One of the biggest changes to UK data privacy law came into effect on 25th May 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was a really positive step towards giving back control to individuals over the use of their personal data. It superseded the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC) and effectively the UK Data Protection Act 1998.
The GDPR considers any data that can be used to identify an individual as personal data. It includes, for the first time, things such as genetic, mental, cultural, economic or social information. The GDPR also brings a new set of “digital rights” for EU citizens in an age of an increase of the economic value of personal data in the digital economy.
The GDPR came into force before the UK left the EU, and the government confirmed that the Regulation will apply. That aside, since the regulations apply to any EU citizen, UK organisations handling personal data will still need to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regardless of Brexit since they are likely to still have customers or employees who are EU citizens.
In order to address the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we conducted a comprehensive data privacy assessment and upated our Privacy Policy in line with the new data protection laws, which came into effect on 25 May 2018.
We take data privacy seriously and to ensure our commitment to our Business Partners and Customers, the Sicon GDPR Team actively monitor our ongoing business needs with regards to GDPR.
If you would like to find out more please read our Privacy Policy.
Does Data entered into Sicon Approvals (previously WAP) sit within Sicon Approvals itself?
No. The data sits in the Sicon Approvals Database which is generally on the customers (or customers specified server) , normally the same server as the Sage 200 databases (but could be on another server if that is the customers preference), as a result it’s the customers responsibility to ensure the data is backup and secure.
Is there currently in Sicon Approvals (previously WAP) that gives functionality to archive transactions?
There is an option to archive requisitions (System Admin Task) , but these will still be in the database but with an archived flag.
Is there currently in the current version of Sicon Approvals (previously WAP) that gives functionality to delete historical data?
No, not at this time, on a future release roadmap we have requests to have function to delete holiday requests prior to a certain date , for those marked as leavers or all leavers within a given date, but there is nothing in the module at this time.
In the current version of Sicon Approvals (previously WAP), is there functionality to delete in correctly entered data in Sicon Approvals, ie. Holiday requests?
Certain things can be deleted if added in error , before being submitted for approval, such as expense requests, but things such as these are only soft deleted – ie. flagged as deleted so it can be re-instated if required.
If the Holiday module is installed , when a user is marked as a leaver are their records still visible?
When a leaver is marked as a leaver, his / her data is no longer visible within calendars / reports.