in seeing that transaction when the component has been issued. You can either choose to not add the purchase order to the job, or ask the user when the purchase order is created or when the component line is issued. If you do add the purchase order to the job, then you have the choice of zeroing the cost of the component line when it is issued for job costing purposes, or whether to use a standard cost on the job.
Default job headersThese settings enable you to choose a job header from Job Costing to be used when posting separate transactions for each separate cost of stock, non-stock, labour and machine costs from the works order. In the case of stock, there is a checkbox as to whether it should use the job header set on the stock item if it exists.

Labour and Machine Job Headers

These settings enable you to specify job headers against each of your labour and machine resources.

9.4. Calculations Tab

Date Calculations

These settings are used in the calculation of the start date and due date and the duration between these two dates on a works order when the works order is created.

Include labour in works order date calculationThis will include labour estimate times into the date calculations when creating a works order.
Include machine in works order date calculationThis will include machine estimate times into the date calculations when creating a works order.
Multiple cost items in department add up in date calculationIf ticked, then cost items in the same area on a works order will each work one after each other. If unticked, then cost items in the same area can work at the same time, thus overlapping each other in the date calculation. The area is set against a cost item using the availabilities screen within Material Planning.
Number of hours in a dayThis is the default number of hours in a day that is used in the date calculations.
Add an extra day when creating sub assembliesIf enabled, when generating sub assembly works orders, they will be scheduled with a due date of 1 day prior to their parent works order.

Nominal codes for variances and works order costs

These settings enable you to specify how to handle standard cost variances on finished items and where to post other costs from the works order.

Finished Item Standard Cost VarianceIf the finished item uses standard costing, then it must be booked into stock at that standard cost price. If there is a variance between this price and the total cost of the works order, then the variance will be posted to the nominal code specified here.
Add miscellaneous stock items to cost of works orderThis setting is used to specify whether to add the cost of miscellaneous stock items to the cost of a works order.
Add sub contract items to cost of works orderThese settings are used to specify whether to add sub contract items to the cost of a works order.  A nominal code has to be selected to record the cost of the sub contract item when booking in a finished item.
Add non stock items to cost of works orderThese settings are used to specify whether to add non stock items to the cost of a works order.  A nominal code has to be selected to record the cost of the non-stock items when booking in a finished item.
Add labour cost items to cost of works orderThis will add the cost of labour items to the total cost of the works order and therefore on the finished item.
Add machine costs items to cost of works orderThis will add the cost of machine items to the total cost of the works order and therefore on the finished item.
Allow entry of time for labour and machine after the works order is completeAllows the user to add cost item times to the works order after the works order is complete. The cost of these extra times will NOT be reflected on the cost of the works order and the finished items.
Use Actual or Estimate for quantity when calculating cost of cost itemsSpecifies whether to use estimate or actual times when calculating costs for a works order.
If no actual times entered, use estimate timesWhen enabled, if actual times haven’t been entered against a cost item, then the estimate is used instead. This option is only available if you have selected actual in the previous setting.

9.5. Sales Order Work Flow Tab

Converting Quotes to Sales Orders

Convert estimates to works orders when converting linked quotes to sales ordersWhen enabled, when you convert a SOP Quotation (with estimates linked to it) to a Sales Order using the regular Convert Quotation to Sales Order screen, the estimates will be converted into works orders linked to the new sales order.
Bundle converted works orders and sales order lines to one jobWhen enabled, converted sales order lines and works orders will all be linked to the same job.

Auto Create Defaults When Saving Sales Order

This option activates the sales order work flow when sales orders are saved/closed.  To enable this option, select the tick box below and choose the appropriate option with the radio buttons. Once enabled, when users save a sales order an additional window will be displayed prompting them to create whichever options have been selected in these settings.

The user can select which lines they want to create works orders/jobs for, and use the appropriate buttons to do so. When saving the sales order in future, they will see ticks against the relevant sales order lines, unless they have previously selected the Close (don’t ask again) button for this sales order.

Activate work flow optionsEnables the workflow screen when saving sales orders.
Create works order for sales orderPrompts to create a single empty works order for the entire sales order.
Create works order and job for sales orderPrompts to create a single empty works order and a single job in Job Costing for the entire sales order.
Create works order (and job) for each sales order linePrompts to create a works order and a job in Job Costing (see subsequent settings) for each sales order line.
Create job for each sub assemblyIf you would like the any sub assembly works orders to be linked to their own jobs in Job Costing.
Free text linesSet whether the prompt for free text lines will be just for a works order, or for a works order and a job in Job Costing.
Standard item linesSet whether the prompt for stock item lines will be just for a works order, or for a works order and a job in Job Costing.

Create Works Order for Sales Order

If this option is enabled, the user will be asked whether they would like to create a works order for a sales order when closing the sales order.  This will create an empty works order and link the works order to the sales order.

NB: This option works best when auto numbering for sales order processing is turned off, as the process will then match the works order number and sales order number together.

The following steps are followed if this option is on:

When saving/closing the new sales order, the user will be asked whether they would like to create a works order for the sales order or not.

If Yes is selected, a screen will appear asking for the works order / sales order number, as well as the works order name and default warehouse.

Next the sales order confirmation screen will appear asking for the customer order no if there is one.

After this, the works order is created and linked to the sales order; the works order number should match the sales order number.  If the user views or amends the sales order, the works order will now appear in the list of works orders for the sales order on the Works Orders tab.

If the user Edits or Views the works order, the sales order number will appear in the header sections as well as a View Sales Order button in the bottom right corner.

Create Works Order and Job for Sales Order

If this option is enabled, the user will be asked whether they would like to create a works order and job for a sales order when closing the sales order.  This option is only available if Job Costing Integration is enabled.  This will create an empty works order and job and link the works order to the sales order.  The works order will also be linked to the new job.

NB: This option works best when auto numbering for sales order processing is turned off, as the process will then match the works order number and job number and sales order number together.

The following steps are followed if this option is on:

When saving/closing the new sales order, the user will be asked whether they would like to create a works order and job for the sales order or not.

If Yes is selected, a screen will appear asking for the works order / sales order number, as well as the works order name and default warehouse.  In addition, some extra job costing fields are available that will be recorded on the job.

Next the sales order confirmation screen will appear asking for the customer order no if there is one.

Create Works Order (and Job) for Each Sales Order Line

These options will allow the user to create works orders and jobs (depending if job costing integration is enabled) for each sales order line on a sales order.

The following screen appears when the user closes/saves a sales order in Sage:

This screen displays the status for each line on the sales order whether a works order (and job) has been created.  Click the Create Works Order and Jobs to create works orders (and jobs) for the outstanding lines.

If the sales order line is a standard item line, then the stock item on the line will be added as a finished item on the works order.  If the stock item is a BOM item, then the works order will be populated with the components and cost items from the BOM.

If the sales order line is a free text line, then the new works order will be empty.

If jobs are created as well, then the works orders will be linked to the job.

9.6. Default User Settings

This tab allows you to control which users will not be able to amend works orders. Just tick the relevant users who you want to apply this to.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Default User Settings

9.7. Estimate Costs Tab

When creating works orders or suggested purchase orders, an estimate cost is calculated.  This cost is used on component lines on works orders or as a unit cost of suggested purchase orders in material planning.

These options should be selected if the average buying price should be used first for when there is available stock.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Estimate Costs Tab

For details on how the cost of component lines is estimated or how the unit price on suggested purchase orders is calculated, please refer to the Costs section of the Works Order Processing Help and User Guide.

9.8. Attachments Tab

This tab enables you to specify a folder location where attachments in works orders are stored.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - settings, attachment tab

9.9. Stock Control Settings

Stock Control Settings

These are settings in Sage Stock Control that will affect the functionality of works order processing.

Works Order Processing will detect whether you are selecting batch/serial numbers at time of allocation, or time of despatch (which will translate to time of issue for components).

Works order processing will be aware of the integrate stock management with nominal ledger setting.  If this is turned off, no nominal entries will posted to the nominal ledger; this includes labour and machine nominal entries, non-stock item entries, issue entries and booking in entries.

WOP/MRP tab on Stock Item

The settings on this tab that relate to works orders are as follows.

Default production lead time (Days)A value entered in here will act as a buffer between the start date and due date of a works order where this stock code is the finished item.
Economical batch sizeIf you enter a value in here, then when creating a works order for this item, you will receive a prompt giving you the choice as to whether you want to make the quantity suggested by this setting.
Split by economical batch sizeIf works order would be for multiple quantities of the economical batch size and this option is enabled, then when the prompt appears it will give you the choice of whether to generate multiple works orders, each for the economical batch size.
Do not round up last works order to economical batch sizeIn conjunction with the previous setting, the last works order generated would not be rounded up to the economical batch size if this setting was enabled.
When adding this item to a Works OrderIf this item is a subassembly, then you can specify an override to the system defaults set on the Options tab of WOP settings, as to whether this item should either create a sub assembly, take from stock or always ask.
Add extra quantity setting activatedThis setting is designed to cope with stock items where you always want to make extra for testing purposes. So if a works order is created for a quantity of 10, enough components will be consumed to make 12 for example. The finished quantity on the works order will still be the normal amount, so the quantity that will be consumed by testing will never be booked into stock. But the cost of the finished items will include the costs of making them and the items consumed by testing. The quantity to add as the extra quantity is the same quantity for all stock codes with this setting enabled, and is set via the All Settings button in Works Order Processing settings, and the relevant setting to set the number is called AddExtraQuantityWhenBuildAmount.
Default component warehouseThis setting would override the system default on the Stock and Warehouse tab in Works Order Processing settings for this stock item code.
Default finished item warehouseThis setting would override the system default on the Stock and Warehouse tab in Works Order Processing settings for this stock item code.
On adding line to works order round quantity up toWhen this stock item is a component on the works order, this setting controls how many decimal places the quantity will be rounded to.

Further down the page you can select a default report template that you would like printed whenever you book in any finished items for this stock code (this will override any report selected in the Options tab of Works Order Processing Settings). You can also specify a Routing for this stock item, which will override the default routing specified in the Maintenance\Areas screen for this stock item.

10. Nominal Postings


This document serves as a reminder of which nominal postings and which nominal accounts are involved in certain processing within works order processing.  These examples are using the ACS/TOASTER for a component.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Nominal Postings

The works order internal area is setup as follows

The Plumber was used as the labour item and is setup as follows

The following diagram shows a summary of nominal movements for a general setup.

NB: Some settings in works order processing will alter which nominals to use, these are mentioned below.

The following diagram shows a summary of nominal movements for a general setup.

NB: Some settings in works order processing will alter which nominals to use, these are mentioned below.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - summary of nominal movements for a general setup

Dates on Nominal Entries

All dates on nominal entries are based on which date the stock transactions are using. See the setting regarding Component Issue date on the Options tab in Works Order Processing settings.

Component Issue

In Settings, the internal area to use to components has to be set.  This internal area is used when issuing components.

When issuing a component, the stock nominal (Balance Sheet) on the stock item is credited and the Nominal on the internal area is debited (WIP nominal).

Component Issue when using Production Issues Internal Area

If this setting is turned on, then this internal area is used instead of the components internal area if there are no finished items on the works order.  In this example, the internal area called Production Mat Issue is used and is setup as below.

In this case, when issuing a component, the stock nominal (Balance Sheet) on the stock item is credited and the nominal on the Production Issues Internal Area is debited (probably Profit and Loss and in the region of cost of sales).

Un Issue

An Unissue transaction uses the same technique as an Add Stock, so that the correct cost price can be added.  When unissuing, the stock nominal (Balance Sheet) on the stock item is debited and the nominal on the internal area used is credited.

Book In

The internal area to use when booking in finished items has to be setup in Works Order Processing Settings.  You can then select whether to use this internal area nominal code when booking in finished items.

When using Finished Item Internal Area Nominal

When booking in finished items using the finished item internal area nominal code, the stock nominal (Balance Sheet) on the stock item is debited (13101 in this example) and the nominal on the finished item internal area is credited (WIP nominal).  The value of this journal will include component costs and labour, and machine costs.

A journal for each labour and machine item will also be created.  In this case, 1 hour’s worth of labour at a cost of 10 pounds was on the works order.  Therefore, the nominal on the finished item internal area will have a positive value (debit WIP nominal) while the nominal on the cost item (plumber) will have a negative value (credit):

When NOT using Finished Item Internal Area Nominal

When booking in finished items and NOT using the finished item internal area nominal code, the stock nominal (Balance Sheet) on the stock item is debited and the issues nominal on the stock item is credited (44100 SAL COM in this example).  The value of this journal will include component costs and labour, and machine costs.

A journal for each labour and machine item will also be created.  In this case, 1 hour’s worth of labour at a cost of 10 pounds was on the works order.  Therefore, the issues nominal on the stock item will have a positive value (debit) while the nominal on the cost item (plumber) will have a negative value (credit).


The nominal journals to represent the cost items are only generated if the cost of the labour and machine items is added to the works order.  This is setup in Settings:

Therefore, the nominal postings for booking in when labour and machine is excluded on cost of works order will only include the cost of the issued components.

Non Stock Items

Non-stock items can also be added to the cost of a works order.  This is done by selecting the option button Add non stock items to the cost of works order.  A nominal code for the non-stock items has to be selected.

When the finished item is booked in, a journal entry for the non-stock item is represented by a positive value on the nominal of the finished item internal area (debit WIP nominal)* and a negative value on the non-stock item nominal set above (credit).

*This depends on the whether the internal area nominal code is used when booking in finished items.

Values on Nominal’s for Multiple Book Ins

The values on each of the previously mentioned nominal postings are equally divided according to the quantity booked into stock.  Therefore, if a finished item is partially booked in, then the values on the nominal postings will reflect this.

Un-Book a Finished Item of an existing Works Order

When doing an un-book of a finished item that is booked in, the nominal code used is based on the Use internal area nominal code when book in setting.  Therefore, the journal posting is the reverse of when booking in the finished item.

NB: The value of the journal is determined by Sage based on the costing method used and therefore may not be the same value as when the item was booked in.

Nominal entries for labour and machine items will be reversed:

Nominal entries for non-stock items will also be reversed.

11. Job Costing Integration

Works Order Processing can integrate with the Sicon Job Costing module, providing job costing is installed.  The integration has to be enabled via the Settings screen on the Job Costing Tab.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Sicon Job Costing Integration Tab

For details on Settings for this tab, please refer to the Settings Help section on the Job Costing Tab.

Once job costing integration is enabled, a job drop down selection is available on the Amend Works Order screen to link the works order to a job.

A works order will have to be linked to the job before any components on the works order are allocated and issued if you wish them to be separate cost transactions on that job.

When a component line is issued, a transaction will be posted to the job costing module reflecting the cost of the line issued.  The component line will be marked as Issued.

In Job Costing, the transaction will appear in the Stock Issues section and will reflect the cost of the issued component line.

The same would occur for labour and machine items when actual times are entered against these.  However, these lines will post a transaction to the Labour/Resources section in job costing.

On the Job Costing Enquiry screen, a Works Orders tab is available to view the linked works orders to the selected job.  From here, it is possible to view the structure of the works order tree if there are sub assemblies, as well as actually opening the Amend Works Order screen to view the works orders.

Sub assembly lines in works order processing are shown in blue.

Ordinarily, the sub assemblies would not be linked to the same job as the top level works order, so when you issue stock on the sub assemblies, this will not post to the job. This avoids double costing on the job, as the finished sub assemblies (which will be components on the top level works order, or feed into components that are) will show as issued components on the job.

12. Costs

Estimate and Future Buying Prices

When a new works order is created, each component line is given a future buy price (estimated cost).  This value is calculated using the following algorithm and the value is always in the base currency.

Sicon Works Order Processing Help and User Guide - Estimate and Future Buying Prices

The first decision step is based upon the setting below on the Estimate Costs tab within the settings screen in works order processing.

If the setting is off and the step therefore ignored, then the process of obtaining a cost value will simply move to the Is there a preferred supplier step.

View Costs on a Works Order

On a works order, the header field called Total cost for WO provides the estimate, average or actual cost of the works order.  By double clicking on this field, a summary screen will provide a break down of how this cost is calculated.

By double clicking further on the Cost of components field, a further break down of the components is provided, with details of how each cost has been derived.

The future buying price can also be viewed when editing a component line and can also be changed by the user when editing the component line.

13. Changes to Standard Sage 200 Screens

Receiving Purchase Orders

When receiving purchase orders in the regular POP Confirm Goods Received screen with Works Order Processing installed, there is an extra button at the bottom of the screen

If you click this button when receiving a stock item, it will then display a list of works orders that are waiting for this item, in order for you to be able to immediately allocate the stock you are receiving to these works orders.

View Stock Balances

With Works Order Processing installed, two extra columns have been added to the standard View Stock Item Balances screen.

Both of these columns can be drilled into, and will show :-

Quantity on WO : A list of works orders where this stock code is the finished product

Allocated on WO : A list of works orders where this stock code is an allocated component

The works orders can be viewed through these lists using the Show Details button.

Sales Orders

A Works Order tab has been added to sales orders which lists all works orders linked to lines on the sales order. This tab provides at a glance information relating to this sales order by displaying the status, area (if applicable) and due date of the works order.

From this tab, all of these works orders can be edited. A works order text field can be amended which will copy this text into the Sales order text field found on the Additional Information tab of any works orders created from this sales order.

There is also an Edit Works Order button on the sales order line itself, once the link exists.

Next to the Despatch Note button on the sales order line is a WO Comments button, which enables you to enter some comments that will be copied onto the Sales order line text field, found within the Additional Information tab of the works order.

When copying a sales order, via the Copy Order button in the Enter New Order screen, any works orders linked to the sales order that you are copying will also be copied onto the new order. After you save the new sales order, you will receive the following prompt asking if you would like the newly created works orders to have their numbers changed to reflect the new sales order number (generated at time of saving).

Sales Quotations

Sales Quotations link to Estimates, in the same way that Sales Orders link to Works Orders. When you copy a quotation (in the same way as copying a sales order above), then any linked estimates will also be copied onto the new quotation. When converting quotations to sales orders, any linked estimates can be converted into works orders. See the Estimates section in this user guide for further information.

14. Release Notes

The release notes page shows which release of the system includes new features or issues resolved.

At the release of Sicon v21 we announced that going forward, we will only be supporting Sage 200c and as such we are able to drop the year from our version numbers. We moved from to 210.0.0.

New features detailed in the Release Notes relating to Pre-Release versions will not be detailed in the current Help and User Guide until the end of development phase.

Manufacturing Manager Release Notes

15. New Features & Important Information